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First Year BBA New (Sem.-I) Examination
November/ December 2019
IT Tools for Business

Time: 1 Hour] Total Marks: 30

dl:/ Instructions
Seat No.:
Fill up strictly the details of signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
First Year BBA New (Sem.-)
Name ofthe Subject
I T Tools for Business
Subject Code No.: 19080004010300o3 Student's Signature

(2) All Questions are compulsory.

(3) Figures in the right shows full marks of the question.

Q-1 Attempt the following questions in short: (Any Six) 06

I. Give two examples of Operating System.

What is the extension of MS Word?

3. What is workspace?
4. What is Networking?
5. Which short cut key is used for Slides show?
6. Output of =SQRT (ABS (-36))is
give link between o
7. feature of MS Word is used to

within file.
8. 1 GB= KB.

Attempt any Two: 12
in details.
1. Define Computer? Explain Generations of computer
2. Mention the functionality of operating system and explain types of Operating

3. Explain Date & Time Functions in details.

4. Describe steps to Generating query in MS Access.

Write short notes: (Any Two) 12

1. Hyperlink & Bookmark in Ms Word
2. Types of Network Topologies
3. Slide Transition & Animation Effects in MS Power Point

4. Formatting text in MS Word

3640 1
RAN-1908000401030003 21
RAN 1 8080 0 0 4 0 1 0 3 00 01

BBA Semester -1 (CBCS) Examination

March/April - 2019
Computer Application -1

I Total Marks: 20

Seat No.:
Fill up strictly the details of signs on your answer book
Name of the
BBA Semester-1 (CBCS)
Name of the Subject
Computer Application-1
Subject Code No.: 1808000401030001 Student's Signature
All Questions are compulsory.
Figure to the right indicates full marks of the Question.

Answer in brief: (any five)

() List two names of Input Devices
(2) Define System Software
(3) Write any two limitations of Computer.
(4) Explain the use of Drop Cap effect.
(5) Give full forms:
() OCR
(ii) OMR
6) What is the shortecut key to insert Hyperlink?

Attempt any two: 10

(1) Explain different types of Software.
(2) Differentiate between Compiler and Interpreter.
3) Explain various Output Devices.

Write Short note: (any one)

(1) Block Diagram of Computer System.
(2) Slide Transition Efect.
(3) Hyperlink & Bookmark.

RAN-180800401030001 230 1
RAN1 90800 040 2 030 00 1

F.Y.B.B.A. (Sem. II) Examination

March/April - 2019
Computer Applications - II (Theory)

aU:/ Instructions
Seat No.
Fill up strictly the details ofsigns on your answer book

Name of the Examination:

F.Y.B.B.A. (Sem.I)
Name ofthe Subject
Computer Applications-II(Theory)
Subject Code No.: 1908000402030001
(1) All the questions are compulsory.
(2) Figure to the right indicate full marks for that question

Q-1 Answer the following questions (Any five) 05

1. Define Range.
2. Differentiate MS Excel and MS Access database.
3. Classify the following addresses in Relative / Absolute/ Mixed references.
Al, H$5; SR22, SFS6
4. Explain ROUNDDOWN) function with example.
5. List Statistical functions.
6. What is the use of conditional formatting?

Q-2 Attempt any two of following 10

1. What do you mean by sorting? How sorting is applied in MS Excel?
2. Discuss the term Data Consolidation.
3. Explain Date and Time functions with examples

Q-3 Discuss the steps for creating table in MS Access 05

RAN-190800402030001 [11 3220 1

First Year B. B. A. (Sem. II) Examination
Computer Applications -
2018 II

Time Hours] ITotalMarks

Seat No.:
Fup strictly the detalls of sgns on your snswer
Name of the Examination
Pirst Year B. B. A. (Sem. I)
Name of the Subject:

Computer Applications -11

Student's Signature
-Subject Code No. 3 4 12 Secion Mo. (1,2.NI

Answer the following questions 5

(1) Define cell.

(2) Explain "#N/A" error by giving example.
(3) Differentiate REPLACE 0 and SUBSTITUTE 0 functions.
(4) Give output of =MIDLEFT(Global Warming', 25),6.5)
(5) What is the use of Primary Key in MS Access?

Attempt any two of following: 10

(1) Explain date and time functions with examples.
(2) Discuss filtering database in spreadsheet.
(3) Explain how to build data form in MS Excel.

3 Describe the steps to generate report using wizard in

MS Access.
3 Explain criteria range by giving examples.

