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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

20EC303 – Signals and Systems

III – Semester

Academic Year 2021– 2022

(KNCET UGR2020-Regulation)


Introduction to Signals and Systems - Continuous Time(CT) Signals - Discrete Time(DT) Signals -
Standard Signals: Impulse, Step, Ramp, Exponential and Sinusoidal Signals - Basic operations on
Signals: Amplitude Scaling, Signal Addition, Signal Multiplication, Time Shifting, Time Reversal and
Time Scaling - Classification of CT and DT signals: Deterministic and Random, Periodic &
Aperiodic, Even & Odd, Energy & Power, Causal & Non Causal - Classification of CT and DT
systems: Static & Dynamic, Time Invariant & Time Variant, Linear & Nonlinear, Causal & Non
Causal, Stable & Unstable..


1. For the signal shown, find x(2t + 3) (Nov/Dec2009)

Given g(n) =2e-2n-3 . Write out and simplify the functions (i)g(2-n) (ii)
g((n/10)+4) (Apr/May2016)
2. Define Unit Impulse and Unit Step Signal. (Apr/June 2010, Apr/June 2011)
3. Give the mathematical and geometrical representation of CT and DT unit impulse function.
(Nov/Dec 2013)
4. State two properties of unit impulse function. (Nov/Dec 2014)
5. Define energy and power signal. (Nov/Dec 2010)
Define a power signal. (Apr/May 2015)
6. Determine whether the signal x(t) = e u(t) is energy or power signal and calculate the same.
(Nov/Dec 2012)
7. Find the fundamental period of x[n] = sin((6π n/7) + 1) (Apr/May 2012)
8. (Apr/May 2013)
9. Define a Random Signal. (Apr/May 2013)
10. What are the classifications of the systems? (Nov/Dec 2009)
11. When is a system said to be memory less? Give an example. (Apr/May 2010)

12. Define Causal System. (Apr/May 2011)

13. Check whether the system y(n) = x(2n) is static or dynamic and causal or non- causal.
(Nov/Dec 2012)
14. State BIBO criteria for stability. (Nov/Dec 2010)
15. Check whether v(t) = x(t2) is LTI. (Apr/May 2012)
16. What are the conditions for a system to be LTI system? (Nov/Dec 2013)
17. Draw the following signals: (a). u(t)-u(t-10) , (b). (1/2)n u(n-1). (Nov/Dec 2014)
Sketch the following signals: Rect((t+1)/4): 5 ramp(0.1t) (Apr/May 2016)
18. How the impulse response of a discrete time system is useful in determining its stability and causality.
(Apr/May 2015)

19. Find the value of the integral . (Nov/Dec 2015)

20. Give the relation between continuous time unit impulse function f(t),step function u(t) and ramp function
r(t). (Nov/Dec 2015)


1. How are the signals classified? Explain. (8) (Nov/Dec 2012)

Distinguish between the following:
Continuous Time Signal and Discrete Time signal (4) (Apr/May 2010)
Periodic and aperiodic signals. (4) (Apr/May 2010)
Deterministic and Random signals. (4) (Apr/May 2010)
Give an account for classification of signals in detail. (10) (Apr/May 2015)
Discuss various forms of real and exponential signals with graphical representation.(6) (Nov/Dec 2013)
Define unit step, ramp, pulse, impulse and exponential signals. Obtain the relationship between the Unit
step and unit ramp function. (10) (Apr/May 2013)
Give the equations and draw the waveforms of discrete time real and complex exponential signals.
(4) (Nov/Dec 2012)
Write about elementary continuous time signals in detail. (8) (Nov/Dec 2009)

(i)x(-n-1) (ii) x(-n/2) (iii) x(-2n+1) (iv) (16) (Nov/Dec2015)

Sketch the following signals:
(a) 2 U(t - 3) (3) (Apr/May 2011)
(b) 2 δ(n) + 3 δ(n – 1) (3) (Apr/May 2011)
Sketch the following signals:
1) [ u(t -2)+u(t-4)] (Apr/May 2015)
2) (t-4) [ u(t -2)-u(t-4)] (6) (Apr/May 2015)
Distinguish between Unit step and Unit ramp functions. (4) (Apr/May 2012)
∞ 2n
Find the summation ∑ e δ(n − 2) (4) (Apr/May 2010)
n = −8
Explain the properties of Unit impulse functions. (4) (Apr/May 2010)

2. Determine whether the signal x(t) = sin 20 π t + sin 5 π t is periodic and if it is periodic find the
fundamental period. (5) (Nov/Dec 2013)
Find the fundamental period T of the signal x(n) = cos(n π/2) – sin(n π/8) + 3 cos(n π/4 + π/3)
(6) (Apr/May 2013)
Determine whether the following signal is periodic. If periodic, determine the fundamental
period.x(t) = 3 cos t + 4 cos (t /3) (4) (Nov/Dec 2012)
Determine whether each of the signals are periodic, if periodic find the fundamental period.
(a) x(t) = cos(2 π t)2
(b) x(n) = cos(n π/3) + sin(n π/4) (6) (Nov/Dec 2010)
Find whether the signal x(t) = 2 cos (10t + 1) – sin(4t-1) is periodic or not. (4) (Apr/May 2010)
Find the fundamental period T of the signal x(t) = 20 cos(10 π t + π/6) (4) (Apr/May 2010)
Check if x(t)=4 cos (3πt+π/4)+2 cos (4πt) is periodic. (6) (Apr/May 2015)
Check whether the following signals are periodic or aperiodic signals
a) x(t)=cos 2t+sint/5.
b) x(n)=3+cos π/2n+cos2n. (16) (Nov/Dec 2014)
Find whether the following signals are periodic or aperiodic .If periodic find the fundamental period and
fundamental frequency (8) (Apr/May2016)

