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Bashar > Quotes

“The first step towards true enlightenment is to lighten up on yourself.”

― Bashar

“Surrendering is not the giving up of something.

True surrender is the total acceptance of yourself.
You're not 'losing' anything in the surrender, the way your society usually means that word. You are not giving up anything in the
sense of loss.
Surrender means to open up: Open up to your total self; to give in and let go of the things you think you're supposed to be. Just be
who you are. It will see you through.”
― Bashar

“You already own what you think you need.”

― Bashar

“Doubt is a one hundred percent trust, in a belief you don't prefer. You are never really actually in doubt. You are always
completely trusting in something.”
― Bashar

“Do not rely on the outer world as your measuring stick for your own spiritual growth. Rely on your response to the outer world
to determine how much you have grown.”
― Bashar

“Do not think like a human.

You have the ability within you to create anything you wish.
Truth is, you are all highly powerful entities walking this planet, disguised as simple biological beings & the disguise fools
everyone -- even yourself.”
― Bashar
“Here is the true secret of the Law of Attraction:

You have a core vibrational frequency.

It is purely uniquely you.
It's a beacon. It's like a lighthouse. It shines. It radiates purely that signature frequency of your unique being. It never stops
radiating that light, that frequency, that energy - never stops.

Everything that is in alignment with that frequency is doing its utmost to come to you.

Everything that is not aligned with that frequency is doing its utmost to get as far away from you as it possibly can.

If the things that are aligned with that beacon aren't reaching you, it's not because "you're not vibrating at the resonance that you
need to attract it". It's because your definitions and beliefs are holding it away.

If the things that are trying to get away from you can't get away from you, it's not because they're not trying - it's because you're
holding onto them.

So the true Secret of the Law of Attraction is not "how to learn to attract what you prefer", it's how to learn to let go of what you
don't, so that you can let in what is trying to get to you automatically - by definition.

That's the true Secret and that's why it's effortless.

It's just about letting go and letting in.
It's not about having to learn to do something you're not already doing.”
― Bashar

“How can you be afraid to feel? Isn’t fear a feeling? If you’re feeling fear, you’ve felt one of the most negative emotions there is
to feel. Everything else should be a piece of cake.”
― Bashar

“The only thing you discover in the unknown

is more of yourself.”
― Bashar

“What you put out is what you get back.”

― Bashar

“Any exciting goal will arrange exciting ways to achieve it.”

― Bashar
“The purpose of a relationship is to reflect to all the others in the relationship what they need to understand to become more of

Everyone in a relationship is in a relationship for the purpose of helping the other people in the relationship, giving them
opportunities to learn to be who they are more and more.”
― Bashar

“Your purpose is to be YOU as fully as you can and the way that's perhaps most easily done is to act on your highest joy.”
― Bashar

“The greatest power requires the gentlest touch.

If you have to intervene or force yourself on someone else, then what that's actually an indication of is that you don't actually
believe in your own power.

Because if you believed in your own power - if you knew you were powerful enough to create the reality that you prefer - why
would you need in any way shape or form to interfere with anyone else's process?”
― Bashar

“It's so important to identify beliefs.

Because once you identify [a negative belief], once you bring it into the light, you will see it doesn't belong to you:
- That it came from your parents;
- It came from your family;
- It came from your society;
- It came from your friends.
And you bought into it. But it isn't yours.

Holding on to something that isn't yours is called theft.

Don't be a belief thief!

Let go of what isn't yours.”

― Bashar

“When you feel the emotional reaction of someone's supposed [verbal] attack, what you're doing is getting them to reflect to you
that some portion of yourself feels that way about yourself. Otherwise you wouldn't react. You would just observe it - "oh
interesting." - and move on with your day. But if you react to it, it's showing you some part of you actually is buying into this as
So say: "Well thank you: Thank you for showing that I was not loving all of myself."

And when you really start doing that, then you may start to see that someone else's attitude toward you may change.”
― Bashar

“Unrequited love: there's no such thing.

