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A Pre-Trained Model for Programming and Natural Languages

Zhangyin Feng1∗, Daya Guo2∗, Duyu Tang3 , Nan Duan3 , Xiaocheng Feng1
Ming Gong4 , Linjun Shou4 , Bing Qin1 , Ting Liu1 , Daxin Jiang4 , Ming Zhou3
Research Center for Social Computing and Information Retrieval, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
The School of Data and Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China
Microsoft Search Technology Center Asia, Beijing, China
arXiv:2002.08155v4 [cs.CL] 18 Sep 2020

Abstract and RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019) have dramati-

cally improved the state-of-the-art on a variety of
We present CodeBERT, a bimodal pre-trained natural language processing (NLP) tasks. These
model for programming language (PL) and pre-trained models learn effective contextual repre-
natural language (NL). CodeBERT learns sentations from massive unlabeled text optimized
general-purpose representations that support
by self-supervised objectives, such as masked
downstream NL-PL applications such as nat-
ural language code search, code documen- language modeling, which predicts the original
tation generation, etc. We develop Code- masked word from an artificially masked input
BERT with Transformer-based neural architec- sequence. The success of pre-trained models in
ture, and train it with a hybrid objective func- NLP also drives a surge of multi-modal pre-trained
tion that incorporates the pre-training task of models, such as ViLBERT (Lu et al., 2019) for
replaced token detection, which is to detect language-image and VideoBERT (Sun et al., 2019)
plausible alternatives sampled from generators.
for language-video, which are learned from bi-
This enables us to utilize both “bimodal” data
of NL-PL pairs and “unimodal” data, where
modal data such as language-image pairs with bi-
the former provides input tokens for model modal self-supervised objectives.
training while the latter helps to learn bet- In this work, we present CodeBERT, a bimodal
ter generators. We evaluate CodeBERT on pre-trained model for natural language (NL) and
two NL-PL applications by fine-tuning model programming language (PL) like Python, Java,
parameters. Results show that CodeBERT JavaScript, etc. CodeBERT captures the seman-
achieves state-of-the-art performance on both
tic connection between natural language and pro-
natural language code search and code docu-
mentation generation. Furthermore, to inves- gramming language, and produces general-purpose
tigate what type of knowledge is learned in representations that can broadly support NL-PL
CodeBERT, we construct a dataset for NL-PL understanding tasks (e.g. natural language code
probing, and evaluate in a zero-shot setting search) and generation tasks (e.g. code documen-
where parameters of pre-trained models are tation generation). It is developed with the multi-
fixed. Results show that CodeBERT performs layer Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017), which is
better than previous pre-trained models on NL-
adopted in a majority of large pre-trained models.
PL probing.1
In order to make use of both bimodal instances
of NL-PL pairs and large amount of available uni-
1 Introduction
modal codes, we train CodeBERT with a hybrid
Large pre-trained models such as ELMo (Peters objective function, including standard masked lan-
et al., 2018), GPT (Radford et al., 2018), BERT guage modeling (Devlin et al., 2018) and replaced
(Devlin et al., 2018), XLNet (Yang et al., 2019) token detection (Clark et al., 2020), where uni-
modal codes help to learn better generators for

