Student Agreement 40.14

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Version: 1.




(Duration: 11 Months)

This Student Agreement (hereinafter referred as the “Agreement” or “Student Agreement”) is executed on the date of
acceptance of this Agreement by Student / Parents or Legal Guardian (if student is minor) between:

Frankfinn Aviation Services Pvt. Ltd., (Unit: Frankfinn Institute of Airhostess Training), a company incorporated under the
Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at 201, Suneja Tower – II, District Centre, Janakpuri, New Delhi –
110058, hereinafter called “Frankfinn”, (which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be
deemed to include its successors in interest, legal representatives, and assigns), of the ONE PART;


The “Student” or Parent / Legal Guardian of the Student on behalf of the Student of the OTHER PART, [in case the
Student is a minor (under the age of 18 years) at the time of execution of this Agreement, Parents / Legal Guardian of the
Student shall execute this Agreement on the behalf of the Student].

(Hereinafter, individually ONE PART OR OTHER PART shall be referred to as “Party” and together the “Parties”).


A. WHEREAS Frankfinn Aviation Services Pvt Ltd.; Unit: Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess Training (hereinafter called
“Frankfinn”) is inter-alia, engaged in providing various training courses of different durations in the subject areas of
Aviation, Hospitality, Travel Management and Customer Services’, including the Course (as defined in clause 1.2 here
below) titled as “Frankfinn Certificate in Hospitality, Travel and Customer Service” of 11 months’ duration - Part Time.
Frankfinn has the distinction of being India’s largest Air Hostess Training Institute with largest centre network in India;

B. WHEREAS Frankfinn at the option of the Student, can also provide the Placement Assistance Services (PAC
Services) in addition to the Course, on the payment of applicable fee plus Goods and Services Tax (GST), as stipulated
in the fee structure mentioned in the e-Prospectus, and on signing of a separate PAC Service Agreement in this
regard; post completion of the Course.

C. WHEREAS the Student has approached Frankfinn for taking admission in the Course and Frankfinn has admitted
the Student in the said Course at its Centre;

NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSESS that it has been mutually agreed between FRANKFINN and THE STUDENT as
hereunder: -

1. Definition:

1.1 “Centre” means the premises used by Frankfinn to conduct the training for the Courses, and established and
maintained under the name and banner of ‘Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess Training’ which the student has opted for
pursuing the Course;

1.2 “Course” means Frankfinn Certificate in Hospitality, Travel and Customer Service of Eleven months’ (11 months)
duration - Part Time course developed by Frankfinn which the Student has opted to study at the Centre;

1.3 “Student” means a person who has been admitted for training to Frankfinn Course and includes a person who
has approached Frankfinn or registered herself / himself for the purpose of getting admission to the Course by
himself/herself or through his/her Parent or Legal Guardian.

1.4 “Completion of the Course” will be from the day when results are declared and student is declared passed by

2. That the Student has agreed to join the said Course and for this purpose shall follow strict discipline and
maintain proper decorum at all times within the premises of the Centre or wherever and whenever he / she is
representing Frankfinn.

3. That the Student shall be regular and punctual in his / her classes. The Student shall not be allowed to sit in the
exam and/or submit the unit assignments on the completion of the ‘Course Units’, if his / her attendance is:

3.1 below 75% in the classes in the entire duration of ‘the Course’ as well as in different subject classes individually;

3.2 Below 90% in the case of CRS (Computerized Reservation Systems) classes;

That the Student has to secure minimum 70% marks in CRS exams and has to successfully complete and pass all
assignments, research / project work and/or pass the examination/s and fulfills all criteria as mentioned in ANNEXURES
“D” of this Agreement given by Frankfinn for the Course. Consequently, Frankfinn Certificate shall not be issued unless
the Student makes up for deficient attendance by joining another batch for which he / she has to pay fees again for that
period as decided by Frankfinn, pass the exams and successfully complete and pass all assignments.

