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Phân cảnh 1: Tại thư viện

Nhi: (Gọi cho Ngọc) Good morning, Ms.Ngoc. I received(d) your meeting agenda last
night, but I was unable to access it. Would you mind coming up here to review it for me?
Ngoc: Yeah sure. I'll go through your office immediately (  /ɪˈmiː.di.ə after
photocopying the meeting agenda.
Ngoc: May I come in, please?
Nhi: Of course.
(After Ngoc entered, Nhi asked)
Nhi: Take a seat, please. So when does the meeting with Maison company take place?
Ngoc: The meeting is scheduled( /ˈskedʒ.uːld/) for November 14 at 8:30 am, and I will
email them to confirm the exact time. Besides, the meeting will take hold at the Central
Park Hotel.
Nhi: I strongly believe that location is acceptable. This is because there were a lot of
significant meetings that I had previously. The facilities are modern and convenient.
Another major plus is security. The security there is extremely great.
Ngoc: I'd like to summarize(ˈsʌm.ə.raɪz) the important items on the schedule. First is
welcome and a brief(briːf) overview of the day. This includes attendance and approval of
the agenda. The contract will then be discussed(t).
Nhi: May I interrupt( /ˌɪn.t̬ əˈrʌpt/)? I believe that you forgot the product introduction
section. Please include it after item 1.
Ngoc: I apologize for the mistaking errors(ˈer.ɚ). I'll remember that and add it to the
meeting agenda.
Nhi: So, what's the last item?
Ngoc: Well, The last item is the agreement.
Nhi: Everything seems to be all right. Please email the finished(t) version to Mono Sports
and wait for their confirmation.
Ngoc: I will carry it out immediately.
Nhi: Now let's concentrate(/ˈkɑːn.sən.treɪt/) on the third item on this agenda. What will be
covered in the contract discussion?
Ngoc: We will negotiate the cost and shipping charges.
Nhi: That seems reasonable. I still have some more questions. Did you receive a detailed
product price list at the most recent internal sales team meeting?
Ngoc: Yeah, I received it two days ago. I will summarize the content as follows. We have
three items: First, running shoes high. Next is the running shoe mid, and finally running
shoe low. Running shoes high are the most expensive because they are made of
leather(/ˈleð.ɚ/). Each pair costs roughly $49. The remaining two products will cost
between $30 and $35.
Nhi: From my point of view, the price is quite reasonable. Please send the price list to
Mono Sports.
Ngoc: After we've finished, I'll send it right away. Do you have any further inquiries?
Nhi: Well, I guess not.
Ngoc: Please contact me if you have any requirements.
Nhi: I appreciate your co-operation. Have a nice day.
Ngoc: Have a nice day, too.


- Hi. Hung Pham speaking, May I help you?

- Hello, Mr. Hung. I’m Ngoc Nguyen and I'm calling from Maison company.
- Hùng : Oh, Ms. Ngoc. How may I help you?
- Ngọc: I'm calling to arrange( /əˈreɪndʒ/) a meeting and discuss the schedule.
I informed you about the upcoming meeting by email. Have you received it
- Hùng: Could you wait a moment, please? It was in my inbox this morning.
- Ngọc: Please contact me if you need further information and in case of any
change, please inform me ASAP.
- Hùng: I'm sure that I will contact you if it has any other change.
- Ngọc: Thank you for your cooperation.
- Hùng: Have a good day!

