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Module Overview

Module 1

Purpose of this module

The purpose of this module is to introduce the new normal school activity to the students and
still engage to their daily routine as a students.

Introduction to Industrial electronics

This module covers the major topic of electronics such as the concepts, micro devices, and the
continuation of the “Devices and Analysis”.

Module Guide

The students had to engage as an independent learner in this self-study designed module. Also,
the student had to familiarize themselves with the topics through the series of explanations and
examples given.

The main topic on this module is all about the use and functions of electronics devices.

Module Outcome

After the lesson/activity, you will able to:

Develop your potential in engineering and learn how to communicate electronics languages and terms.

Module Requirements

By the end of this module, you need to answer all the assessments and activity given.
Steady-State Equivalent Circuit Modelling, Losses, and Efficiency

1.1 The DC Transformer model

1.2 Inductor Copper Loss
1.3 Design of Equivalent Circuit Model

Let us now consider the basic functions performed by a switching

converter, and attempt to represent these functions by a simple equivalent
circuit. The designer of a converter power stage must calculate the network
voltages and currents, and specify the power components accordingly. Losses and
efficiency are of prime importance. The use of equivalent circuits is a physical and
intuitive approach which allows the well-known techniques of circuit analysis to
be employed. As noted in the previous chapter, it is desirable to ignore the small
but complicated switching ripple, and model only the important dc components
of the waveforms. The dc transformer is used here to model the ideal functions
performed by a dc-dc converter. This simple model correctly represents the
relationships between the dc voltages and currents of the converter. The model
can be refined by including losses, such as semiconductor forward voltage drops
and on-resistances, inductor core and copper losses, etc. The resulting model can
be directly solved, to find the voltages, currents, losses, and efficiency in the
actual unideal converter.
1.1 Inductor Copper loss
The dc transformer model of figure can be extended, to model other properties of the
converter. Non idealities, such as sources of power loss, can be modelled by adding resistors as
appropriate. In later chapters, we will see that converter dynamics can be modelled as well, by
adding inductors and capacitors to the equivalent circuit. Let us consider the inductor copper
loss in a boost converter. Practical inductors exhibit power loss of two types: (1) copper loss,
originating in the resistance of the wire, and (2) core loss, due to hysteresis and eddy current
losses in the magnetic core. A suitable model which describes the inductor copper loss is given,
in which a resistor RL is placed in series with the inductor. The actual inductor then consists of
an ideal inductor, L, in series with the copper loss resistor RL.

Power Loss in Inductor: Copper Loss. The loss that occurs due to the resistance of
the winding of the inductor is referred to as copper loss. These losses depend on
the current flowing through the inductor.
The copper loss of an inductor can be calculated by multiplying the square of the
current in the inductor by the resistance of the winding (I 2 R). In addition to
copper loss, an iron-core coil (inductor) has two iron losses. These are
The resistance of the winding or the d.c copper loss of an inductor is important.
Because it has a 1st order effect on the cost and efficiency of the inductor in the
converter. If you don't care how large this resistance is I can wind you
an inductor that is arbitrarily small and inexpensive that can give you the
desired inductance.
Since an inductor (coil) consists of a number of turns of wire, and since all wire
has some resistance, every inductor has a certain amount of resistance. Normally
this resistance is small. It is usually neglected in solving various types of ac circuit
problems because the reactance of the inductor (the opposition to alternating
current, which will be discussed later) is so much greater than the resistance that
the resistance has a negligible effect on the current.
Whenever two coils are located so that the flux from one coil links with the turns
of the other coil, a change of flux in one coil causes an emf to be induced in the
other coil. This allows the energy from one coil to be transferred or coupled to the
other coil. The two coils are said to be coupled or linked by the property of
MUTUAL INDUCTANCE (M). The amount of mutual inductance depends on the
relative positions of the two coils. This is shown in figure 2-12. If the coils are
separated a considerable distance, the amount of flux common to both coils is
small and the mutual inductance is low. Conversely, if the coils are close together
so that nearly all the flux of one coil links the turns of the other, the mutual
inductance is high. The mutual inductance can be increased greatly by mounting
the coils on a common iron core.
1.3 Design of Equivalent Circuit Model

ARTIFICIAL materials exhibiting anomalous values of the permeability, (e.g.,

materials with values of the relative permeability greater than one, with negative
values of the permeability: the so-called mu-negative materials, with a zero value
of the permeability, with an absolute value of the relative permeability less than
one: the so-called mu-near-zero materials are of interest in many applications at
different frequency ranges. Such materials are usually obtained at microwaves by
printing suitable metallic resonating inclusions on supporting dielectric boards
and stacking the boards to form a medium.
One of the most powerful tools when modelling electrical circuits is
superposition. The principle, which applies to any linear system consisting of
multiple energy sources, allows the effect of each source to be analysed
independently. Summing the effects of the individual sources working alone
produces the net effect of all sources acting together. The condition of linearity
means simply that all variables in the system are proportionally related (no
exponents, powers, or roots).

Thevenin's theorem
Thevenin's theorem, based on superposition, reduces linear circuits to
equivalent models consisting of a voltage source in series with a resistor.
Thevenin's equivalents are useful when analyzing power systems and
other circuits where the load resistance may change. To find a circuit's
Thevenin source voltage vT, replace the load resistor with an open circuit.
The open-circuit voltage vOC is simply vT because no voltage drops
across RT when i = 0. To find the Thevenin equivalent resistance RT,
remove all power sources and calculate the total resistance across the
load terminals.
Norton's theorem
Norton's theorem, related to Thevenin's, states that a complex linear
circuit can reduce to an equivalent current source and parallel resistor.
This is the dual of Thevenin's theorem, where instead of voltage,
equations focus on current relationships. As such, the first step is finding
the source current iN by replacing the load with a short and calculating
current through it. Here, iN = iSC because source current is diverted
through the short circuit load. To find the equivalent resistance RN,
remove all power sources and calculate total resistance at the load.

What is equivalent circuit model?

In electrical engineering and science, an equivalent circuit refers to a
theoretical circuit that retains all of the electrical characteristics of a
given circuit. However, more complex equivalent circuits are used that
approximate the nonlinear behavior of the original circuit as well.

DC and AC equivalent circuits

In linear circuits, due to the superposition principle, the output of a circuit is equal
to the sum of the output due to its DC sources alone, and the output from its AC
sources alone. Therefore, the DC and AC response of a circuit is often analyzed
independently, using separate DC and AC equivalent circuits which have the same
response as the original circuit to DC and AC currents respectively. The composite
response is calculated by adding the DC and AC responses:

• A DC equivalent of a circuit can be constructed by replacing all capacitances

with open circuits, inductances with short circuits, and reducing AC sources to
zero (replacing AC voltage sources by short circuits and AC current sources by
open circuits.)
• An AC equivalent circuit can be constructed by reducing all DC sources to zero
(replacing DC voltage sources with short circuits and DC current sources with
open circuits)
This technique is often extended to small-signal nonlinear circuits like tube and
transistor circuits, by linearizing the circuit about the DC bias point Q-point, using
an AC equivalent circuit made by calculating the equivalent small signal AC
resistance of the nonlinear components at the bias point.
Equivalent Circuit


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