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Class – V English Revision Assignment 1 (January)

Name ______________ Sec. _________ Roll No. _______ Date ___________

A. Read the following passage carefully and tick the correct answer the questions
given below.
Many centuries ago, India was home to some of the greatest minds who made significant
discoveries in the fields of Science and Astronomy, introducing ideas that the world had
not known before.
Acharya Charaka was a noted practitioner of Ayurveda, a system of medicine that
originated in ancient India widely known as the ‘Father of Indian Medicine,’ he is said to
have developed the basic principles of Ayurveda.
One of the earliest surgeons known to the world, ‘Sushruta, lived and practised his art in
present-day Varanasi. In his famous work ‘Sushruta Samhita’ he described over 120
surgical instruments and eight categories of surgical procedures.He was the first person to
conduct plastic surgery.
Aryabhatta was a famous Mathematician and astronomer of the classical age of India. His
contribution to the field of Mathematics is unparalleled, but he is best known for coming up
with the concept of zero in the numerical system. He was the first one to propose that the
Earth rotates on its own axis, which causes day and night. He even concluded that the
moon is dark and it shines because of the light of the Sun.
1. Choose the correct option.
i) What is the name of the book written by Sushruta?
a) Sushruta Sahitya b) Sushruta Samhita
c) Plastic Surgery d) SushrutaSamadhan
ii) _________ is an ancient system of medicine that originated in India.
a) Ayurveda b) Astronomyc) Homeopathy d) Allopathy
iii) Who is known as the ‘Father of Indian medicine’?
a) Sushruta b) Acharya Charaka
c) Aryabhatta d) Socrates
iv) Aryabhatta came up with the concept of:
a) decimal b) zero c) one d) division
v) What is the synonym of ‘method’ given in the passage?
a) procedure b) significant c) noted d) unparalleled
B. Answer the following questions. (Reader)
i) Why did the two friends wait eagerly for November and December?
ii) What did Crusoe have with a cup of milk?
iii) What do each morung offer to the tribes at the Naga Heritage village?

iv) Mention any two features of the night Bazzarof ‘Hornbill Festival’?

C. ‘Talents differ;
all is well and wisely put;
If I cannot carry forests on my back,
Neither can you crack a nut’.
i) From which poem these lines have been taken?

ii) Whose talents are being compared here?
iii) Name the poet of the poem.
D. Underline the nouns in the following sentences and mention their type.
i) An elephant has great strength.
ii) The crew of the ship sank with the ship.
iii) The Himalayas are the highest range of mountains in the world.
E. Underline the adverb and mention its type.
i) He wrote beautifully. __________________________________
ii) Don’t run here and there. __________________________________
iii) I wrote a letter to my parents yesterday. ______________________________
iv) He seldom speaks to me. _______________________________
F. Arrange the following in meaningful sentences.
i) nine / stitch / time / in / saves / a
ii) two / parked / were / in front of / cars / house / my
G. Change as directed.
i) She is peacefully leaning against the seat of her car. (Simple past)
ii) The chef had invented a new dish of broccoli. (Present continuous)

iii) The policemen patrolled on the city roads at night. (Past Perfect)
iv) I will complete my project on ‘Save Tigers’. (Present Perfect)
v) Mom is planning for a special breakfast for the day. (Simple Future)
vi) My father was working at his cubicle. (Simple Present)
H. Write a letter to your younger brother telling him about the benefits of early rising.

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