Phân cảnh 2:
Tuyết: please come in, Mr.Hung. What do you want to discuss with me?
Hùng: Maison's company just emailed us about the upcoming meeting.
Tuyết: That’s exactly what I need. Could you tell me when the meeting will take place?
Hùng: The Meeting is scheduled for 8 a.m. on 14 November.
Tuyết: I'm afraid I won't be able to attend that day. This is because I'm on a business trip
to China on the 14th, please notify them of the inconvenience and reschedule ( ˌriː
ˈskedʒ.uːl) for November 15th.
Hùng: I'll inform them as soon as I finish discussing it with you.
Tuyết: Please answer a few small questions for me.
Hùng: I'm willing to answer questions.
Tuyế: What are the main items on the meeting agenda they sent?
Hùng: Well, there are 3 main categories (/ˈkæt.ə.ɡri s). First is the product introduction,
then is the contract discussion, and finally is the agreement.
Tuyết: May I interrupt? After discussing the contract, do they have any adjournment ( /ə
Hùng: I haven't seen it mentioned on the meeting agenda yet.
Tuyết: Please inform them that we would like to change the meeting time and add an
adjournment item before the agreement section. Besides, please request that they email us
the price list, product images, and details on color, material, and size as soon as possible
so that I can add them to the document ( /ˈdɑː.kjə.mənt/) before the board of directors
( /daɪˈrek.tɚ/ )meeting this afternoon. Would you please send it to me as soon as
receive this mail?
Hùng: I do understand exactly what you mean. I'll email them as soon as we finish our
meeting. May I have some personal opinions?
Tuyết: Of course.
Hùng: It is vital (   /ˈvaɪ.t̬ əl/) to rethink the problem of transport. I mean transfer costs are a
big deal. I strongly believe that the seller is responsible for paying for all shipping
expenses( /ɪkˈspens/). Would that be satisfactory (/ˌsæt̬ .ɪsˈfæk.tɚ.i/)?
Tuyết: Thank you for your opinion. I completely understand what you are saying. I will
note it down and address it in upcoming negotiations ( /nəˌɡoʊ.ʃiˈeɪ.ʃən/).
Hùng: Do you have any further inquiries?
Tuyết: Everything seems pretty stable. When negotiating with partners, we will go into
full detail. I'm supposed to be at an important meeting at 2:00 p.m. Now, I’m preparing
for the meeting this afternoon.
Hùng: Please contact me if you need any support.

Nhi với Ngọc: Nice to meet you. Please take a seat.

