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‘Who ate my cake? a. 418) $5 52) viel) Ec? 2) Whois speaking? 2. Sle ola 8? 3) Who is buying the computer from the supermarket? 3. Aa ef Ald) slei wild 8? Bs 10 erw 4) Who would like to eat the Pizza %. Sle los viiciell sze91 87 5) Who is the Prime minister of India? M. AlRcleti asiMete! Slei 8? 16) _ Who is coming to your house at night? ig, BI ati ctizi Az slei wid 8? 7) Who is driving good car in your friends circle? Jo. ciel Novis aid) Siz Sei uaid 8? megaecesar 18) Who cooks the food in your house? c. dud Az AY Nei vAdie reid O? [9)_ Who did not came in the classroom today? le. SAAB! VIF Slei ae!) Wiel? 10) Who is working in the Siemens? go. Acai Sei Sr 52 8? 41) Who is studying good in the classroom? | Jaa. saiaigaai slei aed 23 od 8? Oorfaenmrv 3S = 112) Who would like to learn German? sie ofa cizidaiel see 87 Scanned with CamScanner 11) He understands whether | can answer immediately or not? a. aaigy 98 8 3 Gaza rainy anndl aig @ 8 aI6 2) | would like to know whether she would like to come in the cinema or not? 2. g rieial wigy g 3 Ae Adar enad 3 él. [3) | don’t know whether my father will come home today or not? 3. Hel Hore ot2l) S Hizi Url 2 Wiad § ol. Sao ew /4) | don’t know whether the pizza is good for the health or not? 8. § vied cell 5 vias See H12 aie1 8 8 tel. '5) Can you tell me, whether you are coming in the party or not? 4. fg 4A sélel 8 g uidlai anidiel 8 €) 6) | must know, whether we are going to travel or not? lg, HB veg yO 3 ed 2lda seal VY, 7) 1 don’t know whether she loves me or not? to, HAA WOHe ote) § Gel Hel NH 5B O S aid). L a n g u a g e 18) | would like to know whether Hardik will eat the Banana or not? le. & vivid Hig @ 8 les Sai id 8 ad). 19) | don’t know whether you can speak the German or not? c, Ha viore ate 3 g afer che) 218 8 3 aid) res 10) Can you please tell me whether Mr. Andreas will come today or not? 20. qj cA HBectiell SEA He) SBah 8 wefEauy we e109) 3 ord. 111) 1 would like to know whether you are married or not? aa. 412 wieidiell 82918 5 gq Ads B 5 14). orocer= — 12) | don’t think whether India will win or not? a2, 49 eel Girig 8 ciied waa 8 al. 113) My Teacher asked me whether | can pass the exam with good grades or not? a3. ate) sad 4a yoy Sg valai ail aisd wie sdlei 3 6), Scanned with CamScanner 2. OBWOHL ft. Although | have learned a lot, | did not pass the exam. a. A uslainai eel ABerd Sa) wal g wie a2) tél. >, 1 didn’t had time although, | completed the homework. 2, id) uid 2th otic) watt A Ig eas ys Sz ed, 3. | don’t know the German language ‘although, | am living in the Germany. 3. ara evieic) aie ett g sri 2g St Ore 4. can write in German although, | cannot speak German. sg evfer le aisch ate ssc wer dA civil Ig 5, | have no money although | would like to go to USA. lu. aid) wid Vail atell Batt Ue! Ha BAIS! craiell dei 8. 6. \ cannot drive the car although | have a car. fg. @ stef@a1 $2 asl Fel esc ver Hrd UIA Se menece sar although | paid 20000 rupees for my phone, | didn't get good service. fo, 9 elei m12 20000 aula) yeah ea! YR! HA 21d) ale! Henl fe ‘The Situation in India is poor. Ig, Although we have best PM, fc. aaeh wid Aze Vi.eH. 8 Gd! Yel auiedel uBeeld) vizier 8. fg, We have tried our best, although we did not get good results fe aarued aiid) Beret 5d) eat! wer Darul dlosce ag 21 oe ro. Although the bike was expensive ,| bought it, ao, e115 1g Mell ed Gai Yer A vale ech. 10 Soe aceogd4 a. Although | wear expensive Shirt, | don’t look good. 11 faa. g led aid ues g Bal UES 2a duiid) atell. ia, {drink the tea although it is very hot. aa, 21 1G 2124 8 Gal uel g Mag Scanned with CamScanner }13. I have a phone although I cannot use it. a3. ml uid Slot 8 esc ver g anid) aisc) ete, 2. OBWOHL o — 114. He is sick although he went to the ‘school. av. d oflai2 8 wai vel d ag@ oiad. ‘Scanned with CamScanner ee ft) My friend told me that we should play in the garden. a. 221 Noid Ha sq 8 enradd ouserni (Se excl YER. [2) I think that we should help poor people. 2. 4a Ag aid) 8 S wud odlei slo wee sec) gel. 3) Personally | believe that engineers should have good knowledge. 3. @ ag wig gS sded alg ster Alg MER. Ss 2 Oo rw 4) | think that India will win. 4 fs. 49 alg aid 8 8 otred gad. 5) S Jy. Hel vii) B S eellet Vik Had x, lam sure that Sachin will come today. 16) My brother told me that he would like to play football. 