3. Define energy and power signals. Find whether the signal x(n) = (1/2)n u(n) is energy or power signal and
calculate their energy or power. (5) (Nov/Dec 2013)
Define an energy and power signal. (4) (Apr/May 2013)
Determine whether the following signals are energy or power and calculate their energy or power:
(1) x(n) = (1/2)n u(n)
(2) x(t) = rect(t / T0)
(3) x(t) = cos2(ω0t) (12) (Apr/May 2013)
Find whether the signal is an energy or power signal:
(a) x(t) = exp(-2t). U(t)
(b) x(n) = U(n) (10) (Apr/May 2011)
Determine the energy and power of the following signals:
(a) x(n) = (-0.5)n u(n)
(b) x(t) = t u(t) (10) (Nov/Dec 2010)
Determine power and RMS for signals x1(t) = 5 cos (50 t+ π/3) and x2(t) = 10 cos 5t cos 10 t.
(10) (Nov/Dec 2009)
Find whether the following signals are power or energy signals. Determine power or energy of the
(8) (Apr/May2016)

4. Determine whether the discrete time system y(n) = x(n) cos(ωn)

(a) Memoryless (b) Stable (c) Causal (d) Linear (e) Time invariant
(16) (Nov/Dec 2013)
Determine whether the following system is linear, time invariant, stable and invertible.
(1) y(n) = x2(n)
(2) y(n) = x(-n) (10) (Nov/Dec 2012)
Define LTI system. List the properties of LTI system and explain. (6) (Nov/Dec 2012)
Determine whether the following system is linear, dynamic, causal and time invariant.
(a) y1(t) = x(t – 3) + (3 – t)
(b) y2(t) = dx(t) / dt
(c) y1[n] = n x[n] + bx2[n]
(d) Even {x[n-1]} (16) (Apr/May 2012)
A discrete time system is given as y(n) - y2(n-1) = x(n). A bounded input of x(n) = 2 δ(n) is applied to the
system. Assume that the system is initially relaxed. Check whether system is stable or unstable.
(16) (Apr/May 2012)
Check for the properties (a) linearity, (b) Time invariance, (iii) Causality, (d) Stability for the systems
given below:
(a) y(n) = sin(x(n))
(b) y(t) = t x(t) + x(t + 1) (16) (Apr/May 2011)
(c) For the system y(n)=log[x(n)], Check for linearity Causality Time invariance and Stability.
(10) (Apr/May 2015)
(d) Check whether the following system is linear, causal time invariant, and or stable.
(1) y(n)=x(n)-x(n-1) (2) y(t)= d/dt[x(t)] (16) (Nov/Dec 2014)
Determine whether the following systems are linear or not.
(1) dy(t) + 3ty(t) = t 2 x(t)
(2) y(n) = 2 x(n) + 1 / (x(n-1)) (8) (Nov/Dec 2009)

Determine whether the following systems are time-invariant or not.

(1) y(t) = t x(t)
(2) y(n) = x(2n) (8) (Nov/Dec 2009)
Given the input output relationship of a continuous time system y(t)=tx(-t). Determine whether the system
is causal ,stable,linear and time invariant. (16) (Nov/Dec 2015)
Find whether the following systems are time variant or fixed.Also find Find whether the systems are
linear or nonlinear. (16) (Apr/May2016)


Introduction to Fourier series - Dirichlet’s conditions - Trigonometric form of Fourier

series - Laplace Transform- Region of Convergence (ROC) - Properties of Laplace Transform -
Inverse Laplace Transform using Partial Fraction Expansion method- Continuous Time Fourier
Transform(CTFT) – Properties of CTFT- Relation between Laplace transform and CTFT.


1. What are the Dirichlet’s conditions of Fourier series? (Nov/Dec 2009) (Nov/Dec 2013)
State Dirichlets conditions. (Nov/Dec 2015)
2. Give the equation for trigonometric Fourier Series. (Nov/Dec 2013)
3. Write the exponential form of Fourier series representation of a periodic signal. (Nov/Dec 2010)
4. Determine Fourier series coefficients for signal cos π t. (Apr/May 2012)
5. Find the fourier coefficients of the signal x(t)=1+sin 2ωt+2 cos 2ωt+cos(3ωt+π/3) (Apr/May 2015)
6 State the conditions for the convergence of Fourier series representation of continuous time periodic
signals. (Nov/Dec 2014)
7. Give Synthesis and Analysis equations of continuous time Fourier Transform. (Nov/Dec 2012)
8. What is Fourier Transform of DC signal of amplitude 1. (Apr/May 2013)
9. Find the Fourier Transform of the signal x (t) = cos(w0t) (Nov/Dec 2010)
10. Find the Fourier Transform of the signal x (t) e u(t). ` (Apr/May 2011)
11. State convolution property of Fourier transforms. (Nov/Dec 2009)
State any two properties of Continuous – Time Fourier Transform. (Apr/May 2010)
12. Find the Laplace Transform of the signal u(t) – u(t-2). (Nov/Dec 2009)
13. Define the Region of Convergence of Laplace Transforms. (Nov/Dec 2012)
14. Find the Laplace Transform of the signal x (t) = e u(t). (Apr/May 2010)
Give the laplace transform of x(t)=3 e-2t u(t)-2e-t u(t) with ROC. (Apr/May2016)
15. Determine Laplace Transform for δ(t-5) and u(t-5) (Apr/May 2012)
16. Find the ROC of the laplace transform of x(t)=u(t) (Nov/Dec 2014)
17. State the convolution property of Laplace Transform. (Apr/May 2011)
18. State time scaling property of Laplace Transform. (Apr/May 2013)
19. Draw the spectrum of a CT rectangular pulse. (Apr/May2015)
20. Give the relation between Fourier transform and Laplace Transform. (Nov/Dec 2015)
21. What is the inverse Fourier transform of (i). e-j2πft0 (ii). δ(f-f0) (Apr/May2016)

