06 Assessmentof CO2 Emissionsandcostinflyashconcrete

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Assessment of CO2 emissions and cost of fly ash concrete

Conference Paper · October 2014


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Yurong Zhang
Zhejiang University of Technology


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Assessment of CO2 emissions and cost in fly ash concrete
Y.R. ZHANG, M.H. Liu, H.B. Xie & Y.F. Wang
School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, PR China.
ABSTRACT: Concrete is the most widely used construction material around the world; however, its produc-
tion emits quantities of CO2. The usage of fly ash in concrete has been proposed as an important factor for
“greening of the concrete industry”. In consideration of the complex composition of concrete, it is not rigor-
ous to simply assert that the addition of fly ash can reduce the concrete CO2 emission. Therefore, in this pa-
per, 350 virtual concrete mixes were designed and the corresponding CO2 emission and cost were calculated.
Results indicate that the compressive strength and the fly ash content have an important impact on CO2 emis-
sion and cost. For a given compressive strength grade, the CO2 emission and cost will vary a lot, similarly,
under the same compressive strength grade, the effects of fly ash content on CO2 emission and cost are enor-
KEYWORD: Concrete; CO2 Emission; Cost; Compressive Strength; Fly Ash
posed as an important factor for “greening of the
concrete industry” [4]. Many previous studies have
1 INTRODUCTION pointed out that the addition of fly ash in the con-
crete can reduce the total CO2 emissions, and energy
Currently, the world is facing a serious challenge of consumption, on the premise that the basic perfor-
climate change, energy and environmental issues, mance of concrete is satisfied. However, concrete is
which have been the most pressing issues in the in- a complex composite, in contrast to many other ma-
ternational agenda. In the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio jor construction materials,in the mix recipes, the
de Janeiro, Brazil, two conventions, i.e. Rio Declara- contents of its other constituents will change with
tion on Environment and Development, Agenda 21 the change of a constituent, so we cannot simply as-
were passed. However, during the past 20 years, the sert that the addition of fly ash can reduce the con-
rapid development of economy, culture and life crete CO2 emission. Therefore, in this paper, the two
bring with an accelerated deterioration of living en- most important factors, i.e. the compressive strength
vironment. Therefore, “Rio +20” pointed out that all and the fly ash content were analyzed, and the rela-
countries should regain their commitment to sustain- tionships between compressive strength and CO2
able development [1]. emission, fly ash content and CO2 emission were ob-
The construction sector, due to its high input and tained. In addition, similar research was also con-
low output mode, has been considered as a big ener- ducted to analyze the effect of the compressive
gy consumer and emission emitter. Currently the strength and the fly ash content on the cost.
world is striving to boost the infrastructure construc- In general, the concrete CO2 emission and cost
tion, especially in the developing countries, which assessment process was conducted for the raw mate-
makes a huge resource and energy consumption. rial production, transportation, and concrete produc-
Due to the widespread availability of its constitu- tion stages, considering the actual situation that the
ents, durability, and its versatility, etc. concrete is composition of concrete of different mix proportion
the most widely used construction material around used in this paper are identical, therefore, CO2 emis-
the world currently. On average, about 2 tons of sions and cost occurred during the period of raw ma-
concrete are produced each year for every human terial transportation, and concrete production stages
being in the world[2]. However, in the process of are ignored.
concrete manufacturing, there are serious problems
