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NAME : Hashir saud khan (16)

SEAT NO : EB21102033
1. Why do you need to learn English?
2. What factors have hampered your learning of English language
since childhood to date?
3. Any embarrassing or proud moment that occurred  'coz you did
or did not know English.
4. The areas of English language learning that still remain dark
and need help....and to what extent on a scale of 1/10?

ANS 1: The first of all English is an universal language. No matter

where you are, people tend to talk with you with English
basically.The second is English is widely used in many scientific
circles for publication, especially in science and technology,
medicine, business and social sciences.

ANS 2: English is our second language and in my home, all home

members speak Urdu. According to my knowledge when you talk
to other in English know , you are able to speak English not 100%
maybe 60% or 40%. My school teachers and principal talk to us in
Urdu I think that’s was the factors hampered me from learning
English .

ANS 3: The embarrassing movement is that after passing my

inter.I had gone to my college for my inter character certificate and
I told to my college staff teacher, teacher I need one “Fever”
instead of favour and then she was laughing very loudly .
ANS 4:
My English speaking need most help as I am unable to think and
speak the sentence at the same time
I am not confident enough to deal with both ideas and words to
express the idea simultaneously. Also , that I can self study the
rest three skills at my own but I need a partner to practice

In four language skills I would rate myself as;

Listening : 6/10
Speaking : 5/10
Reading : 7/10
Writing : 5/10

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