1. Find the exponential Fourier series of the waveform. (10) (Nov/Dec 2013)
Determine the Fourier series representation of the half wave rectifier output shown:
(8) (Apr/May 2013)


State Dirichlet’s conditions. Also state its importance. (4) ( Nov/Dec 2012)
Obtain the trigonometric Fourier series for the half wave rectified sine wave given below:

(12) (Nov/Dec 2012)


Find the complex exponential Fourier series coefficient of x(t) = sin 3πt + 2 cos 4πt
(8) (Apr/May 2012)
Find the fourier series coefficients of the following signal. (16) (Nov/Dec 2014)


Obtain the fourier series coefficients and plot the spectrum for the given waveform.
(16) (Apr/May2016)


Determine the complex exponential Fourier series representation for the following signals:
(a) x(t) = cos(ω0t)
(b) x(t) = sin2 t
(c) x(n) = cos(6nπ/17 + π/3)
(d) x(n) = 2 sin(14nπ/19) + cos(10nπ/19) + 1 (16) (Nov/Dec 2010)
Find trigonometric Fourier series for periodic signal x(t) shown below:

(10) (Apr/May 2010)


Determine the fourier series expansion for the periodic ramp signal with unit amplitude and a period T.
(10) (Apr/May 2015)
Explain the Fourier spectrum of a periodic signal x(t). (6) (Apr/May 2010)
2. Find the Fourier transform of the signal x(t) = e-a|t|. (6) (Nov/Dec 2013)
Find the Fourier transform of the signal x(t) = te-a|t| u(t). (6 ) (Apr/May 2015)
State and prove Parseval’s theorem of Fourier transform. (6) (Apr/May 2013)
Find the Fourier transform for double exponential pulse whose function is given by x(t) = e-2|t|. Also draw
its amplitude and phase spectrum. (8) (Nov/Dec 2012)
Find the spectrum of x(t) = e-2|t|.Plot the spectrum of the signal. (16) (Nov/Dec 2014)
From basic formula, determine the Fourier transform of the given signals. Obtain the magnitude and
phase spectra of the given signals. (10) (Apr/May2016)

State and prove the Fourier transform of x(t-t0) and x(t)ejωt in terms of X(jω)
(8) (Apr/May 2012)
Obtain the Fourier transform of a pulse function defined as x(t) = A; -T/2 ≤ t ≤ T/2;
0 otherwise
(16) (Apr/May 2011)

State and prove the following properties of CTFT.
Time shifting, Time scaling, Differentiation, Modulation (14) (Nov/Dec 2010)
Find the Fourier transform of x(t) = e-|t| for -1 ≤ t ≤ 1; 0 otherwise (8) (Apr/May 2010)
Find the Fourier transform a rectangular pulse. Sketch the signal and its Fourier transform.
(8) (Nov/Dec 2009)
If x(t)<=>X(ω),then using time shifting property show that x(t+T)+x(t-T) <=>2X(ω)cos ωt.
(6) (Apr/May 2015)
State and prove any four properties of Fourier Transform. (16) (Nov/Dec 2015)
3. Find the Laplace Transform of the signal f(t) = e sin ωt
(8) (Nov/Dec2013)
Compute the Laplace transform of x(t) = e-b|t| for the cases of b < 0and b > 0.
(10) (Apr/May 2013)
Find the Laplace Transform and its associated ROC for the signal x(t)=
(16) (Nov/Dec 2015)
Write the properties of ROC of Laplace transform. (6) (Apr/May 2013)
Prove the scaling and time shifting properties of Laplace Transform. (8) (Apr/May 2012)
Determine the Laplace transform of x(t) = e cosωt u(t) (8) (Apr/May 2012)
Find the Laplace transform of the signal x(t) = e-at u(t) + e-bt u(-t) (8) (Apr/May 2010)
Determine the Laplace transform of following signals:
x1(t) = u(t – 2) , x2(t) = t2 e-2t u(t) (8) (Apr/May 2009)
Determine the Laplace Transform of: the signal x(t) = sin πt; 0 < t < 1; 0 otherwise
(8) (Apr/May 2009)
4. Finite the inverse Fourier transform of rectangular spectrum X(jω) = 1, -W < ω W, 0 Otherwise.
(8) (Nov/Dec 2013)

