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Annual Examination Portion [2022-23]



 Reading Comprehension through Unseen

Reading Section - Discursive Passage
- Case-Based Factual Passage
(With visual input/ statistical data/ chart etc.)


 The fun they had

 The sound of music
 The little girl
 A truly beautiful mind
 The snake and the mirror
 My childhood
 Reach for the top
 Kathmandu
 If I were you


 The road not taken

 Wind
 Rain on the roof
 Lake Isle of Innisfree
 A Legend of the Northland
 No men are foreign
 On killing a tree
 A Slumber did my spirit seal
 The lost child
 The adventures of Toto
 Iswaran the Storyteller
 In the kingdom of fools
 The happy prince
 The Last Leaf
 A house is not a home
 The beggar

 Tenses
 Modals
 Subject-verb concord
 Reported Speech
Grammar  Commands and requests
a. Statements
b. Questions
c. Determiners
 Descriptive Paragraph

 Diary Entry
 Story on a given title
(Based on beginning line, outline, cues, etc.)
Writing Skills
 Writing a Descriptive Paragraph on a
person/event/situation based on visual or
verbal cue/s


Annual Examination Portion [2022-23]



 French Society during the late eighteenth century
 The outbreak of the revolution
 France abolishes the monarchy and becomes a
Chapter 1- The French Revolution Republic
 Did women have a revolution?
 The abolition of slavery
 The revolution and everyday life

 Outline the Political Map of France (For

locating and labeling / Identification)
a. Bordeaux
Map work on the French Revolution
b. Nantes
c. Paris
d. Marseilles

 The Age of Social Change

 The Russian Revolution
Chapter 2 - Socialism in Europe and  The February Revolution in Petrograd
Russian Revolution  What changed after October?
 The global influence of the Russian
Revolution and the USSR

Outline Political Map of the World (For locating

and labeling / Identification)
 Major countries of the First World War
Map work related to socialism in
(Central Powers and Allied Powers)
Europe and the Russian revolution.
 Central Powers - Germany, Austria, Hungary,
Turkey (Ottoman Empire)
 Allied Powers - France, England, Russia, U.S.A

 Birth of the Weimar Republic

 Hitler's rise to power
 The Nazi Worldview
Chapter 3 - Nazism and the Rise of
 Youth in Nazi Germany
 Ordinary People and the crimes against
 World map related to Nazism and the rise of Hitler
 Outline Political Map of World (For locating and
labeling / Identification)
 Major countries of Second World War
 Axis Powers – Germany, Italy, Japan
Map Work related to Nazism and the
 Allied Powers – UK, France, Former USSR, USA
Rise of Hitler
 Territories under German expansion (Nazi Power):
Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia (only Slovakia
shown in the map), Denmark, Lithuania, France,

 Why deforestation?
Chapter 4 - Forests, Society and  The rise of commercial forestry
Colonialism  Rebellion in the forest
 Forest transformations in Java

 Pastoral nomads and their Movements

Chapter 5 - Pastoralists in the Modern
 Colonial rule and Pastoral life
 Pastoralism in Africa


 Meaning and definition

 Features of democracy
Chapter 1 - What is democracy? Why  Why democracy?
democracy?  Broader meaning of Democracy: Democracy is the
most prevalent form of government
 Alternatives to democracy

 Democratic Constitution in South Africa

 Why do we need a constitution?
Chapter 2 - Constitutional Design
 Making of the Indian Constitution
 Guiding values of the Indian constitution

 Why elections?
 What is our system of elections?
Chapter 3 - Electoral politics
 System of elections in India
 What makes elections in India democratic?
 How is the major policy decision taken?
 Parliament
Chapter 4 - Working of Institutions
 Political Executive
 The Judiciary

 Life without rights

 Rights in a democracy
Chapter 5 - Democratic Rights
 Rights in the Indian Constitution
 Expanding scope of rights


 Location
 Size
Chapter 1 - India Size and Location  India and the World
 India's Neighbours
 Map work India

 (Outline Political Map of India)

 India - States with capitals
Map Work  Tropic of Cancer
 Standard Meridian
(Location and Labelling)

