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Bornales, Mishael Joy V.


EDUC 101


1. Cognition
- Relationships support toddler cognitive development, especially relationships with parents.
Toddlers learn best when they're interested in an activity, so it's good to let them lead play. Play
ideas for toddler cognitive development include reading, doing puzzles and craft, drawing,
sorting and playing outside.

2. Social Interaction and Emotional Regulation

- Social interaction from an early age is a key factor in learning to speak effectively for clear
communication. Through communication with others at places like child care, kids also gain a
sense of self and learn to identify as individuals, which is a normal part of the developmental
process for toddlers.

3. Speech and Language

- Language development starts with sounds and gestures, then words and sentences. You can
support language development by talking a lot with your child, and responding when your child
communicates. Reading books and sharing stories is good for language development.

4. Physical Skillsfine Motor

- Examples of gross motor skills include sitting, crawling, running, jumping, throwing a ball, and
climbing stairs. Even the first time a baby lifts his head is an example of a gross motor skill. There
are lots of fun and simple activities you can do with your child to help develop gross motor skills.

5. Sensory Awareness
- Sensory development enhances the use of your child's senses by incorporating different colours,
textures, noises and more into their early education. This holistic learning process encourages
children to play safely and engage with their surroundings as well as improve their brain

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