4. That to ensure quality, consistency and conformity and depending upon the modules, Frankfinn may at its
absolute discretion at any point of time, may change the training delivery mode and commence delivering the Course
through online Interactive mode / virtual classroom. The Student / Parent or Legal Guardian (if student is minor) hereby
agrees to the same and give his/her irrevocable consent for the same. The Student is required to come to the Centre and
attend the class regularly and to maintain the minimum overall attendance as mentioned in clause 3 here above.

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5. That if for any reason the Student is not able to appear or secure passing marks in the exam/ test and not able
to submit and pass the assignments or any assignment, he / she shall be given only one more chance to appear in and
clear the exam(s)/ tests or submit and pass the assignment/s, within 4 months of the date of declaration of result of the
Course, at such time and venue as intimated by Frankfinn. If the Students does not avail the chance to reappear and
clear in exam(s) in 4 months time or after appearing does not clear the exam(s) after appearing, and/or does not submit /
re submit and pass the assignment/s, the Student will not get any further chance to appear and clear the exam(s) and/or
submit/re submit the assignment/s and pass the same and NO certificate/s shall be issued to the Student and He / She
will not ask refund of course fee and registration fee paid. The Student / Parents or Legal Guardian (if student is minor)
hereby agrees to the same. In case of Online CRS Exam (Galileo / Amadeus / Sabre )#, if the student fails in the 2nd
attempt/ Examination too, for appearing 3rd time in the Online CRS Exam (Galileo / Amadeus / Sabre )#, the Student
has to pay Rs.2000+applicable Goods and Services Tax (GST). The third and final attempt should be within 4 months of
the declaration of the result of 2nd Attempt/Examination.

6. That the course fee being charged as per ANNEXURE “A” (Attached herewith and already sent along with e-
prospectus at the time of online Registration) is only for Frankfinn Course and Frankfinn Certificate will be awarded only
upon successful completion of the course and upon meeting all the Mandatory Criteria for Award of Frankfinn Certificate
for Hospitality, Travel and Customer Service – FCHTCS as specified in ANNEXURE “D” and requirements as laid down
by the Institute for the same and not otherwise and in such cases no Frankfinn Certificate will be awarded and no fee will
be refunded/refundable. The Student / Parents or Legal Guardian (if student is minor) hereby agrees not to raise any
dispute and/or claim of any sort, whatsoever in this regard before any Authority/Forum/Court.

6.1 The Student fully understands that if the Student fails to submit and pass all the assignments, research / project
work and/or pass the examination/s and fulfills all criteria as mentioned in ANNEXURE “D” of this Agreement, then the
Student cannot be provided with Frankfinn Certificate unless such defects as mentioned here above are removed within
the timeframe as specified in clause 5. The student is fully aware that he/she has to fulfill all criteria laid down by
Frankfinn for award of Frankfinn Certificate including but not limited to passing all requisite examinations, submission of
requisite assignments and Project/ Research work etc. as described in ANNEXURE “D” of this Agreement. In case, the
student does not fulfill all the criteria as specified in ANNEXURE “D” for award of Frankfinn Certificate, he/she shall not
be awarded Frankfinn Certificate till he fulfills it within the time frame specified in clause 5 hereabove and in such case,
no claim of refund of fee paid for Frankfinn Certificate shall lie and the fee will not be refunded. The Student / Parents or
Legal Guardian (if student is minor) hereby agrees to the same.

6.2 The Student has been informed and is fully aware that due to unavoidable circumstances, beyond control of
Frankfinn, in view of any Central or State Law or Notification/Circular from any Authority, Board etc. and/or for any other
reason, whatsoever, if Frankfinn Certificate cannot be awarded in its present form/format or under the present Course
Title, in that event, Frankfinn shall certify the completion of the course and certificate shall be in issued in permitted
form/format, mode and manner. However, the Student shall be issued Certificates of Computerized Reservation System
(Amadeus/ Galileo/ Sabre) provided the student has successfully completed the course and has no financial outstanding
for the course..The student may be issued a Certificate of Appreciation by Frankfinn for successful completion of it’s
course, that too, if permitted by Law. The Student shall not claim any refund and/or compensation on account of non
issuance of Frankfinn Certificate in the present Form/Format or under present Course Title and also shall not raise any
dispute for the same before any Forum/Body/Authority/Court. The Student / Parents or Legal Guardian (if student is
minor) hereby agrees to the same.

