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Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik ( LKPD 1)

The following text is for questions 1 to 5.

There are a lot of discussions as to whether children should
be given homework or not.

Some people claim that children to enough work in school

already. They also argue that children have hobbies that
they want to do after school, such as sports or music. A
further point they make is that a lot of homework is
pointless and doesn't help the child learn at all.

However, there are also strong arguments against this point

of view. Parents and teachers argue that it is important to
find out whether children can work on their own without the
support from the teacher. They say that the evening is a
good time for children to sit down and think about what they
have learned in school.

Furthermore they claim that the school day is too short to

get anything done that needs doing and it makes sense to
send home tasks like independent reading or further writing
tasks that don't need teacher's support.

On balance, I think that some homework is a good idea but

that it should only given at the weekend when children have
more time.
1. How do we compare the second and the fourth paragraph ....
A. Both paragraphs argue that homework is necessary for students
B. Unlike the fourth paragraph, the second paragraph argues that homework is
C. The second paragraph supports that students need homework, but the fourth
paragraph does not
D. The second paragraph and the fourth paragraph argue that students do not need
E. The second and the fourth paragraphs do not say anything about the benefit of

2. How many reasons are presented by those who are against homework ....
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

3. Those who are pro homework think that the students can ..... in the evening.
A. Prepare for the next lesson
B. Review their lessons
C. Enjoy their pastime
D. Do their hobbies
E. Test themselves

4. "A further point they make is that a lot of homework is pointless and doesn't help the child
learn at all." (Paragraph 2).
The underlined word is synonymous with ....
A. Terrible
B. Careless
C. Difficult
D. Unimportant
E. Uninteresting

5. What is the writer's suggestion about homework ....

A. Homework is pointless
B. Homework is badly needed
C. Homework should be given at weekend
D. Student should not be given any homework
E. Student must frequently have homework

The following text is for questions 6 to 9.

Should performance enhancing drugs be accepted in sports?

The issue of using drugs to enhance athlete’s performance is

controversial. Those who agree to the use of drugs in
enhancing performance say that most top players in all
sports take drugs to train harder and feel no pain during
play. The trainers, sports doctors, nutritionists,
physiotherapists, and managers of the big names make sure
banned substances are taken at the safest and most efficient
levels. The main effect of banning such substances has
turned performers and their coaches into liars and cheaters.

On the other hand, some still believe that performance

enhancing drugs in sport should be banned. Performance
enhancing drugs are not only prohibited because they violate
the spirit of sport but because they can damage the health of

I think the idea of allowing them in sports could lead to a

situation whereby sportsmen and women are used as human
guinea pigs for a constant fl ow of new, unregulated
6. What argument is given by those who disagree with the use of performance enhancing
A. Athletes health is badly affected
B. Guinea pigs are awfully needed
C. Athletes consume more drugs
D. Athletes obey the rules
E. Athletes perform better

7. According to the proponents of performance enhancing drugs, the effect of banning them is
that performers become ....
A. Losers
B. Winners
C. Cheaters
D. Hooligans
E. Supporters

8. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To persuade readers to agree with the issue
B. To influence readers to oppose the issue
C. To describe performance enhancing drugs
D. To entertain readers with the issue
E. To expose readers with the issue

9. How does the writer feel about the performance enhancing drugs?
A. Neutral
B. Positive
C. Negative
D. Indefinite
E. Pessimistic

The following text is for questions 10 to 14.

Male chauvinism (men's believe in male superiority) extends
even into the area of automobile driving, it seems. They
believe that theyare far better drivers than women. Men
consider women drivers incompetent, inattentive and even
dangerous behind the wheel.

However, statistics prove that women are, in fact, safer

drivers than men. For example, insurance rates for women
are 20 percent than they are for men. Another proof is that
more accidents are caused by male drivers between the ages
of 18 annd 25 than by any other groups. Also the greater
percentage of accident involving death is caused by men.
Although women are criticized for being too cautious, they
are really just being safe drivers.
The reason for women driver's safer habits can perhaps be
found in the differing attitudes of sexes toward automobiles
as a convenience, like a washing machine.

On the other hand, men regard the automobile as an

extension of their egos. Using it as a weapon when they feel
particularly aggressive or using it as a status symbol.

In all, women are safer drivers because of their attitude.

