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Family is composed of mother, father, and children. That you can share with laughter, sadness,
when you need help, to cry on and more. Each one of us have a different family but its still the
same in how we meant them. Family is a place that no one could ever take from you. And it is a
place where you belong in your heart. That even the world is judging and leaving you. Because
of who you are in the past or present, but your family is still there, they never leave you because
they know you and accept of who you are. I know that sometimes we experience fight or quarrel
with our family, but we still to manage to forgive them and that’s the family work. God not
created us to be alone, he created us with companions because he knows that no man is an
island that every person needs family or friends. My family is the reason of what I am now, in
what I believe, my personalities. Because they teach me about what is good and wrong. Now in
pandemic many of us are stayed in our home, with our love ones and the bonding of the family
is more closer because we always eating together, playing games and more time to talk with
each other. Im very thankful that I have a solid family since not everyone are the same us me.
My parents teach me to faced problems they help me to build my perception and visions towards
in our society. Because if you face problems, according to them is a sign of maturity. My family
is my great mentor and a greatest supporter. Family is the greatest gift of our Almighty Father
to us. So we should love our family with all our heart.

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