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3, 315–327, June 2009

Japanese Geotechnical Society



R. CARDOSOi) and E. E. ALONSOii)

Embankments made with marl and other soft clayey rocks result in an agglomerated structure of ˆnite size particles.
These particles evolve however, resulting in major changes of the overall behaviour of the aggregate. The development
of settlements and the loss of strength in time are the main concerns in practice. The mechanisms leading to the break-
age and eventually the destructuration of one single rock particle are investigated using the concepts of unsaturated soil
mechanics since wetting and drying cycles, controlled by atmospheric changes, result in strong suction changes and are
one of the main reasons for rock degradation. Numerical simulations of the behaviour of individual rock fragments
when wetted until full saturation were performed. Several contributing factors, namely suction change rate, initial suc-
tion and conˆnement were investigated. The knowledge learned with the simulation of the degradation of single rock
fragments was extended to simulate the behaviour of particle arrangements under some representative stress and suc-
tion paths. Some results of suction controlled tests used for the calibration of the models are presented. The calculated
behaviour of single particles and aggregates under wetting is discussed and qualitatively compared with experimental
observations of the individual rock fragments and the compacted material. The results obtained provide a new insight
into the nature of degradation induced by wetting and drying. They provide also a mechanical explanation, at the level
of rock fragments, for the overall behaviour of aggregates.

Key words: evolutive behaviour, hard soil, marl, rockˆll, soft rock, suction (IGC: D3/D9/E2/F5/G13)

This paper examines the physical phenomena controll-

INTRODUCTION ing the evolutive behaviour of hard-soils/ soft rocks
Marls are considered as hard-soil/soft rocks and ex- when compacted and used for embankment construction.
hibit a typical evolutive behaviour since their mechanical It was considered appropriate to introduce concepts asso-
and hydraulic properties change markedly due to alter- ciated with the mechanics of unsaturated soils because
nate wetting-drying cycles and to other weathering proc- wetting and drying cycles controlled by atmospheric
esses. Crack opening and/or loss of bonding are associ- changes, lead to strong changes in suction, which is one
ated with these processes, having negative impact on the of the main reasons for rock degradation (particle break-
strength and compressibility of the material. age due to crack opening and other degradation
Embankments made with marl and other soft clayey phenomena).
rocks are common and they result in an agglomerated Embankments built with marls suŠer from the evolu-
structure of ˆnite size particles, or fragments (just as in a tive nature of these materials which is not avoided by
rockˆll). However, the properties of these particles common compaction practices. In spite of the reduction
evolve in time and the end result is a signiˆcant major of the evolutive potential of the material with compac-
change in the overall behaviour of the aggregate. Very tion, the size of rock fragments allows the development
few studies are known to exist concerning the behaviour of settlements and the loss of strength in time. These are
of aggregates of evolutive materials although there is an main concerns in practice and the prediction of these
increasing number of studies on the evolution of the phenomena is not an easy task.
mechanical behaviour of materials such as hard cemented
soils and shales and other soft sedimentary rocks (mud-
stones, claystones, calcarenites and weak limestones) BACKGROUND
(Leroueil and Vaughan, 1990; Gens and Nova, 1993; The material used in the study presented below is the
Vaughan, 1997; Rouania and Muir Wood, 1998; Vaunat marl from Abadia (Upper Jurassic in age). Mineralogic
and Gens, 2003; Pinyol et al., 2007, among others). analysis identiˆed the presence of chlorite and gypsum,
Department of Civil Engineering and Arquitecture, Instituto Superior T áecnico, Lisbon, Portugal.
Department of Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences, Universitat Polit àecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (eduardo.alonso@
The manuscript for this paper was received for review on January 4, 2008; approved on July 18, 2008.
Written discussions on this paper should be submitted before January 1, 2010 to the Japanese Geotechnical Society, 4-38-2, Sengoku, Bunkyo-
ku, Tokyo 112-0011, Japan. Upon request the closing date may be extended one month.


This is an Open Access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license.


Fig. 1. MIP results for Abadia marl Fig. 2. Size evolution along 8 wetting-drying cycles of a set of particles
with uniform size (9 mmÆDÀ4.75 mm)

