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List No. 42. PHYSICAL INSTRUMENTS THE CAMBRIDGE SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT CO., LTD. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND. ‘TELEGRAPHIC AND CABLE ADDRESS. ‘TELEPHONE: INSTRUMENT, CAMBRIDGE" CAMBRIDGE, NO. 0 1906, COPYRIGHT. Eptered at Stationers! Hall, 1906, Gold Medal, International Inventions Exhibition, 1885, Grand Prix, Paris Exhibition, 1900. Two Grand. Prizes, ‘St Louis Exposition, 1904, We also publish the following Cotalogues which vill be sont port fese on epplication:— Technical Thermometry. Electrical Instruments, (New Edition in preparation.) Duddell Patent Oscillogeaph. Duddell Patent Thermo-galvanomotor Grassot. Fluxmeter Dolezalek Electrometer. Rosénhain, Calorimeter. Standard Cadmium Celts, Miorotomes and. Accessories, ete. DIRECTIONS FOR FILLING ORDERS, rrc. ‘We shall be glad to send any of our apparatus to the National Physical Laboratory at Teddington, ‘Middlesex, for Standardization. A small charge will be made for the carriage of tho instruments to and from the Laboratory, but the actual verification fees will be charged at cast price. Foreign enlace cooxt to socompsnied by either « romittaues or instmetions for yayruent in Lovdon, on Aetvery of tills of Iangy 8 Cuoques to be dina payable to “The Combxdgo Seleuite Tosirumont Co, Limited” sad coyse “Landon and Corny Paik, Cambridge? Dotivery. All prices quoted in this Hist aro free on rails, Combrldgo, and goods are sent carriage forward. st eonalgnee’s risk. The full Invoice price is allowed for returned packing casos, whua setually received, in good condition, earriago ald, within fourteon days frum delivery. ‘The greatest cars is exereised im packing, but we cannot hold onrseives responsible for breakax fm tranatt, In the event of any damsge occurring, application should at ones be made to tho railway company or caxzier, Previous Hite are erchy cancellod, Dogs, rntarinls and prioos are subject to eitoration witout no: ‘Tromle Linn Telaphona: &Cambridgs, No. 6? ABC Cole, bth Lition, and Western Union Colo used, Thlegraptie and Goble Addsess: “ Inatmmenty Cambridge Al Corrmpendence sgl be alexa Tho Tastroment Company, ‘Cambriaze, Breland, Note. ‘Tha Werks of the Company ste off the Ohestestin: Bond, just oppdla Tews Leck. August, 1008 7501 ii The Cambridge Scientifie Instrument Co, Id, Telegraphic Acdroos “INSTRUMENT, CAMBRIDGE TELEGRAPHIC CODE. For general purponee the AB © Codo 3 de are wed Wat in the price of akan. Wnt ie the pris, time of delivery end bet terms for ‘alntine, Quote price Eo Tonio of Gokiraage Tow moon ould yon deliver? Git Fave you in Stock? Goisaze nee delivered hy Giionngort {Gould oliver tho order in Guinan We could deliver iu une month fom roca of ontor aire We could deliver in two monty fom receipt of onder lange. We could dative im amon fr seceipt of ender Galeted, We Inve the insteuments sm Stacke Galo We have min of the onler in Stock Goda. We have part of the onder sm Ste, olivery of whole ationnt on Gitae Onde rosteed latinas One svat boon resid Gut Add to onder of Graccop. Phase deli wt once. Che falling ap. pam, wo aro writing by chia mail leh We haave noe heard fone yom i apy to four her of 6 Wait our ueet lester bole dng any hing free Gob snes 4 Jalon Fisher & Ga, th etn, 1201, snd Wontern Union The following code word lave boon spcillyselocted for this It Waling your Fucker inetrastions garda Wat you suggest will do quit mall We canst on om teu ‘Cammoning. Gandroon Pamebneper estan dh ev full parila We are sertg fal parvoulans Uy thie a ‘Gunglifrm Brn expense wil be Gangtooth Latter rescind Gangec Reuly by eahle ardenples ially refer my 1 your bauer or agents panienare foe gaye How were gnads sont? Gants Who did als Toa 7 Gargote ‘We will ehip by Garston Geeds hare heen duly esivad arvating, Ati by Cnende Fitere Gaseous Ship by Peto ¥ Gast Ship re of Gaens Te onde have not Lay amit our nat Testor Gasowope. Gorda ive avivad daseod, plane ine form, exten Gauretort Inmure for sunvunt of Covsice etre sp iene yale to your wader Galea Please sued ur atest eabaague Gathenabe TABLE OF DATES. "Ty altain the cademurd for any yertivasr date, ald the work for the « ee ie : se ke | BES Ma | Twenty fra i eee eee ee eos alae ao fe | we” | to the wind fo the codewords Date Code word Min Twentysccnd —OkE Mow Twentysthind Oi Mone Ineentysnith One Twelfth iter Iwortpsiath Oat Twensyarventh Pack Twendyreehth Page Twertp-nin Pik Thirties Pin Thicty.tise Pa Oode-word Month Code word Teg September ‘Stone ee October Ton Howe Noveusber Wards See Deseabar Welt Cambridge, England. ii PREFACE. HLS list includes most of the