Alcohols and Phenols

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{ sree Olaaey Lease, Tetsu dy Alcohols phenols ity Ethens eno! bars reco os T Aliphadze abtohdls . > When —oH Houp in attached & Ainsratic alcohols Aiphalie Oy Chain, cohels > when 0H vis attached gue Called lpr halie alcohols te side | Lg bengene Ex - CHaCH,04 , ra exes 4H Mao Aerbole M44 be Clamn'pest as = So ; O7 Menshgane city Dihylwe he ; , 7 when eagle —O# 2 hh H a hg ce , a Presence at ein Tite au Hott le ex cH, HOH eer cH.on exr cnr on CHF dy-o " Aleks alc Clanpid bare P plcebel Whew oH geeup + aatached & carbon alem ere CHOON ; alzm ° pleats -— when on yor on attached & A Gaskon cH- Cs oak ata” Ff poste i cu adtached 4 oom : When —oH gor cbt on Shy wireeh “2! Phenols = “fe wes an L 4 x! deviv ol fle catbart wy eee toe i” dineciy oth b Paced % ‘Leugene Aer 3 7 mag be maenohy a dihyw'e cal pent afi Boge Diya trihg dre Meno hyde © nomenelAToRe oF picoHoLs Fo, emULA Common Name Tupac same a CH,0H 7% Metyl alcos OH, cohol ome oe alceho! ener Obey nn fropyt alcohol ane! soe, Cede BST Oyu Behe alechol pope Ben Oy cee Bulge aleahol qutaee rl onto bere Boll altohel genveligh pepe 20 chy : ol Fysebcicon peo Pertyl aleoke! ganoumeiglppene as |-hengtmehore! pengzt aleohol on i oe rence Piste a A oH ; yon iA 3 iit oe” 3 diol a-Melig! frerel retigt 12.del Benzene 4 ) (e-cseeou) fhenol Sypace Phenol Bengent- Gmnten = (Catechol) (peooei”® a ene oH coo (prez!) see ge 5 DupAt ~ anya a d-H orgbeg® ac (sabeyelaeg?? (sabtegi a4) LS peepesa tee EBL : sa aquest - Aglides ub teatime 4 wo un Hing see eaey aa i hob kon oat gic 4 FEE = clays eon PP pmines up: iy Foo i . ve ° teatmerk with aud CHEN?) t e Hy, + HON? Gttgot* Nt "2 Ssh" E jong dere! jes pen Aeduchon Ung wife Ei esate 2 kelires.- Pededyd Aide ts : debt TAly na] GHsot or Na. By geet 1° clerkdl ®? pide keto get d” Alcohs/. athena, Pali orLinty cg f A or db CH. NaBhy i Wa] oncon Sexo hy fun ow ial BN me Aarang 2 Ma/ 50" a Fen yall Qu) fiom Alkenes = Alkeues upon pasting The hes ny Li Atl Agdege en sui Weck upon ef sy oe 7 ee a Hse — ee org one 4 oS Re pret TT Soy SS mechonsig peatlon = mechansinn of, fea eae 19"? foamatin ot igh = S04 aate sof” colon We ® Wye eye MLE > cup eaney tHe! Gabo i 2 carbocation malian ts | sip i Bree BM — eg { "hae uz A | whet! yatonaled we + ° ap oon an yr | H -? ; i Alcohols. ¢ ° ich ee ae alicenes is wale vy 2BHs TNE Me cengcayers) BM Be example - 8 el Cains wank yan, ee HT di ghta 6 BCMjCHL OH i -0oH = Oo ‘ cure, ms orke eee O e Cument Aydenperoricle PHysicAL PROPERTIES OF ALCOHOLS £ PHENOLS a or Godaig dik -— Borg in op Ake axe Higher, Mor Aydiocashons + RG! olde : Ream - due b dntumoleculas Aydigen bonding 4, alcohols thet have bigher. bethig pont 4 5 ot feb w-e a 1 y ek Rg BA et Orde of wicnendind doilaig point = el cH, “yet on 6 OH 50 Rie Co-Bucbylateste!) (Gee ety alee) (tat 8 alcehe!) ce anes, Creal are Me intermolecular forces attraction fi Great + & : % ons Fighes ing point) & hence order of boiling pont of Alcohols the Order 52> 3 a Bridecg point of phenol aae ghee than Denes Or dal tolsder 7 fos = © dae 69 