HA-3412] 3600 1
B. B. A. (Sem. I) Examination
March April 2017
Computer Application I

Time Hour] ITotal Marks: 20

Seat No.
FIllup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination:

B. B. A. (SEM. 1)
Name of the Subject

Student's Signature
Subject Code No. Section No.(1.2.Nil ]
1 Answer in brief: (any five) 5
(1) How many bytes equal 1 GB?
(2) List two limitations of computer.
(3) Give full forms
(4) What is the short cut key for left and right alignment
on paragraph ?

(6) List two types of OS.

6) List low level computer languages

2 Attempt any two : 10

(1) Difference between Compiler and Interpreter.
(2) Difference between Primary and Secondary Memory.
) Slide Transition and Custom Animation Effect.

3 Write short notes: (any one)

(1) Types of Software
(2 Hyperlink and Bookmark
3) Input Devices.

RA-3503] 300 1
First Year B. B. A. (Sem. II) Examination
April/May - 2017

Computer Applications - II

Time Hours] ITotal Marks 20

Instruction :
Seat No.:
Fllup strictly the detalls of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination:

First Year B. B. A. (Sem. )
Name of the Subject

Computer Applications I
Secton No. (1, 2.NiL Student's Signature
Subject Code No.

Answer the following questions

(1) Define Worksheet.
(2) Give output of =RIGHT (LEFT°Computer Applications-
3) Discuss VLOOKUP () function.
4) Differentiate ROUND () and ROUNDDOWN () function.
(5) Explain #NUM!" error by giving example.

2 Attempt any two of following: 10

(1) Discuss Text functions by giving example.

(2) Discuss filtering database by giving example.

8) Explain Solver method.

3 Attempt any one of following :

(1) Describe steps to generate report in MS Access.
(2) What is cell reference ? Discuss references available in
MS Excel.

RB-3511] 3200 1
First Year B. B. A. (Sem. I) (CBCS) Examination
March April 2016
Computer Application - I

Time Hours] ITotal Marks

HlA saiaa i l a o l laial êrtèadl 2 q24 4Hdl. Seat No.:
Fillup strictly the details ofsigns on your answer book.
Name of the Examination
Name of the Subject

|Section No. (1.2.Nil Student's Signature
Subject Code No.3
(2) All questions are compulsory.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1 Answer in brief: (any five)

(1) Name any two storage device
2) Write any two functions of operating system.
3 Explain My computer.
(4) Mention the ways to create a macro.
5) Explain any two formatting styles in MS word.
6) Explain the steps for applying design template on slides.

2 Attempt any two : 10

(1) Explain the characteristics and limitations of computer.
(2) Explain the functions, features and types of operating
3) Explain the use of any five desktop components.

3 Write short note : (any one)

(1) Print Manager and File Manager.
(2) Mail Merge and its advantages.
3) Custom Animation and Slide transition effect.

DE-3503] 300
First Year B. B. A. (Sem. II) Examination
April May 2016
Computer Application II

Time Hours] ITotal Marks

i l saiaa HUiluoil laat êrzasl va 4424 qul. Seat No.

Fllup strictly the detalis o f s i g n s on your answer book.

Name of the Examination

TFirst Year B. B. A. (Sem. I)_
Name of the Subject:

Computer Application-ll
Student's Signature
Subject Codo No. 351 Socton
No.(1.2.NT ]
1 Answer the fetlowing questions:
1. Define Workbook.
2. Give extensions of MS Excel and MS Access.
3. Discuss the error "*DIV/O!" by giving example.
4. Give output of =NOT(AND(34 < 45, 65 < 69, TRUE,
. Explain RANK) function.

2 Answer the following questions in detail: (Any Two) 10

1. Discuss d functions by giving examples.
2. Discuss the cell references applied in MS Excel. Which are
the different cell references available for the address M10?
3. Discuss Filtering in MS Excel.

3 Discuss the term solver by giving example.


3 Discuss the steps for creating table in MS Access.

D-3511] 13600]
First Year B. B. A. (Sem. I) (CBCS) Examination
March April 2015
Computer Applications I

Time Hours] Total Marks 20

l à sai4 Aailal (ani êrneasl 42 424 4ql.
FIllup strictly the details ofsigns on your answer book.
Seat No.
Nameof the Examination:
Name of the Subject:

Subjoct Codo No.350 3 Secton No. (1,2.Ni Studen's Signature

(2) All questions are compulsory.

(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1 Write in brief: (any five)

(1) Fullforms EEPROM, BASIC

(2) Define Interpreter

8) What are the advantages of using a word processor ?