7. (I) That I had already received the ANNEXURE “C” (attached herewith) pertaining to Eligibility Criteria at the
time of registering myself with Frankfinn for the Course, read and understood it and thereafter taking admission to the
said Course.

(II) That I have already read Frankfinn e-Prospectus completely and / fully understood all its content and thereafter taking
the registration and / or admission to the said Course.

8. The Student has been informed by Frankfinn that for CRS (Computerized Reservation Systems), the timings
may not be the same as his / her usual batch (class) timings and that he / she may have to go outside the Centre at
venue/s conveyed to him / her by Frankfinn within or outside the city of the Centre at his / her own expenses
(conveyance/travelling/ Boarding and Lodging). The Student / Parents or Legal Guardian (if student is minor) hereby
agrees to the same.

9. That the Student shall maintain cleanliness of his / her classroom and Centre premises. That further, the
Student shall not spoil or misuse any centre property.

10. That in the event of the Student spoiling / damaging any property of Frankfinn, he/she shall pay the actual cost
in getting the damage repaired, if possible, or the price of new property, if it is damaged beyond repair. Frankfinn
reserves the right of not allowing the Student to attend classes till the time the damage is made good by the Student.

11. That the Student agrees to indemnify Frankfinn for all claims of any nature, whatsoever, arising due to any
injury to any person, property, suffered or sustained by any agent or employee of Frankfinn caused by any activity or
negligence or omission on the part of the Student while in or around Frankfinn premises or any other place where the
Student may be representing Frankfinn.

12. That the total Fee paid / payable by the Student, i.e. Registration Fee and Course Fee is specified in the
Schedule of payment of fees appended to this agreement as Annexure “A”, which is a part of this Agreement and
hereinafter called the “Schedule”. The Student has the option to pay the Course Fee either in full at the time of accepting
this Agreement or in installment plans as specified in the Schedule. The Course Fee specified in the “SCHEDULE” is only
for “Frankfinn Certificate” and it does not include any other Certificate Fee , which is optional. All/Total fee(s) of every
kind like Registration fee, Course fee etc. whether payable in lump sum or in installment, has to be paid in the favour of
“FRANKFINN INSTITUTE OF AIRHOSTESS TRAINING” through any banking or digital mode i.e. NEFT, RTGS, NASH,
Account Pay Cheque, Demand Draft, Credit/Debit Cards, Internet Banking or as intimated from time to time in writing to

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13. That if the Student opts for Installment Plan, he/she shall submit post- dated cheques for each installment of
fee as per the Schedule on the day of start of Course. In case, the Student subsequently pays the fee installment online
in any month, after paying the same, he has to inform the Centre Operations Manager/Centre Accountant so that his PDC
already submitted for that month is not encashed and is cancelled.

14. That in the event of non- submission of Course fee and / or post- dated cheques (PDCs) for balance fee as
mentioned in clause 13 hereabove by the Student beyond 30 days from the due date as per the Schedule, Frankfinn
reserves the right to cancel the admission of the Student. In the event of cancellation of admission due to default in
payment of fees and / or non-submission of PDCs as mentioned above, the fees already paid by the Student shall stand
forfeited and Frankfinn reserves the right to initiate legal proceedings for the recovery of the balance Course fee in the
appropriate court of law at the Student’s risk and cost, as Frankfinn shall entail loss of one seat revenue in the relevant
batch, without any fault of Frankfinn, whatsoever. The Student / Parents or Legal Guardian (if student is minor) hereby
agrees to the same.

15. That the Student shall ensure and take necessary steps to see that the post-dated cheque/s given by him / her
is / are not dishonored. In the event of each dishonor, the Student has to pay a fine of Rs.500/- along with the amount of
the cheque dishonored and late fee, The Student shall bear the legal consequences at his/her own cost and risk, if the
payment against the dishonored cheque/s is not made by the Student. In case, the Student subsequently pays the fee
installment online in any month, after paying the same, he has to inform the Centre Operations Manager/Centre
Accountant so that his PDC already submitted for that month is not encashed and is cancelled.