aabermolecnter- Aysrgen berdig phenols, “boclarg Bont % Phenols ase. Figh 3 Py Oe Py SAubilcly 2 Lwrer Aerhdls are Adsble te salir, but ob Méneeclat- matt alcohwls Increases, Adubiliky decreases. Reason - boarAltohels axe Adueble in wale due & 4 Ayden 4 with -walev tk © 5 Prk 01 molecules : Renae, _ mods intyestes, Adlubdlile de! = ; Uaaper tgdrocarten pau Lupress ‘pis icy spite wsal O Absauge in eeclet. td Jaslil la 20 n Gut aleshel, 0- Bulge fhe) , Coke al eal Cito Os. Om oe cH, GA cH, 04 cH e~ “4 co oH Pops Orde Aub: w B 4 ee eb ael « sept Gig oteatel pinsce Ream vad ele pose become Ae he Aypegee bed pele g unlike alcabls, Pht "fy Cre. ‘able in EE ype fret = phenol Cxtauit bengene Wide plot 4 Lay. pacsshon pa | Eyoragen berg te onl anaes Has Hage Bote pointe | wt adub an moe Goluble - wk £ ft yn 0- Nilo pheno! “ant bord a pe wills rehassae 2 eed ae “ a fo OR Phenol hos less wigecam bo oe ate wale . . | aeeetiae Ne rape PS ( bnitie hene! } tes majecul len by erg a> CHemical os OF ALCOHOLS Zz puenols ; iy Peackons wavet Cleavage | aor bond diy Reachons Snvolwing cleavage & R bond met os bole tn) Reackons anvilving oan bond peasbic_chanachee cl of Re cae Chanel 4b alcohdls - Buty derhele aut oes enn fat I fy | Alcea Contours iechin doneling lel Yo wfucn nevensen ElecTin i aker 36 ease Ht ions olefficule on Elechons of 0-1" bundeare mt sufficiently pulled | nile He do we Crlan fovienels ongyen te R-vS-H any inaln dena a @ Perbare a vicks c Slag of alesholss Phemels. @ 6 Out alee Fal Phenol Ler phenols, hich ane move aceshic £ “Ressen »— ob ig More Qucllc fim aleshels, ie 8 Why ? Phenoxide dons hee Phenolg with Phenoxide ser JE gre oa i eed anced enalS fio Neither alechds ner “a ener : ee cig gorda, en we Les on eo jan aleakg | Oe @ cere sleact ge @ g soni Be my gl Koni “estable at Compares! a cpl) na ee umn SE 4S Legs sfasle => erfectT oF ELECTRON DONATING & exec aon pypnagansinse ours om feces] wy eee a (4 meg abit charge ACIDITY oF pHEe NoLS dents © —> election £ oe the Qi 26 out Cheso] £ phen rg C780! Gutatas Elects oe 4 le br a haw phenol, o-(iesol, o at oe Iige phenorde “Se 2 ynaemtet & 2 BArsange i _o er & ao on ce No ° 7 Bc Gan a 1p Be Creager Cte cate So Increases OH . of thenols) 0m of ¢ Gn rd of vienaleg ” acedie f o- Bore phere! bp dodephene! 5 Flubepheno! , o-Chlarepen*h S> $4 And or = re fw , oF < coy < a of nae is Cecliv < er" , tugih . Howeree clia nega’ of halogen attach @ ued Aad eieleaoreeha 10 ee stele gedit ces th ae mi moleculat enews a fires racler Gre BY a a ea a dade ACTIONS IN i VoLVING CLEAVAGE oF R-0-H Bond Alcohds Aca with Carborghe acils 1 prese “ esterification Reactor - Gpe 54 to gave esl. - nee fo rs of 1co6h) = Cr co0GHe + ye je catalyse earn ty acca Chlowiele © cued FiscHER phenol wi opeler EST Gin neyeaTe® Aleshlls or aud davde ff Eslds - = chlonide 4 UH Teaclsin i Called ut, bide at used a cated vengoylaton “4 Be bensed! midine cy ,coogts * acebele Hel ide presence ] wilh bengey! chle br Gg + arog & Hy ne methane NvO 4 CLEAVAGE oF Coot Bon act Aca with with Hr? heat mest vee 2 ateohdle SM pee ae po wile Mer 14 prewuce of few doops @ ef on : Her c Sip