6 Js. atel oneed ad sq 3 a gece ena eed O, eeogoresar 17) | think that | will buy a new phone. lo. g Reig g 3 g ad ala wdidler I) I think that we must travel. c. Rag g 3 2d ida sed weed. [2) My Professor told me that | should prepare well for the exam, le. Hizi Sad 4A SQ_O S Id VI 412 Aad) sed) Mead. 110) My Mother told me that | should prepare the food self. 10 Jao. Hai wiciad HA Sq & cid AICI] Id Gietlad ese. Ceaicot— wn 5 J11) The seller told me that | can borrow the phone for 3 months without the money. aa. sister xa Sq 3g en! Sle ae HClon M12 GoI2 Las GUDe a ae! ag, 112) Science proves that the earth revolves around the sun. 12 far. asus atcha se O 3 yA asfol anteuies $2 B, Scanned with CamScanner 11.According to my opinion we should learn German. a. 21 Hct waHIe) aATUa) afer aig ERA. 2.According to my view he cannot drive the car. 2. Hlel Ac UIE) A Siz uaid) 2159) él. M. RI Act WAI) HiIA wPHENs Wa Y2sse 2g Vee. 16.According to my opinion teacher should teach good German. fg. Hel act wad) aflad 213 vrfet efoiag Mee. 7.According to my opinion we should attend the Seminar. lo. Hiel Hcl MHI) 24) Arlette Beeler Seal Me. 3.According to my opinion Messi plays good football 3 |. rel Hct wane) ae yorry ag geona 29 &. /4.According to my opinion you are working good for the poor people. 4 Ps. Hiei Hat wand) a9 oidor als) 412 aig SHI 5D A. [5.According to my opinion one should be honest and perfect Man. 5 6 7 fs According to my opinion the Computers should work good in the classroom, lc. Hizl Hcl WHI) BUA Suee Sale ald) Jd as seq vie. le. HI21 Hel NHI) CHIASI2A Set ot aiued) Vee’. HoAccording to my opinion terrorist cannot kill the people anymore. 10 Jao. viz! Ha WIA Hiasaidlah sis ue! dd disle wid) ot eisai Meer. FiAccording to my opinion Government cannot collect more money in the tax from the people. ul | 19, According to my opinion the children should not use the phone. aq, nial Hel WIG) exeS12 As) ude 2ai sea GeLd Vari o dai seed, FAccording to my opinion you should pay the bill 12 Jas. are! a Wald) aid ofl ysag eR. Scanned with CamScanner a emeangacesar Oroetm en 5 mo ‘Why are you organising the party? a. cA uidT gsr ohech 7 2. Why are you going with the bicycle to the work? 2. oA sri ue aiesa ye 34 ora eo? j3-_ Why are you not one of them? 3. A 84 aie as o1efl7 }4._ Why would you like to buy the phone? fs. cial Set Wdleaich ges1 84 8? IS. Why are you Boing to the Berlin with your family? M. gf iat BANA 18 fer 84 11 2 6. Why do you want to work in the Audi? 5. g 2S) Hi asm ag sea eed B27 7. Why are you complaining always? lo. g aii 12 Een asic 52 87 8. Why are you not replying my messages? ef Hit Rey of oraics 84 orl) a41uch? lo. Why are you coming to learn German in Stern Language institute? e.g afer civics aiid ederai 2410 87 10. Why did you buy the expensive phone? lao. Q aiid ale) Slet vidlell ecli? Scanned with CamScanner a eengcesar Orie -ews = 1. "I will study in Germany so that | can get good knowledge. 1) § AcMHi civia Hiay eB Pell g alz AY Aad) 21g. 2. Iwill earn a lot of money so that my children can study in very good university. 2) § aan Den smi Fell miei usd ad ylelaidlai ciel 2B. Bt Dew 3. | am learning German so that I can communicate very easily in Germany. 3) & afer ay) 9 Pell g erfchui EDI) SrachSe sd) aig. is. | work overnight so that I can earn a lot of money. 4) § waeoise as 53g Vell g dale Dei SHE 215, 5. You should buy Eggs and Meat so that you can cook Omlet. 5) cll ISI Bal Hat vidleg Mee Fell g eae cred) 2135. L a n g u a g e 6. | want to complete my education fast so that | can get job very fast. 6) g m1d) 22S) va) us) sea ia) g Fe g a2) Met Aad) aig. 7._Man should drink Orange juice daily so that he can keep his health good. 7) Asled addev avaai ezaley Vig eed Fell dai defl Beez) are a8. wos IB, Isave alittle money in each month so that | can make a travel trip. la) g €2 Hla YS Baul OrAIG Fell g ASeIeH! Zu Sa) aig. 9, Tlearn many softwares so that | can write the Program very fast. 9) 6 all aigade ay g Fel § vad) Yair avi 2g. 50 that people can get many advantages. .di had applied many plan: Beseraels 1 @ Pell ahs) eran Siete! Ac 218, Ho) aidee ae) uid erect4i eel! Hell va Scanned with CamScanner How we will pay for the trip? a. 2rd) dy 12 Sc) dd sEigi2 2. How will | invite the President? 2. § Dell3ved Sc Ld enniover annilar? Sst Ore 3. How can | help you? 3. g cid dl Bid ee 52) 21g? 4. How will | travel to Berlin? Is. & Alar Sc) Ba yaisdl sdlei? Is. How can | prepare for the exam? hu. @ wdlaii nid 3c) a Daria) 52) 21g? 6. How can | buy this car? le. 6 211 siz 3d dd vidlell 21g? eaofasor 7. How can we make the travelplan? lo, HUB Z2Ide Wier Sd) Bd 5d) aslV? Ig. How can | get the Driving license? ec. & aiereteet Sc Ja Aad) 21g? 9, How can | write program from this software to another software? |g 8c) did air ani ads2de al cf agedzni vl 2g? 0. How can | connect with the laptop without the Internet? lao. @ deezde doi2 Ge 3d) Jd sase 52) 218? Rie ciel o> 2 = ri. How should | apply for the admission in the University? aa. ¢ afefaehdlati aAsrieiat 12 Sch Ba Sree 52) 1g? Scanned with CamScanner

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