Physical Instruments, other than Electsical Instruments and Thermometers, which we are regularly making at the prosent time, ‘The prices of a Inrgo number of instraments in the list have oon greatly reduced ; eapecially in § 4, Mechanics. A schedule of the other lists which we publish is given on the inmer page of the front cover. It may be pointed out, moceover, that the regular types of instruments catalogued in these various liste represent ouly a portion of our output, We antly ca d upon to eonstruct special instruments and apparatus for research in laboratory and observatory, for investigating and controlling ine dustri operations, and for educational purposes, In many cases we have also fornished the designs for special instroments, A few examples are described in the last section of this Tis. The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co.. CONTENTS. Gasenst Lavonsrouy Equiemnv? Srcotat anv ANGULAR Mussonevest Mrcmaxtes Barasens ano Wntowrs Souxp Laon Hear Mane Frunvurs ov Srectat, Aeranazus § 1. GENERAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 1001 Apparatus Cabinets, of the highest quality, made to order only. Bstinates will be given on specitiestion of requirements 1002, Laberatory Stade, in thie sizes {ice Mlustearion). We havo felt for somo. long ‘uw thot she stands in goneral ose in the mjurty of Laboratories are far bo weak and lacking in rigidity. We bave therefor designed series of stands and clampe which will dimuly aupport & considecable weight at initly Targo distances from the ceatse of support, The bases are drilled and comtarsums, so chot they can be wnowad dawn if desired. For clampa sw No, 1003, Diane, yume up of De Fre $ Cole Kura 1002 a, £7 (10 my 5 eu Be 94 080d — Inert 1002 F. Yat wm) Born Bs. Gd 80d Iapost 1002 . 1 (25 um.) 100 en, 9s. Gd B04 Laprees Longer pilare oan be ted ot eon! aclitionnl cst 1003, Laboratory Stand Pittings, for wo with Iahortory stands Nox 1002, b and © (ace sllatrations)| ‘A. Pillar blook, for cbuspingg upoe the pile; deed with those snutually orp Iholos with sot-rorows for holding lamps, ex, Me 84 SLO wie Connector, illo! with thew holes (two parallel, she third perpendicular to then for use especially ‘sith thy plain lengths of rod (0 and K), sud enaliing any of the cluinps, ete Velunging to this act to Be hold firmly at any insliaatfon. Those conaoetors are also useful sslar cluuping (we lengiba of reel together ao as lo form practically one long pies 86 Od. $0.75 d — Inise © Voobraoket, fur holing rmly, but without undue eran, a telescope or uny such inwiroment an requires to be sighted in a definite diceetion, 4m. 4. $110d— Inalip 1. Glamp, for holding firmly at any inclintion pices fhm 60 mm, diameler down to 7 Gs. 6d $L60d © Iaeoy L nothing Lid., c Fastriment. Ch, The Cambridge Soienti 6a, $ORRE Frame Ie, Od, §0.24d ude B, Plain rod, 200 mm. to B, Plain red, 400 6. Face plate, drilled and countersunk au that a board or ether woxdwork amy be sorowed to it, La iting up apparatus for temporary ase, this fitting is often highly eonvenient Is. Gd. f0.40d — ndear ax louis No, 100d. 4 fu be No. 1009, 5 fall wi Ti, Flat olrenlar iron table, 18) mm. in diametor 3, Od. $0.78 aden 3. Torsion head, with circle divided evi greats 1s Gd $4004 Fadive 1004, Adjustable pillar stand, ‘This is shuilar to No, 1002 A, but with the addition of eal rl can Lie stad, so that the scribing alyles of bo vom, Hf the s screw hy means of wich the ve ly Deonght into eouluse with a voor fram is mevinge quiskly, this arrangement ix ofen wise convenient 18s. Od. $4404 Alipoue 1008. Simple form of the alive seth adjusting lever iu pace of serew Te. Od. $LTOM — Actingate 4 1005 a. ‘Tripod pillar stand, ns illustovt QB mm,) in dinmoter, ite length (A) being cI et, Similar stands of other dimensions eas Ie soplitel to ver. 48 Gd. LOB Ligure The pillar is No. 10064, 3 ul su, Cambridge, England. 3 Geometric tripod stands, Thess stunds, desgued by Me C. V. Boys, PALS, are especially Mlapted for supporting piewoe of apyemeus, such as gulvanomotors, lamps, ie, BY their uinans a stand of any desired height my tho onde, oach ‘ipod making goometeie contust with the ome im bemel on the upper tediately low it. A triangular groove ds surface of the tivale into which the levelling screws of an insti muy bo placed. ‘Tho ends are cuppliod iu twa size: 10068, Small Size: Distance frm centss of teiped to oentess of fect: 73mm, A. set of 1 acon eonauta ot 9 stands, 13mm. high, ounds, 2 ant. high, = fond 1 stand, 2 mam, high, to which a modal table 155 mm, in at Ainmeter i Fixe Noa 100%, 10068 ca fuleea, ‘In Lrom, por aré of I don, 1 6d. $8002 Canina Tn Brat, por exo of 1 daz BL Te. Gd $6700 Arline 1006 b. Large size: Distanon from contro ct tripod to orntres af feot 1 A set of 1 oan conaista 02: 9 stans, 70 um. Ligh, 2 stand, 86mm. high, and I stead, 36200. high, ta whick a wooden table 3Sem. square is fixe Tn Tran, por sot of 1 doe, + BR Os; Od. $8.TBd —Cenominsty In Bsn, por set of L dos 25. 