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Done by: SLIMANI salah

Student ID : 117391

Brain drain in Morocco

Brain drain is widely known as a loss of skilled personnel intellectual and technical personnel (at
various levels) due to emigration from one country to another, the definitions of brain drain are
multiple and often discordant in terms of the typologies of emigrants that are included. This
term may indeed refer exclusively to the higher classes, which include scientists and highly
qualified professionals. brain drain is a major problem facing less developed countries
(Morocco) as an example. In recent years, Morocco is facing a worrying problem which is the
brain drain, A trend that keeps going up year per year, more than 600 Moroccan engineers
leave the country each year. The mean problem that we are to discuss about it is What are the
main factors that cause this phenomenon and its consequences on the economy of the origin
country? And how Morocco has combated the brain drain?

These migrant personnel are generally composed of two categories the first one, are highly
educated people who migrate from developing countries to join the workforce in more
developed countries. The second one is the students who transfer to more developed countries
for study or training and then decide to stay there.
80% of Moroccan working people would like to work outside of Morocco, according to the 2018
Global Talent Survey*, which included a sample of more than 360,000 people across 198
countries, including 6,721 Moroccans. The three main reasons that motivate candidates to
expatriate are (in this order): to gain professional experience, to enrich their personal
experience and to seek better career opportunities.
Social pressure is also one of the main reasons why young Moroccan talent leaves. "But, as far
as I am concerned, I would like to blame the traditional economic model, based on public
investment, where the Administration is the main engine of the economy. This system is
showing its limits today and must be replaced by a new economic model where the private
sector takes over to be the main support of investment and employment. This is a major project
that covers competition, taxation, education, training, health, social security, and that must
lead to a dynamic private sector, where the demand for human resources is balanced with the
Moroccans' priorities at work are almost all job-related. Career development, building a
successful career plan, achieving their professional goals and developing their skills are the top
motivating factors for Moroccan employees.
Done by: SLIMANI salah
Student ID : 117391

The main consequences of the migration of Moroccan talent are a decrease in the
number of qualified workers, a decrease in the competitiveness of companies, an erosion of the
attractiveness of investments and a drop in the "Doing business" ranking. The brain drain
inevitably impacts the country's development. As immigrants, talents put their know-how and
skills at the service of foreign companies which thus flourish and pull the country upwards.
Meanwhile, Morocco mourns this shortage and suffers from the absence of its brains.
As a solution for brain drain, In February 2019, the Association of Moroccans in Grandes Écoles
and Universities (WAGGGS-Caravan), supported by the Embassy of Morocco in France and the
Ministry in charge of Moroccans Residing Abroad and Migration Affairs, organized the 23rd
edition of the Forum Horizons Maroc in Paris. This forum is presented as the first Moroccan
recruitment fair abroad. It aims to promote the Moroccan labor market, to serve students,
young graduates and experienced Moroccan executives in France and to participate in the
growth of the Kingdom. Nearly fifty Moroccan and foreign companies based in Morocco as well
as hundreds of HR managers went to meet students, young graduates and executives working
in France. The recruiters were able to provide them with precise information on their activities
in Morocco and their human resources needs, or to interview them and even offer them a job.

All in all, we have observed that the countries that attract brains the most are those that
manage to create conditions that can contribute to their development, that is to say being able
to offer attractive salaries, create centres of excellence for research, experience gratitude to the
most deserving.
At the end of this work, taking globalization into account, let's talk about brain circulation
rather than brain drain, hoping that our country (Morocco) and their migrant professionals will
increasingly seek common ground to collaborate synergistically in the development of their
countries, in the fight against poverty, in the expansion of democracy and the establishment of
good governance.

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