Work done while this author was an intern at Microsoft producing better alternative tokens for the latter
Research Asia.
All the codes and data are available at https://
objective. We train CodeBERT from Github code reposito-
ries in 6 programming languages, where bimodal annotation. Dominant learning objectives are lan-
datapoints are codes that pair with function-level guage modeling and its variations. For example,
natural language documentations (Husain et al., in GPT (Radford et al., 2018), the learning objec-
2019). Training is conducted in a setting similar tive is language modeling, namely predicting the
to that of multilingual BERT (Pires et al., 2019), next word wk given the preceding context words
in which case one pre-trained model is learned for {w1 , w2 , ..., wk−1 }. As the ultimate goal of pre-
6 programming languages with no explicit mark- training is not to train a good language model, it is
ers used to denote the input programming lan- desirable to consider both preceding and following
guage. We evaluate CodeBERT on two down- contexts to learn better general-purpose contextual
stream NL-PL tasks, including natural language representations. This leads us to the masked lan-
code search and code documentation generation. guage modeling objective used in BERT (Devlin
Results show that fine-tuning the parameters of et al., 2018), which learns to predict the masked
CodeBERT achieves state-of-the-art performance words of a randomly masked word sequence given
on both tasks. To further investigate what type of surrounding contexts. Masked language modeling
knowledge is learned in CodeBERT, we construct is also used as one of the two learning objectives
a dataset for NL-PL probing, and test CodeBERT for training CodeBERT.
in a zero-shot scenario, i.e. without fine-tuning the
parameters of CodeBERT. We find that CodeBERT 2.2 Multi-Modal Pre-Trained Models
consistently outperforms RoBERTa, a purely natu-
ral language-based pre-trained model. The contri- The remarkable success of the pre-trained model
butions of this work are as follows: in NLP has driven the development of multi-modal
pre-trained model that learns implicit alignment
• CodeBERT is the first large NL-PL pre- between inputs of different modalities. These mod-
trained model for multiple programming lan- els are typically learned from bimodal data, such
guages. as pairs of language-image or pairs of language-
video. For example, ViLBERT (Lu et al., 2019)
• Empirical results show that CodeBERT is ef- learns from image caption data, where the model
fective in both code search and code-to-text learns by reconstructing categories of masked im-
generation tasks. age region or masked words given the observed
inputs, and meanwhile predicting whether the cap-
• We further created a dataset which is the first
tion describes the image content or not. Simi-
one to investigate the probing ability of the
larly, VideoBERT (Sun et al., 2019) learns from
code-based pre-trained models.
language-video data and is trained by video and
2 Background text masked token prediction. Our work belongs
to this line of research as we regard NL and PL
2.1 Pre-Trained Models in NLP as different modalities. Our method differs from
Large pre-trained models (Peters et al., 2018; Rad- previous works in that the fuels for model train-
ford et al., 2018; Devlin et al., 2018; Yang et al., ing include not only bimodal data of NL-PL pairs,
2019; Liu et al., 2019; Raffel et al., 2019) have but larger amounts of unimodal data such as codes
brought dramatic empirical improvements on al- without paired documentations.
most every NLP task in the past few years. Suc- A concurrent work (Kanade et al., 2019) uses
cessful approaches train deep neural networks on masked language modeling and next sentence pre-
large-scale plain texts with self-supervised learning diction as the objective to train a BERT model on
objectives. One of the most representative neural Python source codes, where a sentence is a log-
architectures is the Transformer (Vaswani et al., ical code line as defined by the Python standard.
2017), which is also the one used in this work. It In terms of the pre-training process, CodeBERT
contains multiple self-attention layers, and can be differs from their work in that (1) CodeBERT is
conventionally learned with gradient decent in an trained in a cross-modal style and leverages both
end-to-end manner as every component is differen- bimodal NL-PL data and unimodal PL/NL data, (2)
tiable. The terminology “self-supervised” means CodeBERT is pre-trained over six programming
that supervisions used for pre-training are auto- languages, and (3) CodeBERT is trained with a
matically collected from raw data without manual new learning objective based on replaced token
detection. T RAINING DATA bimodal DATA unimodal C ODES
GO 319,256 726,768
3 CodeBERT JAVA 500,754 1,569,889
JAVA S CRIPT 143,252 1,857,835
We describe the details about CodeBERT in this PHP 662,907 977,821
P YTHON 458,219 1,156,085
section, including the model architecture, the input RUBY 52,905 164,048
and output representations, the objectives and data A LL 2,137,293 6,452,446
used for training CodeBERT, and how to fine-tune
CodeBERT when it is applied to downstream tasks. Table 1: Statistics of the dataset used for training Code-
3.1 Model Architecture
We follow BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) and provided by Husain et al. (2019), which includes
RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019), and use multi-layer 2.1M bimodal datapoints and 6.4M unimodal codes
bidirectional Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) as across six programming languages (Python, Java,
the model architecture of CodeBERT. We will not JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, and Go). Data statistics is
review the ubiquitous Transformer architecture in shown in Table 1.2
detail. We develop CodeBERT by using exactly the The data comes from publicly available open-
same model architecture as RoBERTa-base. The source non-fork GitHub repositories and are fil-
total number of model parameters is 125M. tered with a set of constraints and rules. For ex-
ample, (1) each project should be used by at least
3.2 Input/Output Representations one other project, (2) each documentation is trun-
In the pre-training phase, we set the input as the cated to the first paragraph, (3) documentations
concatenation of two segments with a special sepa- shorter than three tokens are removed, (4) func-
rator token, namely [CLS], w1 , w2 , ..wn , [SEP ], tions shorter than three lines are removed, and (5)
c1 , c2 , ..., cm , [EOS]. One segment is natural lan- function names with substring “test” are removed.
guage text, and another is code from a certain pro- An example of the data is given in Figure 1 3 .
gramming language. [CLS] is a special token in
front of the two segments, whose final hidden repre-
sentation is considered as the aggregated sequence
representation for classification or ranking. Follow-
ing the standard way of processing text in Trans-
former, we regard a natural language text as a se-
quence of words, and split it as WordPiece (Wu
et al., 2016). We regard a piece of code as a se-
quence of tokens.
The output of CodeBERT includes (1) contextual
vector representation of each token, for both natural Figure 1: An example of the NL-PL pair, where NL is
language and code, and (2) the representation of the first paragraph (filled in red) from the documenta-
tion (dashed line in black) of a function.
[CLS], which works as the aggregated sequence
3.4 Pre-Training CodeBERT
3.3 Pre-Training Data
We describe the two objectives used for training
We train CodeBERT with both bimodal data, which
CodeBERT here. The first objective is masked
refers to parallel data of natural language-code
language modeling (MLM), which has proven ef-
pairs, and unimodal data, which stands for codes
fective in literature (Devlin et al., 2018; Liu et al.,
without paired natural language texts and natural
language without paired codes. Since we will evaluate on the natural language code
search task, we only use the training data of Husain et al.
We use datapoints from Github repositories, (2019) to train CodeBERT with no access to the dev and test-
where each bimodal datapoint is an individual ing data.
function with paired documentation, and each uni- The source of the illustrating example comes from
modal code is a function without paired documen- 618d6bff71073c8c93501ab7392c3cc579730f0b/
tation. Specifically, we use a recent large dataset python/pyspark/
CodeBERT V2:
A Pre-trained Model for NL-Code Understanding and Generation