Obtain the inverse Laplace Transforms of X(s) = 1 / (s2 + 3s + 2), ROC: -2 < Re{s}< -1
(8) (Nov/Dec 2012)
Obtain the inverse Laplace Transforms:
(a) X(s) = S / (S + 1)
(b) X(s) = S / (S2 + 5S + 6) (16) (Apr/May 2011)
Find the inverse Laplace transform of X(s)=8s+10/(s+1)(s+2)3 (16) (Apr/May 2015)
5. State and prove Rayleigh’s energy theorem. (6) (Apr/May 2016)



Impulse Response: Causality and Stability of LTI CT systems – Convolution Integral using Analytical
method - Solution of Differential equations using Laplace Transform - Analysis of LTI Continuous
Time systems using Laplace Transform: Transfer function, Impulse response, Step response and
Output response - Block diagram representation: Direct form-I, Direct form-II, Cascade and Parallel


1. What is the transfer function of an ideal integrator and an ideal delay of T seconds?
2. State the convolution integral for continuous time LTI systems. (Apr/May 2010, Apr/May 2013)
State the convolution integral. (Apr/May 2015)
3. What is the impulse response of two LTI systems connected in parallel? (Apr/May 2010)
4. Define system function of a CT-LTI System. (Apr/May 2011)
5. List and draw the basic elements for the block diagram representation of continuous time systems.
(Nov/Dec 2012), (Nov/Dec 2013)
6. Check the causality of system with impulse response h(t) = e−t u(t). (Nov/Dec 2012)
7. What is the condition for LTI system to be stable? (Apr/May 2013)
8. Check whether the causal system H(s) = 1 / (s – 2) is stable. (Nov/Dec 2013)
9. Draw the block diagram of the LTI system described by dy(t)/dt +y(t)=0.1x(t) (Nov/Dec2014)
10. Find y(n)=x(n-1)*δ(n+2) (Nov/Dec2014)
11. Given x(t)=δ(t).Find X(s) and X(ω) (Apr/May 2015)
12. What is u(t-2)*f(t-1)? Where *represents convolution. (Nov/Dec2015)
13. Given the differential equation representation of a system .Find the frequency response
H(jr). (Nov/Dec2015)

14. Find whether the following system whose impulse response is given is causal and stable h(t)=e-2t u(t-1).

15. Realize the block diagram representing the system H(s)=s/(s+1). (Apr/May2016)


1.For the circuit shown, obtain state variable equation. The input voltage source is x(t) and output y(t) is
taken across C2. (16) (Nov/Dec 2009)

1. Draw direct form, cascade form and parallel form of a system with system function
H(s) = (8) (Nov/Dec 2013)
(s + 1)(s + 2)
Obtain the direct form I realization of d 2 y(t) dy(t) dx(t) (8) (Apr/May 2013)
+5 + 4y(t) =
dt 2 dt dt

Draw direct form, cascade form and parallel form of a system with system function
d 2 y(t) dy(t) (8) (Nov/Dec 2012)
+3 + 2y(t) = x(t)
dt 2 dt

Draw Direct Form I and Direct Form II for the system

d 3 y(t) d 2 y(t) dy(t) d 2 x(t) dx(t) (16) (Apr/May 2011)
+2 +3 + 4y(t) = 5 +6 + 7x(t)
dt 3 dt 2 dt dt dt

Realize the following in Direct form –II.

(8) (Apr/May2016)

2. Define convolution integral and derive its equation. (8) (Nov/Dec 2013)
Explain the steps to compute convolution integral. (8) (Apr/May 2010)
Explain the properties of convolution integral. (8) (Apr/May 2010)
What is impulse response? Show that the response of an LTI system is convolution integral of its impulse
response with input signal. (6) (Nov/Dec 2012)
Obtain the convolution of the following two signals x(t) = e2t u(-t) and h(t) = u(t – 3)
(10) (Nov/Dec 2012)
Compute and plot the convolution y(t) of
(a) x(t) = u(t-3) – u(t-5) and h(t) = e-3tu(t)
(b) x(t) = u(t) and h(t) = e-tu(t) (16) (Apr/May2012)
Find convolution of following signals x(t) = e-2tu(t) and h(t) = u(t+2) (8) (Apr/May 2010)
Find convolution of following signals: x1(t) = e u(t), x2(t) = e-btu(t) (8)
(Nov/Dec 2009)
Using graphical method convolve x(t)= e-2tu(t) with h(t)=u(t+2). (6) (Apr/May 2015)
Using graphical convolution ,find the response of the system whose impulse response is h(t)=e-2tu(t) for
an input
(8) (Apr/May 2016)

Convolve the following signals:x(t)=e-2t u(t-2); h(t)=e-3t u(t). (16) (Nov/Dec2015)

3. A stable LTI system is characterized by the differential equation given below:

d 2 y(t) dy(t) dx(t)
+4 + 3y(t) = + 2x(t)
dt 2 dt dt
Find the frequency response and impulse response using Fourier Transform.
(8) (Nov/Dec 2013)
Determine the impulse response h(t) of the system given by differential equation
d 2 y(t) dy(t) with all initial conditions as zero.
+3 + 2y(t) = x(t)
dt 2 dt
(8) (Apr/May 2013)
Compute transfer function and impulse response of a system with system function
d 2 y(t) dy(t) (8) (Nov/Dec 2012)
+3 + 2y(t) = x(t)
dt 2 dt
Determine unit impulse response and unit step response of LTI system defined as
d 2 y(t) dy(t) dx(t) (16) (Apr/May 2011)
+5 + 6y(t) = + x(t)
dt 2 dt dt
The input output of a causal LTI system are related by the differential equation