102. 04, $26.80 © Avinort 1007. Burton's levelling stand, of gaowoteio dosign (geo ilustencion), Thin reste upon Uwe tolid tors either on a table or on n pile af Hoye’ seormelnie tripod atanda (largo site, seo No. 1006 2). A gimbel consteuotion provide: for independent leveling adjustueut about two mutually porpendionlar axen The wiljaiting seews, being indepandent of the toes on which tho appamtus Mauls, ou by sek with the gross: froglom and delicacy, xidnalake of the mahogany tap being. ontiroly absent, The advantage posoauod ly thie somsteustion over the ordinary scvanyement of Ulsree Footsoneme For Teelling will le readily apparent; singe any Iooxiear in such fost corows involves a correpouding sideshake in the table: so hat closly.leLing screws have to bo asad which are often dificult to adjant with the necewary finenos, or without some bedly displace meat of ike whole apparatas cpa the work-hench, Moreover the advantage of having the mutually porpondieelar livelling motione truly indopendent wil be appresated. This stand will be foend most consenient for supporting temporary aypanntis requiring to bo levelled, and it in to bo specially recommended fer such tne work ai Lord Rayleigl’s watertest for the atnoss of au ‘optical surface. ‘Ths tmblo Gndieatod by dotted lines in tho Agar) measures 30 * $0 ons. BL 08. 04 $4.00¢ Tf No, 1007, 4 fl ie 4 ‘The Cambridge Scientific Instrmaent Co., Tid. $2. SPACIAL AND ANGULAR MEASUREMENT. mm, thick and 26 10m. wile, divided (nto millimetres 5 Standard scales. OF nickel stor, wdor tlm they may hang vertically. se wat ta ing td tc a al 9 ESTO 1. from the National Physiew! a cettitionte recently nse The {fillowing is an extract Laboratory for one of these scales:—SThw Scale us been comp and its cosficiont of expansion ns been foul to be (-0000012 «dith the Taboratory Standarda, per 1°€: belween eho fomporstures 5 and 3 Tho absolute length frou line © t0 Tine 10 ns twen found to be ‘Phe teale haa heen immersed in. seater for 43 honre and shows no sign of oxitation.” 50.03, ems, at O° © 1008. 50 em. long £2, 53, Od. LODE Frank 1009, 100 em. I £3. 0s, Od. $14.60 Garon Standard metros of invar atecl These are madi of an allay of stor! comtaining 98"), uf nidkel, introduced into Metrology as tle result of expesiuents tate af the Sevres Tntermational Doreaa of Weights and Measures ty Dr Gaullsunoe. ‘Tho principe! ailvantags of tie alley ta vory slight expansion with temperatnro, between out aud one £ vat of pla 1 taken a fine polish, and is mon oxidizable jn dry or mist a O10, Standard. metre sealo of inyar steel, 10m. chink: and 2mm, wide divided into cms, and the first decimesce into. sum, £1 Wx Oa. $56.00 Frantic LOM. Standard metre scale of invar stool, HE form, divide) ia the netral zone (sxe ilustration), ‘The division ore millimetees, the Hist al last mn. being oubslividea into tenths £14, 10s, Od, $70.60 Prutornive £3. 08 OF $1460” Linge 1012, Vertical stand for sup Gertificntes from the National Physieal Laboratory can be supplied, at cost price, with any of the above scales. 1013, Boxwood metre scales, syuars eign millimetres im on ihe, (enths of am inch om Le other Bach Is. Gd. 50.360 Infuse Per 2 Be 64 380d Figo 1014. Millimetee paper scales, 560mm, long) avcid the omer dao to shrinkage, thes ew printed dry on stout paper from a carefully divided copper plate = oak Gd. $0120 Fresbootar Dito Pee dos 45 Gd SLO Frednan 1016. “ar callipers, measring o ‘one vide up to 12 inches Ly ihiwandiha of a ino, land dived on the othor aide to read to 2 willlwetm Jans 1 i 08 inch whon closed ies Tong, width of jams In Movocen ease complete £4. 03, 04 $19.50) nprirais Cambridge, England, 5 Instantaneous dial micrometers, must comvenient for obtaining rapid and acourate measure iments of small diameters and thicknesses, ‘The jews are opeued ly light preaure wpm « thueab- lever, and close upon tho pleco tn be messurrd when the presute {5 witharava. ‘Those micrometers fare used in or own shops for masuring the dismsters of quaete flbves, and for testing their They will be found esposilly wel for measuring the Ubickness of wierostope 2016. With copphiro jaws and chum lovor, oponing to 2mm, value of one compleve tues of ‘the index: O-t min. and ealue of each division -001 um., in box comple as ilinsteated, BAL Ms. Gd, $ZOIOL — Irmprodity Xe. 101 4 ful sas, No. Wh 1O1G a, With sisel jaws aunl withont thumblever, oponing to 50 mm., ealne of owe complete tum of the oomnter {min value of euch division OL mun. in tix conplote a sTlustrated £2. 