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Aquaculture 546 (2022) 737285

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Short communication

Use of chemicals and veterinary medicinal products (VMPs) in Pacific

whiteleg shrimp, P. vannamei farming in India
P.K. Patil a, *, R. Geetha a, T. Bhuvaneswari a, R. Saraswathi a, R. Ananda Raja a, S. Avunje a, H.
G. Solanki b, S.V. Alavandi a, K.K. Vijayan a
ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai 600 028, Tamil Nadu, India
College of Fisheries, Navsari Agriculture University, Navsari 396445, Gujarat, India


Keywords: Aquaculture has become a significant food producing sector, the sustainability of which largely depends on
Veterinary medicinal products management of health of cultured species and the aquatic ecosystem. Aquaculturists resort to use of chemicals
P. vannamei and veterinary medicinal products (VMPs) to maintain water and soil quality parameters at optimal levels and
Shrimp farming
health of cultured species to achieve higher productivity. The present study reports the survey results (n = 867)
on the use of chemicals and VMPs in Indian shrimp aquaculture. The influence of the use of chemicals and VMPs
on the feed conversion ratio (FCR), survival (%), average size at harvest (g) and production (t) were evaluated.
Farms in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu were found to use similar amounts of chemicals and VMPs, 89.06 kg
t− 1 and 87.07 kg t− 1, respectively, while farmers from Gujarat used significantly low quantity (53.42 kg t− 1). The
products under the category disinfectants, soil and water probiotics and environmental modifiers were applied
directly to the pond as broadcasting while gut probiotics and nutritional supplements were applied orally as feed
top dressing. Among the compounds, more than half (50.62%) of the aquaculture inputs were environmental
modifiers, followed by probiotics (20.94%), disinfectants (6.99%) and nutritional supplements (3.41%). Use of
chemicals and VMPs, however, was shown to positively influence the stocking density, survival and production.
Usage of higher quantities of environmental modifiers and probiotics suggests the awareness about their utility in
maintaining optimal water and soil parameters thereby improving pond health, and reducing stress and disease

1. Introduction despite advancements in breeding and nutrition, infectious diseases and

poor farm soil and water quality continue to cause significant economic
India is the second-largest aquaculture country globally; with fish losses to aquaculture (Lightner, 2011; Thitamadee et al., 2016; Asche
production of 7.06 million MT in 2018 (Bondad-Reantaso et al., 2012). et al., 2020). Generally, chemical and microbial formulations are
During 2020–21 frozen shrimp contributed 73% to the USD 6.68 billion applied in aquaculture to maintain the water and soil parameters at
annual fish and fishery product export from the country. Pacific whiteleg optimal levels (Boyd, 2017). Disinfectants and antimicrobial agents are
shrimp, P. vannamei, was the major species, farmed in 100,206 ha area used to prevent and control the spread of infectious agents (OIE, 2017;
with annual average productivity of 7.10 ton ha− 1 during 2020–21. Danner and Merrill, 2008). Similarly, prebiotics, probiotics, and nutri­
( Sustaining this growth mo­ tional supplements are administered for enhanced digestibility,
mentum requires significant interventions in increasing productivity improved health, growth and production (Gatesoupe, 1999; Irianto and
through managing the health of the host, rearing pond and environment. Austin, 2002). However, inappropriate use of these products has
This growth trajectory in the country has been realised after the attracted criticism in recent times due to the possible presence of vet­
introduction of Pacific whiteleg shrimp in 2009 and is supported by erinary drug residues and the development of antibiotic resistance
scientific seed production, improved farming technologies, judicious use among aquatic bacteria compromising the safety of the food originating
of veterinary medicinal products (VMPs), and other chemicals for from aquaculture (Cabello, 2006; Cabello et al., 2016; Watts et al.,
improved health and production (Salunke et al., 2020). However, 2017). A survey on using veterinary medicines in aquaculture was