besides quartz, calcium carbonate and mica. Some of its

most relevant properties are a porosity of 37z for in situ initial suction and rate of suction change, have been in-
water content of 17z (saturation degree of 77z), liquid vestigated. The investigation on the evolutive behaviour
limit (wL) of 49z, plastic index of 25z and volumetric of individual rock fragments, presented in this paper, was
weight of 27.4 kN/m3. Results from mercury intrusion part of the eŠort to understand the behaviour of ag-
porosimetry, MIP, presented in Fig. 1, revealed a fairly gregates of marl particles (compacted material) observed
uniform pore size with a mean diameter of 148 nm. in experimental tests.
Experimental evidence of the degradation phenomena
of marls from Abadia shows particle breakage and de-
structuration (stiŠness reduction when saturated fol- BEHAVIOUR OF THE MARL MATRIX AND
lowed by irreversible shape change after drying) of parti- PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION
cles. This degradation process increases the drier the frag- Tests on marl samples were performed to characterize
ments and the larger their size. The evolution of the grain the hydro-mechanical behaviour of the marl matrix. The
size distribution of a sample of rock fragments having in- main purpose of the tests was to calibrate the numerical
itially a range of sizes varying between 9 mm and 4.75 model for single marl fragments previously mentioned.
mm when subjected to 8 wetting-drying cycles is present- The Barcelona Basic Model, BBM (Alonso et al., 1990)
ed in Fig. 2. According to this ˆgure, the Hardin index, for unsaturated materials was adopted as mechanical
Rd (Hardin, 1985) (ratio between the diŠerence of the constitutive model. It was also found that the marl ex-
areas above the grain size distribution curves after and hibited some swelling potential, a characteristic which
before wetting and the area above the original grading, could be simulated with this simple constitutive model.
before wetting) increased to 16z due to the ˆrst wetting. BBM also allows reproducing the marls strength and stiŠ-
Almost half of the particles (49z) reduce in size after the ness dependence on water content, as observed in ex-
second cycle, an indication of a fast degradation process. perimental tests. BBM cannot simulate the degradation
Wetting particles on the boundary creates a suction of soft rocks but this mechanism can be identiˆed indi-
gradient since the particles are initially unsaturated. This rectly by the development of shear and tensile stresses and
suction gradient induces water transfer and reduces in of plastic deformations calculated during wetting, which
time until it reaches a zero value when full saturation is is the purpose of this work. The set of material
reached. As long as there are suction gradients, diŠeren- parameters for BBM are described in Table 1, which also
tial swelling deformations will be developed inside the presents the parameters used for model calibration ob-
rock fragment. The geometry and conˆnement of the tained from experimental tests.
fragment restrain swelling displacements and leads to ten- Rock matrix behaviour was investigated in swelling
sile and shear stresses which eventually result in cracking tests of rock samples (marl discs with 0.7 cm thickness
and destructuration. This degradation mechanism will be and 3 cm diameter with the same initial water content of
controlled by suction gradients. In fact, it was observed 14z before suction imposition by vapour equilibrium)
that the driest the fragments subjected to wetting the conˆned under Oedometric conditions and subjected to
more signiˆcant the degradation observed. diŠerent vertical stresses and diŠerent suction changes.
Mechanisms leading to the degradation of marl were The applied suction paths are presented in Fig. 3 in a
investigated by means of a numerical simulation of the vertical stress-suction space. Measured swelling strains
behaviour of individual rock fragments under suction cy- (Fig. 3) indicate that the driest rock samples show higher
cles for varying conˆnement conditions. A coupled volumetric deformations (volume increment) due to wet-
hydro-mechanical computer code for unsaturated materi- ting for all the vertical stress applied. As expected, the
als (CODE-BRIGHT, Olivella et al., 1996; UPC-DLT, applied vertical stress reduces swelling strains. The
2002) was used. recorded swelling strains of the driest specimens initially
Several contributing factors: scale eŠects, conˆnement, equilibrated with high suctions (a suction s=135.9 MPa

Table 1. Parameters necessary for BBM calibration

Parameter Description
Abadia marl Backˆll

StiŠness parameter for changes

l(0) in net mean stress for virgin 0.027 Table 3
states of the soil in saturated

StiŠness parameter for changes

l(s) in net mean stress for virgin deˆned by Eq. (2)
states of the soil

r Parameter deˆning maximum 0.65 Table 3

soil stiŠness
Parameter controlling the rate -1
b of stiŠness increase with suction 0.05 MPa Table 3
Fig. 4. Water retention curve
k Elastic stiŠness parameter for 0.007 0.007
changes in net mean stress

ks Elastic stiŠness parameter for 0.020 0.0002

to be 8×10-21 m2 which corresponds to a very low Darcy
changes in suction coe‹cient (ksat=8×10-14 m/s).
p *0 Pre-consolidation stress for 1.00 MPa Table 3
The water retention curve, WRC, of the marl was also
saturated conditions determined (drying followed by wetting, in Fig. 4) and
pc Reference stress 0.23 MPa Table 3 used for model calibration. A marl disc similar to those
M Slope of the critical state lines 1.0 1.0
tested in swelling tests was used. The Van Genuchten,
1980, expression,
k Parameter describing the 0.007 0.007
increase in cohesion with suction