158, Od $13400 — frnpructont 1017. Optioal eallipor, sn instrument constricted on the optical lever prin The opening ween Uhe jus is Beely armas from ane silt, the Jays overbinging the other yarts af the instrament. The depression of a frlociontight lover allows the jams to be close hy a very’ smal constant foros, all undue train ond shooks being avoided. Prive Brown and Sharpe's micrometer callipere, The rain preventing undue presure on the faces of the gnog: , reading to O01 Lael, in ewe 1018. Halfinch steel gaus BL Bs Od. §5.GO% — Fovtet Without Rateer 21 1s, Od) $6104 a, 198, all wie 1019. 13 mm. steal gouge, renting to ‘Olu, in ae 21 Is, Od $5106 ‘ith Resse BL Ba Od, $5604 © Gingobre 6 The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co Ltd, 1020. One inch steel gauge, wading % O01 incl, is Withot Rates Wits tata £1 54. Od $6105 Forsanio EL Te Od, $6.60b Mossad io. 102n. Pals 1021, 25 mm. steel gange, roading to Ol min, in one Withove Hato wis £1 Ba Od. $6105 Canmore £L Te Od $660) Hipyind Micrometer eallipera. A cheap tnt good form having bos of Tsection with the anvil formed wolidly on the steel frame, yy ah anvil screw Leng feet fab tho other end. The figure showa the 1 inch allipex, full slo, which sumaures from 0 60 1 inch in thoveandebe nidjustonent commonly nya 1021.9, 0 tw } ineh 1s, Od. F365 Joie 10218 0 to 1 inch Vrs 64 $4256 diate 1216. 1 to 2 insher We, 66. $4.95 iny No, l0al a Evil sis, 1022, Cup amlerometer, for measnring small vertical moveawais, ts one bundiedth of a 8 commonly used. A cup is fixed to the uppor ond of the micrometer sere snd is partially filled with oil. A needle ix thew attached 4 the objent whose movement is ¥0 bo mossorad, It should he vortial, with cho point doswnsard, ani divectiy oer the oil eup, "The miorometer aopew ia turned anil the recding token when the niowle point ie seen to touch the surlace af tbe ail; the Smage of a fof the il being distorted at tho moment of contast. Te is sumotiner more convenient to plaes the fon the object la le eased and to fix the needlr to the Tower eal of the mieromeine 5 BA. 4s. Od. §20.506 Bay! rillimetre, Usefal in) many cases where a. eathetometer y cbject rellected in the muriaco sores as show iu the gure. In Stand extra (t00 p. 1) No. 1002 a « Cumbridge, England, 7 1023. Measuring machine (co illairation), ‘The iierumeterserow in of comparatively open piteh, with a correponlingly Isrge divided bend red by weans of a vrai. Tie main serew can be rotated for quick movement by a Knund “not ut the end of the spindle. Hor slow movement, a fine adjmstment screv ig carried on aa arm which ean be camped to the wheel, at any pial, and dirwsts ogauet the bar provided om tho front of the head Ttealingy ae given to aydoyy of an inch Ry roversing the fine aljstueut ary sux 19 ui the bask thrust bie as postive ato, anid setcng the machine toe. sim, comparhons of tay namber of picrer of the same wise can to obtained by observing the position uf the bobble un the spirit level, whic ix sein on the talatock, When so ordered the machines ae Gited with Rule ani Microscopes ax igared, The rales are of inear nnd nie graduate ia foes with wiceowopia law Ress for supporting on sods im the cent of the bod ww supplied sith the machines ome with Bal apse es $ Cote Wind 2 Shawne $ eds Wert i £95, Om 0 170.50 Joule £50. On 0d, 243,508 Jun 21-250. Os, 04, 243.505 Yonat £70. On Od. 841.00 tangier 160. 0s. 0d 292.206 Jonler 885. Oe. Od. © 414.005 Jrarpn Th above pros: include Polislvel TEssdwond Case, a Yevel are read 1024, Quincko's microscope cathetometer. ‘The diterenees are ya ronoope of sana 2 malo h B usiigiael table A pied Miceials hy weces Ch ast Sera £6. 0s. Od $20.95. Horio pies phuce gnitying pawer The ey uum, divided into 60 qurrs, and ured, The micmscope fra, shih ean aide about on 1025. Micrometer telescope, as nsad by Priveipal Grillths, BRS, for rauling thermometers, he teleeope is supported by a eurvinge aliing on a vertical steel ral fixe to a castiron tripod foot ‘The telesmpe as sn object glass of very short focal length and way bo describe as a wury low-power microwope, A finely raled glass sale is fixed at the fous of tho ep>pieoe and the draw tule is to be adjunted so that 10 divisions of this seale corresiond 40 one millimetre oc owe weale £5. 