(4) Explain Recycle bin.

5) Define System software.

(6) Explain Scrollbar

2 Attempt any two 10

(1) Explain the characteristics and limitations of a typical

A-3503] T Contd.

(2) What is the application of the page number command

in the Insert Menu ?

(3) Explain operating system in brief. What are the

responsibilities of an operating system.

3 Write short notes (any one)

(1) Mail Merge

(2) Storage Devices

(3) Design templates.

First Year B.B.A. (Sem. II) Examination
April/ May - 2015
Computer Application : Paper - II

(New Course)
Time: 1 Hours] Total Marks 20

(1) Seat No.:
FIllup strictly the detalls ofslgns on your answer book.

Nameof the Examination:

F.Y. BB.A. (SEM.2)
Name of the Subject


Student's Signature
Subje Codo No. 3 51 1|Soction No.(1,2.Ni
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

3) All questions are compulsory.

1 Answer the following questions (Any Five) 0

1. Define Row.
2. What do you mean by Record?
3. What is the difference between COUNT() and COUNTA() functions?

4. Give example in which the result is "#NAME?" error

s. if Al =CHOOSE(4,23,43,45,56,76,77) then the A1 cell cntains the value
6. If Al=RANK(23,{ 12,34,23,54,33,56,45,67) then the Al cell contains the value

2 Answer the following questions in detail (Any Two) 10

1. Discuss logical functions by giving examples
2. Describe the cell references use in MS Excel.
3. Discuss the data types which can apply to the fields in MS Access.

3 Write short note on (Any one) 05

1. Sorting database
2. Macro

AC-3511] 3600 1
First Year B. B. A. (CBCS) (Sem. I) Examination
March/April 2014
Computer Application: I

Time Hours] [Total Marks 30

Seat No.:
Flup strictly the details o f s i g n s on your answer book.

Name of the Examination:

First Year B. B. A. (CBCS) (Sem. 1)
Name of the Subject

Computer Application: I
Student's Signature
Suhyect Coda No 3 3Secton No. (1.2NI
(2) All questions are compulsory.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Draw figures wherever necessary.

1 (a) Answer the following questions in shrot (Any 6)

(1) Draw the block diagram of computer
(2) Waht is the use of Scroll bar ?
(3) What is Recycle bin ?
(4) Explain the use of Auto fill Handle.
5) Differentiate between SAVE and SAVE AS Option.
(6) Name the different types of Software.
(7) Explain the use of print preview.
(b) Full forms : (Any 4)
(4) LCD
(5) TCP/IP

P-3503] IContd...
Attempt any two. 10
(1) Explain mail merge feature of MS Word.
(2) Waht is the use of Input Device ? Explain various input
) Mention the functionality of operating system. Explain types
of operating system.

3 Attempt any 2 6
(1) Explain features of word processing package.
(2) Characteristics and limitations of computer.
3) Computer languages.

4 Short notes (Any 2)

(1) Macro.
(2) Output Devices.

)Design Templates.

P-3503] [22
First Year B.B.A. (Sem. II) (CBCS) Examination
March/April - 20114

Computer Application : Paper II

(New Course)

Time Hours] ITotal Marks 70

la saiaa Guilaul laau Sreasl va *24 aMl. Seat No.:
Fillup strictly the details ofsigns on your answer book.

Narme ofthe Examination:

F.Y. B.B.A. SEM. 2
Name of the Subject:

Section No. (1, 2.Nil Student's Signature
-Subject Co

(2 All questions are compulsory.

3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1 Answer the following questions (any five) 5

) What is cell ?

i) What is relative reference ?

ii) Define "#N/A" error with example.

iv) Define Primary key.

(v) What is the extension of file in MS Excel 2007 ?

(vi) Give output of =ISLOGICAL (ISNUMBER ("Excel"))

P-3511] I Contd...
2 Name following functions (any five)

G) Find out if value is text or not ?

) How to find absolute row and relative reference ?

(ii) Multiply any three numbers

iv) How to find maximum number from given database ?

(v) Find out remainder of a given number when it is divided

by divisor.

vi) Combine more than one string.

3 Answer the following questions : (any two) 10

) Discuss Goal Seek Method by giving example.

(i) What is sorting Discuss how to sort the data by more

than one column.

ii) Explain Financial Functions by giving examples.

4 Answer the following questions (any two) 10

)Write steps to prepare query in MS Access.

(i) What is the use of Macro ? Discuss "How you can record
and run macro ?"

(ii) Discuss "How to implement co-relation in MS Excel ?"

P-3511] [33001

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