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College of Science and Technology Education

EDU213: Assessment of Learning 1
Class of Dr. Ray Butch D. Mahinay

Applying Traditional and Authentic Assessments in TLE Learning Competencies

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We can use both traditional and authentic assessments in various learning competencies of
the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum, specifically in the Technology and Livelihood
Education (TLE) subject.

B. TASK (5 points each item):

As a TLE teacher, give ONE traditional assessment and ONE authentic assessment practices
in the following learning competencies:

Example: Commercial Cooking (NC III)

Learning Competency The learners will be able to design, organize and produce buffet
centerpiece and decoration according to enterprise procedures.

Traditional Assessment I will give a 10-item quiz where my students will identify the
different centerpieces and decoration if it is according to enterprise
procedures or not.

Authentic Assessment I will give a performance task where my students will draw a buffet
centerpiece using coloring materials and bond paper.

1. Bread and Pasty Production (NC II)

Learning Competency The learners will be able to explore career opportunities in bread
and pastry production.

Traditional Assessment I will give a one or two paragraph essay if where my students can
explore career opportunities in bread and pastry production.

Authentic Assessment For their performance task, they will make at least 3-5 minutes
video presentation about their chosen career opportunities in Bread
and Pastry production.

2. Agricultural Crops Production (NC II)

Learning Competency The learners will be able to identify appropriate farm equipment.

Traditional Assessment I will give a multiple-choice type of quiz where my students will
identify the appropriate farm equipment.

Authentic Assessment I will give them a performance task where my students will make a
compilation about the appropriate farm equipment by putting some
pictures and definitions of each equipment in a long bond paper and
put it in the long folder and the folder should be creative.

3. Food Processing (NC II)

Learning Competency The learners will be able to record weights and measurements of
raw materials and ingredients.

Traditional Assessment I will give a short quiz for my students about the record of weights
and measurements of raw materials and ingredients.

Authentic Assessment I will give a performance task where my students will choose a
partner and to record weights and measurements of raw materials
and ingredients.

4. Beauty Nail Care (NC II)

Learning Competency The learners will be able to identify nail structure and shapes.

Traditional Assessment I will give an identification type quiz for my students about the nail
structure and shapes.

Authentic Assessment I will give a performance task where my students to draw a nail
structure and shapes using ¼ illustration board and coloring
materials and labeled each structure and shapes.

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