UAS B.inggris

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Nama : Arisa Salsa Nauly

Kelas : 1 E
NIM : E010322126
Matkul : Final test Bahasa Inggris

1.Halo!let me introduce my self. My name is Arisa Salsa Nauly, people usually call me Icha or
Cece. I live in Banjarmasin with my family. My address at jalan Padat Karya komplek Mutiara
Raya No.127. I have two siblings, their name is Naufal and Aira. We have the same hobby
which is drawing. This is the end of my self introduction. Thank you for your attention.
2.Opening: good morning/good afternoon everyone and welcome to my presentation. First of
all let me thank you all for coming here you can see on the screen, our topic today is...
Closing : Thank you for your listening, may all there we have share be benefical for all of us.
3. Hi I’m Kyungsoon, I’m Korean. I was born in Daegu 19th ago, have you ever been to Daegu?
It is the fourth largest city in South Korea but I don’t remember a lot about Daegu Because
when I was 5th my family move to Seoul that’s where I grew up. I grew up with mom, dad and
2 brothers. I went to school with my 2 brother’s until I finish junior high school. I entered high
school when I was 15 years old and graduated last year. In high school I was very active in the
Tenis club and I also sang in the chorus. My best expertise was english and my worst was
history I’m in college now, last summer I went for a study tour to Australia. I especially enjoy
and relax the style of the people and the great weather. Everyone was really kind and the group
I went with had the great time.
4. Dukungan pelanggan: Halo, Ny. Davis? Ini Todd Jasper dari LDT Appliances, apa kabar?
Nyonya Davis: Saya baik-baik saja, terima kasih sudah bertanya. Apa yang bisa saya bantu?
Dukungan pelanggan: Saya menelepon sehubungan dengan pesanan yang Anda lakukan
minggu lalu. Sayangnya, kami mengalami keterlambatan tak terduga dari salah satu pemasok
kami, dan kami tidak dapat mengirimkan produk Anda sesuai jadwal.
Nyonya Davis: Benarkah? Saya berharap barang-barang saya ada di sini pada tanggal
pengiriman yang dijadwalkan — saya sedang merencanakannya.
Dukungan pelanggan: Saya mengerti, dan dengan sepenuh hati saya mohon maaf atas
ketidaknyamanan ini. Kami telah berbicara dengan pemasok kami, dan paling cepat kami dapat
mengirimkan pesanan Anda saat ini adalah Kamis depan. Apakah itu akan berhasil?
Mrs. Davis: Terima kasih atas permintaan maaf Anda, tetapi saya sangat membutuhkan
pesanan di sini pada hari Jumat ini. Saya mungkin harus membeli melalui perusahaan lain.
Dukungan pelanggan: Bisnis Anda sangat berarti bagi kami, Ny. Davis, dan untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan jadwal Anda, saya dapat menawarkan produk yang serupa—sebenarnya, model
yang lebih baru yang kami diskusikan secara singkat saat Anda memesan—untuk diantarkan
oleh ini Jumat tanpa biaya tambahan, karena kami memiliki stok. Saya juga dapat menawarkan
pengembalian dana penuh, jika Anda mau.
Nyonya Davis: Benarkah? Itu akan bagus — produk lainnya, yaitu. Terima kasih banyak telah
menyelesaikan ini! Saya tidak tahu apa yang akan saya lakukan tanpa barang itu!

Dukungan pelanggan: Dengan senang hati. Saya akan meminta salah satu profesional
pengiriman kami segera menghubungi Anda.
Nyonya Davis: Fantastis. Terima kasih lagi!
5. 1) Banks are financial institutions that provide customers with a variety of valuable services,
including the ability to wire money to a person or company, the ability to store money in a
checking or savings account, the ability to collect interest on investments, the ability to receive
loans, and much more.
2) Banks are most commonly used by customers who wish to store their money and
access it as needed, with a debit card (a card that's simply attached to the funds in
one's account), or checks (individually numbered paper slips that can be used to
designate a transfer of funds).
3) Home Mortgage a while savings account is designed to house money that will to
secure home mortgages
4) Personal loans are loans issued and approved by financial experts that're designed to be
used by customers for specific purposes.
5) Interest is a percentage of the borrowed money extra, besides its core balance.
6) Stocks are purchased through the stock exchange, and specifically, through a stockbroker,
brokerage firm, or licensed trading website.Shares of a company are always being bought and
sold by individuals, and accordingly, there's never any delay in processing a transaction.
7) Bonds are essentially pieces of debt purchased by clients in exchange for interest.
8) The average dividend yield on dividend-paying S&P 500 index companies has historically
fluctuated between 2% and 5%, depending on market conditions. As the shares they bought
will each be worth more. Some stocks also pay dividends, or small, scheduled payments, to
9) Corporate (company issued) and municipal (state or local-government-issued) bonds
similarly provide short-term cash for the issuers and long-term boosts for investors.
10) Because stock and bond investing is useful and profitable for investors or whoever owns
stocks but provides lower long-term returns, having a different investment mix to do so can
curb the risk you assume.

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