𝑤1 [𝑀𝐴𝑆𝐾]𝑤 𝑤51 replaced
𝑤2 𝑤2 𝑤2 original
𝑤3 𝑤3 NL Generator 𝑤3 original
𝑤4 𝑤4 𝑤4 original
𝑤5 [𝑀𝐴𝑆𝐾]𝑤 𝑤5 original

𝑐1 𝑐1 𝑐1 original
𝑐2 [𝑀𝐴𝑆𝐾]𝑐 𝑐29 replaced
𝑐3 𝑐3 𝑐3 original
Code Generator
𝑐4 𝑐4 𝑐4 original
𝑐5 𝑐5 𝑐5 original
𝑐6 [𝑀𝐴𝑆𝐾]𝑐 𝑐162 replaced

Figure 2: An illustration about the replaced token detection objective. Both NL and code generators are language 6
models, which generate plausible tokens for masked positions based on surrounding contexts. NL-Code discrimi-
nator is the targeted pre-trained model, which is trained via detecting plausible alternatives tokens sampled from
NL and PL generators. NL-Code discriminator is used for producing general-purpose representations in the fine-
tuning step. Both NL and code generators are thrown out in the fine-tuning step.

2019; Sun et al., 2019). We apply masked language Objective #2: Replaced Token Detection (RTD)
modeling on bimodal data of NL-PL pairs. The sec- In the MLM objective, only bimodal data (i.e. data-
ond objective is replaced token detection (RTD), points of NL-PL pairs) is used for training. Here we
which further uses a large amount of unimodal data, present the objective of replaced token detection.
such as codes without paired natural language texts. The RTD objective (Clark et al., 2020) is origi-
Detailed hyper-parameters for model pre-training nally developed for efficiently learning pre-trained
are given in Appendix B.1. model for natural language. We adapt it in our sce-
nario, with the advantage of using both bimodal
Objective #1: Masked Language Modeling
and unimodal data for training. Specifically, there
(MLM) Given a datapoint of NL-PL pair (x =
are two data generators here, an NL generator pGw
{w, c}) as input, where w is a sequence of NL
and a PL generator pGc , both for generating plau-
words and c is a sequence of PL tokens, we first
sible alternatives for the set of randomly masked
select a random set of positions for both NL and PL
to mask out (i.e. mw and mc , respectively), and
then replace the selected positions with a special ŵi ∼ pGw (wi |wmasked ) for i ∈ mw (7)
[M ASK] token. Following Devlin et al. (2018), Gc masked c
cˆi ∼ p (ci |c ) for i ∈ m (8)
15% of the tokens from x are masked out.