« Ø » $
Tensile strength for saturated P g- P l 1- l
c0 conditions 0.4 MPa 0.004 MPa Se= 1+ (1)
n Poisson coe‹cient, used in the 0.25 0.25
calculation of shear modulus, G
where Se is the degree of saturation at the current liquid
pressure, Pl, and Pg is the gas pressure (assumed to be
equal to the atmospheric pressure, 0.1 MPa). P and l are
material parameters. Values of P=0.3 MPa and l=0.20,
for the drying branch, and P=0.9 MPa and l=0.20 for
the wetting branch were obtained.
Simple para‹n tests for determining the density of
marl samples equilibrated at diŠerent water contents were
performed. Then, a relationship between void ratio and
water content could be found (Fig. 5). The WRC allows
to relate suction and water contents and, ˆnally, to plot a
relationship between void ratio and suction. The elastic
stiŠness parameter for changes in suction, ks, can be der-
ived from this relationship in a (ln s, v) space (ks=0.020).
Oedometer loading tests on marl samples under con-
Fig. 3. Results of swelling tests on laterally conˆned rock samples stant suction (s=100 MPa and s=0 MPa) were also per-
(same initial vertical stress, diŠerent initial suction on wetting)
formed. During the test, suction was imposed by labora-
tory controlled environment (temperature 209C±29C
and relative humidity 40z±5z), after the sample was
corresponds at 209 C to a relative humidity RH of 37z, if being dried (the suction in the marl was found with the
s=11.0 MPa, RH=92z and if s=4.8 MPa, RH=97z) WRC considering the dry water content). The results of
are quite signiˆcant. These RH values are common in these tests (Fig. 6), plotted in a (e, log sv) space were used
many ˆeld environments (in Lisbon, for example, to ˆnd additional parameters of BBM namely (i) the stiŠ-
average RH varies between 48z and 85z). ness parameter for changes in net mean stress for virgin
The hydraulic constitutive equations considered the states of the soil under saturated conditions, l(0); (ii) the
balance of water in the liquid and gas phases, adopting parameters r and b necessary for the deˆnition of soil
Darcy's law in the calculation of the conductive ‰ux. The stiŠness for unsaturated conditions, l(s) (Eq. (2) below);
intrinsic permeability was calculated by Kozeny's model. and (iii) the elastic stiŠness parameter for changes in net
Concerning the hydraulic parameters, the intrinsic mean stress, k (it was assumed to be the average between
permeability coe‹cient of the marl was determined in the values found for the saturated and the unsaturated
permeability tests on saturated species and it was found test). The values found are presented in Table 1 (column

Fig. 5. Void ratio dependence on water content and its relation with
the saturation degree

Fig. 6. Oedometer tests in marl samples under diŠerent suctions Fig. 7. Tests performed in marl samples under diŠerent suctions

Abadia marl). Horizontal stresses during Oedometer

loading were assumed to be half of the vertical stresses NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF SINGLE
The mechanisms leading to the breakage and eventual-
l(s)=l(0)[(1-r)e-bs+r] (2)
ly the destructuration of the rock were investigated by nu-
Brazilian splitting tests in marl discs with 3 cm thickness merical simulations of the behaviour of individual rock
and 5 cm diameter (ASTM-D 3697–95a) and unconˆned fragments under a wetting path.
compression tests in marl cylinders with 12 cm high and 5 Since fracture phenomena are not incorporated in the
cm diameter (ASTM-D 2938–95) were performed in sam- numerical model adopted, crack development will be
ples under diŠerent suctions imposed by vapour equilibri- identiˆed by the patterns of tensile stresses, plastic devia-
um (Fig. 7). Tensile strength and stiŠness increase with toric deformation, dePs, and plastic volumetric deforma-
suction, as expected. The results from the Brazilian tests tion, dePv, developed in the rock fragment. The constitu-
were used for the deˆnition of the parameter describing tive model is deˆned in terms of net mean stress, deˆned
the increase in cohesion with suction, k (k=0.007). The as follows
available data also indicates that an eŠective cohesion is
p?=p-max spatm; plt (3)
maintained for zero suction and its value provides a cohe-
sion parameter c0 (c0=0.4 MPa) for saturated conditions. where p is total mean stress, patm is the atmospheric pres-
The saturated unconˆned compression tests on marl sam- sure and pl is the liquid pressure. Wetting was assumed to
ples provided the values for the Young modulus (E=350 start in a uniform manner at the particle boundary: in all
MPa – secant value for vertical deformation of 0.5z, the exterior perimeter suction was reduced from the ini-
corresponding to ˆrst unloading), and the Poisson tial value to saturated conditions (s=0) in a given time in-
coe‹cient (n=0.25 – value obtained form the relation be- terval until full saturation was reached. Except for par-
tween the horizontal and vertical deformation of 0.5z) ticular cases, an initial suction of 10 MPa was assumed.
used in the calculation. Calculations were performed for a circular geometry (9
mm diameter) under plane strain conditions. The ˆnite-
element mesh used (quadrilateral elements with 4 Gauss
points) is presented in Fig. 8. The size of the mesh (rela-

