Beaujeu Free Visit Guidebook

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Robert de Témont mentioned the place in 1240, bequeathing a complete

wine route
5 The Clémentine Fountain bed to the Hôtel-Dieu. This person is mentioned first in the benefactors list,
The history of the name « Clémentine » comes from an anecdote. engraved on the walls of the covered gallery. Two large plaques draw up the
In 1831, the mayor of Beaujeu wanted to build a fountain at this same list. Donations through the ages included beds, money but also… vineyards.
place, and pure water would come from the hill of Pierre-Aigüe, the hill In 1792, in the year V of the Republican calendar, the first wine sale of the
in which the castle of the Lords of Beaujeu is located. The mayor wrote Hospices of Beaujeu took place. These sales were called “candle auction”
to King Louis-Philippe, who gave him fifty louis (gold coins). Just as the (the auction stops if there is no higher bid before the end of the candle. If
Beaujolais King was writing back to the mayor, his daughter, princess Clémentine there is a higher bid before, you light another candle), and took place until
Quincié-en- was looking over his shoulders. The price for her curiosity was set by the 2007. These auctions in the hospital of Beaujeu would have been the oldest
king to twenty-five louis, which the princess had to take from her own “candle auction” charity sale in the world. 67 years before the famous sale of
cash box, as an offering. Since then, the square and the fountain, located the Hospices of Beaune. A reflexion is ongoing to organize it again.
where was the former Pont-Guillot, has been named after her. In the hospital, you will find the ancient apothecary shop of the nuns
+ devoted to the sick and to the Chapel. The hospital is still operational;
visits will be organized soon.
Daughter of King Louis-Philippe, Clémentine of Orléans lived at the end
Régnié- of the 19th century. She was a brilliant woman, with great beauty and THE HOSPICES OF BEAUJEU DOMAIN
great ambition. She married a prince from the Saxe-Coburg House. Since 1240 to nowadays, about 250 benefactors enabled to create
Her son Prince Ferdinand became King of Bulgaria. He would often and maintain the general hospital of Beaujeu thanks to their
Lantignié send his mother as an emissary to meet with other European courts. financial donations, or donations of buildings, vineyards and woods,
expanding the Hospices of Beaujeu Domain over years. The wine-
On the ancient girl school frontage, currently a primary school, you can growing region has been developed especially since the 1730s. With
Beaujeu observe the Lords of Beaujeu blazon and the motto of the city and the the transport routes being developed, the wine trade has known a
Lords: “All comers, Beaujeu” for the city, and “Fort! Fort!” for the Lords new rise and the hospital was selling its wine production every year.
Morgon (which means a fort but also “strong” in French). The blazon of the Lords The local hospital of Beaujeu is today owner of a winegrowing domain
Villié- is: “Or, a lion sable armed and langued Gules”. of about 80 hectares, and of a forestry domain of 90 hectares.

Take the street “Rue des Ecoles”, and you will notice two half-timbering After the hospital, bypass the post office taking the street on the right. Take the
houses on your way, at the street numbers n°153 and n°168. Just before street along the Ardières river (Rue du Dr Giraud), to reach your starting point.
turning left, observe the large house made of stone on your right. It was
built in 1790 with stones from the collegiate church of the Beaujeu Chapter,
9 Wine in Beaujeu

destroyed during the French Revolution. Take the street “Rue du Pont des
Pénitents” (a reference to the white penitents who gathered there), reach On the town hall square (Place de l’Hôtel de ville), the temple of
the “Rue des écharmeaux”, and then turn left along the Ardières river. Bacchus reminds us of the main activity in the region: wine production.
If Beaujolais is written with an “s”, it is because there are 12. From south
HISTORIC CAPITAL OF BEAUJOLAIS (Option: if you turn to the right; after 280m, you will observe a statue of Gnafron: to north: Beaujolais, Beaujolais-village, Brouilly, Côte de Brouilly, Régnié,
Originally a puppet from Lyon created by Laurent Mourguet. He takes the centre Morgon, Chiroubles, Fleurie, Moulin-à-Vent, Chénas, Juliénas and Saint-
BEAUJEU stage on a stone barrel, in front of a fresco all in colour where he appears with Amour which indicates the north limit of the Beaujolais region, at the

Guignol, in a décor where the Beaujolais region and Lyon is mixed). Mâconnais region borders. In the same building, in the town hall cellars,
After 200m, at the street number 122 on the “Rue de la République”, to the discover the Comptoir Beaujolais: a wine cellar where you can taste all
right, take the small street, the “Rue Philippe Burnot”. Beaujolais appellations, including white wine and rosé.

