Question 1 - May Thadar

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Management Assignment


(a) Mechanistic systems are organizational structures that are inherently bureaucratic and
hierarchical. It is one of the most formal organizational structures, and the exact way the work is
divided up leads to specialized job profiles. The first characteristic Infosys utilized from the
mechanistic system is the classic bureaucratic chain of command. This is due to the fact that
Narayana Murthy and the other professionals make significant decisions regarding the company.
They are the ones to decide which company to partner with and what method to practice for the
growth of Infosys. The second characteristic is that the boundaries, rights, and privileges are
clearly defined. Infosys provided many amenities to its employees which were for both
professional and personal needs. It was also among the first businesses to implement an
employee stock option program for its workforce. He stated that his assets are not his company
or property but his 8000 employees. (Bhasin, 2022)

The organic system is defined as a structure where all staff is placed at equal levels. The
relationships and communication are naturally horizontal in this kind of flat layout. Information
and guidance are obtained through communication at all organizational levels, according to
Infosys. To make sure all departments are aware of any changes, the managing director sent
emails every fortnight. Project managers also meet with their team and the team leaders on a
monthly basis. Any clarifications or explanations regarding the company are discussed in these
meetings. Another point is that individuals are flexible and able to accommodate changes to their
work. This is ensured by the fact that Infosys does not encourage working in groups. Murthy
stated that everything is judged on merit. Different people complete, then they have a discussion
and only one idea is selected. Prejudices do not come into the picture. (Fernando, 2022)

‌(b) Organizational goals are strategic objectives that a company's management establishes to
describe expected outcomes and guide employees' efforts. The efficiency of an organization
depends on its goals, which have many purposes. There are four significant purposes that serve
in goals.
(1) Guidance and unified direction for people in the organization

The relevance of goals comes from the fact that they provide an organization with a clear vision
and purpose. When an organization sets goals for its employees, it makes its preferences
apparent and thus assists employees in prioritizing their jobs.

(2) Efficient goal setting

Managers are motivated to plan for expansion by seeking for new market opportunities when
they have a clear growth objective. One of the ways people frequently fail when setting goals is
that the objectives are mostly dependent on mainly specific factors that cannot be controlled or
accounted for. Everything might be going smoothly today but a problem could arise the next day.
When setting the goals, the business should establish a way for them to adapt and also leaves
“room” for ambiguity and failure. One way to achieve this is by setting goals with a wider scope
that can be pursued or fulfilled through a variety of different methods.

(3) Motivation

Managers put a lot of effort into motivating their staff to produce outstanding work. This entails
them to put in a lot of effort, showing up early to work, and positively impact the organization's
mission. When employees' needs are properly met, they are motivated to work as hard as they
can to perform at their best. The manager can motivate the staff by giving them the recognition
they deserve, which in turn will assist the company in achieving its goals.

(4) Effective mechanism for evaluation and control

Without a strategic plan, a business cannot steer the ship in the right direction. The company can
align assets and business activity with the organization’s vision and goal only with a plan.
Strategic evaluations are a technique to analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of company
strategies and whether the strategy that is put into practice is going in the right direction.
Evaluations help to pinpoint areas that need improvement and the steps necessary to bring
performance back in line with corporate objectives.

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