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Cybersource Salesforce Order Management Package

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Revision: May 2022

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Cybersource Salesforce Order Management Package ............................................................... 1
Cybersource Contact Information...................................................................................................... 2
Copyright ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Restricted Rights Legends ................................................................................................................. 2
Trademarks ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Confidentiality Notice ....................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Installation ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Step 1: Install the managed packaged .......................................................................................................................4
Step 2: Create a Payment Gateway Provider ............................................................................................................4
Step 4: Create a Payment Gateway Record...............................................................................................................6
Step 6: Test and go live ..............................................................................................................................................8
Ready to Go Live ........................................................................................................................................................8

Upgrade Package .............................................................................................................................. 8

Release Notes................................................................................................................................... 9

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The Salesforce Order Management app brings together tools that help you manage orders while delivering
seamless, omnichannel commerce experiences to your customers. It is integrated with B2C Commerce and natively
supports Service Cloud to provide a single view of order and service history.
With Salesforce Order Management:
• Consumers can submit orders from any commerce channel, and then track and manage their orders
throughout the order lifecycle.
• Merchants can manage order fulfillment, shipping, payment capture, invoicing, and service by using
integrated and customizable business processes and workflows.
• Service agents can access a master repository of all order-related information to see a global view of the
entire order lifecycle, and process cancellations and returns.

Follow the below steps to install and configure the “Cybersource for Lightning Order Management” managed

Step 1: Install the managed packaged

Install the managed package from Salesforce App exchange ( by searching
for “Cybersource for Lightning Order Management”.

Step 2: Create a Payment Gateway Provider

Creating Payment Gateway Provider is currently NOT supported from the UI and should be done through
workbench by connecting to your organization:
1. Endpoint to be used - (MD/ToolingAPI):
2. Payload :
"ApexAdapterId":< ID of PTS_PaymentAdapter.cls apex class>,
"MasterLabel":" Cybersource_Provider ",

Step 3: Create a Named Credentials Record.

The Package comes with a default named credential – Payment that points to Cybesource’s test endpoint
If you face any issue looking up this Named credential, then create a new Named Credential by following the below
1. Click Setup.

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2. In the quick find box, enter Named Credentials.
3. Click New.
4. Fill in the fields.
Field Name Description/Value

Label Label for your named credential – Payment_TEST or


Name Preferred to have same value that of the Label field.

URL URL of your endpoint. For TEST Environment, the value will
be For
PRODUCTION/LIVE environment, the value will be

Certificate Leave the field blank.

Identity Type Set value to Anonymous.

Authentication Protocol Set value to No Authentication.

Generate Authorization Deselect the checkbox.


Allow Merge Fields in Select the checkbox.

HTTP Header

Allow Merge Fields in Select the checkbox.


5. Click Save.

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Step 4: Create a Payment Gateway Record
1. Click on App Launcher > Payment Gateways.
2. Click New.
3. Enter the required details:
Field Description/Value

Payment Gateway Name Name of your payment gateway.

Payment Gateway Provider Name of your payment gateway provider created in Step 2.

Merchant Credential If this environment is your Test Environment, then the

value will be “Payment” or “Payment_TEST” (created in
Step 3).

If this is your Live/Production Environment, then the value

will be “Payment_LIVE” or the name of your Named
Credential created in Step 3 that points to Cybersource
Status Possible values:
• Active
• Inactive
In order to activate this payment gateway, select Active.

External Reference This value will be the Processor ID from your salesforce
commerce cloud instance. You can see your processor ID by
navigating to Merchant Tools > Ordering > Payment
Processors in your salesforce commerce cloud instance.
For payment methods, navigate to Merchant Tools >
Ordering > Payment Methods. In order to see which
payment processor is associated with the payment method,
click on the payment method, and scroll down to see the
payment processor associated with it.
NOTE: If you are using different payment processors, then
you need to create different payment gateway records for
each payment processor each having a unique payment
processor ID on the External Reference field.

Comments Any comments that you want to assign.

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4. Click Save.

Step 5: Create a Payment Configuration Record Prerequisite:

If you are new to Cybersource and would like to start using Cybersource managed package quickly, begin by signing
up for a Sandbox Account.

You will also need to create an API Key and API Shared Secret Key that you can use to authenticate requests to our
sandbox server. Follow the same steps to generate the Production key and shared secret.

Follow the below steps to create a Payment Configuration Record. If you support multi-site configuration for
different Merchant ID then create separate records for each Merchant ID and each sales channel.

1. Go to Setup
2. In the quick find box, enter “Custom Metadata Types”
3. Click on “Payment Configuration (Managed)”
4. Click on “Manage Payment Configurations”
5. Click on “New”
6. Enter the required details:
Field Description/Value

Label Should match with the Salesforce Commerce Cloud site ID

(saleschannel) which can be found by looking up this can be
found by looking up Administration->Sites->Manage Sites

Payment Configuration Preferred to have the same value that of Label field.

Merchant ID Your Merchant ID.


REST Key ID This value is generated in the Business Center.

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REST Shared Key This value is generated in the Business Center.

Developer ID Unique identifier generated by Cybersource for

System Integrator

For instructions on how to generate a Key ID and shared key in the Business Center, see the Getting Started guide.

7. Click Save.

NOTE: Payment_Confg__c custom object has been deprecated from “Cybersource for Lightning Order Management
v1.4” so don’t create any record in this object.

Step 6: Test and go live

Before you start accepting payments, test your integration in Test sandbox:

The sandbox simulates the live payment gateway. The sandbox never processes an actual payment. We
do not submit sandbox transactions to financial institutions for processing. The sandbox environment is
completely separate from the live production environment, and it requires separate credentials. If you
use your production credentials in the sandbox or vice versa, you get a 401 HTTP error.
Test your integration, and configure your live account, so you can start processing live transactions.

Ready to Go Live
1. Install the managed packaged in Production Org.
2. Create a new Payment Gateway Provider record in your Production Org by following steps in Step 2.
3. Create a new named credential – “Payment_LIVE” in your Production Org by following steps in Step 3.
4. Create a new Payment Gateway record in your Production Org by following steps in Step 4.
5. Create a new Payment Configuration custom metadata record in your Production org by following steps in
Step 5. If you support multi-site configuration for different Merchant ID then create separate records for
each Merchant ID and each sales channel. Make sure the Endpoint field is selected PRODUCTION.

Upgrade Package
Follow the standard salesforce process to upgrade the “Cybersource for Lightning Order Management“
package. Please refer to this link for more details.
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Release Notes
Version 2.0.0 (May 15, 2022)

• We have added capture for PayPal payment method.

• We have added refund for PayPal payment method.

Version 1.1.0

• We have added multi-capture capabilities for credit card, Apple Pay and Google pay.

Version 1.0.0

• We have added capture for credit card, Apple Pay and Google Pay.
• We have added refund for credit card, Apple Pay and Google Pay.

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