 Introduction
 Geological evolution
 Major Physiographic Divisions:
a) Himalayan mountains
b) Peninsular plateau
c) Eastern and Western ghats
Chapter 2 - Physical Features of India
d) Coastal plains
e) Northern plains
f) Indian desert
g) Islands
 Importance of Physiographic divisions of India
 Map work Physical features of India
 Mountain Ranges: The Karakoram, The Zasker,
The Shivalik, The Aravali, The Vindhya, The
Satpura, Western & Eastern Ghats
 Mountain Peaks – K2, Kanchan Junga, Anai Mudi
Map Work  Plateau - Deccan Plateau, Chotta Nagpur Plateau,
Malwa Plateau
 Coastal Plains - Konkan, Malabar, Coromandal
and Northern Circar
(Location and Labelling)

 Introduction
 The drainage system in India
 Himalayan rivers -Ganga Brahmaputra river
 The Peninsular rivers-Narmada Basin, Tapti Basin,
Chapter 3 - Drainage Godavari Basin, Mahanadi Basin, Krishna Basin,
Kaveri Basin
 Lakes
 Role of rivers in the economy
 River pollution
 Major rivers and lakes’ map work drainage.

 Rivers: (Identification only)

 The Himalayan River Systems-The Indus, The
Ganges, and The Satluj
Map Work
 The Peninsular Rivers-The Narmada, The Tapi, The
Kaveri, The Krishna, The Godavari, The Mahanadi
 Lakes: Wular, Pulicat, Sambhar, Chilika

 Concept
 Climatic controls
 Factors influencing India's climate -Latitude,
Altitude, Pressure and Winds (excluding Jet
Chapter 4 - Climate
Streams and Western cyclonic disturbances and
related figures)
 Indian monsoon and withdrawal
 The Seasons
 Distribution of rainfall.
 Monsoon as a unifying bond

 Areas receiving rainfall less than 20 cm and over

Map Work
400 cm (Identification only)

 Types of Vegetation:
a. Tropical Evergreen Forests
b. Tropical Deciduous Forests
Chapter 5 - Natural Vegetation
c. Thorn Forests and Shrubs
and Wild Life
d. Montane Forests
e. Mangrove Forests
 Wildlife

 Vegetation Type: Tropical Evergreen Forest,

Tropical Deciduous Forest, Thorn Forest, Montane
Forests, and Mangrove- For identification only
 National Parks: Corbett, Kaziranga, Ranthambor,
Map Work
Shivpuri, Kanha, Simlipal and Manas
 Bird Sanctuaries: Bharatpur and Ranganthitto
 Wild Life Sanctuaries: Sariska, Mudumalai, Rajaji,
Dachigam (Location and Labelling)

 Population Size and Distribution:

a. India’s population size and distribution by
b. India’s population distribution by density
Chapter 6 - Population
 Population growth and processes of population
a. Population growth
b. Processes of population change/ growth

 Population (location and labeling)

Map Work  The state having the highest and lowest density of

 Overview
Chapter 1 - The story of  Organization of production
Village Palampur  Farming in Palampur
 Non-farm activities in Palampur

 Overview
 Economics Activities by men and women
 Quality of population:
Chapter 2 - People as resources
 Unemployment

 Overview
 Two typical cases of poverty
 Poverty as seen by social scientist
 Poverty estimates
 Vulnerable groups
Chapter 3 - Poverty as a challenge
 Interstate disparities
 Global poverty scenario
 Causes of poverty
 Anti-Poverty measures
 The challenges ahead

 Overview
 What is food security?
 Why food security?
 Who is food insecure?
Chapter 4 - Food Security in India  Food security in India
 What is a Buffer stock?
 What is a Public Distribution System?
 Current status of the Public Distribution System
 The Role of Cooperatives in food security.