Fig. 8. Finite element discretization of one particle (9 mm diameter)

and conˆnement cases considered in the study

tive area of the major element/particle area equal to

0.003) was deˆned based on previous tests that have
shown the adequacy of the reˆnement.
Particles with the granular structure are conˆned by
the neighbouring rock fragments justifying the study of
the conˆnement in‰uence on the degradation. Figure 8
also presents three simpliˆed cases of increasing conˆne-
ment (Cases 1, 2 and 3) that will be analysed. Conˆne- Fig. 9. EŠect of wetting rate in degradation: (a) maximum principal
ment was simulated by restraining the displacements in stress, sI and (b) deviatoric plastic deformations
the borders indicated in Fig. 8. The ˆgure also indicates
the position of representative points within the particle.
The evolution of suction and its eŠects will be calculated Then three diŠerent overall wetting rates were imposed:
at these locations. 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 60 minutes for wetting times.
The analysis also included the study of the eŠects of in- Figure 9 presents the results of the analysis in terms of
itial suction and fragment dimensions on the cracking calculated maximum principal stress and deviatoric plas-
mechanism since ˆeld observations show some diŠerences tic deformations at the selected points inside the frag-
in degradation intensity for diŠerent sizes of particles. ment. It can be observed that the highest tensile stresses
The mechanical boundary conditions considered for calculated in the centre (point C) and in the outer border
these cases correspond to Case 1 in Fig. 8. This case was (Point A) correspond to the maximum wetting rate (15
chosen because swelling displacements are not much min. of wetting time). Figure 9 indicates that boundary
aŠected by the restrained borders and this allows a better principal tensile stresses experience a small peak soon af-
understanding of the cracking mechanisms. A small ter the border is fully saturated. Afterwards an increase in
isotropic conˆnement stress (20 kPa) was adopted in all tensile stress is computed and a steady tensile state is at-
cases analysed in order to avoid numerical problems due tained. A similar response in terms of stress development
to the development of tensile stresses. is calculated for point C. In this case, however, there is a
marked stress reversal. The tensile strength developed
Rate of Suction Change during wetting change soon into a compressive stress
One signiˆcant ˆnding of this study is that the intensity state. In all cases signiˆcant deviatoric plastic deforma-
of stresses developed in the particle depends on the rate of tions are calculated. This is an indication of the attain-
suction change. A global measure of this rate may be ob- ment of limiting conditions, as discussed later. DiŠer-
tained by relating the change in suction (initial value mi- ences in plastic deviatoric strains between the centre and
nus the value applied in the boundary) with the time in- the border increase when the wetting rate increases. The
terval required to modify the boundary suction. DiŠerent centre point maintains a constant long term deviatoric
wetting rates are obtained by changing this time interval. plastic strain, irrespective of wetting rate. Suction
Permeability was kept constant and the calculation per- changes in this point are mainly controlled by the
formed with CODE BRIGHT considers the wetting ve- permeability of the material and size of the fragment.
locity by imposing a given gradient of liquid pressure (the Since it is a small fragment there is a progressive and rela-
liquid pressure is reduced in a given time interval). tively uniform reduction of suction across the diameter.
For Case 1, an initial suction of 10 MPa was assumed. In the analysis performed in the remaining paper a 30

Fig. 11. Stress paths in plane (p, q) for increasing diameters (centre
point C)

is presented in Fig. 11 for the centre point C (fragment

with diameter D). The lines for decreasing suction
crossed during wetting are presented in Fig. 11 with the
correspondent value inside a rectangle. Also in this
ˆgure, the circles indicate the suction in the in‰exion
point of the stress paths.
As observed in Fig. 11, dilatant behaviour is observed
(stress path in the left side of the critical state line, CSL)
and shear stress reaches a peak when suction s=200 kPa,
in the proximity of full saturation. Critical state condi-
tions are then reached as the point migrates towards full
Fig. 10. Identiˆcation of the cracking mechanism: (a) maximum prin- saturation. The centre point, initially unloaded, becomes
cipal stress, sI and (b) deviatoric shear stresses progressively conˆned (it reaches a mean stress of 250
kPa when fully saturated).
Swelling progresses from the boundary towards the
minutes wetting time was adopted. This interval is judged centre. Tensile stresses develop internally while the frag-
to be realistic on the basis of experimental evidence. ment outer annulus increases volume and detaches from
the core of the particle. This mechanism leads to cracking
Cracking Mechanism interpreted as peripheral detachment along the entire
The analysis of tensile stresses and plastic deviatoric perimeter and occurs before fully saturation (time
deformations, developed during wetting, helps to identify Ã0.5 h). When the water reaches the inner core it starts
degradation. The analysis of shear stress development is swelling, pushing out the outer layers. This mechanism
also useful for this purpose. Figure 10 presents the stress- corresponds to radial cracking. Plastic shear deforma-
es sI and the deviatoric shear stresses calculated during tions (Fig. 9, for 30 minutes wetting time) show a concen-
wetting on a fragment diagonal (conˆnement Case 1). In- trated shear damage of the particle. Therefore, patterns
side the fragment (points B, C and D) tensile stresses de- of cracking are controlled by the evolving distribution of
velop initially followed by compression. The ˆgure in- suction inside the rock fragment.
cludes now additional information: the transition from Cracking will occur if the tensile stress developed is
the unsaturated state to the saturated one. The change in higher than the tensile strength. This strength reaches the
the sign of the principal stress occurs in the proximity of minimum value when the fragment is saturated (observed
this transition. However, in the outer points (A and E) in the Brazilian tests on rock samples under diŠerent suc-
only tensile stress is observed but only when saturation is tions) and this is the situation when the calculated tensile
achieved. Deviatoric shear stresses are higher in the outer stress reaches maximum values (Fig. 10(a)). This indi-
boundary than in the interior of the particle showing a cates that rupture will occur near saturation. Figure 12
peak at full saturation. presents the expected cracking pattern of the fragment
Maximum tensile stresses were found at the centre and its comparison with a typical pattern found in real
point C and plastic shear stresses develop mainly in this cases. They qualitatively agree since cracking starts from
point after full saturation. The stress path in space ( p?, q) the exterior to the interior in both; however the stratiˆca-