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P.K. Patil).
Received 29 June 2021; Received in revised form 29 July 2021; Accepted 2 August 2021
0044-8486/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P.K. Patil et al. Aquaculture 546 (2022) 737285

reported covering 29 countries (Alday-Sanz et al., 2012). Additionally, 2.3. Estimation of the number of products used
the effects of these substances on non-target hosts and the possible
ecological degradation in the receiving environment have been high­ The total quantity of each product category used per ton of shrimp
lighted (Rico et al., 2012). harvest was calculated based on the dosage and frequency of application
Availability of information on the application of chemicals and VMPs and the quantum of shrimp harvested at the end of the crop.
helps to improve the better management practices in shrimp farming
activities. FAO conducted a workshop on the prudent use of veterinary 2.4. Statistical analysis
medicines to improve the biosecurity in aquaculture (Bondad-Reantaso
et al., 2012). Use of veterinary medicinal products and pharmacologi­ Relationship between dependent (education, experience, stocking
cally active substances in aquaculture has been published from density, culture period, average body weight at harvest, survival and
Bangladesh (Shamsuzzaman and Biswas, 2012; Alam and Rashid, 2014; production) and independent variable (quantity of chemicals and VMPs
Sharker et al., 2014; Ali et al., 2014, 2016; Rasul et al., 2017), China used) was analysed using multiple linear regression in R software
(XinHua and Wen, 2012), Thailand (Baoprasertkul et al., 2012), version 15.0 (R Core Team., 2020).
Philippines (Sonia et al., 2012), Vietnam (Tai, 2012; Chi et al., 2017)
and four major Asian countries involved in international trade of farmed 3. Results and discussion
aquaculture produce (Rico et al., 2013). On the contrary, reports from
India are scanty except a technical report by the National Bank for 3.1. Age, experience and educational background of farmers
Agriculture and Rural Development (Pathak et al., 2000). Recently
Mishra et al. (2017) published the application of drugs, medicines and The average age of farmers interviewed varied from 38 to 47.5 years,
chemicals in aquaculture based on a survey covering the freshwater with an overall average of 42.58. The higher percentage of farmers from
farming areas in the country. The main objective of the present study Gujarat (45.22%) had formal university education against 26.19% of
was to assess the current usage patterns of chemicals and VMPs, their counterparts in Andhra Pradesh. Farmers from Andhra Pradesh
including feed supplements and probiotics, covering the major shrimp (61.29%) and Gujarat (59.13%) had less than five years of experience in
farming regions of India. farming, while the majority of farmers (62.07%) from Tamil Nadu were
involved in shrimp farming for more than a decade (Table 2).
2. Materials and methods
3.2. Farm management practices
2.1. Study area and farm interviews
The stocking density of the shrimp (no. m− 2) was found to be highest
The survey was carried out from April 2018 to Feb 2019, covering in the state of Andhra Pradesh (56.6 ± 0.5), followed by Tamil Nadu
the three major shrimp producing coastal states, Andhra Pradesh (n = (42.1 ± 0.7) and Gujarat (26.4 ± 0.7). On the other hand, the FCR
607), Tamil Nadu (n = 145) and Gujarat (n = 115) which contribute recorded was lowest (1.0 ± 1.1) in Andhra Pradesh, followed by Gujarat
more than 90% of the P. vannamei production in the country (Table 1). (1.2 ± 1.8) and Tamil Nadu (1.3 ± 1.9). The survival (%), duration of
Number of samples from each state was proportional to their contribu­ culture (days), average body weight at harvest (g) and production (t
tion to the national production. Major shrimp producing districts in each ha− 1 y− 1) were 83.6 ± 0.6, 142 ± 0.02, 32.0 ± 1.5, 7.0 ± 0.2, respec­
state were identified and survey was conducted using multistage strat­ tively the highest in farms of Gujarat (Table 3). Multiple regression es­
ified random sampling method A total of 867 farms were surveyed by timates for parameters pertaining to farmers and farm management
aquaculture professionals through personal interview of farm owners/ have been estimated for the states Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and
managers; with the questionnaire comprising background information Gujarat were described in supplementary data (Tables S1–S3).
about the farmers, farm management characteristics and usage pattern
of chemicals, biologicals and other health care products. 3.3. Type and quantity of chemicals and VMPs used