16. That if the Centre is closed / shut down at any time during the pendency of the Course for any reason
whatsoever, the Student agrees that he/she will take transfer to any other Frankfinn or any of its other franchisee centre,
where the same Course modules, i.e., Frankfinn Certificate in Hospitality, Travel and Customer Service (FCHTCS)
Course, are being taught at that point of time, which may not be in the same city / State and can be anywhere in India,
and shall further be subject to availability of the seats and slot. All relocation charges, e.g., travelling, boarding and
lodging, food expenses, etc. shall be borne solely by the Student. The Student /Parents or Legal Guardian shall not ask
for refund of course Fee Paid in case of Student’s inability to join in the another Frankfinn Centre and / or relocate to
other city for the same and also agrees to pay the balance Course Fee. The Student / Parents or Legal Guardian (if
student is minor) hereby agrees to the same

17. Duration:

17.1 That Frankfinn at its sole discretion may complete the course in less than 11 months period - 6 months, 9 months,
etc. by increasing number of training days per week and / or training hours per day, by putting it on Fast Track. The
Student (Parent or Legal Guardian) is taking admission to the Course after being fully aware of this and hereby agree to
make himself / herself (Student) available for it and will not object / refuse subsequently for the same and will not raise
any dispute regarding it. The Student / Parents or Legal Guardian (if student is minor) hereby agrees to the same.

17.2 That In the event of delay in Course completion beyond 11 Months due to unavoidable circumstances, beyond
control of Frankfinn and/or for any other reason, whatsoever, The Student shall not claim any refund and/or
compensation on account of delay in course completion and also shall not raise any dispute for the same before any
Forum/Body/Authority/Court. The Student / Parents or Legal Guardian (if student is minor) hereby agrees to the same.

18. That in the event of the Student leaving the Course at any point of time before the completion of the Course, for
any reason, whatsoever, the Student shall pay the balance Course fees as it would otherwise cause Frankfinn loss of one
seat and corresponding revenue in the said Course/Class/Batch for none of its fault, which cannot be filled and revenue
loss cannot be made good subsequently, failing which Frankfinn reserves the right to initiate legal proceedings in the
appropriate court of law to recover the balance Course fees at the cost and risk of the Student. That no claim of refund of
fee paid by the Student shall be entertained in such a case and the same shall stand forfeited.

19. That Frankfinn shall provide two sets of Student uniform (2 shirts, 2 trousers & a tie for boys, 2 shirts, 2 skirts & a
scarf for girls. Coats / blazers not included) to the Student along with 1 badge free of cost. However, if the Uniform
provided by Frankfinn gets damaged due to any reason, whatsoever, the Student has to bear the expense of the new set
of uniform/s, which shall be provided by Frankfinn after receiving the necessary payment for the same from the
Student. If Frankfinn fails to provide Uniform as mentioned in this clause and e-Prospectus, the Student will not withhold
due / payable course fee on account of non receipt of Uniform as it is being provided complimentary, hence student
cannot claim it is a matter of right. Frankfinn gets the Uniform in standard sizes, any alteration required, if any, will be
done by Student at his / her own cost. The Student / Parents or Legal Guardian (if student is minor) hereby agrees to the

20. That it is compulsory for the Student to wear uniform (after receipt of the same) provided by Frankfinn, whenever
he / she come for attending the class. That Frankfinn reserve the right not to allow the Student to attend the class in
case he / she is not in uniform.

21. That the Student shall carry the Identity Card issued by Frankfinn while coming for attending the classes and
shall produce the same whenever demanded by security personnel of the building, floor, Frankfinn or agents or
employees of Frankfinn. The Student shall also strictly adhere to the grooming guidelines and come in proper student
uniform to attend the class. That Frankfinn reserves the right to not allow the Student to attend class/es, if he / she is not
in wearing the student uniform and/or not properly groomed and/or not able to produce identity card issued by Frankfinn.
That the Identity Card is the property of Frankfinn and the Student shall return the same on its expiry or completion of the
Course, failing which his / her Course Certificate(s) may be withheld by Frankfinn. In case of loss of I-Card by the
Student, he / she shall inform Frankfinn about the loss immediately and the duplicate card shall be issued by Frankfinn on
receiving the request and payment of Rs.100/- by the Student, which is the fee for issuing the duplicate I-Card.