of resource and energy consumption and environ-
ment pollution, especially in the process of cement 2 CO2 EMISSIONS OF FLY ASH CONCRETE
production, a main constituent of concrete, which
contributes to 7% of the total CO2 worldwide[3].
2.1 Mix design and CO2 emissions calculation
Generally, for every ton of cement there is one ton
of CO2 produced. In summary, 350 virtual concrete mixes, as a func-
Facing with the increasingly serious challenge of tion of the most important mix design variables,
global warming and the depletion of the natural re- were designed, on the basis of mix design method
source, sustainable development of the concrete in- provided in “Specification for mix proportion design
dustry has already been a research hotspot in con- of ordinary concrete”. , The three design variables
struction sector, it is imperative to produce concrete were taken into account, i.e.:
based on an index of emission reduction in the fu- (1) The addition of fly ash: 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%,
ture. The usage of fly ash in concrete has been pro- and 30% replacement of cement;
(2) Water content: for the same addition of fly ash 2.2.2 CO2 emission as a function of the concrete
and water-binder ratio, by adjusting the contents of compressive strength grade
cement and water, different mix recipes can be ob- As we all know, the concrete compressive
tained. The water content increased from 170 kg/m3 strength grade increases as the cement content in-
to 215 kg/m3, for a total of 10 options. creases generally. Therefore, it is not surprising to
(3) Water-binder ratio: 7 compressive strength observe that the CO2 emissions increase with the
grades from C20 to C50 were designed in this paper, strength grade. Besides, a regression formula relat-
and the water-binder ratio differed for each strength ing the strength grade to the CO2 emissions was de-
grade. Although the application of high strength and veloped.
ultra-high strength concrete is becoming more and = 5.5011 + 159.96,
more widespread, normal strength concrete still has = ℎ ( ) (3)
a broad application in many civil infrastructure Similar to the Equation 2, Equation 3 has a high
fields. , Therefore, this paper mainly focuses on ana- R2 of 0.9855, as well. Thus, this equation can also
lyzing the concrete CO2 emissions with compressive apply to calculate the CO2 emissions of concrete
strength grades of C20 to C50. with a strength grade less than C20 or greater than
Based on the first two design variables mentioned C50.
above, 50 mix families were given. For each mix In addition, for a given compressive strength
family, individual mixes were designed for 7 com- grade, the CO2 emissions vary a lot among different
pressive strength grades from C20 to C50, therefore, mixes, the difference of more than 100kg CO2-e in
giving a total of 350 virtual concrete mixes. 1m3 concrete can be existed. In consideration of the
Decomposition analysis was used to determine the tremendous production of concrete worldwide,2, if
magnitude of CO2 emissions produced of 1 m3 fly the concrete can be produced in a mix with the low-
ash concrete. The emission factors of concrete raw est CO2 emissions, then the CO2 emission savings
materials, i.e. cement, fly ash, fine aggregate, coarse can be quite dramatic.
aggregate, water and superplasticiser, multiplied by As shown in Fig. 1 (a), for any two adjacent
the corresponding dosage of the raw materials used strength grades, the difference of CO2 emissions
to batch 1 m3 fly ash concrete were used to deter- tends to be similar, this indicates that the increase of
mine the CO2 emissions of fly ash concrete, as seen CO2 emission is proportional to the enhancing of
in Equation 1. strength grade, therefore, it is reasonable to use the
=∑ × (1) linear regression equation given above.
Where is the dosage of raw materials
(kg/m3), i refers to cement, fly ash, fine aggregate,
coarse aggregate, water and superplasticiser, and (a)
is the emission factor of different raw materi-
al (kg CO2-e/kg), they are 0.92[5], 0.027[6], 0.0408[7],
0.0139[5], 0.000213[8] and 0.72[9], respectively.