Fig. 12. Expected cracking pattern and the observed one in real cases

tion found in real cases introduces signiˆcant strength

anisotropy and this has a large major in‰uence on crack-
ing development, which is not radial as found in the cal-
culation, but follows the strata surfaces.

Initial Suction
The eŠect of the initial suction in the particle prior to
wetting was analysed with the purpose of investigating
the in‰uence of initial suction on the marl degradation.
Three initial suctions were considered: 20 MPa, 10 MPa
and 5 MPa. Calculated maximum principal stresses and
plastic shear deformations are given in Fig. 13 for points
A and C in Case 1. Similar results were obtained for the
other points. The higher the initial suction the higher the
tensile and compression principal stresses developed.
Peak tensile stresses are found at full saturation in all
cases. Final deviatoric plastic strains increase with the ini-
tial suction, a result which indicates that particle damage
will increase, the drier the initial state. This is explained
by the higher suction gradients generated inside the driest
fragment. At the end of the saturation period the driest
rock fragments maintain a higher inner compression

Scale EŠects
The degradation of fragments with diŠerent sizes was
also analysed assuming D=9 mm as reference dimension.
A systematic study was performed and stress and defor-
Fig. 13. EŠect of the initial suction in fragments degradation: (a) max-
mation states were calculated in locations corresponding imum principal stresses and (b) plastic deviatoric deformations
to the points identiˆed in Fig. 8 for fragments with in-
creasing diameters: D/2=4.5 mm, D=9 mm, 2D=18
mm, 4D=36 mm and 10D=90 mm. For comparison However, the stress path for point C changes markedly
purposes in all cases the initial suction applied was 10 when the particle dimension changes. Negative net mean
MPa and full wetting of the outer border was completed stresses (tensile stresses) are found for the largest frag-
in 30 minutes. ments when wetting starts. In smaller particles the mean
Suction gradients increase markedly as the size of the stress remains positive (compression). This result explains
fragment increases. Full saturation requires obviously in- the increased degradation susceptibility of larger parti-
creasing time as the size of the fragment increases. Figure cles.
11 previously presented shows the calculated stress paths, In all points peak deviatoric stresses are found in the vi-
in a ( p, q) plane for all cases analyzed (point C). Suctions cinity of saturation, when the full swelling potential of
calculated during wetting are also identiˆed. For all the marl has been developed.
cases, dilatant behaviour is observed and critical state
conditions are very close after full saturation. Similar Conˆnement EŠect
maximum shear stresses are calculated for all diameters. The conˆnement cases analyzed were previously

presented in Fig. 8. For all of them, the initial suction straint in both directions in plane (x, y)). Increasing res-
was 10 MPa. Kinematical constraints increase from Case train reduces the amplitude of the maximum displace-
1 (essentially non existent) to Case 3 (symmetric con- ments and the symmetry of the geometry controls their
The evolution of volumetric plastic deformations and
net mean stress during wetting, for the centre point (Fig.
14) helps to illustrate the constraint eŠect introduced in
each case. Positive net mean stresses were obtained for all
cases (Fig. 14(a)) indicating compression in the centre of
the fragment. Highest values were found for the strongest
conˆnement analyzed (Case 3). For Case 3 the volumetric
plastic deformations observed (Fig. 14(b)) are positive in-
dicating volume decrease in centre point C (contractive
behaviour) while for the other conˆnement cases the
values found are negative (The centre expands).
Swelling displacements of the periphery develop as
soon as wetting starts (tº0.50 h). However the boundary
constraints result in compressive stresses applied in the
conˆned borders. When water reaches the inner core
(tÆ0.50 h) two situations can occur: (i) if the displace-
ments are not restrained at least in one direction of plane
(x, y), porosity and volume increases and compression
decreases, explaining the transient decrease in net mean
stress observed in Fig. 14(a) for Cases 1 and 2; (ii) if the
displacements are constrained in both directions of the
plane (x, y) they will act in the fragment as compressive
stresses increasing the compression in the centre and
decreasing the porosity and volume.