Cross over the temple of Bacchus’ square to reach the car park of the
•FREE VISIT GUIDEBOOK• 6 The Paradis Bridge Lords of Beaujeu. On the wooden platforms, you can see the history of
You are now on the Pont Paradis (literally meaning “Paradise bridge” in the Lords of Beaujeu who turned their province into one of the three
French), across the Ardières river. Taking advantage of the motive force of baronies of the Kingdom of France between 1000 and 1400.
the river with mechanization during the 19th century, many industries settled
here, especially tanneries. This hand-crafted activity was also closely related
to shoemaking. The evolution of production entrained the loss of many The city of Beaujeu is the historic capital of the Beaujolais region. Its
artisans, mainly replaced by factories. The last factory shut down in 1956. first sovereigns were the Lords of Beaujeu, and Lord Bérard is the first
Up there, the viaduct enables to bypass the city by car. It was built for known. They built a fortress at the top of the hill of Pierre Aigüe, where
Contact us the railway line of Beaujolais, inaugurated in 1901 to transport travellers was the ancient Collegiate Church Notre-Dame, consecrated around
and merchandises between Villefranche-sur-Saône and Monsols
+33 (0)4 74 07 27 40
(and then the Saône-et-Loire department), up to 13 km north-west of Today, unfortunately very few elements remain from the castle (access
Beaujeu. Wagons were carrying products from the sawmill of the North from 6 ). It has been destroyed from 1611 by order of the governor
Beaujolais, coal, stones from the quarries, manure, stock from Charolais
of Lyon: the marquis of Halincourt, because several armed groups had
@destinationbeaujolais farming, manufactured products… The railway stopped in 1934, for lack
found refuge in the Beaujeu surrounding area during French wars of
of profitability. Another line, extension of the line PLM (Paris-Lyon- Religion. The collegiate church has been destroyed during the French
Marseille), opened in 1869 to transport wine. Nowadays, this line has
@destinationbeaujolais been transformed into a walking and cycling path which links Beaujeu to
@destinationbeaujolais Belleville (La Voie verte). The railway station of Beaujeu was known for From this period, only the Saint-Nicolas church remains, consecrated
#destinationbeaujolais its many exchanges between these two lines. in 1132 by Pope Innocent II. Afterward, the city of Beaujeu has been
Destination Beaujolais constructed all around the church.
If you keep going, you will reach the courtyard of the Chapter (you can
Your tourist information admire the entrance porch and the fountain) and the site of Château Saint- From the top of this hill, the Lords controlled one of the principal trading
Jean, higher up on the hillock, offering a beautiful point of view and also a routes between the south and Paris, through the Bourbonnais province,
centre in Beaujeu
very nice spot for a picnic. Up there is the starting point for a walking path, before its replacement by the Saône route. That is how they gave rise
8, Place de l’Hôtel de Ville accessible to all the family to discover local fauna and typical geology. to the cities of Belleville and Villefranche.
APRIL TO JUNE Turn around and come back to the “Rue de la République” street. You
As brilliant politics but also as redoubtable warriors, the Lords of
will pass the church, and go straight to the street number 473. Beaujeu extended their territory progressively. In the 12th century, they
Wed. to Sat. 9:30am-12:30pm /
2:30pm-6pm. controlled lands from the Saône plains to the far reaches of Loire.
Sun. 9:30am-12:30pm 7 436 & 473, rue de la République Later, they extended up to the gates of Lyon: Brotteaux, Île Barbe,
JULY & AUGUST At n°436, the plaque on the frontage of the building attests the French Miribel… and on the other side of the Saône coast to control all the
Daily 9:30am-12:30pm / 2:30pm-6pm Resistance activity in Beaujeu during World War II. Indeed, the city was land which was called “Beaujolais à part d’empire” (separated from the

Open on bank holidays a place of reunions for the founders of the newspaper ‘‘Combat’’, source empire) at this time.
of information of the French Resistance during the German occupation