10s. Od — $26.80.0 — Farnnoar division of tho objest exunined (oe ilustration) Tustrument Co, Ltd. The Cambridge Scienti 1026. ‘Telescope and Seale, Tho scile is 40 cm. lous, divided in millietra and it cam be placed either horizontally or vertically and udjastad to horiaoncaity or vertically: by moms of « foot screw; it can also be slic Iengifiwise in its clip. ‘The telaeope can be tilted, and clamped st any inclination, Both telercope ant scale can De awivelled round or adjust in eight upon the vestien) stew Price complate, with iron stand 23.178. Gd. 18.904 Sanyhry wy With rae stand £4, 2s. Gd, §2010¢ — Haytonr No, 102i 5 fll sie Yo 1985. 4 ct sta 1026 a Nernst Lamp and ‘Transpsrent Seale, for uw with wy relict ‘The lamp enclosed ia utube which vw readily adjuctible ne to. wish apjeratue om he osed without daekentn The: sale then clamp To stan on tabln as illustrited, ort fis toa wall. £2. Bs Od $1.00 «instrament. and direction, The thn room, and ean be seaily set in. any. dination, Ye placed! Lorizantol wr vertical; it cam sl bo wid Tenghirse in its clips, ard Wadpivce a ess C260" oat ir, tlio Gumboidyge, Bugland. 9 1027. Comparntor. A OL mm, un & micrometes head oriomtal tube haa a slow traverse of 40 imi, directly rend to A mierossje casying oross lines can bo clasped at any point Of he length of the tule, and mn For supporting tho obj is provided, toh have sts axis vertica), horizontal or inclined ax dasired (4), ination, a savll sbiling table with cmbrinyg adjustments A tripod atand Grith threo levelling wrewa, not llustentad), onatling the instrument wed as a Cathotonster is alo supplied (2). Complete with teiped stancl #12. 102 Od. 360.900 Forlaying ‘ut sae, a 10, ll see 2 10 The Cambridge Scientific Tustrament Ov., Hd, 1028. Cathotometer. Tue tripod foot has levelling sevens, anil is provided with two spirit | levels, ‘The llescop is auppocted by eariage sli ie coatact on a veriea) steel WS 75 can long, eed to the wiped foot. ‘The Ldescope ix fornihod with a level su han w vertical fue char oportuie is 43 mim, and working distaace feom 1 metro to sanity “B10, 10s. Od, §6L20¢ Formalin slow motion nits axis ‘Tho wale 1029, Cathetometer, with hosvy column 195 fs divided into millimetres, tho vernier retding to gy mm fe rack end pinion mn aperture Readings may be focusing aid sonsitive spirit level, ‘Tho ubject lass is of blaine at distances ranging from G0 ens to infinity (seo ‘lust £38, Os 04 185.001 Formic 1030, ‘Tabie cathotometer, ‘The vertisa! sapport of this instramont is x weldless steel sinnding on a tripod foot, filed with pitt lovels ‘The teleeope his an ohjoe’ glans of 8 diameter, ‘The scale fa 50 et. long vide 10 wil A novel antungeuimut is Fetal for rubdividing the seale rou oo illoseration) £40. Os 0d, 194BOL Bins te 1081, Cathelometer, fur use in omjunetion with a stanianl veal, The whic pillar em fom about ite axis, and cio be raise! cr lowesed micrometrically through «verti range of 25 mm; the eeadings of the wicronewrboal being used to subvlivide: the senl> madings ‘Tho esti range of the toloicope upon the pillar ix 50 em, (Geo iMlustration £13, 15s, Od. $67,006 hin instrument is « modifiod form 1032, Star-photograph micrometer (ve illasieatin of that which was uriginally dosignid Uy Me A, 1 Hin Ovsceratory, Cambridge, Hugdend, Tes fantom ix to determine the exaet svordimizer of a tar sol xappled by ux to she: Univrs or other celestial chject upon s photageaphic plate (Gf = 64" 1 et yraphic plate (GH « 6") impeewsed with a stauard aon, The plate is mounted in w fume whish enables it to be cravorsed in its own plone yaralll cither set of rian lines na required, A micressope is igi s sae “ ticrossope is rigilly entried by bracket attacbe the same frame, aod serves for viewing the photograph, The obj vie tive of the mieroneepe is a0 Cambridge, England. uw srranged as to prdiuce unit magnification, a special adjustment being insluded to secure this result; hws in the secind focal plane of the object glasy a real image of the photographic plate with tho wiseas spon it is prjeetel. La this foeal plans aloo ie a tnoly divided weuls which serves st adjoining réeeou ‘re determined by traversing thin xeale in the focal plane to messure to the neawst ft mim the disanes of any star image from the ne Line, Piuslly fesetionsl parte of by menue of line mew with misromoter hand. The wera linos are gonenlly 5 mm. spect, eo tliat the co-erdinales of a star in ng am tend to the nearest 5 mim, by means of tho wens, to he noarest 2, mm by meana of the seale ia Ube soondaey fveal ple, and fractions of mm, Fy means of t unleromater semw, Thin errangoment i% found to bo suveoptiblo of w vory high ogre of acursey, ong ermoes of piteh In the aseromoter screw alfeting only a small torm (less fini in the observed coordinate, ‘The enor of thie instrument hare been found to be inappreciabl (Sco “The Cambeidige Muohine for Mocwuring Chlestial Photograph,” by A. R. Hinks, Monthty stirs Roy. Astron. Sox, Vol wx. p 414.) £125. Os Od. — $608.75 — Kirkman 1033, Starphotograph micrometer (we ‘astration) for plhtes GE in. x GL in, of lowe lubiorite constrnasion ther the abave, bat capable of deine highly aneorate. work £50, 04. Od. $243.50 Kiting 1033 a, Ditto, dite, for plates [2in. x Win, £70, Os Od. — $34L004 — Ipenity j ta sia 1034, Co-ordinate comparator, For ditermiuing the evordinatos of any sslectel po upon a quarlerplate photograph or the like, with an accuracy of 001 mm. (res illustration) 212. 