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-1- Filter Media & Back Fill Methodology

Methodology for Construction of Filter Media & Backfilling
behind the Structures.

1.1 General

1.1.1 Purpose / aim of the Method Statement submission:

Construction of Filter Media and Backfilling behind the Abutments, Wing Walls, Retaining
Walls and Return Walls as shown in the drawing.

1.1.2 Scope of the Method of Statement:

This work consists of covering the Filter Media and Backfilling beyond the structures.

1.1.3 Reference to other controlling documents where appropriate:

As per the contract drawings and technical specification Clause No: 2500 and Clause

1.2 Temporary Works

Safety works i.e. traffic regulation will be taken where ever necessary while unloading of
filter material and Backfilling material.

1.3 Surveys

The slope of the embankment will be checked as per drawing by supervision staff before
laying of filter media and Backfilling material.

1.4 Traffic Arrangements

Required manpower and display boards will be placed to regulate the flow of traffic with
out causing any congestion or stagnation.

1.5 Materials

1.5.1 Filter Media Material: The Filter Media materials will coarse sand and it will prevent
escape of the embankment material through the voids of the Filter Media and as well as
to allow free movement of water without creating any uplift head. The material should
fulfill the requirements as per MOSRTH, Clause No: 309.3.2.

Our Filter Media Material fulfill the requirements with the blending of 40mm Aggregates
– 30%, 20mm Aggregates – 30%, 10mm Aggregates – 40%
(Design Blend enclosed).

1.5.2 Backfill Material: The backfill material will be done with approved borrow material as
per IRC:78-2000, Appendix-6, Table-1.

-2- Filter Media & Back Fill Methodology

1.5.3 Acceptance Criteria: The gradation of the Filter Media Material will be satisfy the
following requirements.

a) D15 (Filter) < 5

D85 (Base)

b) 4 < D15 (Filter) < 20

D15 (Base)

c) D50 (Filter) < 25

D50 (Base)

1.6 Work Sequence Programme

Checking of embankment slope as per drawing

Transport and unloading of Filter Material & Boulders / Stones

Removal of unwanted material from the slopes of Embankment (if any)

Laying of Filter media as per drawing

Backfilling Behind the filter media (Max. 200mm compacted thick)

Compaction of Filter media & Backfill in single operation

1.7 Plants & Equipments

Tippers, water tanker, Vibratory roller / Mechanical tamper / Plate vibrator

-3- Filter Media & Back Fill Methodology

1.8 Work Methodology

The extent of backfill to be provided behind the abutment as in the drawing.

Laying of Filter Media Material and Backfill material will starts from the sill level
simultaneously with the 600 mm thickness as per the following manner.

1.8.1 Provide the wire mesh / Geotextile membrane at the weep holes location and then place
the Bigger size material i.e. more than 100 mm boulders packed to a thickness of 300
mm towards the wall and balance 300 mm thickness will be packed with blended filter
media material as per the design and laid the backfill material behind the filter media
material simultaneously. The entire operation will be done with single operation with the
compacted thickness of 150mm (Maximum) with 95% compaction.

1.9 Measurement for Payment

The Backfill and filter media will be measured separately in cum.

-4- Filter Media & Back Fill Methodology

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