GNLU Pro Bono Legal Aid Programme Guidelines

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Gujarat National Law University

Academic Directive


(Amendment with regard to GNLU Directive GNLU/AD/43/15)

Subject:  GNLU Pro Bono Legal Aid Programme Guidelines
Gandhinagar, Monday, 15 October 2018
1.0   Certificates and Reports Submission

All Certificates and Reports related to the work done under the GNLU Pro Bono Legal Aid Programme (“the Programme”) shall be
prepared and filed in the following manner:

1.1  The Certificate for the work done by a student under the Programme shall be issued by the concerned Authorised Gazetted
Organisation (“the Organisation”) under whose aegis the work has been completed.

Provided that if the work has been completed under different Organisations, separate Certificates shall be submitted.

1.2  The Certificate shall be obtained on the letter head of the relevant Organisation, along with the concerned authorised officer’s
signature and official stamp of the Organisation. 

Provided that if it is not possible to obtain the letter head or the official stamp of the Organisation, the student shall submit a
written undertaking explaining the reason for the same, along with the Certificate. Acceptance of this undertaking, along with
Certificate, is subject to the satisfaction of the Director, GCLS.
Explanation - It should be noted that signature of the concerned
authorised officer means getting signature of the concerned
authority under whom the Pro Bono work was done and it is in no way means getting the Certificate attested by any other officer
after doing the Pro Bono work under the supervision or direction of the former concerned authority/organisation.
1.3  Students shall submit two (2) photocopies of the Certificate and the Report of the work done to the Director,
GCLS or any
other authority authorised by the Director, GCLS. Original Certificates and Reports shall remain with the students. The Director,
GCLS or any other authority authorised by the Director, GCLS may ask a student to produce the original Certificate and/or Report
for verification or any other purposes.

1.4  All Certificates, along with accompanying documents if any (in hard copy), shall be submitted to the Director, GCLS or any
other authority authorised by the Director, GCLS, on or before the last date of submission of report as shall be duly notified to the

1.5  Students shall also submit one soft copy of the Certificate and Report of the work to the official email ID of Pro Bono
Committee,, on or before the last date of submission as shall be duly notified to the students. 
Explanation – Generally, the last date to submit the soft copies will be within the initial two weeks in the month of
April, and the
same would be duly notified to the students, once the University publish the Calendar for the Even Semester. 
1.6  On failure to submit the Report and Certificate, a show cause notice shall be issued by GCLS Director, the
concerned student
shall submit his/her reply thereto explaining the reason for non-compliance within Five Working Days. Having regard to the
genuineness of the reason specified in such reply, Director GCLS may grant extension of Fifteen days for compliance of Pro Bono
Programme along with the completion Certificate and Report.  

1.7  A draft outline of the Report has been attached with this guidelines as an Annexure. The information that a students are
mandated to provide in the report as given in the Annexure is minimum and students are free to provide such additional
information, if required.
1.8  Students are mandated
to attach their photograph(s) interacting with the beneficiaries and/or authorities they have worked
with or add any such other photograph(s) which shows the student undertaking the said Pro Bono work. 

Explanation - However, if it is not possible to get a photograph clicked owing to protocols or rules of the Organisation, then the
student shall be required to get an undertaking, which shall state the reason for not being able to get the photograph, and such
undertaking needs to be signed by the authorised officer (as per Explanation to Guideline No. 1.2). 
1.9  The Director, GCLS or any other authority authorised by the Director, GCLS may reject a Report
on grounds of insufficient
information or any other reason that may be conveyed to the student. Students whose Reports are rejected, shall re-submit
another Report on or before the extended deadline as notified as per Guideline No. 1.6.
1.10  The Examination Department shall withhold result of students who do not adhere
to the deadline mentioned in Guideline
Numbers 1.6 and 1.9.

2.0     GNLU Annual Pro Bono Legal Aid Award

2.1  Students who wish to nominate themselves or any of their batch mates for the GNLU Annual Pro Bono Legal Aid Award, shall
send an e-mail of nomination to the Director, GCLS and to the Pro Bono Committee on their respective official e-mail addresses on
or before the last date as may be prescribed by the Director, GCLS.

The guidelines are subject to amendment and changes from time to time.

Disclaimer: For clarification, validity, effective force and the latest updates on rules and regulations, resolutions of the statutory bodies
pertaining to academic regulations, academic directives, please write to Registrar ( /

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