22. That the Student shall show respect to faculty, staff members of Frankfinn at all times.

23. That in the event of the Student indulging/doing an act of indecency, vulgarity or moral turpitude, his/ her
admission shall be cancelled after giving him / her a fair opportunity to show cause as to why his / her admission should
not be cancelled. That in the event of Frankfinn not being satisfied with the explanation offered by the Student, his / her
admission shall be cancelled. The decision of Frankfinn shall be final and binding. In such an event, the Student shall
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have to pay the balance fee and no claim of refund of fees (already paid) by the Student shall be entertained by

24. That in the event of any act of the Student constituting gross indiscipline, his / her admission shall be suspended
till he / she apologizes and assures Frankfinn in writing that he / she shall not show indiscipline in future. That in the event
of the Student showing indiscipline second time, his / her admission shall be cancelled after giving him / her a fair
opportunity to show cause as to why his/ her admission should not be cancelled. The decision of Frankfinn in this regard
shall be final and binding. In such an event, the Student has to pay the balance Course fee and no claim of refund of
Course fee (already paid) by the Student shall be entertained by Frankfinn.

25. That the Student shall submit all projects/ assignments regularly before or on the date as per the Course
requirements fixed by Frankfinn for submission of the same. In order to finish all such projects / assignments, the
Student shall require to carryout research to get data and relevant material in addition to what has been taught in the
classroom. To facilitate the same Student will need to access reading material from library and the internet. The Student
hereby undertakes that he/she shall take an annual membership in a library and a cyber café at his/her own expenses
and submit the photocopies of library and cyber café annual membership receipts to the Centre within 15 days of the start
of the Course failing which he/she shall not be allowed to attend the classes till he/she submits the same. The annual
membership of library and a cyber café is a mandatory requirement and one of the pre-conditions for admission to the

26. Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess Training is a training institute and the Student is fully aware, before taking
admission, that Frankfinn does not provide any Job Guarantee, whatsoever, whether during or after completion of the
Course. However Frankfinn has constituted a Placement Assistance Cell (PAC) to assist and facilitate the Students to
face Job interviews in Hospitality, Travel and Service industries’ upto 12 months from the date of subscription of services
(hereinafter called as “PAC Services”), which is purely an optional service without any compulsion, to be selected/chosen
by the Student only, on the payment of additional fee of Rs.5000/- per annum or the fee applicable as on the date of
subscription of PAC Service plus applicable Goods and Services Tax (GST) thereon, in addition to the Course Fee paid/
payable by the Student. Since the PAC Service is an additional service, hence a separate agreement will be executed
on/after successful completion of the Course by the Student. Frankfinn reserves the right to discontinue or withdraw PAC
Service at any point of time, without giving any reason whatsoever and Frankfinn will not be held responsible for the
same; however the Students who have paid for the PAC Services shall continue to be provided the service till the expiry
of their PAC Services Agreements. The Payment of complete / full Course fee is precondition to the commencement of
the PAC Services.

27. That the Student is fully aware that after the completion of this Course, there is “NO JOB GUARANTEE”,
whatsoever, provided by Frankfinn, whether during or after completion of the Course, which has clearly been
communicated to the Student which is also mentioned in Frankfinn’s Prospectus, Brochures, Fee receipts and/or other
printed materials or otherwise.