3.3.1. Nutritional supplements

2.2. Classification of aquaculture inputs
This category includes mainly the products containing vitamins,
minerals and binders administered as feed top dressing (Table 4) and the
Based on the purpose of their use, chemicals and VMPs reported in
constituents in those products are listed in Table S4. Among the states,
the survey were grouped as disinfectants, probiotics, nutritional sup­
farmers from Andhra Pradesh used the highest quantity of vitamins and
plements and environmental modifiers. Such farm inputs were further
minerals (3.54 kg t− 1) compared to their counterparts in Gujarat (1.69
classified based on their utility or mode of action. Some of the substances
kg t− 1) and Tamil Nadu (1.40 kg t− 1). Therefore, the higher stocking
which could not be classified in any of the above classes were grouped as
density followed in Andhra Pradesh with better FCR (1.0 ± 1.1) might be
others. The principle active ingredients in the commonly used com­
one of the factors attributed to higher nutritional supplements. The
mercial products and microbial isolates in probiotics were elucidated
quantity of feed supplements used by Indian farmers was much lower
through their labels or information available on the manufacturers’
than in China (8.56 kg t− 1) and Vietnam (5.56 kg t− 1) but higher than in
website. As general practice, disinfectants, probiotics (soil and water
Bangladesh (0.87 kg t− 1) and Thailand (0.08 kg t− 1) (Rico et al., 2013).
acting) and environmental modifiers were applied directly to the pond
In a similar survey, 21% of the farmers in Bangladesh were found to use
as broadcasting while probiotics (gut acting) and nutritional supple­
feed additives (Ali et al., 2016), and upto 40 different products con­
ments were provided orally as feed top dressing.
taining vitamins and minerals were sold in Vietnam (Chi et al., 2017);
though quantity of usage was not reported.
Table 1
Farms surveyed and area under shrimp (P. vannamei) farming and production. 3.3.2. Disinfectants
Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu Gujarat Use of a higher quantity of disinfectants (8.68 kg t− 1) by the farmers
Farming Area (ha) 39,800 7615 4154 of Gujarat might be responsible for a higher survival rate, size at harvest
Production (t) 295,332 44,453 32,946 and the average production with a longer duration of culture compared
Number of farm surveyed 607 145 115 to other states (Table 4). The active ingredients in the disinfectants used
Farm area surveyed (ha) 2426.8 1242 578
by Indian farmers are listed in Table S4. The average use of disinfectants in Indian shrimp farming (6.23 kg t− 1) was much higher than in China

P.K. Patil et al. Aquaculture 546 (2022) 737285

Table 2
Socioeconomic background of the farmers surveyed.
Education (%) Experience (%)

State Av. age Schooling Graduation Post-graduation <5 years 5–10 years >10 years

Andhra Pradesh 42 75.45 23.39 2.80 61.29 29.49 9.23

(n = 607)
Tamil Nadu (n = 145) 47.75 69.66 26.90 3.45 13.10 26.90 62.07
Gujarat 38 54.78 40.87 4.35 59.13 32.17 8.70
(n = 115)

Table 3
Farm management profile.
State Stocking density FCR Survival (%) Duration of culture Size of harvest Average production
(No. m− 2) (days) (g) (t ha− 1)