i ∼ unif{1, |w|} for i = 1 to |w| (1) wcorrupt = REPLACE(w, mw , ŵ) (9)
mci ∼ unif{1, |c|} for i = 1 to |c| (2) c corrupt
= REPLACE(c, m , ĉ) c
masked w corrupt corrupt corrupt
w = REPLACE(w, m , [M ASK]) (3) x =w +c (11)
masked c
c = REPLACE(c, m , [M ASK]) (4)
The discriminator is trained to determine whether
x=w+c (5) a word is the original one or not, which is a binary
classification problem. It is worth noting that the
The MLM objective is to predict the original to-
RTD objective is applied to every position in the
kens which are masked out, formulated as follows,
input, and it differs from GAN (generative adver-
where pD1 is the discriminator which predicts a
sarial network) in that if a generator happens to
token from a large vocabulary.
produce the correct token, the label of that token
is “real” instead of “fake” (Clark et al., 2020). The
LMLM (θ) = −log pD1 (xi |wmasked ,cmasked )
i∈mw ∪mc loss function of RTD with regard to the discrimina-
(6) tor parameterized by θ is given below, where δ(i) is
an indicator function and pD2 is the discriminator of CodeBERT are fixed. Finally, we evaluate Code-
that predicts the probability of the i-th word being BERT on a generation problem, i.e. code documen-
original. tation generation (§4.3), and further evaluate on a
programming language which is never seen in the
X training phase (§4.4).
LRTD (θ) = δ(i)log pD2 (xcorrupt , i)+
i=1 4.1 Natural Language Code Search
D2 corrupt
1 − δ(i) 1 − log p (x , i) Given a natural language as the input, the objec-
tive of code search is to find the most semantically
related code from a collection of codes. We con-
corrupt duct experiments on the CodeSearchNet corpus
1, if xi = xi .
δ(i) = (13) (Husain et al., 2019) 4 . We follow the official evalu-
0, otherwise. ation metric to calculate the Mean Reciprocal Rank
There are many different ways to implement the (MRR) for each pair of test data (c, w) over a fixed
generators. In this work, we implement two ef- set of 999 distractor codes. We further calculate the
ficient n-gram language models (Jurafsky, 2000) macro-average MRR for all languages as an overall
with bidirectional contexts, one for NL and one evaluation metric. It is helpful to note that this met-
for PL, and learn them from corresponding uni- ric differs from the AVG metric in the original pa-
model datapoints, respectively. The approach is per, where the answer is retrieved from candidates
easily generalized to learn bimodal generators or from all six languages. We fine-tune a language-
use more complicated generators like Transformer- specific model for each programming language5 .
based neural architecture learned in a joint manner. We train each model with a binary classification
We leave these to future work. The PL training data loss function, where a sof tmax layer is connected
is the unimodal codes as shown in Table 1, and the to the representation of [CLS]. Both training and
NL training data comes from the documentations validation datasets are created in a way that posi-
from bimodal data. One could easily extend these tive and negative samples are balanced. Negative
two training datasets to larger amount. The final samples consist of balanced number of instances
loss function are given below. with randomly replaced NL (i.e. (c, ŵ)) and PL
(i.e. (ĉ, w)). Detailed hyper-parameters for model
min LMLM (θ) + LRTD (θ) (14) fine-tuning are given in Appendix B.2.

