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Teacher’s Name: Samantha Grace H. De Ata Grade Level/Subject: VIII-T.L.E.

Topic/Title: Carpentry Tools and Construction Time Allotment: 1 hour

Date: January 31, 2023

I- OBJECTIVES (Content Standard, Performance Standard, Learning Competencies)

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates an understanding of the underlying
principles in the preparation of carpentry tools and construction
Performance Standard: The learner independently prepares carpentry tools and
construction materials based on industry standards.
Competency Code: TLE_IACP7/8UT-0a-1
Learning Competencies: After the series of learning experiences, the students should be
able to:

a. Identify tools and materials used in carpentry.

b. Describe tools and materials used in carpentry.
c. Appreciate the value of having tools and materials at home.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Carpentry
Subtopic: Carpentry tools and construction materials
Reference:  Learner’s Material Pages K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
Technology and Livelihood Education Learning
 Module pages 6-8
 Https://
 https://familyhandyman
 https://www.
 http://slidehsarenet.
Materials: Realia, Visual aids, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation
Related Subjects/Topics/Integration:
Information and Communication Technology: Integration of ICT using PPT
English: Homograph
Values Education: Collaboration and Self-discipline
Numeracy: Counting numbers and time management
MAPEH: Demonstrate the uses of each tool
GAD: There is no gender bias in doing carpentry
Science: Explaining the symptoms of tetanus and the tetanus vaccine
Discussing why sea sand is not allowed in construction activities

III. Procedure
 Greetings
 Classroom management
 Checking of attendance
 Drill
 The students will supply the following missing letters to form a new word.
1. H_ _ M_ _ (HELMET)
3. C_ _E_T (CEMENT)
4. N _ I L _ (NAILS)
5. W_T_R (WATER)

 Review
 Motivation (Picture presentation)
 Presenting of Objectives
 Unlocking of Difficult terms


 The teacher will group the students in to three groups. Each group will be given a brown envelope.
Inside the envelop are the different types of houses in the Philippines. After 5 minutes the students will
choose two representatives to report in front.

Materials inside the brown envelope:

 Picture of the assigned house
 Manila paper
 Marker
 The students will write the materials needed in constructing a concrete house, non-concrete house, and
semi-concrete house.


 The teacher will check the presentation of each group using the rubric.

The students’ performance will guided with the following criteria:


 The teacher will facilitate a picture of Construction Materials and Tools.

Tools and materials according to their Job description

To construct a house, we need the following materials:

 Sand- Fine gritty substance found in the shore and dessert.
 Plywood- a thin cross laminated sheet of wood.
 Gravel- a course aggregate of any hard material mixed with cement to form a concrete.
 Lumber- a wooden boards or logs that have been sawn.
 Nails- made of metal used for fastening woods.
 Cement- a powder substance which when mixed with water acts as binder of aggregate.
 Water-added in the mixture of cement and aggregate.
 Reinforcing steel bar- use to reinforce the strength of construction works
 Currugated galvanized iron sheet-use for roofing
The basic tools
 Plumb-bob- used for vertical alignment
 Try Square- Used to test the squareness of a stock
 Hacksaw -fine tooth saw used to cut metals and pipes
 Pull-push rule- used for measuring long distance
 Hammer-used for driving and pulling out nails.
 Shovel- Used for mixing aggregates, cement and water
 Combination Plier- used to cut tire wires.


 The teacher will show a real tools and materials used in carpentry, then the student will identify,
describe, and give the uses of the each tools.


 Why it is good to have a tool in your house?

 Why is it important to know the uses of tools and materials in carpentry?
 How can we avoid harm in using tools in carpentry.

Select the best answer from the choices given. Write your answer before the number.
_____1. Why is it important to have a tool in carpentry at home?
a.It is important because it will help us to get the job done faster and easier and without it, we won't be
able to finish our project early and easily.
b.No, it is not important to have a tool at home.
c. Not necessarily important because I can use rock instead of using hammer.
d.It is important to have a tool so that your neighbors can borrow your tools
_____2. Implements manipulated by the hand to facilitate carpentry works.
a. tools b. equipment c. materials d. hardware
_____3. What tool is used in driving nails.
a. chisel b. level bar c. hammer d. drill bit

_____4. Identify the name of this tool (Push-pull rule)

_____5. Identify the name of this material (nail)

Draw a house in a short bond paper and write the necessary materials to be used in constructing a house.

No. of class: __ __
No. of items: 5__

Mastery Level:_________________________
Prepared by:


Teacher I

Checked by:

Head teacher 2

Noted by:


_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

(Observer 1) (Observer2) (Observer 3)

_____________________________ _____________________________
(Observer 4) (Observer5)

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