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Perform radix complement subtraction and diminished radix complement subtraction

in binary number system for the following numbers

a. (+32)-(+21)

b. (+52)-(+34)

c. (+21)-(+32)

d. (+34)-(+52)

e. (–22)-(+15)

2. Perform radix complement subtraction and diminished radix complement subtraction

in decimal number system for the following numbers

a. (+953)-(+833)

b. (+735)-(+620)

c. (+833)-(+953)

d. (+9420)- (+8635)

e. (–9512)-(+8615)

3. Perform radix complement subtraction and diminished radix complement subtraction

in octal number system for the following numbers

a. (+353)-(+533)

b. (+735)-(+620)

c. (+533)-(+353)

d. (+3420)- (+3635)

e. (–6512)-(+5615)

4. Perform radix complement subtraction and diminished radix complement subtraction

in hexadecimal number system for the following numbers

a. (+AC14)-(+ABC2)

b. (+12CD)-(+23CD)

c. (+32CD)-(+54BC)

d. (+ABC2)-(+AC14)
e. (+347D)-(+A1CD)

f. (+34CD)-(+9765)\

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