SLG Caro CS1

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Subject Code : CS3 Computer Science 1

Module Code : 7.2 Integration of Spreadsheet, Word Processing, and Presentation Tools
Lesson Code : 7.2.1 Formulas and Functions: IF, AVERAGE functions
Time Frame : 30 minutes

TARGET (TA: 1 minute, ATA: _____)

By the end of this learning guide module, the students should be able to:

• Understand IF and AVERAGE functions.

• Recognize the arguments under IF and AVERAGE functions.
• Apply IF and AVERAGE functions to solve a given problem.

HOOK (TA: 2 minutes, ATA: _____)

In our previous discussion, we defined formula and familiarized ourselves with the different symbols
and operators used in excel. For this lesson, we will focus on some of Excel’s predefined formulas
and functions, such as the IF function.

Such spreadsheet skills can be applied in situations such as the following.

Given the table below, determine if the “SCORES” “Passed” or “Failed” using IF function. The
passing score is greater than or equal to the value in cell F12. Also, determine the average of scores
using the AVERAGE function and set it as the value of cell B11.

Figure 1. Sample spreadsheet.

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IGNITE (TA: 11 minutes, ATA: _____)


The IF function is among the most common and popular logical functions of Excel. This function
gives a result based on the specified criterion.

It works by running a logical test and react differently depending on whether the result is TRUE or

Since the result/output is based on a specified criterion, logical operators are needed.

The table below shows the common logical operators used in IF function.

Condition Operator
Equal to =

Greater than >

Less than <

Greater than or equal to >=

Less than or equal to <=

Not equal to <>

Table 1. Excels logical operator.

Syntax: =IF (logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])

Arguments: logical_test (required) A value or logical expression that can be

evaluated as TRUE or FALSE.
value_if_true (optional) The value to return when logical_test evaluates to
value_if_false (optional) The value to return when logical_test evaluates to

In Figure 1, shown earlier, the task was to determine whether the scores “Passed” or “Failed”. The
passing score must be greater than or equal to 12. The formula shown below is needed to get the
result/correct output.

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= IF(B6>=12,"Passed","Failed")

If the value in cell B6 is greater than or equal to 12, then the value “Passed” is returned; otherwise,
“Failed” is returned.

An alternative can be,

= IF(B6>=F9, “Passed”, “Failed”)

where cell F9 contains the value 12. This is more flexible as the condition can be modified by
changing the value in cell F9.

What is the AVERAGE function?

Another predefined formula or function used is AVERAGE. The AVERAGE function calculates the
average or the arithmetic mean of a list of numbers. It can handle up to 255 individual arguments,
which can include numbers, cell references, and ranges.

Syntax: = AVERAGE (number1, [number2], ...)

Arguments: number1 (Required) A number or cell reference that refers to numeric

[number2] (Optional) A number or cell reference that refers to
numeric values.

In Figure 1 shown earlier, you were task to determine the average of scores using AVERAGE
function. The formula shown below is needed to get the result or correct output.

= AVERAGE (B4:B11)

The numerical values from cell B4 to B11 will be added and the sum will be divided by the number of
entries cell B4 to B11 have. Meaning the sum, which is equal to 98, will be divided by 8, resulting to

Figure 1. Using the AVERAGE function to compute the average.

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NAVIGATE (TA: 10 minutes, ATA: _____)


1. You were tasked to supply the Remarks column in Figure 4 with a “Yes” or “No” using IF
function if it satisfies the condition. The condition is if the score is less than or equal to 10, a
“Yes” on the remark’s column will appear, otherwise “No”.

Figure 2. Scores data set for item 1.

2. Supply what is asked in the problem.

Figure 3. Data set for item 2.

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KNOT (TA: 2 minutes, ATA: _____)

In summary,

The IF function runs a logical test and returns a value for the TRUE result and a different value for
FALSE result. Conditional operators are commonly used in the logical test.

The syntax for IF function:

=IF (logical_test, value_for_true, value_for_false )

The AVERAGE function calculates the average or the arithmetic mean of a list of numbers. It can
handle up to 255 individual arguments, which can include numbers, cell references, and ranges.

The syntax for AVERAGE function:

=AVERAGE (number1, [number2], ...)

Summative assessment

1. Using IF function, the output under the remarks column in Table A will display the number itself
if the value is greater than or equal to 10. Otherwise, the word “Not greater than or equal to 10”
text will appear. Also, determine the AVERAGE using range.

Figure 4. Data set for activity item 1.

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1. French, T. (2020). Find the arithmetic mean with google spreadsheets' average function.
2. How to use the Excel AVERAGE function | Exceljet. (n.d.).
3. How to use the Excel IF function | Exceljet. (n.d.).
4. Langmann, K. (2016). Learn how to use the if function in excel - in 16 minutes (+nested if
and ifs). Spreadsheeto.
5. Productivity software | productivity software examples and list. (2012). Application
Performance Management.

Prepared by : ANTHONY M. CARO Reviewed by : GRACESON D. CUYASEN

Position : SST-III Position : SST-III
Campus : PSHS-SRC Campus : PSHS-CARC

© 2020 Philippine Science High School System. All rights reserved. This document may contain proprietary informaFon and may only be
released to third parFes with approval of management. Document is uncontrolled unless otherwise marked; uncontrolled documents
are not subject to update noFficaFon.

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