Annual Examination Portion [2022-23]



 Importance of self-management, self-management

Skills: initiative, organisation, accountability
Part A Unit 2:
 Positive results of self-management
Self-Management Skills
 Building self-confidence, factors affecting self-
confidence, various attitudes of people

 Introduction to ICT, role and importance of ICT, ICT

 Basic components of computer system, storage
unit/ memory unit, units of memory
 Peripheral devices, types of peripheral devices
 Basic computer operations, procedure of starting a
computer, shutting down a computer, operating
 Functions of operating system, mobile operating
Part A Unit 3: system, operating system, Windows 7 and LINUX

Basic ICT Skills  Introduction to internet, application of internet,

disadvantages, WWW, Web Browser, Website,
Web page, Protocol, HTTP, Home page, URL
 Introduction to e-Mail, applications of e-mail, e-
mail address, e-mail program, e-mail message
format, creating an e-mail account, sending and
replying, and forwarding the e-mail.
 Introduction to social media, features, merits and
demerits, Blog, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and

 Entrepreneurial skills, types of businesses, types of

Part A Unit 4:
business organizations in our community
Entrepreneurial Skills  Characteristics of entrepreneurship,
Entrepreneurship development.
 Characteristics of entrepreneurs, role of
entrepreneurship, rewards of entrepreneurship

 Excite: meaning of Artificial Intelligence

 Definition and fields closely related to AI
 Important phases in the development of AI
 Excite: Types of AI, Artificial Narrow Intelligence
(ANI), Artificial General Intelligence (AGI),
discipline of AI
 Excite: real life usage of AI, limitation of weak AI.
 Excite: Three domains of AI
 Relate: The relevance of AI in daily life, six
dimensions of AI
 Relate: smart living: smart homes to smart cities
Part B Unit 1:  Relate: phases in development of smart cities, data

Introduction to AI for smart cities

 Purpose: using AI to achieve SDGs, understanding
the SDGs
 Possibilities: applications of AI in various fields,
everyday influences of AI globally
 Possibilities: the ever-changing focus of AI research
 Possibilities: types of AI careers
 AI Ethics: ethical concerns related to AI Access;
concerns related to data management.
 AI Ethics: ethical concerns related to adoption of
the AI system, cost benefit analysis of the AI

 AI Project Cycle: difference between cycle of an AI

project and IT project.
 Problem Scoping: introduction to AI project cycle
Part B Unit 2:
AI Project Cycle  Problem Scoping: 1st Stage - planning: business or
project requirements, analytics approach to the
 Problem Scoping: 2nd Stage - data: data
requirements, data collection, exploratory data
analysis, data preparation
 Problem Scoping: 3rd Stage - modelling: model
 Problem Scoping: 4th Stage - evaluation and
deployment: project evaluation, project
deployment, system tuning, project review.
 Problem Scoping: problem identification
 Problem Scoping: steps of problem scoping
 Data Acquisition: types of data, basic classification
of data, structural classification, other data
 Data Acquisition: big data, significance of big data,
three parameters of big data.
 Data Acquisition: uses of big data, challenges
related to big data, working with big data.
 Data Acquisition: sources of data, data curation
 Data Exploration: data visualisation, types of data
weak AI system, data complexity, data visualisation
 Data Exploration: ways to visualize data using
graphical tools
 Modelling: data modelling methods, decision tree
 Evaluation and Deployment

 Introduction to Neural Networks, relation between

networks and human nervous system.
 Artificial Neural Networks with two hidden layers,
struggles in creating a brain-like neural network.
Part B Unit 3:
 Difference between neural networks and
Neural Network
conventional computing, applications of Neural
 How Neural networks learn, information flows
through Neural networks.
 Introduction to Python language, using code
combat for learning basic programming skills
 Python Basics: inbuilt functions PRINT ( ),
 Variables: assigning values to multiple variables,
rules for naming variables in Python.
 Data Types: Integer Type, Float Type, String Type.
Part B Unit 4:  Arithmetic Operators

Introduction to Python  Inbuilt function: INPUT ( )

 Python Lists: creating lists in Python, printing lists
in Python
 Python Lists: accessing individual items on the lists,
a range of indexes
 Python Lists: changing the value of items in the list,
finding out the number of items in the list, adding
and deleting items from the list





 saluer, se présenter, présenter quelqu'un,er

Unit 1 - un arbre de la famille verbes, les nombres, l'alphabet, les nombres, les
articles definis, indefinis.

