CHN Topic 2 Answers

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Topic 2

Activity 1

Although change is never simple, it is always attainable. The world has been evolving

continuously from the beginning, and there are already multiple challenges. Nothing has changed

since then; people continue to struggle with serious global issues that pose a threat to human

civilization and possibly even our understanding of life. The United Nations General Assembly

offers a singular opportunity for multilateral discussions of the entire spectrum of international

topics covered by the United Nations Charter to address these global issues. The organization has

made several declarations over the years, and each one has a distinct purpose and range of


The situation of the environment can be characterized as an environmental collapse in many

areas of our world. There are more of these potential points. A global disaster is about to occur,

and if we do not prioritize environmental concerns, species' existence may vanish sooner than

expected. To help developing countries combat these issues, the Millennium Developmental

Goals Declaration was approved by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2000. It

was endorsed by international leaders to fight global issues such as prejudice against women as

well as poverty, hunger, disease, and education. The empirical evidence, however, discusses

several factors that have contributed to the slow development of MDGs. Unmet commitments,

insufficient funding, a lack of focus and responsibility, and a lack of enthusiasm for sustainable

development, according to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, are the causes of the lack of

progress (UN, 2010). After the expiration of the Millenium Developmental Goals declaration, it

was followed by the establishment of Sustainable Developmental Goals which is comprised of

17 goals of the new development agenda that integrate all three dimensions of sustainable

development (economic, social, and environmental) around the themes (Philippine Statistics

Authority, n.d.). The SDGs aim to maintain the priority placed on the battle against hunger and

poverty while also emphasizing everyone's right to human rights and women's and girls'

empowerment in the pursuit of gender equality. To address the shortcoming of the MDG era,

they also expand and develop upon the Un Millennium Development goals.

The United Nations General Assembly established both the Sustainable Development Goals and

the Millennium Development Goals. Each stands apart from the others due to its unique focus

and application. However, even if there are differences between the two declarations, they are

still connected and have the same goals that would help address global issues and concerns.
Topic 2

Activity 1

a. All for health toward health for all, which translates to 'Lahat Para sa kalusugan, Tungo

sa is the primary focus of the Philippine Health Agenda 2016-2022. The department of

health's aspirations for the well-being of all Filipinos is discussed in the health agenda. It

also shines a light on the inequities and restrictions in the healthcare system, which

substantially impact the lives and health of the people. The main objective of this agenda

is to invest in people and protect them against instability. There are three pledges called

guarantees under this agenda. Guarantee #1 is for the services for both well and the sick

since it talks about all life stages and the triple burden of disease. Guarantee #2 is for the

service delivery network, where health services are delivered by networks, which are

accessible and fully functional. Lastly, Guarantee #3 is about universal health assurance,

a pledge that will focus on financial freedom when accessing services. The Department of

Health also presented the "ACHIEVE" plan, whose goal is to make the agenda effective

on both the patient and the healthcare system ends.

c. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No.2015-2012-0012-A
SUBJECT: Amendment to Administrative Order (A.P.) No. 2012-0012 entitled "Rules and regulations
Governing the New Classification of Hospitals and Other Health Facilities in the Philippines"

d. The implementation of the Code has modified how fundamental public health services are provided locally.
The Code required the devolution of many of the duties previously carried out by the Department of Health
(DOH) to local government units (LGUs). It came about from a highly centralized system of health service
delivery with the Department of Health (DOH) as the sole provider. By transferring decision-making authority
and resources to LGUs, health devolution or decentralization of health services was first designed to
improve the efficiency and efficacy of health service provision. (Grundy et al. 2003; Galvez-Tan et al. 2010).

1. Name of the regional health office of the Department of


2. What is the subject under Administrative Order Number 2012-


3. Under the Philippine Health Agenda 2016-2022, there are three (3) guarantees if the strategies

are achieved.

a. What are these guarantees?

b. What are the strategies?

4. Give at least 5 DOH programs that directly benefits the family. Give its goals and targets.

5. Strategize how you are going to achieve the targets of each

DOH programs you mentioned.

How are the Sustainable Development Goals different from MDGs? (n.d.). Philippine Statistics

Authority Republic of the Philippines.

MDGs to SDGs: Top 10 Differences. (2014, August 8). The Hunger Project Global Advocacy.

Retrieved September 26, 2022, from

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