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:……………… End of term English Test Class: 7B……. N° …...

7th Form

Part 1 : Reading Comprehension (6 points)

The text:
All the Browns family are at home. Outside, the weather is rainy and windy. It’s a
very cold winter evening. So, no one can go out.
Tonight, all the family members have their dinner early-at 6.30 in the evening. After dinner,
Mrs. Brown watches TV. Her favourite programme starts at 8.00p.m and ends at 10.00p.m.
But Mr. Brown reads his favourite daily newspaper. Their little daughter, Sarah does her
homework, then she goes to bed. The other daughter, Mary, is in her room. . She listens to
some slow music and reads a book. Their only son, Bob enjoys working on his computer
for long hours. Now, he is in front of the computer preparing for his test. His mother brings
him a hot coffee. He thanks her a lot and drinks it happily because that coffee makes him
warm at this freezing night.

Task 1: Read and complete the table: ( 2 points )

Family Place Season Weather
The Browns ………….……. ………….……. ……….……. / …………….
Task 2: Write if the following statements are “True” or “False”: ( 2 points )
1- The Brown family is composed of 5 members ……………..
2- The Browns have their dinner late ……………..
3- Sarah is a pupil ……………..
4- Mary listens to music before dinner ……………..
Task 3: Read and circle the correct alternative: ( 1 point )
to play
a- Tonight, Bob uses his computer to study
to listen to music
the hot drink
b- Bob thanks his mother for the hot food
The cold drink
Task 4:Read and circle the correct explanation of the following words: ( 1 point )
finishes loves very much
a- starts (line 4 )= arrives b- enjoys (line 7 )= hates
begins leaves

Part 2 : Language (8 points)

Task 1:Circle the right alternative: ( 3 pts)
David is a school boy. He is ( four – forty – fourteen ) years old. He likes ( playing
– reading – eating ) football. At 7.30 in the ( afternoon – morning – evening ) , he
goes to school. He ( doesn’t – don’t – do ) take the bus. He goes on foot ( but – and –
because ) his school is next to his house. He has lessons ( of – from – at ) 8a.m to 12
o’clock. David is a good pupil because he ( always – don’t – never ) does his homework
and answers all the questions.
Task 2:Fill in the blanks with words from the list : (2 pts)
There are four seasons in the ……………….. . Many people prefer summer because it is usually ………………and hot. So, they can ………………in the sea. But, my
favourite …………….is winter. I love winter because in this season the ………………is usually rainy and I enjoy rain very much.

Cold - season – weather – sunny – year – swim – hot

Task 3:Match the questions with their answers to get a coherent dialogue: (2 pts)
Questions Answers Answers
1/ Hello Peter! How are you? a- Yes, I like it. 1- …….
2/ Do you like school? b- French. 2- …….
3/ How do you go to school? c- Watching TV. 3- …….
4/ Which subject you are good at? d- By bus. 4- …….
5/ What’s your favourite pastime? e- I’m fine thanks. 5- …….
f- Yes, she is a pupil.
Task 4:Reorder the words between ( ) to make good sentences: (1 pt)
- ( Is – girl – this – sister – your) ……………………………..……………………….?
- Yes, she is.
- ( she – Does – love – music) ……………………………………………………….?
- Yes, she does.
- What about football. Does she like it?
- Oh, no. (She – watches – never – matches) ……………………………..……………
Part 3: Writing (6 points)
Write a letter to your English pen friend Peter. In this letter:
- introduce yourself (name, age, nationality, job…)
- introduce your family (number of brothers / sisters, mother’s job, father’s job…)
- speak about your likes and dislikes, school subjects, favourite sport-hobby-food-
pop star…, activities you do in summer and winter.

Dear Peter,
Your friend……………..

Good Work

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