2nditem Analysis Manalo Ruth D

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas
Governor Feliciano Leviste Memorial National High School


S.Y. 2022-2023

1 117 68
2 114 66
3 104 60
Using listening strategies based on 4 88 51
purpose, familiarity with the topic and
I. Listening levels of difficulty of short texts listened 5 106 62 62 Nearing Mastery
to. 6 105 61
7 110 64
8 110 64
9 101 59
24 123 72
25 103 60
26 100 58
II. Grammar Identifying figures of speech 27 109 63 66 Nearing Mastery
28 124 72
29 119 69
30 118 69
10 111 65
Identifying online search engines to
locate information
11 101 59 68 Nearing Mastery

12 138 80

13 124 72

14 114 66
Navigating a website using essential 15 117 68 65 Nearing Mastery
16 100 58
17 108 63
18 108 63
19 105 61
20 125 73
Categorizing primary, secondary, and
tertiary sources 21 110 64 66 Nearing Mastery
22 118 69
23 108 63
31 108 63
32 111 65
III. Reading 33 109 63
34 103 60
35 113 66
36 117 68
Classifying linear and non-linear texts
Transcoding information from linear to 37 103 60
non-linear text
69 Nearing Mastery
38 121 70
Interpreting non-linear texts
39 137 80
40 124 72
41 120 70
42 129 75
43 135 78
44 124 72
45 131 76
46 113 66
47 118 69
Summarizing key ideas 57 Nearing Mastery
48 110 64
49 106 62
50 107 62

Prepared by: Noted:

Secondary School Teacher III Head Teacher VI, English Department
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas
Governor Feliciano Leviste Memorial National High School

Graphical Representation
Item Analysis of Second Quarter Assessment

90.00 85.86

80.00 76.38 77.40 78.39

71.72 73.90

60.00 54.80 56.77

50.00 47.80

40.00 35.86

30.00 26.38 27.40 28.39


10.00 7.67 5.98

3.76 3.25 5.16

SSC Aster Blazing Star SPS TOTAL



SSC 35.86 7.67 71.72 85.86
Aster 26.38 3.76 52.76 76.38
Blazing Star 23.90 5.98 47.80 73.90
SPS 27.40 3.25 54.80 77.40
TOTAL 28.39 5.16 56.77 78.39

The graph reveals the Test Results in English of Grade 7 SSC, Aster, Blazing Star, and SPS. As shown in the
table, SSC got the highest mean of 39.88% followed by SPS with 27.40% . Blazing Star got the lowest PL of


To address the issue, the following interventions will be done:

*Strictly monitor attendance and performance of low performing students.
*Employ a special learning system for each class to help students who are having difficulty
coping with everyday lesson, and boost the skills and knowledge of fast learners.
*Use a modular approach for low performing classes.
*Provide scaffolds for critical contents.

Prepared by:

Secondary School Teacher III



Head Teacher VI, English Department
percentage(No. of correct response / Total No. of students) * 100

