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From: Saved by Blink

Date: 9/7/2021 8:08:35 AM
Subject: THE STANDARDS Program

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With the release of Knee Ability PRO coming this weekend, it's a good time to review "The Standards," which provide the world's first math-
based full-body approach to human bulletproofing and anti-gravity, and also quite possibly the most "full-range-of-motion" strength program
Each exercise below is linked to a video showing you how to progress, including demonstration by me of the Standard itself, ON
AVERAGE IN 60 SECONDS total, with subtitles so you don't even have to have the volume on. I think this was my favorite video series
ever, because of how fast each video gets the point across:
I believe these are the 3 most essential Ankle Standards:
1. Dumbbell Tibialis Raise 12.5% bodyweight x 20 reps
2. Standing Calf Raise 25% bodyweight x 10 reps
3. Single-Leg KOT Calf Raise 25% bodyweight x 10 reps
I believe these are the 3 most essential Knee Standards:
1. Bar on Back Patrick Step Up on 6 inch box with 100% bodyweight for 10 reps
2. Dumbbell ATG Split Squat on flat ground with heel lifted and 50% bodyweight (25% per hand)
3. KOT Squat knees to floor (with 2" padding for safety) x 10 reps
I believe these are the 3 most essential Standards for your Hip Extension/Posterior Chain (hamstrings + glutes + lower back):
1. Full-Range Nordic x 10 reps
2. Jefferson Curl 25% bodyweight (12.5% per hand) x 10 reps (with wrists below toes!)
3. Single-Leg Back Extension 50% bodyweight (25% per hand) x 10 reps
And I believe these are each the 3 most essential Standards for the front of the Shoulders:
1. Cross-Bench Pullover 25% bodyweight x 10 reps (with hips and elbows below shoulders)
2. DB Shoulder Press 50% bodyweight (25% per hand) x 10 reps (w/ one head of DB on either side of shoulder)
3. Full-Range Dip x 10 reps
...and for the back of the Shoulders:
1. External Rotation 10% bodyweight x 10 reps
2. Full-Range Chin Up x 10 reps
3. Full-Range Row x 10 reps
Hip-Flexors are also necessary, but are the most equipment-dependent, so you have 3 options counted as 1 Standard: click here to
see all 3.
Option A Standard: being able to hold yourself off the ground in an L-Sit (Click here for more details and regression tips .)
Option B Standard: Stall Bars Toes to Bar x 10
Option C Standard: Low-Cable Pull-in 50% bodyweight x 20
Last but not least, I do believe the QL (Quadratus Lumborum) Raise is also necessary:
Standard: 25% bodyweight x 10 reps (Click here to see how to perform without a back extension .)
Here's exactly what the schedule looks like:

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{Note: Reverse Deadmill/Sled (aka ROKP as in "Reverse Out Knee Pain") is my suggested warm-up for each session, performing 1-3 sets
of 2 minutes on/off, resulting in the world's fastest and most "money-in-the-bank" warm-up for world-class knee bulletproofing and
athleticism! Click here to watch a 1 minute 12 second video showing my current Top 6 favorite methods for this . There is no "Standard"
for this since sleds, surfaces, etc., will vary in difficulty. Lighter but faster, or heavier and slower, can both burn equally - what matters
most is INTENT, always trying to gradually build up to the maximum pain-free bloodflow you can create!}
1. Patrick Step Up 5 x 10
2A. KOT Calf Raise 3 x 10
2B. Wall Tibialis 3 x 20
2C. Single-Leg Back Extension 3 x 10
3A. Cross-Bench Pullover 3 x 10
3B. External Rotation 3 x 10
1. ATG Split Squat 5 x 10
2A. Jefferson Curl 3 x 10
2B. Hip Flexors 3 sets (choose one of the options in the video: L-Sit = tap-out, Stall Bars = 10 reps, Cable = 20 reps)
2C. QL Extension 3 x 10
3A. Full-Range Chin Up 3 x 10 (rest, repeat until you get to 10, if you can't do 10 straight, or regress to eccentrics.)
3B. Full-Range Shoulder Press 3 x 10
1. KOT Squat 5 x 10
2A. Full-Range Nordic 3 x 10
2B. Standing Calf Raise 3 x 10
2C. Dumbbell Tibialis 3 x 20
3A. Full-Range Row 3 x 10
3B. Full-Range Dip 3 x 10
This is a target-based program that would be used until all Standards are achieved, backing off and just maintaining a Standard once it is
hit, perhaps with even more attention to impeccable form, but not with increased load. The goal is to get your body balanced with all the
above qualities, then graduate onto Knee Ability Pro, which is quite different, with 12 consecutive weeks of never repeating the same exact
48 hours recovery has proven time and time again to create the best results with these movements, hence a Monday-Wednesday-Friday
schedule, ideally. So: what to do on off-days? I have 4 Levels of activity for off-days, and you don't have to plan it out ahead of time. I think
a mixture of the following works best...
Option 1 is REST. This is totally acceptable.
Option 2 is STRETCH. Click here for the 6 stretches I advise most while on this program .
Option 3 is to keep pumping blood to the knees with extra ROKP (Reverse Out Knee Pain). The video for this is linked above since this is
my favorite warm-up for the Standards sessions themselves, but I also suggest watching this 2 minute 12 second video which goes into
deeper detail about why ROKP can be done more frequently than the Standards exercises themselves: click here to study it !
If you choose to Stretch and ROKP, I suggest ROKP first to get warm, then Stretch after to relax.
And Option 4 is to work on ATHLETIC qualities, but at the level you can do with no pain, and in ways that actually make you MORE
bulletproof. These are my current evidence-based solutions for Jumping, Running, and Lateral Motion. I believe anyone can become world-
class at these qualities with proper strength training plus these solutions:
-Click here to learn my Jumper's Knee Ability formula
-Click here to learn my Runner's Knee Ability formula
-And click here to learn my Lateral Knee Ability formula
If you choose an athletic option, I suggest using only one per session.
If you choose to Stretch and ROKP and work on an Athletic Ability, I suggest starting with an Athletic Ability, then ROKP, then Stretch.
I'm very excited to bring you my most detailed program ever this weekend, BUT all great successes are built on incredible attention to the
FUNDAMENTALS, and it should not be underestimated how much transformation can be obtained from the STANDARDS alone!
Yours in Bulletproofing,

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