2.2 Results and Discussion

2.2.1 CO2 emissions as a function of cement content

Cement is the major contributor to the CO2 emis- (b)
sions of fly ash concrete, due to its largest emission
factor among the compositions. Thus, it is undoubt-
ed that the CO2 emissions increase as the cement
content increases. As the amount of cement in-
creased, the CO2 emissions increased linearly, indi-
cating that the amount of cement and the CO2 emis-
sions are closely related to each other. Therefore, a
relationship can be yielded by using regression anal- Figure 1. CO2 emission and CO2 emission per unit strength as a
function of the concrete compressive strength grade
ysis, i.e.
= 0.8945 + 68177,
However, it is obvious that for supporting a given
= ( ⁄
load, the mass of high strength concrete is less than
) (2)
In consideration of a high R of 0.9997 in this re- the mass of low strength concrete. Thus, it is mean-
ingless to solely consider the CO2 emission as a
gression equation, thus, this equation can be used to
function of the concrete compressive strength grade.
calculate the CO2 emissions of concrete with other
cement contents. Therefore, the CO2 emission is normalized with re-
spect to strength grade. As shown in Fig. 1 (b), the
CO2 emissions per strength grade decrease with the
strength grade. Besides, a regression formula relat- sions are enormous, the CO2 emissions in 1 m3 con-
ing the strength grade to the CO2 emissions per crete can vary from 100kg to 180 kg, and further-
strength grade was developed. more, the variation will increase with increase of
= 59.093 , concrete strength. In addition, we can also find that
= ℎ ,( ) (4) through reasonable design, the CO2 emissions with
Similarly, Equation 4 has a high R2 of 0.9631, as low fly ash content can be lower than that with high
well. Thus, this equation can also apply to calculate fly ash content. Therefore, it is a wrong understand
the CO2 emissions of concrete with a strength grade that increasing the content of fly ash in concrete can
less than C20 or greater than C50. In addition, for reduce the CO2 emission, because there are many
any two adjacent strength grades, the difference of factors influencing the concrete CO2 emission, and
CO2 emissions tends to non-uniform distribution. fly ash content is just one of them.
Therefore, a power function fit is used to describe
their relationship.
2.2.3 CO2 emission as a function of the addition of
fly ash 3.1 Cost calculation of different mix design
Generally speaking, where an increase in fly ash
content is accompanied by a reduction in cement The cost of fly ash concrete can be considered as
content, the relative contribution of cement to the the amount of money required to purchase the raw
CO2 emissions is reduced. Due to the pozzolanic materials. Thus, the cost of fly ash concrete is calcu-
contribution of the fly ash to the strength appeared lated based on the quantity and the unit cost of the
gradually after some days curing, so with the in- raw materials, as shown in Equation 5.
crease of fly ash content, the strength of fly ash con- =∑ =∑ × (5)
crete is reduced, this has been confirmed by many Where i refers to cement, fly ash, fine aggregate,
researches. , , However, can we reach a similar con- coarse aggregate, water and superplasticiser, Qi is
clusion, i.e. with the increase of fly ash content and the quantity of material (i) mentioned above (kg/m3),
the reduction of cement content, due to a high emis- and UCi is the unit cost of material (i) (Yuan/ t). Ac-
sion factor of cement, whether a reduction of the cording to China’s building materials prices[10], their
CO2 emissions of fly ash concrete will be achieved? unit cost are 500, 80, 80, 60, 5 and 5000 yuan, re-
To answer this question, an analysis of the rela- spectively.
tionship between the fly ash content and the CO2
emissions under different strength grades is con-
ducted, take C20 and C50 for example, their rela- 3.2 Results and Discussion
tionships are shown in Figure 2.
(a) 3.2.1 Cost as a function of cement content
As mentioned above, the unit cost of superplasti-
ciser is the highest; however, as the amount of su-
perplasticiser used in concrete is almost negligible
when compared with other materials, thus, in con-
sideration of the high price of cement, the cost as a
function of cement content was analyzed. As the
amount of cement increased, the cost increased line-
arly, indicating that the amount of cement and the
cost are closely related to each other, similarly to the
relationship between the amount of cement and the
CO2 emissions. A relationship can be yielded by us-
ing regression analysis, i.e.
= 0.4834 + 149.41,
= ,( ⁄ ) (6)

3.2.2 Cost as a function of the concrete compressive

strength grade
As mentioned above, with the increasing of ce-
Figure 2. CO2 emission as a function of the addition of fly ash ment content, the concrete compressive strength
As shown in Figure 2, under the same strength grade will increase subsequently. Besides, there is a
grade, the effects of fly ash content on CO2 emis- linear relationship between the amount of cement
and cost, so a linear fitting is used to describe the re- 4 CONCLUSION
lationship between cost and strength grade. In addi-
tion, for any two adjacent strength grades, the differ- This paper has shown that it is not rigorous to simply assert
ence of costs tends to be similar, this indicates that that the addition of fly ash can reduce the concrete CO2 emis-
the increase of cost is proportional to the enhancing sion. For a given compressive strength grade, the CO2 emis-
of strength grade; therefore, it is reasonable to use sions and cost both vary a lot among different mixes, in addi-
the linear regression equation given above. tion, for any two adjacent strength grades, the difference of
CO2 emissions tends to non-uniform distribution, while the dif-
ference of costs tends to be similar. Under the same strength
grades, the effects of fly ash content on CO2 emissions and cost
are enormous, therefore, through reasonable design, the CO2
emissions and cost with low fly ash content can be lower than
that with high fly ash content.


The authors would like to acknowledge the financial sup-

port from National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant
Figure 3. Cost as a function of the concrete compressive No. 51108021).
strength grade

3.2.3 Cost as a function of the addition of fly ash
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Figure 4. Cost as a function of the addition of fly ash

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