105. Od. $60.90 Knemin 1035, Screw Measuring Machine, for determining accurately the errors of screws up to inch (125 mm.) diameter, ax supplied to tho National Physical Laborstory, to tho Japanoso Governuent, (© Mensr Ludwig Loewe & Co, ho ‘The elements which oan be measured are Dieter nt root of thread Pitch «Esective diameter” (of Wethn Tnilinntion of side of V. fas well ay the variations of thes quantities from ono Tart of tho vhread to ancther (soe Bupineering, Noversber 13th, 1903). £52. 108 0d. $255.70. Inpurple is) The Cum Itt, Scientific Instrument Ob, 1036. Dividing machine fir sniking stcaht wales of any Tenth lies chon 39 es Tho vecow it of L'min, pte and braversee a aiding carr the engraving points The gum: metal not is hinged and split oo as to be readily di se sae a traverse, The bod and fittings aw af a specially + fir ising thee I is divide into iil character, sil la momoter sid barometer tube aad Bat scales are suppliel, The alermeler h O pacts. Len, rd to OOF mim. (ee ilustratinn £59, 15s. Od $291000 — Fratnew No 1085. § til 1036.9, Ditis, ditte, with miorosoye: attached to tho onvsing £02, 169. Od. $808.60.4 — figatine tide for yonora) laboratory 1037, Ditto, ditto, Tb divide = masinum length of 5 This maching is stro 9 recom 207. 18 04. $815.404 Ling Charbri lye, Hngland, 18 1038. Disto, ditta To divide a mmasimum kngth of 100 em, ineluding eierosoope £79, 168. 04 $373800 Life 1039. step by step dividing machine, useful for dividing verniers and short soles, ‘The raving ool is carsied at the end of a Ing arm, and the scale to be divided iy mounted on 9 sch step ix determines by moans of a aierometor cerow (so Hluteation). BG. We 6d SBLBO© — sorying a Yo. 08%, 4 be, 1040. Spheromoter (ae lowcration). Fur euch division of the misrometer head the point of the screw suvances by 0-002 9mm. ‘The loge usw rsanowabl ane can be sesmwel iat either of two sets of lules, Tn the inner pos tion thy fiet Tio on a citole of Lt.em, radiag, in the oater peat cui eedicee To ceeding Siebel ut Sed uty of a turn, sxigeaved lines {not edge) seeve ah she respective renting marks. 19 avaheyny exe. #4. 45. 0d. 20500 Koby 1041, Amsier’s planimeter, compensation" type (aor illmbration}. ‘Tho polo arm eax be placed fon thor side of dw crager arm, 29 that by tuilay che wiean of tbo muusurementa mado fn thea tre cases, any soll error die to imperfiot alignment of the axis of the roller maybe wliwinated, ‘Adjusted for 1 yernior unit only, bocween 8 ond 10 syne mm, (OULG square inch to 0-0125 Square inch) as desired, length of pole wen Im. (74"), longth of tracer arm 16 em. (62") {lig eljuttnble: panos netylg Une tracer by anade of Gecanan allvar and ectewed om tho tracer arm from undormesth, it Ins a gradustion in {mim on whisk aa index mark indicales the length of the trocer amo, Haller of nickel steel, sraduation of thr mile and coxmting wheel om celluloid convenient wag Lally anid support with testing rule aul ea, 22, 136 GA, $18.06 Inia Ro, WEL, fall vie 1042, Amler's planimeter, cupensation type, with graduated treacr arms povided with vornior and micrometor adjuctmont, adjostablo far values of the verwiar wit between 10 and 2 ‘ayuare mom, adjusted for 4 to 6 vevnier unite or settings of the tracer arm. -Meaing. roller counting whcel as for No, 1011, le ia the case, showing the valwex of the vesuier unit, ottings of tracer arin and constants, polo arm 19 ew, (7)") ling wingod hulle and sappor’, with 5 snd with a convenient adjustment’ for placing the axis of the roller allel (a0 ‘Mhustation) £3. Ms 0d $1B.00¢ — Insmorato nent ease and. testing mp td ridge Scientific Tustywment Ch vl Englich units £4. 08 0d $19.50 nition 1042 a. Adjnstad for be 1043, Splrittevel taster, Fur wovsuring the value of dis yraluauious on a spribtevel me he tube ix placed on a stand which ean ie tilted ly mena of om aoamrate aorwy, the Luther Veing provided wich a microieter head vided on celluloid, wach dicsion of which corrompond to f tilt of one second (cee illustration —the design of th insteutient hus boca grally. improved ese sete £3 17s, Bd §1890e Hoviak — at ice th illuste Cambridge, England. 