3.5 Fine-Tuning CodeBERT Model Comparisons Table 2 shows the results

of different approaches on the CodeSearchNet cor-
We have different settings to use CodeBERT in pus. The first four rows are reported by Husain
downstream NL-PL tasks. For example, in natural et al. (2019), which are joint embeddings of NL and
language code search, we feed the input as the PL (Gu et al., 2018; Mitra et al., 2018). NB OW
same way as the pre-training phase and use the represents neural bag-of-words. CNN, B I RNN
representation of [CLS] to measure the semantic and S ELFATT stand for 1D convolultional neu-
relevance between code and natural language query, ral network (Kim, 2014), bidirectional GRU-based
while in code-to-text generation, we use an encoder- recurrent neural network (Cho et al., 2014), and
decoder framework and initialize the encoder of multi-head attention (Vaswani et al., 2017), respec-
a generative model with CodeBERT. Details are tively.
given in the experiment section.
We report the remaining numbers in Table 2.
4 Experiment We train all these pre-trained models by regarding
codes as a sequence of tokens. We also continu-
We present empirical results in this section to verify ously train RoBERTa only on codes from Code-
the effectiveness of CodeBERT. We first describe SearchNet with masked language modeling. Re-
the use of CodeBERT in natural language code sults show that CodeBERT consistently performs
search (§4.1), in a way that model parameters of
CodeBERT are fine-tuned. After that, we present More details about the dataset are given in Appendix A.
We have fine-tuned a multi-lingual model for six program-
the NL-PL probing task (§4.2), and evaluate Code- ming languages, but find that it performs worse that fine-tuning
BERT in a zero-shot setting where the parameters a language-specific model for each programming language.
NB OW 0.4285 0.4607 0.6409 0.5809 0.5140 0.4835 0.5181
CNN 0.2450 0.3523 0.6274 0.5708 0.5270 0.5294 0.4753
B I RNN 0.0835 0.1530 0.4524 0.3213 0.2865 0.2512 0.2580
SELFATT 0.3651 0.4506 0.6809 0.6922 0.5866 0.6011 0.5628
RO B ERTA 0.6245 0.6060 0.8204 0.8087 0.6659 0.6576 0.6972
PT W / C ODE O NLY ( INIT = S ) 0.5712 0.5557 0.7929 0.7855 0.6567 0.6172 0.6632
PT W / C ODE O NLY ( INIT =R) 0.6612 0.6402 0.8191 0.8438 0.7213 0.6706 0.7260
C ODE BERT (MLM, INIT = S ) 0.5695 0.6029 0.8304 0.8261 0.7142 0.6556 0.6998
C ODE BERT (MLM, INIT =R) 0.6898 0.6997 0.8383 0.8647 0.7476 0.6893 0.7549
C ODE BERT (RTD, INIT =R) 0.6414 0.6512 0.8285 0.8263 0.7150 0.6774 0.7233
C ODE BERT (MLM+RTD, INIT =R) 0.6926 0.7059 0.8400 0.8685 0.7484 0.7062 0.7603

Table 2: Results on natural language code retrieval. Baselines include four joint embeddings (first group) of NL
and PL, RoBERTa, and RoBERTa which is continuously trained with masked language modeling on codes only
(second group). PT stands for pre-training. We train CodeBERT (third group) with different settings, including
using different initialization (from scratch (INIT = S) or initialized with the parameters of RoBERTa (INIT =R)) and
using different learning objectives (MLM, RTD, or the combination of both).