Tuyết với Hùng: Nice to meet you, too. Thank you so much.
Nhi: So how was your trip coming here?
Tuyet: It was perfect, thank you!
Hung: it was a good trip, thank you!
Ngoc: Would you like tea or water?
Tuyet: A glass of water would be perfect. Thank you.
Hung: A cup of tea will be great.
Ngoc: Wait a minute…, please.
Ngọc: Wait a minute… here you are.
Ngọc: Please be careful because it is hot.
Nhi: Please let me introduce a little about myself. My name is Nhi, Sales Director of
Maison company. And this is Ms. Ngọc, my assistant. It is our pleasure to see you today.
Thank you for agreeing to meet us to negotiate the contract.
Tuyet: Good morning! Ms.Nhi and Ms.Ngoc. I am honored (/ˈɑː.nɚ/ d )to meet you.
Nhi: Firstly, we will go through the meeting agenda.
Ngọc: Today, we will discuss 4 main items. Firstly, my company would like to show the
product to you. Starting from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Secondly, we will negotiate the
contract. It starts at 9:00 a.m and ends at 10:00 a.m. And then, we will have an
adjournment from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m.
Nhi: Our main objective (/əbˈdʒek.tɪv/) in today's negotiation is a successful negotiation.
On behalf of Maison, I hope we will have a long cooperation.
Tuyết: We should be grateful ( /ˈɡreɪt.fəl/ ) if you would give us further information
about your product.
Nhi: of course, please watch a short video we've prepared.
Hùng In your company's product introduction video, you identify three different types of
products. What exactly are those products?
Nhi: The company now has three main product lines: running shoes high, mid and low.
Tuyết: These three models conform ( /kənˈfɔːrm/ ) to the standard ( /ˈstæn.dɚd/)
we're looking for. After I have a chance to review the price list you sent us. I have some
inquiries ( /ˈɪŋ.kwɚ.is/) about the costs of the products. Why are running shoes more
expensive than other goods?
Ngọc: I am confident that this is the latest model in this year's autumn-winter collection
with quality completely made of premium leather. Moreover, the sole ( /soʊl/ ) of the
products is more specific than the previous shoes.
Hùng: The price list that Ms. Ngoc gave me indicates (/ˈɪn.də.keɪt/ ) that each pair costs
$49 when my party purchases ( /ˈpɝː.tʃəss/) 500 pairs. So, if we only purchase 100
pairs, would the pricing remain the same or change?
Nhi: At that point, the price will almost certainly increase.
Tuyết: I get the picture (idiom). would your business like to put your products with logos
(/ˈloʊ.ɡoʊ/ s) on our private (/ˈpraɪ.vət/) display area?
Nhi: That is also what we expect.
Hùng: Will we receive any incentives ( /ɪnˈsen.t̬ ɪv/s) if we display your items?
Ngọc: I strongly believe that you will get up to 40 percent discount on the total order
quantity ( /ˈkwɑːn.t̬ ə.t̬ i/) if you permit our logo to be shown (/ʃoʊn/) in your store.
Tuyết: I’m afraid we couldn’t agree to that. I am of the opinion that 5% is not
satisfactory. Would it be possible to increase the quantity to 8 percent? This is because I
have three sizable ( /ˈsaɪ.zə.bəl/ )stores in the city's center. Additionally (/əˈdɪʃ.ən.əl.i/), I
am sure that your goods will draw customers to our shop, especially young customers.
Hùng: Your rivals (/ˈraɪ.vəl/ s) are YODY Sports, who are willing to reduce their prices by
10% to get their goods on our display racks ( /ræk/).
Ngọc: Excuse me, is it okay with you if we take a short break?
Tuyết: of course. Are ten minutes enough?
Ngọc: yes, more than enough.
Nhi: Thank you for your patience. I looked into the business YODY Sports; they produce
a different brand of shoes than we do. There are also differences in prices and
promotions. If YODY Sports provides a 10% discount. I am afraid I couldn't agree to
that. 5% is the best I can do. The secretary will explain the details to you as follows.
Ngọc: There is a simple explanation for this. Although YODY and I produce the same
line of sports shoes, we choose premium leather. Besides, it has better sweat absorption
( /əbˈzɔːrp.ʃən/), is incredibly soft, and dries quickly. Especially the sole, which is made
of special rubber that is more environmentally friendly. We could well imagine that this
cost is acceptable for you.
Tuyết: Is it possible that the discount will increase by 6 percent?
Nhi: This is because of our first cooperation, that seems reasonable. Which line and how
many pairs of shoes are you looking to order?
Tuyết: My party is planning to order approximately (/əˈprɑːk.sə.mə ) 1000 pairs of
shoes. including 300 high, 400 mid, and 300 low pairs of running shoes.
Hùng: How long is the preparation (/ˌprep.əˈreɪ.ʃən/) time and delivery time?
Ngọc: The lengthy preparation and delivery times seem to be a bit long. This is because
you ordered a large number of items. Would it be possible to prepare and deliver goods
for at least a month?
Hùng: Unfortunately, that cannot be done! We require your product delivered within
three weeks because Christmas is quickly approaching and we will hold a promotion on
that day.
Nhi: If I were in your position, I believe the following proposal is more reasonable. In
order to save you money on space and other expenses, we will send 700 pairs in the first
two weeks and 300 pairs at the end of the third week. There will be some issues if we
provide you with the whole package. You'll have to pay a lot of money for inventory,
( /ˈɪn.vən.tɔːr.i/) space, and employees. That's reasonable, isn't it?
Tuyết: Thank you for making suggestions. I strongly believe that it seems reasonable.
This is because we can reduce our expenses ( /ɪkˈspens/ ) for staff, spaces, and
inventories. As a result, the business is more profitable (/ˈprɑː.fɪ.t̬ ə.bəl/). Furthermore, your
party may provide the items following the contract.
Hùng: The delivery charge is a further issue we want to go over with you. Would you
accept your organization paying the entire delivery cost?
Nhi: Would it be a problem if you waited for me for a few minutes?
Ngọc: Thank you for your patience (/ˈpeɪ.ʃəns/), Ms.Tuyet and Mr. Hung. I would like to
inform you that it is not possible because raw material costs usually go up at the end of
the year. Would you consider supporting 20% of my business?
Hùng: In view of our long-term good relations, we accept your request.
Tuyết: May I take a minute? When the product is delivered, we agree to pay 20% of the
cost, but if the damage was caused by your company mistake, you are still responsible for
paying the full cost of the products and shipping them back to us.
Nhi: I will ask the secretary to take notes and add them to the contract immediately.
Nhi: If you have any queries, please put them forth immediately.
Tuyết: I have asked all my inquiries for this morning. Thank you for a fruitful
( /ˈfruːt.fəl/) discussion.
Nhi: If you do not require any further information. I would like to end today's meeting
here. To get the contract ready for signing this afternoon, my secretary will finalize the
contract immediately. I suggest we meet again at around 4.30 p.m. to continue. Is it
convenient for you?
Tuyết: Well, 4: 30 p.m. would be fine. We are looking forward to a successful business
Nhi: We expect long-term cooperation, too.
Ngọc: I hope to see you soon.
Hùng: I hope to see you, too.

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