Suction controlled tests on compacted aggregates of
Fig. 14. Evolution along wetting time calculated in centre point A of marl (e=1.078±0.005, w=15z±2z) were performed
(a) net mean stress and (b) plastic volumetric deformations
in Oedometric cells. A rather uniform particle size (9

Fig. 15. Suction controlled tests in oedometric cells of marl aggregates


Table 2. Some results of oedometric tests of marl aggregates

Suction after Compressibility Shrinkage Collapse due to

initial drying due to drying full wetting
(MPa) index, Cc (z)(1) (z)(2)

230 0.095 3.9 20.4

38 0.379 3.4 15.7

12 0.394 1.3 13.9

3 0.536 — 9.7

(1) initial suction s=3 MPa, vertical stress=50 kPa

(2) after saturation (ˆnal suction=0 MPa), vertical stress=600 kPa

mmÆDÀ4.75 mm) was selected to speed up the suction

imposition by vapour equilibrium. The protocol followed
by these tests (Fig. 15) included drying under a small ver-
tical load (sv=50 kPa) for suction applied by standard
salt solutions (OIML R 121, 1996), loading and ˆnally
saturation at sv=600 kPa. According to the WRC of the
rock matrix (Fig. 4), the initial suction was approximate-
ly 3 MPa. The tests results are presented in Fig. 15 and
Table 2. Figure 15 also includes the compressive behav-
iour for saturated conditions, as well as the compression
curve for a remoulded specimen.
As presented in Table 2, the Oedometer virgin com-
pressibility, Cc, of the compacted samples decreases with
suction. Shrinkage deformations increase as the applied
suction increases and collapse deformations when fully
saturated (ˆnal suction s=0 MPa), increase with the ini-
tial suction. The state of collapsed samples ends in the
saturated compression curve. This behaviour is typical of Fig. 16. Compressibility in time measured for diŠerent vertical stress-
unsaturated low plasticity soils exhibiting an open struc- es and suctions: (a) compacted samples and (b) comparison with
ture (a signiˆcant proportion of macropores). rockˆll (from Oldecop and Alonso, 2002)
On the other hand, experimental results are also similar
to those reported in the literature for rockˆll compres-
sibility dependence on suction/relative humidity of the mation about the importance of time-dependent behav-
air of the voids between the fragments of rock (Oldecop iour in the compressibility of the dry fragments of marl.
and Alonso, 2001, 2003). Mechanisms of rockˆll collapse Figure 16(b) shows the comparison of lt/s found for the
are, however, diŠerent from those explaining the collapse tests on the compacted samples and those found in simi-
of ˆne grained soils. Collapse is interpreted as an acceler- lar suction controlled Oedometer tests performed in a
ation of time dependent deformations which are associ- compacted gravel of shale (Oldecop and Alonso, 2002).
ated with particle breakage, a phenomenon controlled by The similarity of the plots for the two materials in the
Relative Humidity and by the level of applied stress. suction range above 12 MPa suggests that the delayed
Records of time dependent deformations for very dry (s deformation mechanism of the dry aggregates of marl is
=230 MPa) sample of aggregates, under diŠerent conˆn- the particle breakage. However, when suction decreases
ing stresses, are given in Fig. 16. Time-dependent records (s=0 MPa), a sudden drop of delayed deformations of
may be characterized by index lt the marl is observed. This behaviour was not observed in
de the case of the shale rockˆll. The interpretation is that
lt= (4) marl particles below a given suction are soft enough to in-
d(ln t)
vade the open voids when the aggregate is stressed. Then,
proposed by Oldecop and Alonso (2007), where de is the the material becomes closer to a clayey soil and, in addi-
strain increment and t the time measured at each loading tion, the proportion of large macropores decreases. Un-
step. The values obtained for some of tests performed on der these circumstances the creep compressibility
compacted marls are presented in Fig. 16(a). lt increases coe‹cient decreases.
with conˆning stress and decreases with applied suction, This change in behaviour of wet aggregates of marl is
a result also found on rockˆlls made of hard rock parti- also noticed if the compressibility of saturated compacted
cles. marls is compared with the compressibility of a remould-
The relationship lt/s found for each Oedometer test ed sample prepared with a water content w=1.35 wL (Fig.
performed under a given suction provides useful infor- 15). The two materials exhibit a similar compressibility

