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Test 4 Frames for the Speaking test Note:!n the examination, there will be both an assessor and an interlocutor in the exam, ‘The vsual material for Test 4 appears on pages C10 and C11 (Pare 2) and C12 (Part 3) Part 1 2 minutes (3 minutes for groups of three) Imterlocitor: Good morninglafternoon/evening. My name is... and this is my colleague And your names are? ‘Can I have your mazk sheets, please? ‘Thank you First of al ‘like to know something about you. Select one or two questions and ask candidates in turn, as ‘appropriate. 4 Where are you from? # What do you do heze/there? * How long have you been studying English? + Whar‘do you enjoy most about learning English? Select one or more questions for each candidate, as appropriate + Are you the kind of person who ean do two things at once? + How do you usualy like t0 spend your free time? + Are you planning to do any courses in the neat future? + Ifyou could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? (Why?) ++ Do you use social networking sites a lor? ‘+ What would your ideal job be... (Why? + Do you like to give yourself aims or targets? (Why / Why not?) + Would you enjoy preparing food for a large number of people? (Why? / Why not?) 105 Part 2 4 minutes (6 minutes for groups of three) Being careful Competitions Interlocutor: In this part of the test, 'm going to give each of you three pictures. TP like you to talk about two of them on your own for about a ‘minute, and also to answer a question brielly about your partner’, pictures. (Candidate A), i¢s your turn first. Here are your pictures. show people being careful in different situations. Indicate the pictures on page C10 to the candidates. Td like you to compare two of the pictures, and say how important it is to be careful in these different situations, and what might happen if they made a mistake. ight? Candidate A: [1 minute] Interlocutor: Thank you. (Candidate B), in which situation do you think itis most important Candidate B: [Approximately 30 seconds) Interlocutor: ‘Thank you. Now, (Cardidate B), here ate your pictures. They show people in different competitions. idicate the pictures on page C1 to the candidates. ike you to compare two of the pictures, and say why the people might have entered these competitions, and how they might be feeling, Candidate B: Interlocutor: Thank you. (Candidate A), in which sicuati important to the people’ Candidate A: [Approximately 30 seconds) do you think winning is most 2) Interlocutor: Thank you. 106 Frames for the Speaking test Part'3 4 minutes (6 minutes for groups of ) Pata S 1s for groups of three) A healthy life Part 3 Incerlocutor: on C12 t0 the candidates. Indicate the text prompt to each other about how these different things can nutes (3 mimates for groups of three)] ‘Thank you. Now you have about 2 minute (2 mrinetes for groups of three) to decide which of these things can beneft people the Candidates: for groups of three)] Interlocutor: Part 4 ‘Select any of the following Interlocutor: ‘prompts, as appropriate ple believe we shoul ‘ourselves and not worry abot care should be freely Why?) 100s should + Some people say that medicine, How far do you agree “Thank you. That is the end of the 107

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