 identifier quelqu'un / quelque chose, poser des

questions, etre, s'appeler,qui est-ce / qu'est-ce que
Unit 2 - Au lycée c'est,les adjectifs possessifs,les adjectifs
demonstratifs,l'accord des adjectifs,les

 etre à l'heure / etre en avance / etre en retard,

proposer / accepter / refuser quelque chose,les
Unit 3 - Une journée de Pauline articles contractés,les articles partitifs,les verbes
pronominaux,les habitudes alimentaires, les
promenades / sorties,le futur simple
Unit 4 - Les saisons  le futur simple, donner des conseils,l'imperatif, le

futur proche,
 le passé composé,etre en train de,expressions avec
Unit 5 - Les voyages avoir / etre, comment + inversion, pourqoui et
parceque,les prépositions

 les loisirs,les sports,les jeux olympiques,le tour de

France,les sportifs connu,parler du sport et des
loisirs,decrire des habitudes au passe,exprimer des
restrictions,exprimer de l'obligation,il faut +
Unit 6 - Les loisirs et les sports
infinitif,devoir + infinitif,ne…que / seulement,les
verbes pronominaux aux passé
composé,l'imparfait,exprimer la

 l'argent,un compte bancaire,gagner / depenser son

argent de poche,les cartes bancaires,les jeunes et
l'argent de poche,faire de petits boulots,la
Unit 7 - L'argent de poche monnaie,exprimer son point de vue,persuader,les
négations,les adjectifs interrogatifs,les pronoms
personnels (sujets / complements d'objet directs
ou indirects)

 exprimer la quantité et la qualité,exprimer le desir

Unit 8 - Faire des achats et l'intention,les produits divers,les produits

divers,quelques plats typiquement français +

recette ,simple relative pronouns

 Les expressions de quantite

Writing Skills Long composition, Informal letter, Message writing

Culture and civilization Repondez aux questions

(Lecon -1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)

Annual Examination Portion [2022-23]



 Review of representation of natural numbers,

integers, and rational numbers on the number line.
Rational numbers as recurring/ terminating decimals.
Operations on real numbers.
 Examples of non-recurring/non-terminating decimals.
Existence of non-rational numbers (irrational
numbers) such as and their representation on
the number line. Explaining that every real number is
Unit I: Number Systems
represented by a unique point on the number line
1. Real Numbers
and conversely, viz. every point on the number line
represents a unique real number
 Definition of the nth root of a real number.
 Rationalization (with precise meaning) of real

numbers of the type (and their

combinations) where x and y are natural numbers

and a and b are integers.
 Recall of laws of exponents with integral powers.
Rational exponents with positive real bases (to be
done by cases, allowing the learner to arrive at the
general laws.)
 Definition of a polynomial in one variable, with
examples and counter examples.
 Coefficients of a polynomial, terms of a polynomial,
and zero polynomial.
 Degree of a polynomial.
 Constant, linear, quadratic, and cubic polynomials.
 Monomials, binomials, trinomials.
 Factors and multiples.
Unit II: Algebra  Zeros of a polynomial.
1. Polynomials  Motivate and State the Remainder Theorem with
 Statement and proof of the Factor Theorem.
 Factorization of ax2 +bx +c, a 0 where a, b and c
are real numbers, and of cubic polynomials using the
Factor Theorem.
 Recall Algebraic expressions and identities.
 Verification of identities and their use in factorization
of polynomials.

 Recall-Linear equations in one variable. Introduction

to the equation in two variables. Focus on linear
equations of the type of
1. Linear Equations in Two
. Explain that a linear equation in two variables has
infinitely many solutions and justify their being
written as ordered pairs of real numbers, plotting
them, and showing that they lie on a line.

 The Cartesian plane, coordinates of a point, names

Unit III: Coordinate Geometry
and terms associated with the coordinate plane and
1. Coordinate Geometry
 (Motivate) If a ray stands on a line, then the sum of
the two adjacent angles so formed is and the
Unit IV: Geometry
 (Prove) If two lines intersect, vertically opposite
1. Lines and Angles
angles are equal.
 (Motivate) Lines that are parallel to a given line are