Andhra Pradesh 56.6 ± 0.5 1.0 ± 1.1 80.3 ± 0.2 101 ± 0.6 15.0 ± 0.2 6.8 ± 0.5
Tamil Nadu 42.1 ± 0.7 1.3 ± 1.9 78.4 ± 0.5 92 ± 0.01 16.4 ± 0.9 5.4 ± 0.3
Gujarat 26.4 ± 0.7 1.2 ± 1.8 83.6 ± 0.6 142 ± 0.02 32.0 ± 1.5 7.0 ± 0.2

kg t− 1). In the present study, the higher use of probiotics in shrimp farms
Table 4
1 of Andhra Pradesh might have been supporting in the practice of higher
VMPs and chemicals used in Indian shrimp aquaculture (kg t− production).
stocking density and bringing down the FCR. Higher average use of
Farm inputs Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu Gujarat probiotics by Indian shrimp farmers (16.31 kg t− 1) compared to
A. Disinfectants Bangladesh (0.23 kg t− 1), Vietnam (5.60 kg t− 1), China (9.35 kg t− 1) and
Oxidizing Agents 4.1 0.89 4.48 Thailand (14.09 kg t− 1) suggest the preference of biological agents over
Detergents 1.88 3.13 4.2
chemicals for effective management of soil and water quality, shrimp
Total A 5.98 4.02 8.68
health and production (Rico et al., 2013). In a recent survey, about 10%
B. Probiotics of the shrimp farmers in Bangladesh were recorded as using probiotics
Water Probiotics 2.95 7.75 7.25
(Ali et al., 2016) and 34 different brands of products containing pro­
Soil Probiotics 17.06 6.13 5.18
Gut Probiotics 1.12 1.16 0.33 biotics were used in northern Vietnam (Chi et al., 2017). Microbial
Total B 21.13 15.04 12.76 composition in the probiotics products used in India is listed in the
C. Nutritional supplements
Table S4.
Vitamins and Minerals 3.54 1.4 1.69
Binders 0 1.08 0.11 3.3.4. Environmental modifiers
Total C 3.54 2.48 1.8 The relationship between the environmental parameters on the
D. Environmental modifiers performance of farmed aquaculture species has been well established
Oxidizing agents 0 5.74 2.85 (Boyd, 2017). Application of mineral products for improved pond pro­
Ammonia controlling agents 0.41 4.17 0.1 ductivity constituted a significant portion (32.59 kg t− 1) of the envi­
pH modifiers 3 0.43 3.2
Minerals 30.03 43.83 23.91
ronmental modifiers (Table 4). Farmers from the state of Tamil Nadu
Total D 33.44 54.17 30.06 used the maximum quantity of minerals (54.17 kg t− 1), while farmers
E. Others 24.97 11.36 0.12 from Gujarat used the least (30.06 kg t− 1). Farmers of Gujarat cultured
Overall total (A þ B þ C þ D þ E) 89.06 87.07 53.42 with lesser stocking density and required lower quantity of environ­
mental modifiers to maintain the optimum water and soil parameters.
Interestingly the higher stocking density practiced in Andhra Pradesh
(0.66 kg t− 1), Bangladesh (0.46 kg t− 1), Thailand (3.62 kg t− 1), Vietnam
might require higher environmental modifiers to maintain the improved
4.82 kg t− 1) as reported by Rico et al. (2013). Higher usage of disin­
soil and water quality parameters. It can be noted that, higher usage of
fectants in Indian shrimp farming compared to the reported usage of
soil probiotics might be compensating for the chemicals required for
similar products in other shrimp farming countries in Asia might be due
maintaining the safe water and soil parameters. Chemical constituents in
to awareness about the biosecurity measures, knowledge and prevailing
the environmental modifiers applied in Indian shrimp farms are listed in
farming practices. Ali et al. (2016) reported 27% of shrimp farmers in
Table S4. Studies from other shrimp farming countries in Asia did not
Bangladesh using disinfectants, while Chi et al. (2017) reported more
report the use of soil and water treatment compounds as the major
than 50% of the shrimp farmers in Vietnam were using 20 different types
products (Rico et al., 2013; Ali et al., 2016), while Chi et al. (2017)
of disinfectants to purify water.
reported the use of 55 different products for soil and water quality
management and biosecurity in Northern Vietnam. Preference for use of
3.3.3. Probiotics
these products by Indian farmers reveals the importance given to soil
The utility of biological products in improving environmental quality
and water management for sustainable shrimp production.
and gut health has been reviewed earlier (Hossein et al., 2018; Jasmin
et al., 2020). Among the probiotic products, the soil probiotics for
maintenance of pond bottom were used in higher quantities (9.46 kg 3.4. Average use of aquaculture inputs
t− 1), followed by water probiotics (5.98 kg t− 1) for control of nitroge­
nous metabolites and gut probiotics (0.87 kg t− 1) for improved shrimp The total quantity of inputs used per tonne of production was found
immunity and disease prevention (Table 4). Farmers from Tamil Nadu to be highest in the state of Andhra Pradesh (89.06 kg t− 1), followed by
(7.75 kg t− 1) and Gujarat (7.25 kg t− 1) applied more water probiotics Tamil Nadu (87.07 kg t− 1) and Gujarat (53.42 kg t− 1). More than half
while Andhra Pradesh farmers used more soil probiotics (17.06 kg t− 1). (50.62%) of the aquaculture inputs were environmental modifiers, fol­
Overall, the farmers of Andhra Pradesh used a higher quantity of pro­ lowed by probiotics (20.94%), disinfectants (6.99%) and nutritional
biotics (21.13 kg t− 1) while farmers from Gujarat used the least (12.76 supplements (3.41%). Among the states, more than half of the