Find the Impulse response h(t) (ii) Find the response y(t) of this system if x(t)=u(t). Use Fourier
transforms (16) (Nov/Dec 2015)
Find the output response of the system due to input x(t) = cos (t) u(t) and transfer function
H(s) = (s – 1) / (s2 + 3s + 2) (6) (Nov/Dec 2010)
Find impulse response of the following system: (8) (Nov/Dec 2009)

Find the overall impulse response of the following system.

Also find the output of the system for the input x(t)=u(t) using convolution integral.
(16) (Nov/Dec 2014)

4. The system produces the output y(t) = e-t u(t) for an input x(t) = e-2tu(t). Determine Frequency Response,
Magnitude and phase of response, impulse response. (16) (Apr/May 2013)
Determine frequency response and impulse response for the system described by the following
differential equation. Assume zero initial conditions (6) (Apr/May2016)
The LTI system is characterized by impulse response given by H(s) = 1 / (s + 10) ROC:
Re{s} > -10.Determine the output of a system when it is excited by the input x(t) = -2e-2t u(-t) -3e-3t u(t)
(16) (Apr/May 2012)
A system is described by the differential equation d 2 y(t) dy(t) dx(t)
+3 + 2y(t) = x(t) -
dt 2 dt dt
if y(0) =2, dy(0)/dt = 1 and x(t) = e u(t). Use Laplace transform to determine the response of the
system to a unit step input applied at t = 0. (16) (Nov/Dec 2010)
Using Laplace Transform, find the impulse response of an LTI system
d 2 y(t) dy(t) (8) (Apr/May 2010)
+3 + 2y(t) = x(t)
dt 2 dt
An LTI system is represented by d y(t) + 4 dy(t) + 4 y(t) = x(t) with initial conditions y(0)=0;y’(0)=1;
dt 2 dt
Find the output of the system ,when the input is x|t|= e-tu(t) (16) (Nov/Dec 2014)

An LTI system is defined by the differential equation .Find the response of the system y(t) for an input
x(t)=u(t),if the initial conditions are y(0)=1; (10) (Apr/May2016)

Solve the differential equation (D2+3D+2) y(t)=Dx(t) using the input x(t)=10 e-3t and with initial
conditions y(0+)=2 and y(0+)=3 (10 ) ( Apr/May 2015)

For a LTI system with H(s)=(s+5)/(s2+4s+3). Find the differential equation .Find the system output y(t) to
the input x(t) = e-2tu(t). (10) ( Apr/May 2015)

6. Draw the block diagram representation for H(s) = 4s+28 / (s2+6s+5) (6) ( Apr/May 2015)


Sampling Theorem-Aliasing- Z-Transform - Region of Convergence (ROC) – Properties of

Z-Transform - Inverse Z-Transform using Partial Fraction Expansion and Power Series Expansion
method-Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) - Properties of DTFT - Relation between Z-
Transform and DTFT.


1. State the Sampling Theorem. (Apr/May2010)

2. What is aliasing? (Apr/May 2013, Nov 2013, Nov/Dec 2010)
3. What is an anti-aliasing filter? (Nov/Dec 2009)
4. Define Nyquist Rate. (Apr/May 2012)
5. State Parseval’s relation for discrete time aperiodic signals. (Nov/Dec 2009)
6. Prove the time shifting property of DTFT. (Apr/May 2012)
7. State the sufficient condition for the existence of DTFT for an aperiodic sequence. (Apr/May 2010)
Write the conditions for existence of DTFT. (Apr/May 2016)
8. Define DTFT and Inverse DTFT. (Nov/Dec 2012)
If X(w) is DTFT of x[n], what is DTFT of x*[-n]? (Apr/May 2013)
9. What is the Z Transform of a u(n). (Nov/Dec 2009)
10. Define one-sided Z Transform and two-sided Z Transform. (Apr/May 2010)
Define unilateral and bilateral Z Transform. (Nov/Dec 2013)
11. What is Z Transform of δ[n + k] (Apr/May 2013)
12. Mention the properties of ROC in Z Transform. (Nov/Dec 2010)
13. State the time shifting property of Z Transform. (Apr/May 2011)
14. State the final value theorem. (Apr/May 2012)
15. State the convolution property of Z Transform. (Nov/Dec 2012)
16. State and prove the time folding property of z-transform. (Nov/Dec 2014)
17. Write the relation between DTFT and Z Transform. (Apr/May 2011)

18. Find the DTFT of x(n)=δ(n)+δ(n-1). (Nov/Dec2014)

19. List the methods used for finding the inverse Z transform. (Apr/May 2015)
20. Determine the Nyquist sampling rate for x(t)=sin(200πt)+3 sin2(120πt) (Apr/May 2015)
21. State the need for sampling. (Nov/Dec2015)