of France, and also of reunions of the Clandestine government from June The Lords of Beaujeu only recognized the authority of the King; their
1941 to September 1943. On July 27th in 1944, at 8:30 pm, in response influence grew all along the Middle Ages, so much so that they even
to sabotages and attacks from the local Maquis (French Resistance entered the Royal family, up to the leading roles. For example, Guichard
fighters), the Germans bombarded the city of Beaujeu. Further, facing IV: brother-in-law of Philip Augustus and of the Constantinople
the 473 street number, another plaque attests to secret army activities.
On the same building, on the side of the street “Montée des Étoux”, NOUVEAUX Emperor, or Humbert V: Grand Constable of France and head of the
Saint Louis armies, his cousin. This story forged the identity and the
another plaque reminds the home where Joseph Frantz was born: he singularity of a region that now will bear the name of the Beaujeu
won the first international aerial combat on 5 October 1914. seigneury... Beaujolais!
Discover Beaujeu in a new way by celebrating the local festive moments!
Keep going straight on the “Rue Général Leclerc” to the hospital. The Sarmentelles: a 5-day festival to celebrate the Beaujolais Nouveaux! In 1400, after Edouard II, the last Lord of Beaujeu without direct
On the 3rd Wednesday of November, the clock strikes midnight and descendant, Beaujolais got under the control of the Dukes of Bourbon.
gives the go-ahead for the emblematic opening of the first barrel of
8 The Hôtel-Dieu - General Hospital Beaujolais Nouveau, with a sound and light show. This visit invites you to discover Beaujeu’s heritage. Along the
Through the metal gate, you can observe the old entrance of the general The Guinguette Village: every Saturday night in July and August, behind streets, relive the history of this city through the ages. During your
hospital (Hôtel-Dieu). The Hôtel-Dieu was founded by the Lords of the city hall, enjoy a convivial open-air dance hall around Bacchus. Meet visit, please stay on the pedestrian pavement and please be careful
Beaujeu and by the powerful Chapter of Beaujeu in the 13th century. The the winegrowers and taste the local products through a festive night with the road traffic.
exact date of its foundation is unknown, but a will and testament of Messire with music!
1 Saint-Nicholas Church 2 A house from the 14th and 16th century
To Rochefort


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9 Consecrated in 1132 by Pope Innocent II in the presence of


Peter the Venerable, abbot of the Benedictine abbey of Cluny,


Pl. de la tfa Saint-Nicolas Church is the most emblematic monument of the


5 city. According to legend, one of the sons of Lord Guichard III


drowned in the small lake of the Ardières Valley, around 1125. His

Pl. des
Pères mother vowed to build a church in his honour at the same place
where the body was found. Across the church, you can observe a remarkable house dating
R. de la C
back to the 14th and 16th centuries. The left remarkable shows a

A The 12th century church, listed as National Heritage, is composed beautiful jettied frame from the 14th century. Jettying is a building
. du

To Château Saint-Jean, s s of a nave covered with framework, a semi-circular apse and technique in which an upper floor projects beyond the dimensions
de ne

R. rsuli

Pierre Aigüe site two apsidal chapels; all three are semi-domes, and the lateral
1 km - 20 min. on foot U of the floor below. The right part with the cross-window (or
chapels date back to the 15th and 16th centuries. The bell tower mullioned window) is from the Renaissance. A Mullion refers to
6 Rue
de la R
is Romanesque, with Clunisian style, whereas the chapels are a stone cross-brace on the windows. The restoration in the 1970s
P l.

t bliq Gothic.The nave and the apse have been raised in the early 18th
rno (and also in 2018) was a success, and enabled to discover the
d e l’H

l ue
Bu Vi

M nt d u C o r n

pe l de century; as you can see, the cornice of the old roof is still visible. original timber-frame jetties, typical of the Middle Ages.
ilip te

eP The facade has been entirely dismantled stone by stone, and then
Pl. de la
7 rebuild identical in 1930, but slightly moved backwards (1.2 m), Enter the shop of the Maison du terroir Beaujolais to access the
Mnt on because the church was close to fall into ruins. inner courtyard (or atrium) dating back to the 14th and 16th centuries

Liberté des
x (the jetty is from the Middle Ages, and the vaults and mullions are
The recent restoration of the bell tower (and also the nave
from the Renaissance). You can admire the mullioned windows, the

roof) in 2020 refurbished the brickwork. A scrubbing with a

Mn typical stairs, the well and the very picturesque galleries.

D3 e la B light sandblasting even allowed to recognise the tools used

37 lan


c by stonemasons in the 12th century, and to discern the subtlest

his ed The free visiting space of the Maison du terroir Beaujolais propose

ser G uG
ie R. D r details on sculptures which have been gradually erased over
én a fun and gourmet animated visit using our five senses to discover
ér time. The brickwork with different colours and origins shows all
al all about the whole Beaujolais region and local savoir-faire.

Le the conscientious and technical work executed for the church’s



rc construction. At the lower floor, big openings were partially

Turn left on the corner of the Renaissance house and follow


obstructed: they are reopened now, and we can observe other


the main street (rue de la République) to the Maison de la Tour


small columns with exceptional style and architecture, as originally


du (Tower House).
R. designed.

