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Unit 1 Places

(1, 3, 4)
1, I like live in a block of flats. Because
 Living in flats then I will be more safe, convenient, convenient
 A block of flat is smaller than a house so that I can communicate with family
more than, it helps for me and my family to more attachment.
3, because it inspires for us in work and study, it brings many exciting experiences,
less stress and more relax
become more especially than other people.

like the sea, mountain, scenery etc

4, my favorite place that I want to live is a city centre. Because

 In the city, I can approach many thinks such as technology, device…
 Now the field that I’m studying have be relation with technology, so that
living in the city will bring more convenient for my studying and work.
(3) there are many problems that need solution such as
Environment pollution, traffic jams, traffic accident, high living cost, overpopulated cities

(1-3) 2, where is it, how many room, what are your favorite room, what do you
do there
3, lifestyle, habits, language, customs

Unit 2: Festivals and Celebrations.

(2, 3)

(2) decorate the house: hang lanterns, clean house, visit relatives and friend

New year, hung king festival, mid-autumn festival

 Talk about something you learned outside the classroom. What did
you learn? How did you learn it? Did you enjoy it? Why?
I’m learning basketball. I joined in basketball club and everybody in club
will help me to learning basic basketball skills. I love basketball. I play
basketball for my health. After any learning time is stress, I often play
basketball to relax too.
 Do you plan to learn something new? If yes, what would you like to
I will learn Chinese language. Because nowadays China is 1 st in economic
in over the world so if I can communicate with Chinese, I can have many
opportunities for my work in the future.
 What do you think will happen to schools and learning in the future?
I think in the future going to schools and learning have many changes in learning way. Because in
the future learning is unnecessary directly. We can learn in their house, every where that we want
 Is it important to go to university in your country? Why?
In Vietnam, it is very important for teenagers to go to university. Because, if you already have
university degree, it is easier for you to start good jobs at big companies. And then you can have
more opportunities to raise to a higher level with better salary.
 What kind of jobs are popular? Do you need special education to do

 Which places in your university do you use the most?

my favorite room in the university is computer room because i can take many information in internet
by computer what i need
 Do you remember your first school? Can you describe/
Name ,big/small, memory
 Do you have a plan or purpose for your education? What is it?
Yes of course. My plan in the future is 6.5 ielts for my education. Because my field learns by 100%
English and English will help me to work in the future. And if I can use English fluently, I have many
opportunities for my work in the future
 Do you have a plan or purpose for your future job? What is it?

 Which do you prefer, learning in a class, learning online or studying

at home alone?
I prefer learning in a class. Because I think learning directly in class will bring me
more understanding. When I learn directly, I can be directly supervised by my
teachers. I can more understand the lesson better from getting guide from my
teacher. I can meet many friends and study together with them and it is also one of
the interesting experiences for learning directly in classroom


1. What kind of technology do you use every day at home or at school?

I often use smartphone both home and school everyday. Because smartphone is convenient.
I can bring it every time everywhere. And in my smart phone always have internet so that I
can fine any information that I need.

2. Which kind of technology would be difficult to live without?

I think internet is the most important in our live. Because everything will connect by internet
such as laptop, camera

3. What are the advantages of technology?

will replace
Technology bring many benefit for people. For example : Technology
people in many jobs such as dangerous and hard work for people can be
safer. Technology can also help for us to do household chores so we can
have many free times to relax and other work

4. Do you think there are disadvantages to technology? What are they?

Technology makes interaction between people become less. Many people spend more time
looking at their technology devices than at each other. secondly, people can become
addicted to using these services, and this can have an effect on their mental and physical
health such as their eyesight. It can also affect young people whose studies or work maybe
affected by over use of their phones.

5. What ways have robots changed society?

6. Are robots a good or bad thing? Give reasons for your answer.

In my opinion, robots are good things. There are lots of reasons to that. First, we can put
robots to work for extended periods and expect the same quality of output. In health care,
robots can remember exactly the medicines which the patients should take.

7. Do you go online every day?  What do you usually spend your time
online doing?

Yes of course. I spend about 8 or 9 hour for using internet one day. Because nowadays Im
learning online, I always on internet for my study and environment

8. How often do you use the Internet?

Yes, I use internet every day, I often look at information that I need on the internet. I play
game, chat, and meet my friend on internet too.

9. What are the advantages of social networks?

Many advantage example: I can connect with my friend, family every where, everytime when
I connected internet. I can look at many information that I need on social network., share my
moments for everybody.

10. What are the disadvantages of social networks?

If you abuse of social networks, it will take of you many times. You will always be tired, lazy
and you only want to use social networks.

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