Fig. 18. Numerical model of a set of marl fragments

set of fragments was performed with the purpose of

analyzing the eŠect of the degradation of the fragments
when wetted. A specimen geometry (Fig. 18(a)) was de-
ˆned by means of circular fragments having diameters of
Fig. 17. Comparison between oedometer tests performed in uniform 9 mm, 7 mm and 5 mm (9 mmÆDÀ4.75 mm). They
grading size samples with and without the voids being ˆlled with a were arranged to obtain an initial void ratio of 1.082 (cal-
ˆne fraction culated assuming that the fragments were cylinders with
unit length), similar to the one adopted for the Oedome-
ter tests previously presented. The number of fragments
(Cc=0.141). This result indicates that wetting leads to used was the minimum necessary for this purpose. The re-
strong destructuration. lation between the void ratios in the simulation (plane
Aggregates of marl fragments behave therefore in a analysis) and in the tests (three dimensional) cannot be
dual manner. For high suctions marl particles remain considered realistic. However the purpose of analysis was
hard and particle breakage explains collapse behaviour to simulate the degradation of the fragments when wetted
and delayed deformations. When suction decreases and not the Oedometer tests performed. This degradation
strong destructuration is observed and the initial ag- (swelling of individual fragments and invasion of the
gregate becomes closer to a clayey soil. macropores creating a reconstituted material) is diŠerent
Another contributing factor for the high collapse ob- from the degradation mechanism (essentially breakage)
served in the tested samples even for wetting under small found in the study of a single fragment. In the study of
stress may be the fact that the samples were prepared with the set of particles, degradation is identiˆed in the numer-
uniform grading size and with high void ratio. The large ical results because a similar ˆnal porosity was calculated
interparticle voids that can be easily occupied by the for the fragments and for the ˆlling material.
softened fragments when they swell due to full satura- CODE_BRIGHT was also used in this case. The nu-
tion. If the large voids are occupied by (ˆne) soil, collapse merical model, shown in Fig. 18(b), includes the frag-
should not occur, but swelling, due to the intrinsic swell- ments and a backˆll material. The initial porosities
ing behaviour of the marls matrix. This idea could be adopted for the fragments (27z) and for the backˆll (35
demonstrated by means of a demonstration test: the be- z) were diŠerent and correspond respectively to void ra-
haviour of a uniform sample of marl aggregates was com- tios of 0.37 and 0.54. Material parameters are given in
pared with the behaviour of sample prepared in a similar Table 1. Oedometric conditions were simulated and load-
manner but with the voids between the fragments ˆlled ing was performed assuming drained conditions.
with a ˆne fraction of the same soil. The expected result is The virgin saturated compressibility of the backˆll
shown in Fig. 17. Similar results obtained with samples (which represents de-structured fragments) was similar to
of kaolinite compacted were discussed by Thom et al. the experimental value derived from the Oedometer test
(2007). on the saturated aggregate (Fig. 15). The intrinsic
permeability adopted for the backˆll was three orders of
magnitude higher than the value for the rock fragments.
COMPUTER SIMULATION OF A MARL Therefore, water will essentially ‰ow around the frag-
AGGREGATE ments during wetting.
The degradation mechanism described in the previous As observed in experimental tests, the volume of in-
sections partially explains the transition from rockˆll be- dividual marl fragments will increase when wetting oc-
haviour (dry samples) to a clayey soil (fully saturated curs (their constitutive parameters were previously
samples). Besides cracking phenomena, the global presented in Table 1), leading to swelling deformations
porosity changes due to wetting in a fully degraded of the set of particles. The backˆll material collapses
material must also be taken into account to understand when fully saturated and compensates the swelling contri-
this transition. bution of the individual fragments in order to simulate
The behaviour of aggregates of fragments was investi- the global collapse observed in the laboratory tests on
gated against stress and suction paths which included full compacted samples. Several sensitivity tests of the back-
saturation for a given stress level. A numerical model of a ˆll properties were performed which included the deˆni-

Table 4. Results of the numerical model of the aggregates

Compressibility Deformation Final void

Backˆll Path followed ratio
index, Cc due to wetting (saturated)

I ABC (s=0 MPa) 0.083 1.65z (swelling) 1.081

ADC (s=10 MPa) 0.079 0.69z (swelling) 1.081

II ABC (s=0 MPa) 0.088 1.04z (swelling) 1.072

ADC (s=10 MPa) 0.078 -0.16z (collapse) 1.072

III ABC (s=0 MPa) 0.088 1.06z (swelling) 1.072

ADC (s=10 MPa) 0.057 -0.58z (collapse) 1.069

Fig. 19. Loading paths and LC curves considered for the backˆll

Table 3. Parameters of the LC curves for the backˆll

Backˆll r b po* pc l (10 MPa)

I 0.50 0.05 700 100 0.084

II 0.30 0.05 500 50 0.075

III 0.20 0.05 500 50 0.071

tion of an adequate LC yield curve before loading. Three

diŠerent LC curves (I, II and III) analyzed are plotted in Fig. 20. Results of the study 1 for paths ABC and ADC (presented in
Fig. 19 (parameters are given in Table 3). They result in Fig. 18) (a) Backˆll I and (b) Backˆll III
diŠerent intensities of the backˆll collapse. The LC yield
curve for the marl fragments was derived from experi-
ments on rock samples. value for the compressibility of the mixture (Table 4) lies
Figure 19 also presents the loading paths explored in between the compressibility values adopted for the
the computer model: (i) path ABC – full saturation under materials composing it. Swelling was always calculated
vertical stress, followed by loading; and (ii) path ADC – for wetting under low vertical stress (path AB). Under
loading under a constant initial suction, followed by full higher stresses (path DC) the mixture may swell or col-
wetting at high vertical stress. Figure 19 also presents the lapse when wetted, a result which depends on the deˆni-
LC yield curves adopted for the materials before loading. tion of the LC yield curve of the backˆll (Backˆll I vs.
The displacement of LC curves for the constant suction Backˆll II or III). Contrary to the predictions of a pure
path AD is also plotted in the ˆgure. Some results ob- BBM model, the mixture III experiences diŠerent reduc-
tained are presented in Table 4 and Fig. 20. In all cases, tion in porosity when comparing path ADC (ˆrst loading
the driest sample shows the lowest overall compressibility and then wetting), with path ABC (diŠerent ˆnal void ra-
(lower compressibility index, Cc), which agrees, in a tios in Fig. 20(b) and Table 4).
qualitative manner, with the experimental results previ- Figures 21(a) and (b) show the time evolution of the
ously presented in Table 2. As expected, the calculated global displacements calculated for all cases solved. Dur-