 (Motivate) Two triangles are congruent if any two

sides and the included angle of one triangle is equal
to any two sides and the included angle of the other
triangle (SAS Congruence).
 (Prove) Two triangles are congruent if any two angles
and the included side of one triangle is equal to any
two angles and the included side of the other triangle
(ASA Congruence).
 (Motivate) Two triangles are congruent if the three
2. Triangles sides of one triangle are equal to the three sides of
the other triangle (SSS Congruence).
 (Motivate) Two right triangles are congruent if the
hypotenuse and a side of one triangle are equal
(respectively) to the hypotenuse and a side of the
other triangle. (RHS Congruence)
 (Prove) The angles opposite to equal sides of a
triangle are equal.
 (Motivate) The sides opposite to equal angles of a
triangle are equal.
 (Prove) The diagonal divides a parallelogram into two
congruent triangles.
 (Motivate) In a parallelogram opposite sides are
equal, and conversely.
 (Motivate) In a parallelogram opposite angles are
equal, and conversely.
3. Quadrilaterals  (Motivate) A quadrilateral is a parallelogram if a pair
of opposite sides are parallel and equal.
 (Motivate) In a parallelogram, the diagonals bisect
each other conversely.
 (Motivate) In a triangle, the line segment joining the
midpoints of any two sides is parallel to the third side
and in half of it and (motivate) its converse.

 (Prove) Equal chords of a circle subtend equal angles

at the center and (motivate) its converse.
 (Motivate) The perpendicular from the center of a
circle to a chord bisects the chord and conversely, the
line drawn through the center of a circle to bisect a
chord is perpendicular to the chord.
 (Motivate) Equal chords of a circle (or of congruent
circles) are equidistant from the center (or their
respective centers) and conversely.
 (Prove) The angle subtended by an arc at the center
4. Circles is double the angle subtended by it at any point on
the remaining part of the circle.
 (Motivate) Angles in the same segment of a circle are
 (Motivate) If a line segment joining two points
subtends an equal angle at two other points lying on
the same side of the line containing the segment, the
four points lie on a circle.
 (Motivate) The sum of either of the pair of opposite
angles of a cyclic quadrilateral is 180° and its
 Area of a triangle using Heron's formula
Unit V: Mensuration (without proof)

1. Heron's Formula

 Surface areas and volumes of Spheres

2. Surface Areas And Volumes
(Including hemispheres) and right circular cones.

Unit VI: Statistics & Probability  Bar graphs, Histograms (with varying base lengths)

1. Statistics and Frequency polygons.


Annual Examination Portion [2022-23]



 Describing Motion: distance and displacement, velocity

 Uniform and non-uniform motion along a straight line
 Acceleration
Unit 1: Motion
 Distance-time and velocity-time graphs for uniform
motion and uniformly accelerated motion
 Uniform motion and circular motion

 Balanced and unbalanced force

 Newton’s first Law of Motion
 Newton’s second Law of Motion
 Newton’s third Law of Motion
Unit 2: Force and Laws of Motion  Action and Reaction forces
 Inertia of a body
 Inertia and mass
 Momentum
 Force and Acceleration
 Universal law of Gravitation
 Force of Gravitation of earth (gravity)
 Acceleration due to Gravity
Unit 3: Gravitation  Free Fall
 Mass and Weight
 Thrust and Pressure
 Buoyancy, Archimedes’ Principle

 Work done by a Force

 Kinetic and Potential energy
Unit 4: Work and Energy  Law of conservation of energy (excluding commercial
unit of Energy)
 Rate of doing work (Power)

 Propagation of sound
 Speed of sound
 Types of mechanical waves and characteristics of
Unit 5: Sound
sound waves
 Reflection of sound and range of hearing
 Ultrasound

1. To determine the density of solid (denser than water)

by using spring balance and measuring cylinder.
2. To establish the relation between the loss in weight of
a solid when fully immersed in (a) Tap water and (b)
Practical Strongly salty water, with the weight of water
displaced by it by taking at least two different solids.
3. To verify laws of reflection of sound.
4. To determine the speed of a pulse propagated through
a stretched slinky.


