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Classificatio n/ Indication Folic Acid Vitamin Supplement

Dose, Route & Frequency 5 mg/capsule 2x daily, Oral

Mechanism of Action Required for nucleoprotei n synthesis and maintenanc e of normal erythropoies is.

Contraindicat ion >with allergy to folic acid preparations; permicious, aplastic, normocytic anemias. >use cautiously during lactation.

Side effects/ Adverse effect Hypersensit ivity: Allergic reactions Local: Pain and discomfort at injection site (parenteral)

Drug interaction Drug-drug: Decrease in serum phenytoin and increase in seizure activity with folic acid preaparatio ns. Decreased absorption with sulfasalazin e, aminosalicyl ic acid

Nursing Responsibilit ies >Monitor patient for hypersensiti vity reactions, especially if drug previously taken.

Folic Acid

Pregnancy Category A >Treatment of megaloblast ic due to sprue, nutritional deficiecncy, pregnancy, infancy, and childhood.


Classificatio n/ Indication Antisecretor y drug Proton pump inhibitor Pregnancy Category B >Short-term treatment (up to 4 wk) of active duodenal ulcer >Short-term treatment (up to 8 wk) of gastric ulcers >Healing of NSAIDrelated

Dose, Route & Frequency 30 mg/ OD oral, delayed release capsule

Mechanism of Action Gastric acid-pump inhibitor: Suppresses gastric acid secretion by specific inhibition of the hydrogenpotassium ATPase enzyme system at the secretory surface of the gastric parietal cells; blocks the final step of acid production.

Contraindicat ion >contraindic ated with hypersensitiv ity to lansoprazole or any of its components. >Use cautiously with pregnancy, lactation.

Side effects/ Adverse effect CNS: Dizziness, insomnia, headache, anxiety, paresthesias, dream abnormalities Dermatologic : Rash, inflammation, urticaria, pruritus, dry skin, acne GI: Diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea,vomit ing, constipation, dry mouth

Drug interaction Drug-drug: Decreased serum levels if taken concurrently with sucralfate. Decreased serum levels of ketoconazol e, theophylline when taken with lansoprazole

Nursing Responsibilit ies Administer before meals. Caution patient to swallow capsules whole, not to chew or crush. If patient has difficulty swallowing, open capsule and sprinkle granules on apple sauce, Ensure, yogurt, cottage cheese, or strained

Lansoprazol e

gastric ulcer >Short-term treatment (up to 8 wk) of GERD: Severe erosive esophagitis; poorly responsive symptomati c GERD >Long-term treatment of pathological hypersecret ory conditions >Maintenan ce therapy for healing of erosive esophagitis, duodenal ulcers >Eradicatio n of Helicobacter pylori infection in patients

pears. Respiratory: URI symptoms, cough, epistaxis Other: Gastric cancer in preclinical studies, back pain, fever

with active or recurrent duodenal ulcers in combination with clarithromyc in and amoxicillin


Classification / Indication Antihyperten sive Central analgesic Sympatholyti c (centrally acting)

Dose, Route & Frequency 5 mg/ tab OD every night Oral

Mechanism of Action

Contraindicat ion

Side effects/ Adverse effect

Drug interaction

Nursing Responsibilit ies


Pregnancy category C >Hypertensio n, used alone or as combination therapy >Treatment of severe pain in cancer patients with opiates, epidural more effective with neuropathic pain (Duraclon) >Unlabeled uses: Tourette syndrome; migraine, decreases severity and frequency; menopausal flushing, decreases

severity and frequency of episodes; chronic methadone detoxification ; rapid opiate detoxification ; alcohol and benzodiazepi ne withdrawal treatment; management of hypertensive urgencies


Classificatio n/ Indication Iron preparation Pregnancy Category A >Preventio n and treatment of iron deficiency anemias >Dietary

Dose, Route & Frequency 325 mg/ tab OD oral

Mechanism of Action

Contraindicati on

Side effects/ Adverse effect CNS: CNS toxicity, acidosis, coma and death with overdose GI: GI upset, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, constipatio

Drug interaction

Nursing Responsibilit ies >Instruct patient to take drug on an empty stomach with water. >Taske after meals if GI upset is severe. >Warn patient that stool may

Ferrous Sulfate

Elevates the serum iron concentration, which then helps to form Hgb or trapped in the reticuloendoth elial cells for storage and eventual conversion to a usable form of

>Contraindica ted with allergy to any ingredient; sulphite allergy; hemochromat osis, hemosiderosis, haemolytic anemias. >Use cautiously with

Drug-drug: decreased anti-infective response to ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, orfloxacin, separates doses by at least 2 hr. Decreased absorption with antacids,

supplement for Iron >Unlabeled use: Supplement al use during epoetin therapy to ensure proper hematologi c response to epoetin.


normal iron balance; peptic ulcer, regional enteritis, ulcerative colitis.

n, diarrhea, dark stools, temporary staining of the teeth (liquid prep)

cimetidine. Decreased effects of levodopaif taken with iron. Increased serum iron levels with chlorampheni col,. Decreased absorption of levothyroxine; separate doses by at least 2 hr. Drug-food: decreased absorption with anatacids, eggs or milk, coffeeand tea; avpid concurrent administration of any of these.

be dark or green.

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