22. Find the z transform and its associated ROC for (Nov/Dec2015)

23. Find the final value of the signal (Apr/May2016)


1. State and prove sampling theorem for low pass band limited signal and explain the process of
reconstruction of the signal from its samples. (10) (Nov/Dec 2012)
State and prove sampling theorem for a band limited signal. (16) (Nov/Dec 2014)
State and prove sampling theorem. (10) (Apr/May2016)
Given the signal x(t) = 5 cos (2000 πt) + 10 cos (8000 πt) + 20 cos (10000 πt). Determine:
(a) The maximum sampling rate to avoid aliasing
(b) Discrete time signal if sampling frequency = 16 KHz
(c) Discrete time signal if sampling frequency = 8 KHz (16) (Apr/May 2011)
Consider an analog signal x(t) = 5 cos 200 πt. Determine the minimum sampling rate to avoid aliasing. If
sampling rate = 400 Hz, what is the DT signal after sampling? (6) (Nov/Dec 2010)
Describe the sampling operation and explain how aliasing error can be prevented.
(6) (Apr/May 2010)
What is aliasing? Explain the steps to be taken to avoid aliasing. (6) (Apr/May2016)
State and explain sampling theorem both in time and frequency domains with necessary Quantitative
analysis and illustrations. (16) (Nov/Dec 2015)
Determine the Nyquist sampling rate and Nyquist sampling interval for x(t) = sinc2(200πt).
(8) (Nov/Dec 2009)
A continuous time sinusoid cos (2πft+θ) is sampled at a rate f s=1000Hz.Determine the resulting signal
samples if the input signal frequency f is 400 Hz,600Hz and 1000 Hz respectively.
(8) (Apr/May 2015)
2. Determine the discrete time Fourier transform of x(n) = a|n|, |a|<1 (8) (Nov/Dec 2013)
Determine the DTFT of (1/2)n u(n) . Plot its spectrum. (8) (Apr/May 2013)
Express the Fourier Transforms of the following signals in terms of X(ejω)
(a) X1[n] = X[1-n]
(b) X2[n] = (n-1)2 x[n] (8) (Apr/May 2012)
Find DTFT for the following signals and draw the magnitude and phase spectrum.
1, | n | ≤ 4
(a) x(n) = 
0, | n | > 4
(b) x(n) = anu(n), |a| < 1 (12) (Nov/Dec 2010)
A, | n | ≤ N
Find the Fourier transform of x(n) =  (8) (Apr/May 2010)
0, | n | > N
Find the DTFT of x(n)=(1/2) u(n-1) (5) (Apr/May 2015)
3. Find the inverse DTFT of X(ejω) = {j, -1, -j, 1} (4) (Nov/Dec 2010)
4. State and prove time shift and frequency shift property of DTFT. (8) (Apr/May 2013)
State and prove any two properties of DTFT. (6) (Nov/Dec 2012)
State and prove Parseval’s Energy theorem for a discrete time signal. (8) (Apr/May 2011)
Explain any four properties of DTFT. (8) (Apr/May 2010)
State and prove time shifting property of DTFT. (8) (Nov/Dec 2009)
Prove the following DTFT properties
(a) nx(n) <=> jdX(Ω)/dΩ
(b) x(n)ejΩcn <=>X(Ω-Ωc). (8) (Apr/May 2015)

State and prove any two properties of DTFT and any two properties of z-transform.
State and prove the following theorems:
Convolution theorem of DTFT (8) (Apr/May2016)
5. Find the Z transform and ROC of the sequence x(n) = r cos(nθ)u(n) (8) (Nov/Dec 2013)
Determine the Z Transform of x(n) = ancos(ω0n) u(n) (8) (Apr/May 2013)
Find Z Transform of (n) = cos(nθ)u(n) (8) (Nov/Dec 2012)
Determine the Z transform and sketch the pole zero plot with ROC for each of the following signals:
(a) x[n] = (0.5)n u[n] – (1/3)n u[n]
(b) x[n] = (0.5)n u[n] + (1/3)n u[n-1] (16) (Apr/May 2012)
Find the Z Transform for nU(n) (8 ) (Apr/May 2011)
Find Z Transform and ROC for following signals:
(a) x(n) = 2n u(-n)
(b) x(n) = n(1/4)n [u(n) – u(n-5)] (10) (Nov/Dec 2010)
Find Z Transform of signal x(n) = [sin(ω0n)] u(n) and find ROC. (10) (Apr/May 2010)
(8 ) (Nov/Dec 2009)
Using suitable z transform properties find X(z) if x(n)=(n-2)(1/3) u(n-2)
(6) (Apr/May 2015)
Find the z transform of x(n)=a|n| 0<a<1 (5) (Apr/May 2015)
6. Find inverse z-transform of the function X(z) = 1 + z -1 ROC |Z| > 2/3 (8) (Nov/Dec 2013)
 2 -1 
1 − z 
 3 
Determine the inverse Z transform of 1 ROC |Z| > 1 (8) (Apr/May 2013)
X(z) =
1 − 1.5z + 0.5z − 2
- 1
Determine inverse Z transform of X(z) = 1 ROC |Z| > 1/3
(1 − 1 / 3z )(1 − 1 / 6z - 1 )
- 1
(8) (Nov/Dec 2012)