15 § 3. RECORDING AND TIME-MARKING APPARATUS. 1044. Kymograph. Ludwig rely rode model, driven by jockwork, ‘This instroment. has ben ens Md and js fttod with » very efficient ferm of govemor. The eloclewark is arranged to feed the revolving dram slong its axis wr HE desiced the drum can be camed to rewulve without axial motion. The denm may be placed ai any: sngle The illustrations show the dwn ‘a usedl_vertie ‘and horizontally. ‘The wuréao apse of the eylinder exn be varied by senne fof friction who:ly ani variable gears from 83 min. per socom t0 ahout 20mm. im cue mninute ‘The drum i 130:mm, high and 160 amy, iu dlamtes, Tucbuding xtond for smoking the paper on eylindss £30, 0%, Od, §14G1De —Abaews 1045. Kymograph for oss with « motor ov quiek sunning ean! (soo ilivstration). The ram is 15am, high and 101mm. in diameter sand coat easily bo nomoved when ib ie a cke the paper. The arrmiged as to give ten different speeds The sith wil rotate tnielther Vireetim, aed ext be tonde le thos giving a holical texeing 213. Os Od. SOBS0e —Abduetun This Kysogeaph ean he supplied with an arrangenent for carrying a long shoet of smoked poper at an additional cost of Hie. Od., oF for runtinuons paper al an entra cost of 2, 10s, Od. ied to sitacl and 1 feed slowly along, ite ani 6 The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd. 1046, Simple drum. ‘Tho oplinder ix 190mm, high and 150 mm. in diameter, and is Otel with w pulley for driving by» motor £3, 0% Od $14.00¢ Atoand ines seo ie deawa, 1047, Chronograph for laboratory use, A strip of Morse paper by aivans of auolor ander tien pens attached {0 the urmainees of fo. eetromnynets, One of theoo elostromnumsts ean be connected Ick waking contact every spooml; the other beg fwd for recording the events under observation, ‘The moveinent vf the paper can be started or £15. Os. 04 478.000 Carp stopped wilt Une uior ie ra [The itustration shosis the earlier form of the instcument, the markers otal inking roller have 1048, Spare rec of Morse payer, eel Is, 08 $0.24 —Carpeitay 1049, Chronograph stop-wateh, ws illes-ved 7 ebronograph movemeut is atarted by presiny upon the enn, 1 atopped ty presting «veo elu the poinior $0 ser, ready for anvthoe obsoevus £1 Bs Bh §65Od — Iarnity Nota Ball ite 1050. Chronograph, Hough's printing, Ax desiewil iy Vossen ©. We Woah, of the Dearborn Unieotsity, Kvanctim, Chiewgo, aud iv os at thy Durham Obseveasory, England The tonntically print oy be msde and prinved ty within Hoth of & socom time of any given oecurtence is al rvanis of Lye wires fo order 1051. Glazed paper eurstaly ent to sine aowd ome end gummed ready for use with out Kymogeaph eylindor 190 sum gt and 180 eum, in dinnoter + slr nnd beer gen 100 slwets BRO. L20Adraed Bs Od. 150d Abita 500 Wa Gd. 4.25 Advi $1 Is Od 50d Libatrud 1900 |) BL Ie 6d 7.00 itamnnd = 82, OR Od. O04 Abafrvily 1052, Unglazed” paper for cuntinuons paper Kywogcapliy 127 am, wide, in lls abunt 260 por roll Be Bd. $1854 dvronpuny metres long Curabridge, Bngtand. fn rolls about 10 metres long. per roll 08. 104. §0.20d —Asompliah 1053. Unidazed paper 127 mm. wi 1054, Glazod papor 127 mm. vide, in rolls nowt 10 metros long per wll In Od. §0.24d —Amondale A 1055, Glass recording pon. (See illustration.) ‘This ix a small glass vessel ewling in a fine wnt tube, the capillarity of which ix safirient to maintain ow minile drop of ink at the Wweitiag point of the tube, ‘There is no uilioulty ia kueping ink at the poins however quickly 4 pen may ha moving At the seme time the pen repairer na attention swlion oncn started: it is flexned by. immersion in alenbo instrument am mwin in twa forma ono (A) for use when tho pen is attached un the witing arm "The clips by which the pen is attached tothe styin of the the side, and om (1) when fed from the top oe bolton as in mm as tet 1 moters. | When ordering pleuse state which form of elip is required Is, 04. $O24d Delving 1056. Glass recording pen, large size, of silliciont capacity for a one month's recon 2s. 08. $0502 ining 1057, Bottle of mulling ink for use with the shove yon. Gd, GIR Chafionar 1058. Taning-fork stand, as ilustexted, for balding any of our clectricly moxintsinal tuning forks, With electromagnet and ‘mercury ‘omtact leaker, which oa be kept elran by a streen of water flowing over the moccuty; provided with levelling andl all other roquisite adjustinents ‘Without fore EA 45, 08 $2050 Admicsion No, 1038, false, 1058 8, Tuningifork stand, wx illustrated, fir bv tuningforks, Complete with eloetscamagiot and awvary-cup contact Ineakcex, which are folly and conveniently adjustable Within fork, £3, 05, 0d $14.80 — ddmomitory Jing amy of our electrically smsiatained Ro, 1055, full si ye Seientifie Instrument Cho, Ltd, Jeouit a small induction W088, Induction Col tr the swe Ih plc of th a in ee om a broken by the vibration of the fork, while the electromagnet windings are ineluded in tho se Mim the fren counted to fs excerively amall, and so small a driving current ix requiral that sparking is reduced to a minimum. 