better than RoBERTa and the model pre-trained is replaced by [M ASK] and distractor candidate
with code only. CodeBERT (MLM) learned from answers are curated based on our expertise.
scratch performs better than RoBERTa. Unsur- Specifically, we evaluate on the NL side and PL
prisingly, initializing CodeBERT with RoBERTa side, respectively. To ease the effort of data col-
improves the performance 6 . lection, we collect data automatically from NL-PL
pairs in both validation and testing sets of Code-
4.2 NL-PL Probing SearchNet, both of which are unseen in the pre-
In the previous subsection, we show the empirical training phase. To evaluate on the NL side, we
effectiveness of CodeBERT in a setting that the select NL-PL pairs whose NL documentations in-
parameters of CodeBERT are fine-tuned in down- clude one of the six keywords (max, maximize, min,
stream tasks. In this subsection, we further inves- minimize, less, greater), and group them to four
tigate what type of knowledge is learned in Code- candidates by merging first two keywords and the
BERT without modifying the parameters. middle two keywords. The task is to ask pre-trained
models to select the correct one instead of three
Task Formulation and Data Construction Fol- other distractors. That is to say, the input in this
lowing the probing experiments in NLP (Petroni setting includes the complete code and a masked
et al., 2019; Talmor et al., 2019), we study NL- NL documentation. The goal is to select the correct
PL probing here. Since there is no existing work answer from four candidates. For the PL side, we
towards this goal, we formulate the problem of select codes containing keywords max and min, and
NL-PL probing and create the dataset by ourselves. formulate the task as a two-choice answer selection
Given an NL-PL pair (c, w), the goal of NL-PL problem. Here, the input includes complete NL
probing is to test model’s ability to correctly pre- documentation and a masked PL code, and the goal
dict/recover the masked token of interest (either a is to select the correct answer from two candidates.
code token ci or word token wj ) among distractors. Since code completion is an important scenario,
There are two major types of distractors: one is the we would like to test model’s ability in predicting
whole target vocabulary used for the masked lan- the correct token merely based on preceding PL
guage modeling objective (Petroni et al., 2019), and contexts. Therefore, we add an additional setting
another one has fewer candidates which are filter or for PL side, where the input includes the complete
curated based on experts’ understanding about the NL documentation and preceding PL codes. Data
ability to be tested (Talmor et al., 2019). We follow statistics is given in the top two rows in Table 3.
the second direction and formulate NL-PL probing
as a multi-choice question answering task, where Model Comparisons Results are given in Table
the question is cloze-style in which a certain token 3. We report accuracy, namely the number of cor-
We further give a learning curve of different pre-trained rectly predicted instances over the number of all
models in the fine-tuning process in Appendix C. instances, for each programming language. Since


PL (2 CHOICES ) 38 272 152 1,264 482 407 2,615
NL (4 CHOICES ) 20 65 159 216 323 73 856
ROBERTA 73.68 63.97 72.37 59.18 59.96 69.78 62.45
P RE -T RAIN W / C ODE O NLY 71.05 77.94 89.47 70.41 70.12 82.31 74.11
C ODE BERT (MLM) 86.84 86.40 90.79 82.20 90.46 88.21 85.66
ROBERTA 73.68 53.31 51.32 55.14 42.32 52.58 52.24
P RE -T RAIN W / C ODE O NLY 63.16 48.53 61.84 56.25 58.51 58.97 56.71
C ODE BERT (MLM) 65.79 50.74 59.21 62.03 54.98 59.95 59.12
ROBERTA 50.00 72.31 54.72 61.57 61.61 65.75 61.21
P RE -T RAIN W / C ODE O NLY 55.00 67.69 60.38 68.06 65.02 68.49 65.19
C ODE BERT (MLM) 65.00 89.23 66.67 76.85 73.37 79.45 74.53

Table 3: Statistics of the data for NL-PL probing and the performance of different pre-trained models. Accuracies
(%) are reported. Best results in each group are in bold.

datasets in different programming languages are masked NL token

extremely unbalanced, we report the accumulated "Transforms a vector np.arange(-N, M, dx) to np.arange( min (|vec|),
metric with the same way. We use CodeBERT
def vec_to_halfvec(vec):
(MLM) here because its output layer naturally fits
for probing. Results show that CodeBERT per- d = vec[1:] - vec[:-1]
forms better than baselines on almost all languages if ((d/d.mean()).std() > 1e-14) or (d.mean() < 0):
raise ValueError('vec must be np.arange() in increasing order')
on both NL and PL probing. The numbers with dx = d.mean() masked PL token
only preceding contexts are lower than that with lowest = np.abs(vec). min ()
bidirectional contexts, which suggests that code highest = np.abs(vec).max()
return np.arange(lowest, highest + 0.1*dx, dx).astype(vec.dtype)
completion is challenging. We leave it as a future
work. max min less greater
We further give a case study on PL-NL probing. NL
Roberta 96.24% 3.73% 0.02% 0.01%