28. The Student hereby agrees that he / she during the Course and also during the period of the optional
assistance services being provided by ‘Placement Assistance Cell’ i.e. till expiry of 12 months from the date of
subscription of PAC Service, shall not:

28.1 Join as employee / be in employment - part-time and / or full-time of any other Institute / Academy in India or
Abroad providing courses in Air Hostess Training and/or Hospitality and/or Travel Management, except the course of
Hotel Management;

28.2 Join any training course / program of any other Institute / Academy in India or Abroad providing courses in Air
Hostess Training and/or Hospitality and/or Travel Management, except the course of Hotel Management;

28.3 Promote in any manner, whatsoever, course / training program of any other Institute / Academy in India or Abroad
providing courses in Air Hostess Training and/or Hospitality and/or Travel Management, except the course of Hotel

28.4 Defame Frankfinn directly or indirectly and / or make any verbal or written statement which is derogatory /
defamatory pertaining to Frankfinn and the Course/s’ conducted by Frankfinn on any medium including but not limited to
Print, Electronic, Digital or Social Media etc. and/or on any platform whether Blog, Youtube, Facebook, Whatsapp,
Instagram, Google, Consumer Forum, Press/Media Interviews etc.;

28.5 Give the Course material, manuals, book/s and or photocopies of the same and / or disclose the same in any other
manner, whatsoever to any other person (other than Frankfinn’s students), organization, firm, company or any other
entity, whosoever;

28.6 Start competitive activities either himself or through his family members, which includes but not limited to similar
business as that of Frankfinn directly, indirectly or in any manner, whatsoever in India and / or Abroad;

28.7 Disclose to any other person, (other than Frankfinn Students) or organization, firm, company or any entity,
whosoever, any information received by him / her from Frankfinn as part of Assistance Services’ provided by ‘Placement
Assistance Cell’, which includes but not limited to job vacancies information in different airlines, hospitality, travel and
service sector organizations in specific, besides other organizations in general received by him / her from Frankfinn as
part of ‘Placement Assistance Service’; and

28.8 Indulge in any anti Frankfinn or Anti Franchisee activity, whatsoever.

Further, if the Student has not finished / completed the Course and does anything specifically prohibited in sub-clauses
28.1 to 28.8 of this agreement, Frankfinn reserves the right to expel the Student from the Course. In such a case, the
Student shall be liable to pay the entire Course fee, remained payable as on the date of expulsion. Besides, Frankfinn
shall be entitled to initiate appropriate legal proceedings against such Student.

29. That Frankfinn reserves the right to change the syllabus and/or timings and/or Title of the Course and/or
Certificate Form/Format and/or Nomenclature of the Course and/or announce closure of the Course and Frankfinn
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reserves the right to change the Centre (Centre location and address) in the same city, without any prior notice and
the Student / Parents or Legal Guardian (if student is minor) hereby agrees to the same.

30. That the Student / Parents or Legal Guardian (if student is minor) has read all the Terms, Rules & Regulations
as mentioned in the e-Prospectus, which is also attached herewith as ANNEXURE “B” and agree to abide by them.

31. That during the contributory outings (picnics) organized by Frankfinn, if any, after discussions with the Student
regarding his / her choice of place/s to be visited, Frankfinn shall make all possible arrangements and take precautions to
the best of its efforts so that no untoward incident/ mishappening occurs. The Student agrees to strictly follow the
instruction/s of Frankfinn which includes its employees, managers, faculty members, agents, etc., and to render his / her
full co-operation to Frankfinn to avoid any mishappening or untoward incident. However, if in spite of all the precautions
or arrangements as said above, any mishappening or untoward incident occurs, for any reason, whatsoever, the Student
shall not hold Frankfinn responsible for the same. The Student understands that such outings/ picnics are not compulsory
or a part of curriculum / syllabus of the Course. Hence, the Student is aware and he/she shall go on such Picnics/ outings
at his/her own risk and responsibility. The Student is aware that organizing contributory outings (picnics) is not mandatory
but at the sole discretion of Frankfinn.

32. That the Student / Parents or Legal Guardian (if student is minor) hereby gives irrevocable authority to
Frankfinn to publish his / her photograph at any time, before / subsequent to the completion of the Course by the Student,
without or along with his / her feedback comments in full/ in part in its promotional advertisements in print and electronic
media including internet and also in its promotional materials like Pamphlets, Prospectuses/ Brochures, Posters, ‘Aviation
Times’ Magazine, etc. along with details of his/ her employment/s, including the salary details.

33. That the Student shall inform Frankfinn in writing about his/her joining any other skills development /
educational Institute in Aviation, Hospitality, Travel and / or Customer Service, before the completion of the Course.