aor £m if Gone I Soy Chhano! hee. eSoy drops Ehalb zomide wih HE wilh HE with AE, Aledo gues alleys todick je a Ltn | Hoon + HP | Efhanol cejax? Sits 3G uhy fhenols clo moe Shaw een oR Aeackon anvoluing Clean ee hy, Rion Senal 7 unslergo frole: ily. My ? ae not accepl cant ion MM aly > @& unlike Alcohols pheno fo me aleohds 40 Pn prs Phenols besng more atidec How o grit fF Reackin with Pele, Pcl & Soc, with Pele, Pel, & Socl,_ aby tolde “Me obtaued UW) QHgoH + Pele —* Bisel + Poclg + HC! Ethanol ‘chiaricle @ 3g neon + Pelz aghast +H; P03 1 Clee euet ce Ste etnod at Hale proctrcl ae vente - > nia ane pessed Gi ee -on + Soch- ars The. tii) Method 4 ae Beachon with Ammonia - aes vopouss of aleebdis & ammo) | fe caked Alumina ae 633k, % mintare of i 19° &S Amines ant obtacned Als03_ Ghent + He 2 Amine Zion +N aK Ab (qneynn t "O° ! Ethane! no + oe 33 (a ‘Efane! amin a9 2 Amine Ao oH + (GUN ny), ‘! gro (Gg a3 g tne Bs G orvet phenol t pee ow yw, anbylrout ZC. or ne or 3 Pressure Aniline a Phenol sat o fescion wilh MEAT 9, ct ret bengene tere upen healed," une oH 4 Zn at zno phenol he cohol molecule a5. A_whole .~ or Gmc A, Pe ol Reacken _invol qleokds with Cont A804 m= (~p de dralen .- Delyydsalion of chipset dempealare pre by ppenone Products. O While mechanism of Dehydration of alcoho! to frrm elkene. Gmc HyS°Y cry Me +Hyo oR D While pcchanizm of feltonsing Aeaclon = Gs 04 ae tes Gi ch step G) = fermatin of Protencttiol alcoho! 2 Oy cn-on Ps eee, YM Formation ob fro tarot Step tl ew Protsnatid aleoke! : cree Oy ESS cn Oy, + Ho ymalin a Cathocahon We Sepih LA = Cth Cat Ln, f% qcwe fy CHa, > Che hy + yt jam jarmaen 4 Ethene @ wit hearer ALv mia -— Eien ak Wak ane passed vet hot Alpe + nen When vapouds v Cie een ge OTe aca 4) At Sek ane | GHeon + sey > a -050,0H + 4? | ehnanol eam ‘@ 5 &) A‘ 3k = uy | aGHgoH alicless neon Qty + 2 | Ethanol Di Hh i CExces) etiyf e a | gy AE MUIK™ Ong on 83-443 cy, = Hat ,° Etnano! Ehjene. | Ethers ae 0 Al 03 He“ 9 - GHG + he a) A283, agree q3k Slety! ether. cexces? © ri Als, OM, aut + M0! Gi) GHG ~aaK Ethen® erharel keane] jon pres te ia @ Fx DATION! 2 open oni ‘& bas wi syle ads through Al de ov & : fromaton of HH Oy, cn EPs cng coot , Kenney oh Heald feel acd C1) GtgoH pe? dibs 4 wingener? 123, crycoon + 60.7 1 and) - Clg~oe aKkmney, ce dip MaNcH-oH eee ns ng Wen 1° alcohol otin aldehyele Kebonic stage e Aen cnerorboom et) ei In order aes onl 7r peelhynanien we mag Use ov or n, CHO cy GHgoH bint age _ ncetaldeleple re con Goes eye! Ethanol - ~ Borneo sin CN cueon tots Ae ae on ee oH jaw coreg get 6“ pcelene My awk ti“‘“(“‘CO;OCOC*d 1 Athen of, Nol Gppet ab cae Mou vapew * ~ Va preura “4 V aleohele ant ote ver dal Coffee wh Ct (ou ie a aldehyple ‘ e ol thle 2° Aeshalt vee acedene [One 7 le OW cups It ; Grom CORK cycno + Cthanol j b cen _ Aeetaldekide mee on PER oy rH 1 “9° Alcohol nc ' - While 2° ( telint vile th Alcohol fives aticene 4 tuneleigory debi a leon nee boon Lt/$?3& ome) - 5 cue pe © ie Oy bs 3° Alcehols vphilic cubshiukon Jeachors of phenolt : Phenol voit baornine wade, gw ha dubntoben ct, give moriubshijuled Prodad DB yalogerabion fen