We mask NL token and PL token separately, and CodeBERT (MLM) 39.38% 60.60% 0.02% 0.0003%
Roberta 95.85% 4.15% - -
report the predicted probabilities of RoBERTa and PL
CodeBERT (MLM) 0.001% 99.999% - -
CodeBERT. Figure 3 illustrates the example of a
python code7 . We can see that RoBERTa fails in Figure 3: Case study on python language. Masked to-
both cases, whereas CodeBERT makes the correct kens in NL (in blue) and PL (in yellow) are separately
prediction in both NL and PL settings. applied. Predicted probabilities of RoBERTa and Code-
BERT are given.
4.3 Code Documentation Generation
Although the pre-training objective of Code- Model Comparisons We compare our model
BERT does not include generation-based objectives with several baselines, including a RNN-based
(Lewis et al., 2019), we would like to investigate model with attention mechanism (Sutskever et al.,
to what extent does CodeBERT perform on gen- 2014), the Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017),
eration tasks. Specifically, we study code-to-NL RoBERTa and the model pre-trained on code only.
generation, and report results for the documenta- To demonstrate the effectiveness of CodeBERT
tion generation task on CodeSearchNet Corpus in on code-to-NL generation tasks, we adopt various
six programming languages. Since the generated pre-trained models as encoders and keep the hyper-
documentations are short and higher order n-grams parameters consistent. Detailed hyper-parameters
may not overlap, we remedy this problem by using are given in Appendix B.3.
smoothed BLEU score (Lin and Och, 2004). Table 4 shows the results with different mod-
els for the code-to-documentation generation task.
The example comes from https:// As we can see, models pre-trained on program-
61beed5deaaf978ab31ed716e8470d86ba639867/ ming language outperform RoBERTa, which illus-
peri/comp/ trates that pre-trainning models on programming

SEQ 2 SEQ 9.64 10.21 13.98 15.93 15.09 21.08 14.32

T RANSFORMER 11.18 11.59 16.38 15.81 16.26 22.12 15.56
RO BERTA 11.17 11.90 17.72 18.14 16.47 24.02 16.57
PRE - TRAIN W / CODE ONLY 11.91 13.99 17.78 18.58 17.50 24.34 17.35
C ODE BERT ( RTD ) 11.42 13.27 17.53 18.29 17.35 24.10 17.00
C ODE BERT ( MLM ) 11.57 14.41 17.78 18.77 17.38 24.85 17.46
C ODE BERT ( RTD + MLM ) 12.16 14.90 18.07 19.06 17.65 25.16 17.83

Table 4: Results on Code-to-Documentation generation, evaluated with smoothed BLEU-4 score.

language could improve code-to-NL generation. could generalize better to other programming lan-
Besides, results in the Table 4 show that CodeBERT guage which is never seen in the pre-training step.
pre-trained with RTD and MLM objectives brings However, our model achieve slightly lower results
a gain of 1.3 BLEU score over RoBERTa overall than code2seq (Alon et al., 2019). The main reason
and achieve the state-of-the-art performance8 . could be that code2seq makes use of compositional
paths in its abstract syntax tree (AST) while Code-
4.4 Generalization to Programming BERT only takes original code as the input. We
Languages NOT in Pre-training have trained a version of CodeBERT by traversing
We would like to evaluate CodeBERT on the pro- the tree structure of AST following a certain order,
gramming language which is never seen in the pre- but applying that model does not bring improve-
training step. To this end, we study the task of gen- ments on generation tasks. This shows a potential
erating a natural language summary of a C# code direction to improve CodeBERT by incorporating
snippet. We conduct experiments on the dataset AST.
of CodeNN (Iyer et al., 2016)9 , which consists of
66,015 pairs of questions and answers automati- 5 Conclusion
cally collected from StackOverflow. This dataset In this paper, we present CodeBERT, which to the
is challenging since the scale of dataset is orders best of our knowledge is the first large bimodal
of magnitude smaller than CodeSearchNet Corpus. pre-trained model for natural language and pro-
We evaluate models using smoothed BLEU-4 score gramming language. We train CodeBERT on both
and use the same evaluation scripts as Iyer et al. bimodal and unimodal data, and show that fine-
(2016). tuning CodeBERT achieves state-of-the-art perfor-
mance on downstream tasks including natural lan-
guage code search and code-to-documentation gen-
MOSES (KOEHN ET AL ., 2007) 11.57
IR 13.66
eration. To further investigate the knowledge em-
SUM-NN (RUSH ET AL ., 2015) 19.31 bodied in pre-trained models, we formulate the task
2- LAYER B I LSTM 19.78 of NL-PL probing and create a dataset for probing.
T REE LSTM (TAI ET AL ., 2015) 20.11 We regard the probing task as a cloze-style answer
C ODE NN (I YER ET AL ., 2016) 20.53 selection problem, and curate distractors for both
CODE 2 SEQ (A LON ET AL ., 2019) 23.04 NL and PL parts. Results show that, with model
RO BERTA 19.81
PRE - TRAIN W / CODE ONLY 20.65 parameters fixed, CodeBERT performs better than
C ODE BERT (RTD) 22.14 RoBERTa and a continuously trained model using
C ODE BERT (MLM) 22.32 codes only.
There are many potential directions for further
Table 5: Code-to-NL generation on C# language. research on this field. First, one could learn better
generators with bimodal evidence or more compli-
cated neural architecture to improve the replaced to-
Model Comparisons Table 5 shows that our ken detection objective. Second, the loss functions
model with MLM and RTD pre-training objectives of CodeBERT mainly target on NL-PL understand-
achieves 22.36 BLEU score and improves by 2.55 ing tasks. Although CodeBERT achieves strong
points over RoBERTa, which illustrates CodeBERT BLEU scores on code-to-documentation genera-
We further give some output examples in Appendix E. tion, the CodeBERT itself could be further im-
9 proved by generation-related learning objectives.
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Acknowledgments arXiv:1408.5882.

