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there is no secretary OR if the secretary , despite demand, fails

or refuses to call the special meeting OR to give notice thereof,

-- the stockholder or member signing the demand may call for

the meeting by directly addressing the stockholders or members.

NOTICE of the time and place of such meeting, and the

intention to propose such removal, must be given by publication
or by written notice prescribed in RCC.

Removal may be W/ or W/O CAUSE.

Removal W/O CAUSE may not be used to deprived minority
stockholders or members of the right of representation to w/c
they may be entitled under Sec. 23 of the RCC.

for all the LIABILITIES & OBLIGATIONS of each

constituent corp. as though such surviving or consolidated
corp. had itself incurred such liabilities or obligations;
any pending claim, action or proceeding brought by
or against any constituentby such document.

even a bona fide holder of a document issued over such
stolen goods cannot acquire title under (Art. 1513).
ART. 1519.

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