Men can learn to become safe drivers if they adopt the
attitude that an automobile is merely a convenience.
10. The text is about ....
A. Road accidents
B. Women attitude towards automobile
C. Male superiority in automobile driving
D. A comparison between men and women drivers
E. Statistics about the number of road accidents

11. In term of car accidents, the statistic proves that car accidents caused by ....
A. Men are higher than those of women
B. Men are lower than that of women
C. Men are as high as that of women
D. Women are equal to that of men
E. Women are the same as that of men

12. Which of the following you don’t agree with about men drivers?
A. They are safe and careful drivers
B. They cause more accidents than women
C. They consider themselves to be competent drivers
D. They feel that using a car shows status of symbol
E. They regard automobiles as an extension of their egos

13. We can understand from the text that ....

A. Men always criticize women for their bad driving attitude
B. Women show their egos by aggressive driving
C. The statistic shows women drive the car carelessly
D. Young women drivers get many accident
E. Men underestimate women

14. “Men consider women drivers incompetent, inattentive, and even dangerous behind the
wheel (paragraph 1)
The underlined word means ....
A. Intent
B. Furious
C. Watchful
D. Careless
E. Indiscipline

The following text is for questions 15 to 17.

Will solar energy ever be a main source of energy for
industrial societies? The solar energy is cheaper than any
fossil fuell because we can get the abundant source of energy
from the sun.

In sunny deserts, the sun’s radiation that reaches the ground

can be used to produce electricity for industries and homes.
In one of experiment, solar ponds can produce hot water to
drive generators.

Unfortunately, we can’t power our homes entirely on

sunlight. Solar energy can only be exploited in bright light.
Its great potential, therefore, is in countries that have clear
skies for most of the year. Most houses, however, are not in
the sunniest part of the world. In addition to convert
sunlight directly into electricity, solar cells are needed.
Although they are very cheap to turn, relatively they are
expensive to buy and many people can’t afford them.
15. Which of the following can produce hot water to drive generators?
A. Solar car
B. Solar cells
C. Solar ponds
D. Solar heating
E. Solar batteries

16. Which of the following statements does not agree with the text?
A. Solar energy can only be harnessed in bright sunlight
B. The solar energy is cheaper than any other fossil fuel
C. Solar energy is non-polluted
D. Solar ponds produce hot water to drive generators
E. The main important device to harness the solar energy is cheap

17. From the text, we know that ....

A. Converting solar energy into electricity is expensive
B. Solar energy generators can be found in most houses
C. It is easy to convert solar energy into electricity
D. The potential source of solar energy can only be found in desert areas
E. Most of people in bright sunny areas use solar energy

The following text is for questions 18 to 20.

Vegetarians, about 3.2% of the US population, do not eat
meat. The US Department of Agriculture does not only
include meat as part of a balanced diet, but it also states that
a vegetarian diet can meet “the recommended dietary
allowances for nutrients.”

Many proponents of vegetarianism say that eating meat

harms health, wastes resources, causes deforestation, and
created pollution. They ofter argue that killing animals for
food is cruel and since non-animal food sources are plentiful.

Humans evolved to be primarily vegetarian. Humans do not

have the large mouth or long, pointed teeth of carnivores.
Human teeth are short and flat for chewing fibrous food.
The liver of a carnivore can detoxify the excess vitamin A
absorbed from a meat-based diet. The human liver cannot
excess vitamin A.

It is unnecessary to take an animal’s life when vegetarian

options are available. In the US about 35 million cows, 115
million pigs, and 9 billion birds are killed for food each year.
These animals should not have to die to satisfy an
unnecessary dietary preference.

On the other hand, many opponents of a vegetarian diet say

that moderate meat consumption is healthful, humane and
that producing vegetables causes many of the same
enviromental problems as producing meat.

Eating meat is not cruel or unethical. Every organism on

earth dies, at some points, so others can live. There is
nothing wrong with this cycle; it is how nature
work.Humans have been eating meat in the ancestral diet
provided a dense form of nutrients and protein that, when
combined with high-calorie low-nutrient carbohydrate such
as roots, allowed us to develop our large brains and

Meat is the most convenient protein sources since it provides

all 10 essential proteins (amino acids), as well as essential
nutrients such as iron, zinc, and the B vitamins, in one
serving. Most individual plant foods do not provide adequate
levels of all 100 essential proteins in a single serving.

In my opinion, meat eaters don’t need to feel guilty.

Everything we consume, including vegetables or meat, has
environmental, ethical, and health consequences.
18. The proponents of vegetarianism believe that....
A. Moderate meat consumption is healthful
B. Killing animals for food is cruel and unethical
C. Animals can only be killed in an appropriate way
D. The liver of a carnivore can not excess vitamin A
E. Humans do not need meat to develop their brains

19. The sixth paragraph is an argument ....

A. Against animal killing for food
B. For our ancestor’s diet
C. For meat consumption
D. For the vegetarianism
E. Against vegetarianism

20. All in all, the writer seems to disagree with the arguments stated by ....
A. The US Department of Agriculture
B. Proponents of vegetarianism
C. Opponents of vegetarianism
D. Animal lovers
E. Meat eaters

The following text is for questions 21 and 22.

