Emtech F 1ST

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-refers to a program created by developers that can be modified or reprogrammed by other
outside users.
-it is a facility for programming or developing an application tailored to the user’s

API (Application Programming Interface)

-API is a set of governing protocols or rules on how software elements should communicate
and interact with one another for building software application.
1. Who make requests
2. API
3. What they requests

Social Media Platforms

-for Web sites developers and bloggers, plug-in APIs are the most popular because they are
simple and easy to integrate
-in computing, a plug-in (or plugin, add-in, addin, add-on, addon) is a software component
that adds a specific feature to an existing computer program. When a program supports plug-ins, it
enables customization.

Common Web sites that use plug-in APIs are:

1. Youtube
-dedicated to hosting video clips
2. Twitter
-that enables users to send and read short messages with 140 characters. These short
messages are called tweets.
3. Facebook
-that requires the user to register an account and create a user profile.
4. Instagram
5. Google Maps
-are one of the most used APIs by Web sites developers.
-used to indicate a location of an establishment described on a Webs site.


-to create an effective Web sites or Web page, the designer of the Web site must instill a
number of pointers.
-the designer should also make the Web site eye-catching
-the Web site should make site visitors curious so that the information presented on the Web
site is widely disseminated.


1. Purpose
-a Web site can be categorized primarily in terms of the goal it aims to fulfill.
2. Communication
-essentially, when we visit a Web site, the primary objective is to absorb as much
valuable information as possible in the shortest amount of time.
3. Typefaces
-this is an essential factors in Web design because this is considered the most
dominant and noticeable in terms of visuals.
-deals with text format, text style, and text.
4. Colors
-These enhance the experience of visitors of the Web sites.
-can produce a better viewing experience not only in the image and pictures but also
in the texts.
5. Images
-alone placed on the Web site can deliver a complete message that the Web site
wishes to communicate to the audience.
6. Navigation
-refers to the facility that the audience can use to go through the Web sites and its
-Ways on how to create an effective and good navigating system on a Web site:
a. Hierarchical organization of information
b. Button or links
c. Search bars
7. Layout
-refers to the physical arrangement of the content and elements on Web site
-there are various ways on how to add an effective layout on a Web site, and
typically, these ways are determined by the creator developer.

-enables user to create sections or group of related information.
F Pattern
-placing more information at the top and left part og the screen
-portability and convenience brought about by mobile devices to their users
Load Time
-it best to minimize the elements in a Web page and remove the elements that are not
important in delivering the information


-This unit is arranged to help you become familiar with multimedia applications, specifically
the interactive applications and their effects on published content.
-By knowing different feedback methods, you can assess the effectiveness of the content and
learn which part needs to be updated or edited. 
-defined as the mixture of different content forms such as texts, music, photos or images,
interactive content, animation or videos.
-also rich in content because of its abundance of variation in presenting information.
-User Experience is used to evaluate the effectiveness of a product to consumers
-it is defined as the behaviors shown (either good or bad) by the person that uses the

Categories of Multimedia:
1. Linear Multimedia
 is a type of a multimedia that is designed to be presented in a sequential manner. It
has a distinct beginning and end. It goes on a logical flow from a starting point to a
 It is usually intended for display purposes with not much interaction or distraction
from the audience.
 e.g.
- A website
- A search engine’s home page
- A DvD menu screen
- A Youtube channel
- An anime or Korean drama streaming site.
2. Non-Linear Multimedia
 is a non-sequential type of multimedia where the person’s participation is crucial. In
this type of media, the person needs to interact with a computer program, thus
making him in control of the experience.
 From a starting point, the person using a nonlinear multimedia is given a range of
options that, according to his own preferences, will lead him to a new information.
 e.g.
- A PowerPoint presentation
- A slideshow of pictures that goes on with a specific direction
- A storyline/ A movie
- An anime episode
- A YouTube video

Types of Multimedia:
1. Multimedia Games and Simulations
2. Multimedia Presentation
3. Multimedia Navigation

Application of Embedded Multimedia

1. Advertising
-companies pay Web hosts in exchange for placing ads of their products
2. Entertainment
-considered as one of the most popular among multimedia applications
3. Education
-multimedia is now used as an unconventional method of teaching and learning
4. Industrial
-play a major role in different aspects of the industry from management sales.

Online Participation
-this is a start of the interaction between users and online facilities to improve user

Video on Demand (VoD)

-systems that enable users to select video and audio content when they want it.
-e.g. podcasting and voscas


OCW (OpenCourseWare)
-refers to lecture videos that are published by universities on the Web. It aims to educate
people online on different subjects and disciplines.


-multimedia can play a major role as the main component of ICT platforms.


ICT for Development (ICT4D)
-use of information and communications technology in the field of international development,
socioeconomic development, and human rights.

ICT4D cube
-describes the fusion of different aspects of the society and their interaction with ICT
-Generic or Basic services are those that a certain government offices provides
 Supported by:
 Human Capital
-refers to the manpower dedicated to fulfill the tasks
for development
 Financing
-refers to money that supports the expenses for
 Framework
-refers to structures of the services for development
 Additional support:
 E-business (financial transactional)
 E-government
 E-health (health services)
 E-culture (promotes customs and ethnic groups)
 E-learning (education of individual)
 E-media (disseminating and informing the public)


-The development and improvement of communication is continuously evolving. The
introduction of mobile devices, faster computers, and faster internet connections paved the way for
more accessible and available Web applications.
Today, almost everyone is connected to one another in a variety of ways.
 Via short messaging system (SMS) or text messages.
 Via calls and multimedia messaging system (MMS).
 Via Internet and connect via social media and messaging systems.

People Power I (EDSA)

-One of the first times that the power of communication and the power of citizens were used
in the Philippines was during the first People Power Revolution.
-the internet and mobile phones were still not popular.

People Power II (EDSA)

-The popularity of mobile phones enabled group texts and chain texts that helped spread the
information more quickly.

Million People March

-This was the first time that Filipinos protested not against an individual but against a system.
The protest was against the pork barrel fund.

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