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Ngerit Cave

One of the tourism object in the city of Trenggalek,the name is Ngerit Cave,this place is located in
Senden Village,Kampak District,Trenggalek Regency,East Java. In this tourist area, you will be greeted
by rocky mountains and a variety of stunning natural rocks. Even though it's called the Cave of Ngerit
tours, the natural charm offerex is not limited to cave tours..

Goa Ngerit tourism in Trenggalek very interesting nature to visit. Goa Ngerit tourism in Trenggalek is
suitable to fill your spare time especially during school holidays and other holidays. The beauty of
Goa Ngerit's natural tourism also offers a spot that is quite challenging, namely the stone house. The
stone house is five meters high. From the top of the syone house you can enjoy the amazing
panorama below, the breeze is very cool. But you have to be careful if you go up, because from the
stone house there is still minimal safety so you are prone to falling.

There are various spots that are no less interesting to enjoy, such as the Ngerit waterfall. This
waterfall is a favorite spot for tourists to take selfies, because the position of the waterfall is
between large rocks. Ngerit Cave offers another interesting panorama to explore in every corner.
From the railing in the form of a bamboo bridge that hangs over the river that stimulates adrenaline
if you walk along the bridge.

In the Cave of Ngerit there is also a small cave in the area of the Cave of Ngerit. The road is rocky and
passes through a clean river that makes you feel at home visiting this tour. You have to be careful
when exploring the Cave area. The rocky area that is piled up on either side of the cave makes the
atmosphere of the cave very natural.

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