34. (I)That the Student / Parents or Legal Guardian (if student is minor) hereby agrees that in case of any dispute,
only the Courts in Delhi shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to the exclusion of all other Courts.

(II)That all Student’s complaints / grievances / applications/ plaints of any nature , whatsoever will be sent to Frankfinn
and / or submitted before any statutory / non-statutory body / Authority / Court, etc only in English language and to the
Exclusion of all other languages. Frankfinn shall not reply / respond to any such communication, if not sent / submitted in
English language. The Student / Parents or Legal Guardian (if student is minor) hereby agrees to the same.

35. That if during the Course period, the Student has requested for the transfer due to his/her personal reasons,
the Student shall be transferred to the centre of any of Franchisee or to any of Frankfinn’s own centre at the nominal
administrative charge of Rs.2500/- for the first request of transfer and Rs.5000/- for any subsequent request of transfer,
for continuance of his/her remaining period of Course and the terms and conditions of this agreement shall continue to
apply mutatis-mutandis, as if there is no change in the parties to this agreement, except that the jurisdiction of the
agreement will be governed by the state/ union territory of India where the new franchisee is located or shall continue to
be at Delhi, if the Student is transferred to any of Frankfinn’s own centre Further, all remaining Course fee shall be
payable by the Student to such new franchisee/ or at the new Frankfinn centre. The Student cannot claim transfer to any
other centre as a matter of right. It is solely at the discretion of Frankfinn.

36. Presently Frankfinn Aviation Services Private Limited is an Approved Training Partner of National Skill Development
Corporation (NSDC). The Student agrees that NSDC approval/ accreditation is not essential or a pre- condition to his/her
taking the admission in this course. He/She further acknowledges that he/she is taking this course only because of Brand
Frankfinn and not NSDC. The student further agrees that accrual/availment of any benefit/facility/exemption/credit of
whatsoever nature etc. due to this relationship of Frankfinn being as an Approved Training Partner of NSDC is solely as
per his/her own independent evaluation/assessment or interpretation and Frankfinn shall not, in any manner, be
responsible for any liability of any nature if arising due to any wrong claim and/or misinterpretation of law / relevant
provisions by the Student. Frankfinn further clarifies to the Student that it no way represents or guarantees the
continuation of this arrangement with NSDC and/or with any other outside entity/body/organization whatsoever or
eligibility of any sort of benefit/exemption of any nature, whatsoever.

On Frankfinn being an Approved Training Partner of NSDC, Goods and Services Tax (GST) from the Student/s is not
being collected on bonafide belief and view that the Institute/centre is exempted from Goods and Services Tax (GST).
However, if in future, at any point of time during training/course and/or even after completion of Course by the Student/s,
the demand is made by Goods and Services Tax (GST) Department for the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on Frankfinn
Training/Course, the Student/s hereby undertake/s to pay the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Demand Amount
retrospectively and hereby fully indemnifies Frankfinn Aviation Services Pvt. Limited/Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess
Training for all demands of Goods and Services Tax (GST) Department on the course fee paid by him/her.

37. That this Agreement and all ‘Annexures’ and ‘Schedules’ hereto comprise the entire understanding between
Frankfinn And Student about the Course and will supersede any other written or oral promises, undertaking or
representations given by anyone whosoever, at any point of time, before and / or post admission to the said Course,
whatsoever. That all Annexures and Schedules attached with/to this agreement are integral part of this Agreement for all
purposes whatsoever.

38. That if this Agreement or any of its provisions are inconsistence with any other document prepared by or on
behalf of Frankfinn, the provisions of this Agreement will prevail.

39. That This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with, the laws of India,
and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at New Delhi (India) to the exclusion of all other


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The Student undertakes to observe and abide by the terms and conditions as stated here-in-above and to pay all fees
and charges as applicable onto the Student. In case of a minor, the legal guardian undertakes to ensure proper
compliance of the above by his/her ward, i.e., the Student.

# Galileo/ Amadeus / Sabre are Registered Trademarks of third parties.

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