If it is unrequited it isn't love, it's expectation [that they should treat you in a certain way].

It's not allowing the relationship to be what it is.

It's not accepting the love in the form in which it actually comes in that relationship as being real enough, as being good enough.

That's the only thing that creates the idea of "unrequited" is you're not really paying attention to what it is, you're only paying
attention to what you expect it to be.

[For the person experiencing unrequited love;] the real unrequited love is that they're not loving themselves as much as they
could. That's what's unrequited, and they're simply getting a reflection of that.”
― Bashar

“[Excitement is] your true vibration. It's your body's translation of the frequency of your True Core Being. That's why [our biggest
teaching is: "Follow your Highest Excitement" in life]. Because that means when you act on it you're in alignment with yourself.
It's the compass needle pointing to your magnetic north.”
― Bashar

“Assign positive meaning.”

― Bashar

“You have to allow the fear to be a messenger;

to give you information that it's attempting to tell you: that you have a negative belief.

You can't be afraid of the fear.

You have to recognize it.
Allow it to do its job.
And therefore once it delivers the information,
what it's bringing your attention to [is]:
"Hey! hey! knock knock knock! You have this negative belief that is out of alignment that you don't prefer!"

Once it brings your attention to that,

you can say: "Thank you fear. Thank you for bringing my attention to something I didn't know about within myself, so that now I
can deal with it, now that I can let it go. Thank you fear."

And as soon as you use fear that way and allow it to be what it is; allow it to do the job it was designed to do, it will not be felt as
fear anymore.

You will welcome it as a messenger that will alert you to anything within you that's out of alignment.

And you will be excited about feeling it.

And then it will turn into excitement.

That's how you "Allow" with fear.”

― Bashar

“The greatest gift creation has given to all of you is that life is fundamentally meaningless. That means it has no built-in meaning.

What that also means is, you were designed to give it the meaning you prefer to give it. And the meaning you give it will utterly
determine how you experience it.”
― Bashar

“Don’t need what you want. Want what you need.”

― Bashar

“Opposites attract because they are alike. They are alike in that they are opposites.”
― Bashar

“All pain is the result of resistance to the natural self.”

― Bashar

“If you are capable of perceiving it, you are capable of living it.”
― Bashar

“People who are saying that they are afraid of heights are usually not actually afraid of heights. They are afraid of falling, which
means it's a synonym for losing control.
So they have to get in touch with the definitional belief to find out what's really going on.”
― Bashar
“What seems to be a dead end may be an arrow pointing you in an unexpected direction.”
― Bashar

“Physical reality is only a mirror.

And whatever you define it to be;
whatever you believe is most true, is what you get.

So it's very important to pay attention to those beliefs and those definitions, for it is those and only those that create your physical
reality experience.”
― Bashar

“Dysfunctional systems will fall under their own weight. Let them.”
― Bashar

“If you have writer’s block, write about having writer’s block, and you will no longer have it.”
― Bashar

“A path is not something you're on. A path is what you are.”

― Bashar

“Achievement is living your life to the fullest. Being you as best as you can.
And the way you do that is by acting on your highest excitement.

That's it. That's your purpose in life; that's your mission; that's the highest achievement; is to be you, the true you, as fully as you
can and enjoy the ride.
That's it.”
― Bashar

“Give it a positive meaning so you can get a positive result.”

― Bashar

“Stop arguing with creation.”

― Bashar

“You must own the choices you have already made before you can make new ones.”
― Bashar

“Life is not a period or a question mark. It’s an exclamation point.”

― Bashar
“Fear, f-e-a-r, is:

― Bashar

“If you're going to be in a traffic jam, at least enjoy the flavor. Make some toast.”
― Bashar

“Circumstances do not determine your state of being.

Your state of being determines your circumstances.”
― Bashar

“All emotions stem from beliefs. You can't feel something without believing something to be true first.”
― Bashar

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