29 47 48 46


1 29 26 31 31 117

2 27 28 28 31 114

3 21 30 25 28 104

4 23 22 16 27 88

5 20 27 28 31 106

6 18 31 23 33 105

7 29 21 32 28 110

8 29 28 20 33 110

9 23 23 25 30 101

10 22 27 33 29 111

11 25 25 25 26 101

12 45 30 31 32 138

13 42 28 20 34 124

14 41 27 19 27 114

15 44 30 10 33 117

16 43 14 16 27 100

17 47 22 11 28 108

36 27 20 25 108
19 33 28 19 25 105

38 25 34 28 125
21 36 25 27 22 110

33 23 31 31 118
23 35 26 24 23 108

24 40 22 34 27 123

25 31 21 27 24 103

26 25 20 27 28 100

27 38 24 25 22 109

28 44 22 34 24 124

29 37 28 25 29 119

30 39 22 31 26 118

31 38 24 24 22 108

32 40 27 19 25 111

33 36 29 21 23 109

34 32 25 24 22 103

35 41 29 18 25 113

36 43 28 23 23 117

37 38 25 18 22 103

38 39 31 22 29 121

39 43 32 32 30 137

40 41 34 22 27 124

41 41 29 24 26 120

42 42 31 27 29 129

43 45 28 31 31 135

44 43 31 24 26 124

45 45 31 26 29 131

46 40 25 22 26 113

47 44 29 17 28 118

48 36 28 18 28 110

49 38 23 16 29 106

50 35 28 16 28 107
1793 1319 1195 1370
Mean 35.86 26.38 23.90 27.40 28.39
SD 7.67 3.76 5.98 3.25 5.16
PL 85.86 76.38 73.90 77.40 78.39
MPS 71.72 52.76 47.80 54.80 56.77
SSC Aster Gladyola SPS TOTAL
1 29 29 29 28 115
2 29 28 28 28 113
3 29 28 28 28 113
4 29 27 28 27 111
5 29 27 28 26 110
6 28 27 27 25 107
7 28 27 27 25 107
8 28 27 26 25 106
9 28 27 26 25 106
10 28 27 26 25 106
11 28 26 26 24 104
12 28 26 26 24 104
13 28 26 25 24 103
14 28 26 25 24 103
15 27 25 24 24 100
16 27 25 24 23 99
17 27 25 24 23 99
18 27 25 24 23 99
19 27 25 23 23 98
20 27 24 23 23 97
21 27 24 23 22 96
22 26 24 23 22 95
23 26 24 22 22 94
24 26 23 22 22 93
25 26 23 22 21 92
26 26 22 22 21 92
27 26 22 22 21 91
28 26 22 22 20 90
29 26 22 21 20 89
30 26 21 21 19 88
31 25 21 21 19 86
32 25 21 21 19 #REF!
33 25 21 20 19 85
34 25 21 20 19 85
35 25 20 20 18 84
36 25 19 20 18 84
37 25 19 19 18 82
38 25 17 19 17 80
39 24 17 19 17 79
40 24 18 16 75
41 24 18 59
42 24 18 42
43 23 17 40
44 23 17 40
45 22 22
46 22 22
47 21 21
48 21 21
49 0
50 0
Mean 26.00 23.85 22.82 22.18 23.71
SD 2.12 3.11 3.33 3.23 2.95
MPS 86.66667 79.48718 76.06061 73.91667 79.03278
PL 93.33 89.74 88.03 86.96 89.52
SSC Aster Gladyola SPS TOTAL
1 29 29 29 28 115
2 28 28 28 28 112
3 25 28 28 28 109
4 24 27 28 27 106
5 22 27 28 26 103
6 22 27 27 25 101
7 22 27 27 25 101
8 21 27 26 25 99
9 21 27 26 25 99
10 21 27 26 25 99
11 21 26 26 24 97
12 21 26 26 24 97
13 21 26 25 24 96
14 20 26 25 24 95
15 20 25 24 24 93
16 20 25 24 23 92
17 20 25 24 23 92
18 20 25 24 23 92
19 20 25 23 23 91
20 19 24 23 23 89
21 18 24 23 22 87
22 18 24 23 22 87
23 18 24 22 22 86
24 18 23 22 22 85
25 18 23 22 21 84
26 17 22 22 21 83
27 17 22 22 21 82
28 17 22 22 20 81
29 17 22 21 20 80
30 16 21 21 19 78
31 16 21 21 19 77
32 15 21 21 19 #REF!
33 15 21 20 19 75
34 15 21 20 19 75
35 15 20 20 18 74
36 15 19 20 18 74
37 15 19 19 18 72
38 15 17 19 17 70
39 15 17 19 17 70
40 15 18 16 66
41 14 18 49
42 14 18 32
43 13 17 30
44 13 17 30
45 13 13
46 12 12
47 12 12
48 11 11
49 0
50 0

Mean 18.00 23.85 22.82 22.18 21.71

SD 4.01 3.11 3.33 3.23 3.42
PL 88.00 93.85 92.82 92.18 91.71
MPS 60 79.48718 76.06061 73.91667 72.36611

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