There is a lot of research on both humans and animals on
the effects of caffeine, and there is often thought that too
much is bad for us. There is no conclusive evidence to
implicate caffeine consumption as being significantly
harmful to health, but there still is controversy with this , as
there as still some negative effects associated with caffeine
consumption. Having some caffeine daily is okay, but using
food and exercise strategies listed below will certainly help in
reducing fatigue and avoiding caffeine addiction.

Caffeine is a central nervous stimulant and can have some

positive effects on the humans body. Caffeine in low dosed is
thought to be associated with an improvement in sporting
performance, increased alertness and reduction in fatigue
potentially lifting a person’s mood. Coffee and tea also
contain some antioxidants which have positive effects on
heart health.

However, increased amounts of caffeine lead to dependency

due to increased tolerance and hence the need for greater
amount to gain the same stimulatory benefits. Heavy users
who gave to go without can axperience withdrawal
symptoms such as headaches and fatigue. Too much caffeine
can produce relentlessness, nausea and cardiac.
21. What is the writer’s opinion about the text?
A. Consuming too much coffee is not good for our health
B. Caffeine consumption is significantly harmful to health
C. Drinking coffee everyday makes us addicted to it
D. Daily coffee consumption leads to hearth attack
E. Caffeine can stimulate user’s mood and energy

22. “... amounts to gain the same stimulatory benefits.” (paragraph 3) The synonym of the
underlined word is ....
A. Develop
B. Obtain
C. Improve
D. Collect
E. Enhance

The following text is for questions 23 to 25.

Internet has been the most outstanding invention in the
history of mankind. With internet, out earth has become a
global village. Yet, like many other human made
technologies, it has its own advantages and disadvantages.

There are plenty of software that can entertain us or help us

to communicate with our beloved ones. In a mere second, we
can chat for hours with a person who is sitting at the other
parts of the world, read our e-mail in our smart phone or
listen to our favorite radio broadcast by streaming it on our

With its easy access, internet also has its disadvantages . one
of them is children may be exposed to violence and explicit
contects that only suitable for adults. There are thousands of
such inappropriate contents on the internet which can be
easily found. It is a very serious issue and may harm
children well-being.

Although, internet can create havoc and destruction, its

advantages are more important than its disadvantages.
23. What is one disadvantages of the internet?
A. It exposes children to violence
B. It helps us chat with our beloved ones
C. It helps us communicate from faraway
D. It streams our favorite radio broadcast
E. It sends to our e-mail from our smart phone

24. The main idea of paragraph 2 is ....

A. The use of internet can be very fatal
B. Internet has some advantages
C. People should not use internet
D. Internet can make us lazy
E. Internet brings more harm than good

25. From the passage we can assume that, children should be …. By their parents while they
are using the internet.
A. Taught
B. Watched
C. Seen
D. Accompanied
E. Observer

The following text is for questions 26 to 29.

Nowadays, the police have been applying the new regulation
concerning the use of seat belts. In European countries, this
regulation has been applied for a long time. However, this
new regulation has become controversial and is an
interesting topic to discuss. Here are some of the arguments.

The use of seat belts has been proven to reduce the risk of
injury or death in an accident. Seat belt has become
standard component in cars. The research shows that most
car accident will cause an injury to the head. Frequently,
drivers or the passengers driving without seat belts die
because of this. By wearing the seat belts, the injury will not
happen since belts restrain our body on the car seat when
the accident happens.

Unfortunately, many cars, especially the old ones, don't have

seat belts. This is because the traffic conditions in the past
were unlike the recent traffic conditions. The designer of old
cars didn't consider a seat belt as an important part. Besides,
the drivers wearing the seat belt will think that they are
completely safe, so they may drive carelessly. They are safe,
indeed, but how about safety of other?

The seat belt is only one of the ways to reduce the risk of car
accidents. It doesn't mean that we are completely safe In
short, our safety depends on ourselves.
26. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. Old cars do not use seat belts.
B. The old cars have seat belts for their safety.
C. The drivers wear seat belts may drive carefully.
D. The traffic conditions in the past were similar to the recent.
E. The old cars' designer considered a seat belt as an important part.

27. What is the function of seat belts?

A. To reduce the traffic conditions.
B. To become a standard component in cars.
C. To reduce the risk of injury or death in an accident.
D. To prevent the drivers driving cars carefully.
E. To increase the risk of injury in car accidents.

28. Who considered a seat belt as an unimportant part?

A. Police
B. People
C. Drivers
D. Passengers
E. Old cars designer

29. "... that they are completely safe." (Paragraph 3) What does the word 'they' refer to?
A. Cars
B. Seat belts
C. Drivers
D. Designers
E. Others

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