Find inverse Z Transform of 1 / (Z2 – 1.2Z + 0.2) (8) (Apr/May 2012)
Use a power series expansion to determine the time domain signal corresponding to
(a) x(z) = 1 / (1 - 0.25z-2) |Z| > 1/2
(b) x(z) = n(1+ z-1) |Z| > 0 (10) (Nov/Dec 2010)
Obtain x(n) using partial fraction expansion for x(z) = (z2 – 3z) / (z2 + 1.5z – 1) 0.5 > |z| < 2
(6) (Nov/Dec 2010)
Find inverse z transform of X(z)=z-1/(1-0.25z-1-0.375z-2)
For (i) ROC |Z|>0.75
(ii)ROC|Z|<0.5 (16) (Nov/Dec 2014)
7. State and prove the following properties of z transform
(a) Linearity, (b) Time shifting, (c) Differentiation, (d) Correlation. (8) (Nov/Dec 2013)
Initial value theorem of Z-transform (8) (Apr/May2016)
State and prove convolution property of Z transform. (8) (Nov/Dec 2009)



Impulse Response: Causality and Stability of LTI DT systems – Convolution Sum using Analytical,
Graphical and Tabulation method - Solution of Difference equations using Z-
Transform - Analysis of LTI Discrete Time systems using Z-Transform: Transfer function, Impulse
response, Step response and Output response - Block diagram representation: Direct form-I, Direct
form-II, Cascade and Parallel forms.


1. Find system function for y[n] = 2 y[n-1] + x[n] – 3 x[n – 2] (Nov/Dec 2010)
Find system function for y[n] = 0.5 y[n-1] + x[n] (Apr/May 2012)
Define System Function. (Nov/Dec 2009)
2. Define the shifting property of discrete time unit Impulse function. (Apr/May 2010)
3. Find the impulse response of system y[n] = x[n – n0] (Nov/Dec 2010)
4. Define IIR System. (Nov/Dec 2010)

5. Give the impulse response of a linear time invariant as h(n)=sin πn,check whether the system is
stable or not. (Nov/Dec 2014)
6. Realize the difference equation y[n] = x[n] – 2 x[n – 1] in Direct Form 1. (Nov/Dec 2010)
7. Draw the block diagram representation of the system y[n] = x[n] + x[n – 2] (Apr/May 2011)
8. Write the condition for stability of DT-LTI system with respect to position of poles. (Apr/May 2011)
9. A causal LTI system has impulse response h[n] for which Z Transform is
1 + Z- 1 . Is the System stable? Explain. (Nov/Dec 2012)
H(Z) =
(1 - 0.5 Z- 1)(1 + 0.25Z- 1)
Check whether the system with system function 1 -1 1 -1
H(Z) = +
(1 - 0.5 Z- 1) (1 - 2 Z- 1)
with ROC ||Z| < 0.5 is causal and stable. (Nov/Dec 2013)
Is discrete time system described by the difference equation y(n) = x(-n) causal? (Apr/May 2013)
10. In terms of ROC,state the condition for an LTI discrete time system to be causal and stable.
11. Convolve x[n] = {2, -1, 3, 2} and h[n] = {1, -1, 1, 1} (Apr/May 2012)
Convolve x[n] = {1, 1, 1, 1} and h[n] = {3, 2} (Nov/Dec 2012)
Convolve the following signals,x(n)={1,1,3}and h(n)={1,4,-1}. (Nov/Dec 2015)
12. Define Convolution sum with its equation. (Nov/Dec 2013)
13. List the advantages of the state variable representation of a system. (Apr/May 2012,Apr/ May 2011)
14. Write the nth order difference equation. (Apr/May2015)
15. Name the basic building blocks used in LTIDT system block diagram. (Apr/May2015)
16. Compare recursive and non recursive systems. (Apr/May2015)
Distinguish between recursive and non-recursive systems. (Nov/Dec 2015)
17. From discrete convolution sum, find the step response in terms of h(n). (Apr/May2016)
18. Define the non recursive system. (Apr/May2016)


1. Find the state variable matrices A, B, C and D for the input-output relation given by
y(n) = 6y(n-1) + 4y(n-2) + x(n) + 10(n-1) + 12(n-2) (8 ) (Apr/May 2012)
Write a brief note on state variable representation of a system. (8) (Apr/May 2011)
Describe the state variable model for discrete time systems. (8 ) (Apr/May 2010)
Find the state variable matrices A, B, C and D for
y(n) - 3y(n-1) - 2y(n-2) + x(n) + 5x(n-1) + 6x(n-2) (8) (Apr/May 2010)
2.Draw Direct Form I and Direct Form II implementations of the system described by the difference
Equation y(n) + 0.25 y(n-1) + 0.125 y(n-2) = x(n) + x(n – 1) (6) (Nov/Dec 2013)
Draw the direct form, cascade form and parallel form block diagrams of
1 (10) (Nov/Dec2012)
H(z) =
(1 + 0.5z )(1 − 0.25z )
-1 -1

Realize the following system in cascade form

(10) (Apr/May2016)
Draw the direct form II block diagram for
H(z) = (1 + 2 z+1 – 20z+2 – 20z-2 – 5z-4+ 6z-6) / (1 + 0.5z-1-0.25z-2) (8) (Apr/May 2012)
Obtain the parallel realization of the system y(n) – 3 y(n-10 + 2y(n-2) = x(n) (8) (Apr/May 2011)

