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New Campbellville Secondary School

School Based Assessment

Name Of Candidate: Karishma Seepaul

Candidate Number:
Center Number:
Territory: Guyana
Teacher: Sir Clinton O’Neil
Table of Content
 Problem Statement 4
 Aims

-Methodology 5-13
 Experimental Design
 Materials And Equipment 5
 Activities 6-12
 Data Collection 13

-Results 13-15
 Collected Relevant Data 13
 Presentation Of Data 14
 Interpretation Of Data 15
-Discussion 15
-Limitations 15
-Recommendations 15
-Conclusion 15
-Cost Analysis 16-18
 Complete Budget 16
 Actual Income, Expenditure and Surplus/Shortfall 17
 Comparison Of Complete Budget and Actual
Income,Expenditure ,Surplus/Shortfall

-Reference 19
Problem Statement
Molasses is a thick dark brown juice obtained from raw sugar during the refining
process. It can be a source of quick energy and an excellent source of minerals and
other nutrients for farm animals.

Would the addition of the molasses in water during the six weeks period affect the
weight gain and profitability?

To investigate whether the addition of molasses during the six weeks period would
affect the weight gain of the broiler birds.
To investigate whether the addition of molasses in the water during the six weeks
period will affect the profit margin in the broiler birds.
Experimental Design
The broiler birds were brooded into two sections for two weeks. Section B was the
experimental Section and Section A the controlled. All the birds were fed with
broiler starter for the first two weeks. A waterer in section b had contained
molasses, Section A however only had plain water molasses was not added. They
were removed and placed into the larger pen remaining in the same two sections.
Three birds from each section were randomly selected and weighed weekly. After
this was all done the birds were slaughtered after six weeks. They had also gotten
weighed before they were slaughtered to collect their live and dress weight and
were then packaged and marketed.

Materials and Equipment

Wood Shavings-To lay on the cold ground to prevent the birds from getting cold.
Feed-The feed both starter and grower are used for the birds to eat.
Sugar-To be added into the water as an energy boost.
Disinfectant-To be used to disinfect the pen of any bacteria present.
Water-To fill the waterers and footbath and to also be used to clean the pen.
Plastic Bags-To place the chickens in after cleaning and weighing to be marketed.
Kerosene- Was used as a lighter fuel to start a fire to hot water.
Molasses-Was used to be a nutrient boost and energy boost.
Bulb-To provide heat and light to the bird’s day and night.
Tarpaulin-To prevent cold air from coming into the section the birds were in.
Wood-Was used as fuel to help start a fire.
Match-Used to light a fire.
Cardboard-Used to surround the area the birds were in.

Scale-To weigh the birds.
Broom-To sweep the unnecessary dust and wood shavings.
Bucket-To collect water to wash the pen and change the footbath and Automatic
Waterer-To provide water for the birds daily.
Feeder-To provide feed for the birds daily.
Cutting Mat-To put the chickens after they were dipped in hot water and to be
Killing Cone-To slaughter the broiler birds.
Knife-To cut the bird’s foot,head etc off.
Bowl-To put water in to wash off the birds while plucking.
Rope-To hang the birds while they drain.
Kahari-Is used to put water in to be heated up.
Cutlass-To cut the wood into pieces to be burnt.
File-To sharpen the cutlass.
Hammer-Used to help build the brooding area.
Table-To place the necessary equipment and material on.
Feeding Of Birds
The metal feeders were placed low as the birds were still young. Broiler starter
was placed in the feeders filling it all the way. The birds are still young so they
start off with broiler starter. After two weeks the birds were given broiler grower as
they had now grown so the remaining four weeks they got fed broiler grower.
Data Collection

Three birds were randomly selected from Section A and Section B, the birds were
weighed separated from each section on a scale. The weights of the birds from
Section A were added then divided by three after converting it to pounds from
ounces to get the average weight ,the same was done for Section B .This was done
on a weekly basis .All the data was recorded on a table.

Collected Relevant Data

Average Weight {oz}

Weeks Section A Section B

{Controlled} {Experimental}
1 6 7.3
2 29 48
3 52.3 44
4 53 40.3
5 73.3 71.3
6 79 96
Application Of Medicine
When the birds arrived they were given a teaspoon of sugar in their water as an
energy boost.

Turning Of Litter
The litter {Wood shavings} was turned once or twice every week by using a spade.
The wet wood shavings were taken out and replaced.
Slaughtering of birds
A fire was set up using bricks and wood, The birds were weighed to get their live
weigh The birds were placed head first into the killing cone. A sharp knife was
used to cut the head off below the neck, the chicken was left to drain out. Kahari of
water was left to boil, once the chickens were finished draining one foot was
placed into the boiling water to test it, if the skin on the foot could pull off easily it
is ready to dip the entire chicken into the water, when the chicken is dipped into
the water it was left for only a few seconds and was the taken out to be
plucked.After the birds were plucked a small incision was made between the legs
of the birds to take the guts out some parts were kept like the liver and some
weren’t like the intestines.

The birds were sold to the teachers of New Campbellville Secondary School and
other customers for the cost of $400 per pound.
Interpretation Of Data
The average overall weight in Section A was 292.6 oz and is Section B the overall
average weight was 306.9oz .The difference of Week 6 from both sections is
17oz.Section B had the overall highest weight from the experiment.

Broiler birds are birds raised for meat rather than their egg .Molasses is a thick
dark brown syrup ,its used to supply a good source of energy and sugar essential in
the birds’ diet. Molasses was given to the birds to see if it would affect their
weight.The overall weight of the birds in Section B had shown that the birds
gained weight so the addition of molasses had heavily impacted the weight and
profit gain.

The limitation of this experiment would be that the recordings of the birds weight
were inaccurate.

A better water system can be useful because during this experiment the water
system had many faults such as the pipe kept coming apart,the water couldn’t
come on if another pipe was open.The molasses portion should not change as the
results would be be inaccurate.During this experiment the molasses portion kept
changing as birds were dying so less and less was used.

The molasses had an effect on the birds weight as they had gained more weight
with the molasses than without.
The weight of the birds increased the birds profit as they gained more weight
having the molasses in the water.

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