15s. 04 {3.708 Kidnap bacy ison catefally adjusted and 1060, ‘Tuning-forus, to ft tho above stamls Th forks awn con be miisd om for aecurite work Bock making 80 ~iatons pr toed 29, 0s, 08 $1400W Apt Fork making 100 vibeatioae por second £3. 08, Od $60 Adar Fork making 200 vibrations por second £3. 0s Od FLEOT Adept Any of the aboee forks can be fitted with wits for bering pivialie plenomems a De Dryalales nethoa for the deterinination of she slip of inaction motors (sr Blatricin, Ang. 25 1905), Betta £1 08 04 $4.90) Judnrn rent tin times yee second. A horiznntal steel a cal a mire dipping into a mercury ean. ‘The intormitient enrrent ve prductd pases thragh an electromagnet placed shove the spring and kerps it vibrating (xo illustration). 178, Gd. $4.25 edottion 2OS1. Contact breaker to interrupt the pring final to 9 casticon stand omillter bei Giseke toe raking en elechee eontaah 2b well ervoal ty umn oF aiplaticdws wir Aipping into a menary cup. £2, 08 Od. $9.75» Aimee 1063, Brodic’s time-marking clock, This loo: woke: » quick avi dofinite eletrie contact every ond, ry tn, ton, thing, or sixty sonnel ae iesnel. ‘Ue mation of the penduluen ic maintained electounagnetically and ean be relly stared oe stopped. Tn polish mah om His rwhogany ease with ghas front (eee ilustration) $B. 03 04, $2440 — Cashirring No, 1063, ful sien Camibridge, England. 19 1064. Laboratory seconds clook, 1» sland on the table or hang on the wall of a labuesioy Tho secon dial is 180 mis. in inne oor ileaLetion) zl. Charindote oa. 1065, ‘Timo-marker for amoked paper (we ilhwiretion), with fino adjustmont (not shown) for approsimsting to the recoding surisce. This exn be used with the eurents from an Klectically Maintained Tuning Fork of slew vibration, Tn hox complete. 21 1s, Od 8.506 Apion 10s, $7.80 1066. Double timemarker for smoked paper, with fine adjustments fir approxivating to che rveording auriaon, x bax complete £9, 0a Od, $19.20.» Frspnsals 1067. Timo-marker, Dopros signal, wich fine odjustmeus for epprosimating to the roemding rises, Ta this forin Ue ectromagnets are atall amd tie moving paris extsoinely light. 1 ia useful for cording simll intervals of ting on stoked paper aie for uso with timarnsnking taningforks, Tn. box complete $2, 108 Od, $19.20. Arohanad 1068. Double thmexarker, Depres signal, with flue oijustunent for approximating to the recording, surface, There sci two small elestinmagnets whose styles have thoir writing posts elose together, Iu box complete £3. 15x Od. $18.900 — Dalatr for prices of lands for aupporting the tine-marers, seo pt, No. 1008 a The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co. Led. § 4, MEGHANICS Instruments with the letter "JE" placed afler the number aro of the form originally designed by Dr Ewing, F.R.S, for use in Mechanical Engineering Laboratorlos. 100 8, Hxtensometer (Ewing's Mloroscope Type), (see Mntrasio clastic wxtnaion and Modulus of Elasticity of specimens fof austal under tensity tests This instrament eu ino ort of it he eing wo cho wal onan of Ce om quickly applisl to any te to be toualsl whilst the Tho ilaatention shows instrament, The clips Bend © are aot ie 8 inches apart Instruments la take speciioens of other lengshe are coe structed to onder Tie displacement ready mien of « mesometer : slo in the epepeee of the unieescopss etch division cocresponding t0 48, snek o8 extonsia i that by: wean au of tently of division voadings to ,o8yp inch wi be talon, A sinew J furthion servee to brine the sted mah tes convenient point on. the tnieromior scale ad abst being the saars back if the stein se large av ta carry it al of tie Bell of Yew 12 invtruunnt Fe applicable to large or sal tes pisses, lean lin wae on testing marhines of vice dn $eicalcac'the borimntal type, (Eee'Uieing’s Stecigs i : AMntoiads, p. 78, Univesity Bree, Canna) Tn poled mnhoginy east eonplte £27 10a. Od 4184.00 — Denuenste MOLE, Apparatus for Marking off Standard Length on Test-Pieces for ieasurenn Batiste Exped (Pee AD lari nd Miata £4, Os, Od $19.506 emu Se WLR. 2 hala Newer 4 mozE. Bw the clastic compression of short blocks, ev Hsing’ Sirenath of fu £25, On Gg, '2 Compression Extensometer (

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