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Subject - Economics

Class - 11th

Summer Holiday assignment

Session - 2021-22

School name - B.V.M senior secondary school

1.Define statistics in Plural sense.Explain its any two Characteristics.

2.Explain the role of statistics in formulation of policies.

3.Difference between primary and secondary data on the basis of the following:

a.Originality. b.objective. c.Cost of collection

4.Give the meaning of mailing questionnaire method. State the merits and demerits of mailing
questionnaire method of collecting data.

5.Explain the concepts of:

a.Class interval

b.Individual series

c.Frequency array

d.Frequency distribution

6.What do you mean by classification?Explain its various objectives.

7.What are the qualities of a good Questionnaire?

8.What precautions are necessary to use Secondary data?

9.Compare the census and sample methods of collecting data with reference to reliability,

time involved and cost.

10 Distinguish between Random and Haphazard sampling.

11.Define statistics as a singular noun and plural noun.

12.Briefly explain the three distinct components of Economics.

13.Scarcity causes economic problem.How?

14.What is the difference between questionnaire and schedule?

15.Write down a few parameters on which statistical information is published in census of India.

a . sampling errors

b.Non -sampling errors

17.Distinguish between (i) variable,and (ii) attribute.Explain with examples.

18.Explain the concepts of positive and normative economics with illustrations.

19.What is meant by an economy? Distinguish between centrally planned economy and a market

20.State the fundamental fact that has led to the emergence of economic problem

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