Fig. 21. Evolution in time of the displacements (a) for load path ABC
and (b) for load path ADC

ing wetting two distinct phases are observed: the ˆrst one Fig. 22. Porosity evolution in the marl fragments and the backˆll for
corresponds mainly to the backˆll deformation due to stress path ABC (Backˆll III)
wetting (either swelling or collapse) and the second one
corresponds to the swelling of the fragments. The lower
permeability of the fragments compared with the backˆll lapse trends of the mixture. Particle breakage is obvious-
permeability justiˆes the time lag necessary to develop the ly not simulated in the model described before.
rock particle swelling deformations. This behaviour cor- The porosity of two representative points in the mix-
responds in fact to a ``double porosity'' material, as de- ture, one inside a rock fragment and one within the clay
scribed by Gens and Alonso (1992) and Lloret et al. ``matrix'', is plotted in Fig. 22 for Backˆll III. The initial
(2003), among others. porosities are widely diŠerent (27z for the fragments
The calculated time evolution of the global displace- and 35z for the backˆll). However, wetting and loading
ments presented in Figs. 21(a) and (b) is interesting since tend to produce a rather homogeneous mixture (practi-
it shows alternate signs (positive: swelling; negative: col- cally a uniform porosity near 31z was found), a behav-
lapse): (i) for wetting under low vertical stress (ABC) a iour observed in practice. Similar results were found for
transition between swelling, some stabilization (Backˆll the other backˆlls analyzed.
I) or small collapse (Backˆlls II and III) and swelling is
found; (ii) for wetting under high vertical stress (ADC) a
transition between collapse and swelling is found. In this SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
last case, the ˆnal displacement is lower than the maxi- Numerical simulations of individual fragments of rock
mum observed in the test. This behaviour has been ob- porous marl were performed. They show the develop-
served during wetting of compacted aggregates of very ment of deˆnite patterns of tensile stress, shear stress and
expansive materials (Alonso et al., 1995, for example). plastic deformation during wetting. These patterns al-
However, such behaviour was not observed in the lowed the identiˆcation of degradation mechanisms of
Oedometer tests performed on compacted samples of fragments of marl. Suction changes inside the fragment,
Abadia marls, which might be explained by the absence developed during wetting, play a signiˆcant role. The
of a ˆll of collapsible material (the voids between the resulting diŠerential swelling deformations, lead to ten-
fragments were empty in the tests shown in Fig. 15 and sile stress/shear development and consequently to crack-
Table 2). In the case of Abadia marls, besides particle ing.
destructuration shown by evident loss of stiŠness when Several cases were analyzed in an eŠort to understand
the particle is fully saturated and the original shape is lost the mechanisms behind the degradation observed in tests.
after drying, there is also a particle breakage phenomena The following conclusions were reached: (i) high rates of
(similar to rockˆll behaviour) which reinforces the col- suction change increase the suction diŠerential inside the

fragment; therefore fast wetting induces more damage; 3) Alonso, E. E., Lloret, A., Gens, A. and Yang, D. Q. (1995): Ex-
(ii) the dryer samples exhibit more damage due to larger perimental behaviour of highly expansive double-structure clay,
Proc. 1st Int Conf. on Unsaturated Soils, Balkema, Paris, 1, 11–16.
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4) ASTM – D 2938–95 (1995): Standard Test Method for Unconˆned
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The authors would like to thank Professor Emanuel 18) Thom, R., Sivakumar, R., Sivakumar, V., Murray, V. and Mack-
innon, P. (2007): Pore size distribution of unsaturated compacted
Maranha das Neves for his useful comments in the prepa-
kaolin: the initial states and ˆnal states following saturation, Tech-
ration of this paper and to Dr Enrique Romero and Dr nical note, G áeotechnique, 57(5), 469–479.
Sebastia Olivella for their useful help during the develop- 19) UPC-DLT (2002): CODE_BRIGHT – USER'S GUIDE Depar-
ment of the laboratory and numerical work reported tamento de Ingenieráƒa del Terreno, E.T.S. Ingenieros de Caminos,
here. Canales y Puertos de Barcelona, Universidad Polit áecnica de
Catalu ãna.
The ˆnancial support given by the Portuguese Founda-
20) Van Genuchten, M. T. (1980): A closed-form equation for predict-
tion for Science and Technology, FCT (Ref. POC- ing the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils, Soil Sci. Soc.
TI/ECM/59320/2004 and SFRH/BD/25846/2005) is Am. J., 44, 892–898.
gratefully acknowledged. 21) Vaughan (1997): Engineering behaviour of weak rocks: Some an-
swers and some questions, Geotechnical Engineering of Hard Soils-
Soft Rocks, Balkema, 1741–1765.
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