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GD3202 – Hydrography II Full name: Dayla Tharra Ulima

Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering NIM: 15120024

Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology Date:1/21/2023
Institut Teknologi Bandung Class: K-01

Tide in hydrography define as variation of sea level due to the gravity force of mutual attraction between
the earth/moon and earth/sun system. The height difference between high tide and low tide are defined
as the tidal range, the value is vary due to the location of the moon and sun. Tidal range can be calucltaed
using the following equation :
2 × (𝐴𝑀2 + 𝐴𝑆2 + 𝐴𝐾1 + 𝐴𝑂1 )
With that tidal are classifed into three basic tidal pattern based on the frequency of the high tides and
low tides which are diurnal, semi-diurnal and mixed semi-diurnal. Tidal type can be calculated using
the following equation :
𝐾1 + 𝑂1
𝑀2 + 𝑆2
By using matlab program we can compute the value of tidal range and tidal type :
format longG
%% change NaN value into 0
k = find(isnan(m2_amp))';
m2_amp(k) = 0;
m2_amp(isnan(m2_amp)) = 0;


%% Calculate Tide Range and Type

% Tide Range
TR = 2 * (m2_amp + s2_amp + k1_amp +o1_amp);

% Tidal Type
for i = 1:901
for j = 1:1951
TT(i,j) = (k1_amp(i,j) + o1_amp(i,j)) / (m2_amp(i,j) + s2_amp(i,j));
%% Plot Tidal Range

%% Plot Tidal Type


From the computation we conduct a value as below:

Figure 1 Tidal Range

From the figure above we can conclude that the tidal range of the given data can be classified as :
TR < 2 m Micro Tidal
2 m < TR < 4 m Meso Tidal
TR > 4 m Macro Tidal
Different type of tidal range occur due to physical property of water, wind, area of low atmospheric
pressure cause elevated sea-level, wheras high pressure depresses sea-level. A strong wind can hold
back a high tidde or reiforce it. Tidal range also increases with the distance from an amphidromic point.

Figure 2 Tidal Type

𝐹 < 0.25 Semi Diurnal

0.25 ≤ 𝐹 < 1.5 Mixed Semi diurnal
1.5 ≤ 𝐹 < 3 Mixed Diurnal
𝐹≥3 Diurnal

From the figure above and the calculation we can analyze that the tidal type vary in different area of
Indonesian archipelago. The semi diurnal tides can be found through the Banda Sea, Flores Sea and
nothwards through the Molucca Sea Region. While the diurnal tide occur westward around both the
northern and southern coasts of Kalimantan, intersecting to form a complicated system of large-
amplitude, nearly amphidromic systems west of Kalimantan. The tides throughout the eastern
archipelago, as well as in the adjoining Pacific are classified as mixed semi-diurnal and the tides west
and south of Kalimantan are mixed Diurnal.

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