Lesson 3 - Managing Software and Processes - Part 2

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Lesson 3: Managing Software and


This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 1

Objectives covered

o 102.5 Use RPM and YUM package management (weight: 3)

o 102.4 Manage Debian package management (weight: 3)
o 102.3 Manage shared libraries (weight: 1)
o 103.5 Create, monitor, and kill process (weight: 4)
o 103.6 Modify process execution priorities (weight: 2)

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 2

Manage shared libraries

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 3

Library types

Shared library naming convention: libLIBRARYNAME.so.VERSION

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 4

Library files location





/lib*/ & /usr/lib*/

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 5

Dynamic linker/loader (ld-linux.so or ld.so)

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 6

Working with Library cache (/etc/ld.so.cache)

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 7

Library dependencies

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 8

Create, monitor
and kill process

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 9

Viewing processes

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 10

Viewing processes

ps [option]

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 11

Viewing processes


This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 12

Employing muliple screen

screen & tmux

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 13

Background and Foreground processes

Foreground process

background process

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 14

Manage background processes

jobs [option] [job-id]

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 15

Bring jobs to foreground and vice versa
Bring jobs to foreground

Send running program to background

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 16

Process signals

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 17

Sending signals to process

kill [option] process

Default signal is TERM

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 18
Sending signals to process

killall, pkill & pgrep

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 19

Keep job running after log-out

nohup program/script &

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 20

Modify process execution

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 21

Manage process priorities

nice –n VALUE Command

nice value in scale of -20 à 19 (with higher priority on the left)

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 22

Manage process priorities

renice [–n] VALUE [PID] [-u Users] [-g Groups]

This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 23


This document is created by Nguyen Hoang Chi Chi.Nguyen.e4w@gmail.com Page 24

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