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The neutra I zone in complete dentures

Victor E. Beresin, 0.0.5.,* and Frank J. Schiesser, O.D.S... Temple Unir;eTsit)'School of DentistTY, PhilodelPhio, Pa.

The neutral-zone approach to complete denture construction is neither new nor original bt:t, rather, constitutes the bringing together of the concepts and ideas of man)' men into a \'iabJe and practical procedure. O\'er the past forty }'ears, numerot:s articles which have touched upon or related to what wc ha\'c termed the "neutral,zo:1c concept" ha,'c appeared in .the literature. Vnfoftunatel)', the profession generaIly has ignored these ideas, and consequently, the principies are frequently b}passed in denture construction. The two men who probably ha\'e contr:buted the moS!to these cO:1cepts re \fila ford Fish1 and Russel\ Tench.2 Many others,2.e inc1uding Perryl' and the Detroit Dental Clinic Club, have he1ped to advance and de,'elop both the theoretical basis and practical procedures. Complete dentures are primarily mechanical dC\'ces,but since the)' function in the oral ca\'ity, they must be fashioned 50 that they are jn haonony with noonal neuromuscular function. Ali oral functions, such as speech, mastication, s\\"aI:owing, smiling, and }aughing, in\'oh-e the srnergistic actiom af the tongue, lips, cheeks, and floor of the mouth which are \'ery complex and highly indh'idual. Failure to recogmze the cardinal importance of tooth postion and flange form and contour oflen results in dentures which are unstable and umatisfactory, c\'cn though they were skillfulI)' designed and expenly comlrucled. The cool'dination of complete dentures with neuromuscular function is the foundation of successful, stable denlures. When ali af the natural teeth ha\'e becn lost, there exists within the oral ca,'ity
a 1"Qj,c;I. which is the potential denture space (Fig. 1). The neutral 70ne is that area in the potential denture space \\'here d:e forces of the tongue pressing outward a~e neutralized by forces of the cheeks and lips pressing inward. Since these forces a~e del'eloped through muscular cOl1traction during the ,'arious functions of chc,,"ing, speaking, and swallowing, they ,-aI)' in magnitude allll direclion in different individuais.
Read befo", the Acarlpmy af Denture Prasthetics, Washington, D. C.

*Associate Clnical ** Assistant Clinica!

Professor, Department, Dep:lrtment

af Prosthetic af Pronhetic

Dentistry. Dentis:ry.

Fig. 1. Df'nture ~p3ee: A. eross ~cetion or molar r.rea; B, 1:1:era1 \"icw or im;i""r area. (From Beresb. V. E., and Schiesser, F. J.: The ~eulral Zone in Complete Dcntures, St. Loui~, 19i3, Thc C. V. ~o.b). Company)

NEUTRAL ZONE TIIt: suft lissues thal form the internal and cxtcrnLIl .boun~;:tf.~es of the denture ~p<lce exert forces which greatly influence the stability of the dentures. The central thcsis of the neutral-zone._~b. to complete dentures is to Jorale lhat area in the / .

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