P.K. Patil et al. Aquaculture 546 (2022) 737285

compounds used by farmers of Tamil Nadu (62.21%) and Gujarat supplements used in Indian shrimp farming operations. Pattern of their
(56.27%) were environmental modifiers, while Andhra Pradesh farmers usage was found to be influenced by stocking density, survival and
used 37.55%. Similarly, the farmers of Gujarat used disinfectants four productivity. Shrimp farms located in the state of Andhra Pradesh and
times (16.25%) that of Tamil Nadu (4.62%) and almost three times that Tamil Nadu were found to use higher quantity of chemicals and VMPs
of Andhra Pradesh (6.71%) farmers. On the other hand, the application compared to their counterparts in Gujarat. The use of prohibited phar­
of probiotics in the shrimp farms of Tamil Nadu was lower (17.27%) macologically active substances was not found in the study farms.
compared to their counterparts in Andhra Pradesh (23.73%) and Gujarat
(23.89%). Declaration of Competing Interest
Lower stocking density (26.4 ± 0.7 no. m− 2), longer crop duration
(142 ± 0.02 days), higher survival (83.6 ± 0.6%), size at harvest (32.0 The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
± 1.5 g) and production (7.0 ± 0.2 t ha− 1) with lower use of VMPs interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
(45.22%) in the state of Gujarat could be attributed to the higher per­ the work reported in this paper.
centage of farmers with higher educational qualifications (45.22%);
indicating their advantage over other farmers by following scientific Acknowledgement
farming. Educated farmers tend to make informed decisions on
controlled farm intensification and disease preventive measures instead The authors acknowledge the All Indian Network Project on Fish
of expensive treatments and reduced yields. Health funded by Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR), Min­
Analyses of the results reveal the significant difference in VMPs and istry of Agriculture and Farmer’s Welfare, Government of India.
chemicals used in different shrimp farming states. Unlike Andhra Pra­
desh and Tamil Nadu, Gujarat farmers with lower stocking density and
Appendix A. Supplementary data
longer culture period target production of larger size shrimp, requiring
fewer chemicals and VMPs. This variability in the usage pattern in the
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
different state suggests the role of geographical condition, climate and
farming practices by the fellow farmers and the type of products mar­
keted in the region. Similar to previous observation province/state
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