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Eshaal Saber 8-A Article writing

Racism is a belief that one group is superior to the other performed through any
individual action , which treats people differently because of their color and
authencity .
Some people think that racism in school died a long time ago . This statement
couldn’t be more wrong . It is everywhere. It id produced intentionally or un
intentionally . It can lead to physical damage as well.
Racism is never justifiable.
Racism is based on differences between skin color , customs , traditions ,
language ,place of birth etc. It leads to rejection and exclusion of a certain group of
people . The Prophet said
“A white has no superioty over a black ,nor a black has any superioty over a white
except by piety and good action..”
While establishing a just society for the muslims, the mulims put an emphasis on
justice .It is determined in Islamic belief that all muslims to be given equal status
without any description of caste, color , creed ,culture and language .
establishment of equal and sameju dicary system and the importance of law are
the basic conditions for the establishment of equals and justice. Islamic system has
laid stress on the elevation of justice.
Allama Iqbal said

Iqbal said the force which binds the muslim nationhood into a unity was not based
on color, race or geography: it was based on faith and emaan.
If we don’t judge people by their looks maybe we can be stronger together. We
should see how much knowledge, respect he has gained but how kind is his
People who are racist are cruel and if you want to live in peace stop!

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