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Since state-of-the-art methods use RNN as their de-
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Data statistics of the training/validation/testing data fine-tune models using a grid search with the fol-
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the number when models achieve best performance
on the development set.
RO BERTA 0.0043 0.0030
C Learning Curve of CodeSearch P RE -T RAIN W / CODE ONLY 0.1648 0.4179
C ODE BERT 0.6870 0.8372
From Figure 4, we can see that CodeBERT per-
Table 7: Results on natural language code search by
forms better at the early stage, which reflects that late fusion.
CodeBERT provides good initialization for learn-
ing downstream tasks.
only. And late fusion performs comparable with
88.5 Roberta 83.0 Roberta the standard way. What’s more, late fusion is more
88.0 Pre-train w/ code only Pre-train w/ code only
82.5 efficient and this setting could be used in an online
82.0 system.
Dev Accuracy of Python

Dev Accuracy of Java

81.0 E Case Study
85.5 To qualitatively analyze the effectiveness of Code-
85.0 80.0
BERT, we give some cases for code search and
84.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 79.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The Number of Epoch The Number of Epoch code documentation generation tasks.
Considering the limited space, we only give the
Figure 4: Learning curve of different pre-trained mod-
top2 results of the query for python programming
els in the fine-tuning step. We show results on Python
and Java. language. As show in Figure 5, search results are
very relevant with query.
D Late Fusion Figure 6 and Figure 7 show the outputs with
different models for the code documentation gen-
In section §4.1 , we show that CodeBERT per- eration task. As we can see, CodeBERT performs
forms well in the setting where natural languages better than all baselines.
and codes have early interactions. Here, we in-
vestigate whether CodeBERT is good at working
as a unified encoder. We apply CodeBERT for
natural language code search in a later fusion set-
ting, where CodeBERT first encodes NL and PL
separately, and then calculates the similarity by dot-
product. In this way, code search is equivalent to
find the nearest codes in the shared vector space.
This scenario also facilitates the use of CodeBERT
in an online system, where the representations of
codes are calculated in advance. In the runtime, a
system only needs to compute the representation
of NL and vector-based dot-product.
We fine-tune CodeBERT with the following ob-
jective, which maximizes the dot-product of the
ground truth while minimizing the dot-product of
exp Enc(ci )| Enc(wi )
1 X
− log P | Enc(w )

N j exp Enc(c j ) i

Results are given in Table 7. We just do this

setting on two languages with a relatively small
amount of data.
We can see that CodeBERT performs better than
RoBERTa and the model pre-trained with codes
Figure 5: Python CodeSearch example. The results are searched from 1,156,085 python code data. We only give
the top2 results because space is limited.

Figure 6: Java code documentation generation output example.

Figure 7: Python code documentation generation output example.

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