Saint-Nicholas Church 12th century Ve


3 The Tower House

R. +

2 A house from the 14 and 16 centuries th th Fr
cis SAINT-NICHOLAS The jettied tower is almost a look-out post, observing people going

Rte de
No St It would refer to the bishop Saint-Nicholas of Myra, who back and forth in the main street of Beaujeu. You can observe a

The Tower House Pro ele

re was born around 270 and who died around 343. He lived plaque fixed on the façade, indicating that King Louis XI once slept

m. t


l’Ar in Asia Minor. Cast into prison and exiled by the Diocletian in this house during a pilgrimage to Saint-Claude (Saint-Claudius),

4 diè


The Prince Chapel res


whom he revered. The King was indeed, very sick… He is the father

emperor who persecuted the Christians, he had a reputation

of great goodness and was protector of the weak and of Anne of France, also known as Anne de Beaujeu.
5 The Clémentine Fountain children. According to legend, he would have resurrected Famous character associated with the city, Anne married Peter
Rt three children killed and pickled by a butcher. Many other II of Beaujeu, who soon became the 7th Duke of Bourbon. With
6 The Paradis Bridge ed
D26 Direction
miracles are attributed to him. That is why nowadays in this marriage, she became Dame of Beaujeu. She was given the

tig many European countries we celebrate the Saint-Nicholas


nié regency with her husband until the age of majority of her brother
7 436 & 473, rue de la République
D78 Direction
Day: the Saint brings gifts to well-behaved children during Charles VIII, future king.
Lantignié the night of 5 December.
8 The Hôtel-Dieu - General Hospital D337 Direction
Villié-Morgon Climb the few steps of the square to get to the Chapelle du Prince
(Prince Chapel), on the “Place des pères” square.
9 Wine in Beaujeu The first lateral chapel, to the left, is famous for its 15 century

stained glass representing the Virgin at the foot of the cross,

Saints Crispin and Crispinian patron saints of cobblers, tanners,
4 The Prince Chapel
A Sainte-Angèle Cloister
and leather workers. This stained glass is listed as national heritage Built in the 17th century, The Chapel is known as “the Prince’s Chapel”
in honour of the Lord of the city, Gaston of Orleans, brother of Louis
in France. The second lateral chapel, to the right, is the chapel
Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague. It is decorated with a 15th century XIII. The stairs had been lost after renovation works. The stones of
B Gnafron Monument stained glass also listed representing Saint Nicholas, patron of the this construction originate from the remains of the demolition of
the Lords of Beaujeu castle, like many constructions in the city and
GUIDED TOUR OF BEAUJEU church, with the resurrected children out of the barrel to the left,
Saint Michel in armour slaying the dragon at the centre, and Saint in the region. In the past, on the pediment, lied the coat of arms of
Car park Historic town centre John the Baptist, patron of the diocese of Lyon. the Duchess of Montpensier, known as La Grande Mademoiselle,
daughter of Gaston of Orléans, great-daughter of Henri IV and first
Service area for campervan Continuing to the right you will see the Saint-Antoine Chapel, cousin of King Louis XIV, heiress of the Lordship of Beaujeu.
with the saint on the stained glass, at the right. Directly opposite,
Tourist office there is an opening carved into the stone. It is a tomb niche, or a The Chapel was part of several buildings constituting the Picpus
In the heart of Beaujolais, immerse yourself in the local funeral niche designed to expose the bodies of the Lords after Franciscan Friars monastery, who settled there since 1628. After
Bikes rental their death, allowing the vassals to pay tribute. They were then the French Revolution, during which the monastery has been sold
history and culture with our guided tours. The Beaujolais buried in Belleville, at the necropolis of the Lords of Beaujeu. The as ‘‘bien national’’ (national goods), a religious school took its
Hike starting point region offers a whole remarkable heritage for you to most sacred part of the church is the choir. From the centre we place in 1818. The last nuns left in the 1990s.
discover, leaded by our qualified guides. can admire the cupola, on squinch arches, supported by four
Turn right to reach the cloister Sainte-Angèle.
Trail running starting point pillars. To the left, up on the wall you can observe the remains of
a painting from the 13th or 14th century: it is a décor with geometric
Online ticketing patterns and foliage with some characters; this scenery evokes Currently, the private school is only in the buildings backwards,
Panorama and the old convent has been progressively converted into an
and in our Beaujolais tourist offices some scenes of the Judgement.
administrative and cultural centre. Across from the cloister,
Picnic area The capitals on top of the pillars are restored and allow us to observe the original structure with small towers and glazed roof
imagine how the original painted décor of Romanesque churches tiles (the actual Maison du Rhône).
Toilets was. Restored in the 1980s, the décor all around the choir was
designed by Zacchéo Bonneton and dates back to 1881. Cross the car park diagonally and reach the main road. Arriving at
Place de la Fontaine Clémentine, turn right and follow the street
Beaujolais wine route to the fountain.
Find out all the detailed indications by visiting the church.
Green lane starting point Destination Beaujolais - March 2022. All rights reserved. Graphic design: GT Destination Beaujolais.
Credits: I. Duc - J. Capdegelle - Etienne Ramousse Destination Beaujolais, Fabrice Ferrer, DR.
Ardières river

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