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Leading issues in Pakistan’s economy

General guidelines for the semester report/assignment

The report (around 2000-2500 words) is expected to be an original write-up based

on information gathered from reliable and traceable sources. The report may start
with overview of the sector explaining its importance for the local/regional/national
economy. It can be based on the development of the industry/sector in historical
context. Past 30 years data may be good enough for this.

Some important ingredients of the report may include the following;

i- Identify the ups and downs/trends in the in the production activities of the
ii- Explain the value chain and players therein, also discuss their roles,
iii- Identify major initiatives so far taken by local/provincial/federal government
for the development of the sector, and assess them.
iv- Propose some suitable projects/initiatives that local/provincial/federal
government can take to help develop the industry/sector.

Students are especially encouraged to further develop this list and use additional
information for their reports. The report is to be submitted in PDF or Word formats.
Each student will also be giving a presentation of about 10 minutes based on the

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