 Solid, liquid, and gas – States of Matter
 The gaseous state of matter
Unit 1: Matter in our surroundings
 Interconversion of states of matter
 Evaporation and factors affecting evaporation

 Heterogeneous and homogenous mixtures

 True solutions, concentration of solution
 Colloids, Colloidal solutions
Unit 2: Is matter around us pure
 Suspensions
 Commercial water purification system
 Physical and chemical changes

 Laws of chemical combination

 Dalton's atomic theory
 Atoms and symbol of atoms
Unit 3: Atoms and Molecules
 Molecules of elements and compounds
 Writing chemical formulae
 Molecular and formula unit mass

 Subatomic particles and their discovery

 Thomson's model of an atom
 Rutherford's model of an atom and drawbacks
Unit 4: Structure of an Atom  Bohr's model of an atom
 Rules for filing electrons in energy levels
 Atomic number and mass number
 Isotopes and Isotopic Mass
 Calculation of average Isotopic mass of element
1. Preparation of:
a. a true solution of common salt, sugar, and alum
b. a suspension of soil, chalk powder and fine sand in
c. a colloidal solution of starch in water and egg
albumin/ milk in water and distinguish between
these on the basis of-
o Transparency
o Filtration criterion
o Stability

Practical 2. Preparation of:

a. A mixture
b. A compound using iron filings and sulphur powder
and distinguishing between these based on:
 appearance, i.e., homogeneity and
 behavior toward a magnet
 behavior towards carbon disulphide as a
 effect of heat

3. Perform the following reactions and classify them as

physical or chemical changes:
 Iron with copper sulphate solution in water
 Burning of magnesium ribbon in air
 Zinc with dilute sulphuric acid
 Heating of copper sulphate crystals
 Sodium sulphate with Barium chloride in the form of
their solutions in water
4. Verify the Law of Conservation of Mass in a chemical
reaction between copper sulphate and Sodium
sulphate in aqueous solutions.

 Cell as basic unit of life
 Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
 Multicellular organisms
 Osmosis and Diffusion
Unit 1: The Fundamental Unit of Life  Cell membrane and cell wall
 Cell organelles and cell inclusions
 Chloroplast, mitochondria, vacuoles, endoplasmic
reticulum, golgi apparatus, nucleus, chromosomes -
basic structure, number

 Structure and functions of animal and plant tissues

 Meristematic and permanent tissues in plants
Unit 2: Tissues
 Four types of tissues in animals – Epithelial,
Connective, Muscular and Nervous tissues

 Improvement in crop yields

 Crop variety improvement
 Crop production management- Nutrient
 Manures and Fertilizers
Unit 6: Improvement in Food Resources
 Crop Production Management- Irrigation and
Cropping Patterns
 Crop Protection Management
 Animal Husbandry: Cattle farming and Bee Keeping
 Animal husbandry: Poultry and Fish Farming

1. Preparation of stained temporary mounts of

a. Onion peel
b. Human cheek cells and to record
observations and draw their labeled
Practical diagrams.
2. Identification of Parenchyma, Collenchyma and
Sclerenchyma tissues in plants, striped, smooth, and
cardiac muscle fibers, and nerve cells in animals,
from prepared slides and draw their labeled


Annual Examination Portion 2022-23



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Annual Examination Portion 2022-23

GRADE 9-Kannada


ಘಟಕ 1 ಕ ( )

ಘಟಕ 2 ( )

ಘಟಕ 3 ( )
ಘಟಕ 4 ( )

ಘಟಕ 7 ಕ ಕ ( )

ಘಟಕ 9 ( )

ಘಟಕ 11 ಕ ( )

ಘಟಕ 12 ( )

ಘಟಕ 14 ( )

ಘಟಕ 15 ಕ - ( )

ಘಟಕ 6 ( ಕ )

ಘಟಕ 8 ಕ ( ಕ )

ಘಟಕ 10 ( ಕ )

ಘಟಕ 13 ಕ ( ಕ )

ಕ 1 - +ಕ

ಕ 3 ಕ

ಕ 4

ಕ 6 / ಕ

ಕ 7

ಕ 8 -

ಕ 9
ಕ 10

ಕ 11

ಕ 12 ಟ

ಕ 13

ಕ 14

ಕ 15 ಕ -ಕ

ಕ 16 - ಕ

ಕ 17

ಕ 18

ಕ 19 ಕ - ( ಕ, ಕ,

ಕ, ಕ, ಕ, ಕ

ಕ )

1 , ಕ ಕ

2 ೦

4(Unseen+ seen

Comperhensive paragaraphs )

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