Iyeabencmt Product unite with Ea, os Ww ° a ou or Oy pp BHO a] tier, > Phenol 7 fast co rai lasenn pheno) oH While wile: Pre) o + Br, c “ine on oye + oy 4 Wer } (0-Bramephenol) Reason , ‘p oi yi | A gwen taba ron eaeh tamed fh h ans, At + enntide noth Lion ten Atnud duce be presence ve Cha di nh 7 er ve Charan, phenonla™ so % “Lich he ead f thusa VA bubs hon 4 Elections ty rng & thas fang Pin Bs oteus while © CS, is non polar Adwerk * sarssoben ene! qubstituben oc Supreaseal £ thus suing 4 (eat activelid & only mons TE Suphono '- sutphonaton of, phe poslare qneet Oo” Ysomer ab 2 ak high dempea lane gel p- Bsemew ‘1 HySo4 Soa > at eS yar-203k o + iG Phenol o-Mydaory bengone Saline ote o- some) nol ak Low der ga Hysoy choy Cbenydrony Fengeme F 1° BISK ha butponfe ariel) | 2 .Gnvek phenol t piwic acd. upen duieck rpakments wilh pilite aca que, Poor yeild of Picwic avin, 0 most of Phew! wt mnebied by Une HAID, , So Phenol 44 pate baled with Conc H,S0y at 333k 4 with Cnt HnJe2, bs qe go/-yeild wo. on oO ie fasey Onc HNey wey o @ One ny Phenof 373k So3H o + =a be On Coed) Piceie aed 7 FRiepat cRarr REACTION :- Ph & Phenols when toaled i rout Alcl, en with Al vA eee ankya Alch be pier atieyt phenols. apt aisle dn Presence of = o + CHC! ankydrog os on h Mettyt Chl eh, + a + Her hens! Meloy! Chlesicle (o-¢res01 ) vn, " cre crete Jar puenoe Tab# DROPAER ZENE JC Coupline WITH DIAZONIVIN SALTS J, é upon Treatment with phenols 4 weadelg Benzene Hiazonium sols gutctene medium ak 273-2786 pies alo dyer. | ca aten ert HLE>- oH eon + He! aucaline p-ngdvony 272 dengene D> 293°292K SNE | Bengene oliaroniun eso, Mang SF eee dys) —— Nol fo sAlte! one waits Con Li COR CoNvERT PHE kolbe’s Mearton, — Se ey phenaxide upon taal l nn Yook, Lyu-7alm Yet alieylic, acid oH ou ss oe yook “a 3e won Dit Gree nae ¢ oO a g-7 aim Her a - gechum Phenoxide soe, Aaleerplic acre! CHg CON, @COCH3 39 Gave Lhenel te Gtpirin. oy BOS ae DirHel oo" one ey" : dios ss 1 7 Na, > Ms —ee-raten f Gook,4-* t few 4% " ¢ : phenol Kolbe's AX” Sadreglet wsoy. * (Aspirin) co —_— 2-Acetongbergerc acd abi je: at nol & * eyaldehyd ecrels pies abeyatdelple ok H ot 34 | Gnvat P we ty ab —> Phenol upon b oy OH ‘umber oh Sleps- ond’ ne, on (oy + Neon + CHES Buoke orn’ 2naot ory - Phenol pal -2Nacl ey ” ct ona ore Dil or x _ ee Distinguish Test Alcohols & henell fe | 4) Fecl, Test :- Phenols upon Reatmenk with Neulial feck pres Viole ppt of fesric_phenexidle while cohol do net. 3GHeoH ow + Fech ——» (GHco),Fe # 24¢/ Viole ppt eerie Phenoxide © Thi test ¥ be & clatngucth a 4 w Phenol 4 ang ome alcohols & \ ae 4 eae 5 while Heohsls obo nek ge violer pee sai fecls © Luca tae = 7 Brean Brenton aleenel) penmediale — 2° Alihd, wih one He & -& 9 S minules ‘ fi ity one HEF anhy Arcohels 0 fuabidil Bh, Gmmedtialé. Hus AG me eM 4 Onc He 7 wen 3 andreas Taboo by wt g minutes Ctesen-0n 4 onc HCl Gael, one 2° | dro no THbeclily | en consent Gme He) ae pen 0° | prece feal (an be used % dasking satis > aly | aleshel COE bh é eigen eM a-¢ gucree | wer al 72 on : al “He : uy alcohols Gwbianeng BI" Tt

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