Obtain Direct Form I, Direct Form II, cascade and parallel form realization of the system described by
the difference equation
y(n) = 0.75 y(n-1) - 0.125 y(n-2) + x(n) + 0.5 x(n – 1) – x(n-2) (16 ) (Nov/Dec 2010)
Determine direct form II and transpose form structure for the system given by the difference
equation y(n) = 0.5 y(n-1) - 0.25 y(n-2) + x(n) + x(n – 1) (12) (Nov/Dec 2010)
Discuss the block diagram representation for LTI discrete time systems. (8) (Apr/May 2010)
Obtain cascade and parallel form realization of the system
y(n) - 0.25 y(n-1) - 0.125 y(n-2) = x(n) + 3 x(n – 1) + 2x(n-2) (16) (Nov/Dec 2009)
1,0 ≤ n ≤ 4
3.Compute Convolution Sum of the following sequences x(n) =  and
0, otherwise
α n ,0 ≤ n ≤ 6
h(n) =  (10) (Nov/Dec 2013)
0, otherwise
Find the convolution sum between x(n)={1,4,3,2}and h(n)={1,3,2,1} (6) (Apr/May2015)
4.Determine transfer function and impulse response for causal LTI system
y(n) - 0.25 y(n-1) – (3/8) y(n-2) = -x(n) + 2x(n – 1) using Z Transform. (8) (Nov/Dec 2013)
3 − 4z- 1
A LTI system is characterized by the system H(z) = Specify the ROC of H(z) and
1 − 3.5z- 1 + 1.5z- 2
determine h(n) for the following conditions:
(a) The System is stable
(b) The system is causal
(c) The system is anti-causal (10 ) (Nov/Dec 2012)
Find the input x(n) which produces output y(n) = {3, 8, 14, 8, 3} when passed through the system
h(n) = {1, 2, 3} (8) (Apr/May 2012)
An LTI system is given with impulse response h(n) = (0.5)nU(n). Determine
(a) Whether the system is causal or not (3) (Apr/May 2011)
(b) Whether the system is stable or not (3) (Apr/May 2011)
(c) Response for input x(n) = U(n) (10) (Apr/May 2011)

5 Compute y(n)=x(n)*h(n) Where x(n)=(1/2)-n u(n-2);h(n)=u(n-2) (16) (Nov/Dec 2014)

Convolve the following signals:

(16) (Nov/Dec 2015)


(6) (Apr/May2016)
Consider an LTI system with impulse response h(n)=αn u(n) and the input to this system is
x(n)=βn u(n) with │α│& │β│
(i). when α=β
(ii). when α≠β using DTFT. (16) (Nov/Dec 2015)

6. Obtain the impulse response of the system given by the difference equation
5 1
y(n) − y(n − 1) + y(n - 2) = x(n) (10) (Apr/May 2013)
6 6
Determine the range of values of the parameter “a” for which the LTI system with impulse response
h(n) = anu(n) is stable. (6) (Apr/May 2013)
Compute the response of the system y(n) = 0.7 y(n–1) - 0.12 y(n-2) + x(n-1)+x(n-2) to the input
x(n) = n u(n). Is the system stable? (or) (16) (Apr/May2013)
Find the system function and impulse response h(n) for a system described by the following
input-output relationship y(n) = 0.3 y(n-1)+ 3x(n) (6) (Nov/Dec 2012)
Derive the necessary and sufficient condition for BIBO stability of an LSI system.
(6) (Nov/Dec 2012)
Find the impulse response of y(n) – 2y(n-2) + y(n-1) + 3y(n-3) = x(n) + 2 x(n-1)
(8) (Apr/May 2012)
A causal system has input x(n) and output y(n). Determine the impulse response of the system
x(n) = δ(n) + 0.25 δ(n-1) – 0.125 δ(n-2) and y(n) = δ(n) - 0.75 δ(n-1) (6) (Nov/Dec 2010)
A causal system has x(n) = δ(n) + 1/4 δ(n-1) – 1/8 δ(n-2) and y(n) = δ(n) – 3/4 δ(n-1). Find the impulse
response and output if x(n)=(1/2)n u(n). (12) (Apr/May2015)
Find the output y(n) of a LTI system y(n) + 2y(n-1) – y(n-2) = x(n) + 3 x(n-1) and input
x(n) = (0.25)n u(n). Assume the initial conditions are y(-1) = 0 and y(-2) = 1. (10) (Nov/Dec 2010)
Describe the finite and infinite impulse response system. (4) (Nov/Dec 2010)
Find the impulse response of y(n-2) -3y(n-1) + 2y(n) = x(n-1) (8) (Apr/May 2010)
Find impulse and step response of the system y(n) – 0.75 y(n-1)+0.125y(n-2) = x(n)
(16) (Nov/Dec 2009)
Determine the impulse and step response of the system y(n) + y(n-1)-2y(n-2) = x(n-1)+2x(n-2)
(10) (Apr/May2015)
LTI discrete time system y(n)=3/2 y(n-1)-1/2 y(n-2)+x(n)+x(n-1) is given an input x(n)=u(n)
(i) Find the transfer function of the system.
(ii) Find the impulse response of the system. (16) (Nov/Dec2014)
A system is governed by a linear constant coefficient difference equation
y(n)=0.7 y(n-1)-0.1 y(n-2)+2 x(n)-x(n-2).Find the output response of the system y(n) for an input
x(n)=u(n). (16) (Apr/May2016)

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