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Boarding School as a Part of National

Plastic Waste Management

Scientific Journal
Which system runs better?

of the or

Picture 1. Waste Management system comparison

Introduction Result
Background Strength
Author: • In 2021 Indonesia produce 68,5 • Size of the plastic pyrolysis chamber
million tons of waste annually, and is adjustable to the daily waste.
Muhammad 17% of it is plastic. Waste to energy • Reducing waste management cost.
Izharfiddin Irni plant in Indonesia are only capable to • Pyrolysis product profit (1 kg plastic
process 8,8 – 9% of annual waste. = 0,49 kg fuel and tar)
• Langitan boarding has 3000 students • Human resource for plastic sorting
and is producing 400kg/day of waste, are plenty. (4.175.531 active student
University: 15-25% of it is plastic. This boarding in 2022)
school spend Rp.16.699.172,00 in Weakness
Sepuluh Nopember waste management funds. • High investment cost.
Institute of Purpose Opportunity
• Calculating the potential benefits and • Subsidized by local government.
Technology possibility of implementing plastic • Creating an environmentally woke
pyrolysis in boarding school. and discipline student.
Method • Carbon emission problem.
Course: • This research was done with
descriptive-analytical method and Conclusion
Research • Beneficial and strategic to reduce
SWOT analysis to determine the
Methodology potential benefit and possibility of waste hills in Indonesia. It can
implementing plastic pyrolysis in process 30,4 tons of plastic annually
most of boarding school in Indonesia. if only 60% of boarding school is
participating in this program.
Date of Material • Not suitable for long term investment
submission : due to eradication of plastic and Net
• Plastic pyrolysis is a plastic Zero Emission in 30 – 40 years.
depolymerization process at 150°C –
18.01.2023 400°C temperature in a vacuum Reference
furnace chamber. • Auvaria, Shinfi (2016). Perencanaan
Pengelolaan Sampah di Pondok
1. Supervisor: Pesantren Langitan Widang Tuban,
Al-Ard Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan
Prof. Dr.-Ing Carsten 2(1):1-7, DOI: 10.29080
• Kasim, F. et al. Pengolahan Sampah
Hilgenfeld Plastik Memakai Teknologi Pirolisis
2018). Journal Bakti Saintek, Vol.2
No.2, ISSN: 2548-9593
• PDPP, 2022, [online] Available at:
Picture 2. Plastic Pyrolysis scheme
dpp [Accessed 15 Jan 2023].

Faculty for
Engineering Sciences
Department of Maritime Studies,
Systems Engineering and Logistics

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