Assessment 1 IMM IEMM

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AMELIA ANDRIANI - 01616200062

IEMM 15 / MHM 12

Assessment 1

1) Write an example from your work domain where Data Analysis techniques can be applied.

Data analysis techniques is process of systemically applying statistical and/or logical techniques to
describe and illustrate, condense and recap and evaluate data. Data analysis is transforming numbers
into useful information to help us to make decision. As a medical doctor, data analysis of course can be
used in hospitals. Data analysis so important to the hospital because hospitals can use data analysis to
keep an eye on overall hospital performance, track aspects like bed occupancy, improving bedside care,
patient progress and outcomes, correct inefficiencies in the way they deal with patients. To keep good
quality of hospital performance we can collecting data from patient satisfactory of the hospital services
from registration, doctor’s service, administrative, etc. We can get this data with giving the patient
questionnaire, and the summarizing and analyzing it. So, from the collecting data, summarizing and
analyzing we will get to know which parts of the services of the hospital need to be maintain or improve
the quality of the hospital performance.

2) Why Stock price forecasting is an application of Predictive Analysis. Give reasons for your answer.

Predictive analysis is the type of data analysis that is predicting the future value of variables on the basis
of the past or simulated values. It will help us to predict the future value variables using historical and
assumption based on trend and predictive analysis depend on how strong they have done the descriptive
analysis. So why stock price forecasting is an application predictive analysis because it is predicting the
value of stock price on the basis of past data or value. Stock price forecasting used predictive analysis to
make predictions about unknown future events. It uses may techniques from data mining, statistics,
modeling, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to analyze current data to make prediction about
future. So, with predicting analysis we can know which company good which company is not good, it
can help us to make decision which company we should invest or not. It will help us to predicting our
future decision.
AMELIA ANDRIANI - 01616200062
IEMM 15 / MHM 12

3) Estimation is done with sample results. Explain this statement with a suitable example.

First of all, you need to understand the meaning of population. Population consist of all the items or
individuals which you want to draw conclusion and sample is portion of a population selected for
analysis. Because of the limited of time, cost, place and resources, we can use sample to represent the
characteristic of the existing population. I will give some example, we want to know of the effect or side
effect after took COVID-19 vaccine, but we don’t need to ask all people who already took the vaccine.
We just need to interview or give questionnaire to few people (example: we can choose by systemic
sampling technique) to determine the side effect or the effect after took the COVID-19 vaccine.

4) Give business examples where a) Stratified Sampling and b) Simple Random Sampling can be used.

a. Stratified sampling is a method of sampling that involves the division of a population into smaller
sub-groups knows as strata. So, population divided into two or more groups according to some
common characteristic, simple random sample selected from each group, two or more samples are
combined into one. Stratified sampling can be used in performing study analyze from GPA for college
students. First, we need to decide how many random samples we need to obtain from the total
students. Example we obtain 1000 samples from 1 million college students. Out of 1000 samples, we
need breakdown the major (English, science and math). We have 3 strata from stratified random
sampling process. Next, we need to determine the percentage of 1 million students that major in the
subjects for their sample. Then using the percentage of major in the population we can random
sample by selected sample from each group by using random sample selection application. We can
analyze the GPA of each stratum to know the overall students population is performing.

b. Simple random sampling is a method of sampling which the researcher randomly selects a subset of
participants from a population. Every individual or item has an equal chance of being selected.
Selection may be replacement or without replacement. Samples may be obtained from table of
random numbers or computer random generators. Example I have a company, I want to know the
level of level of satisfaction of employees in my company. So, I took a simple random sample by
putting names of each employee in computer random generators and then choose it randomly.
AMELIA ANDRIANI - 01616200062
IEMM 15 / MHM 12

5) Identify the following variables as Categorical or Numerical. If Numerical identify whether Discrete or
Continuous. Give reasons for your answer.
a) Name of the respondent: Categorical → have the same position, can’t be doubled or multiply.
b) Age of the respondent: Numerical (Discrete) → if age is expressed in years, it is included in numerical
discrete because the data has clear space between values.
c) Residential Address of the respondent: Categorical → the observations can be sorted into groups or
categories, have the same position, can’t be doubled or multiply.
d) Number of members in the family of the respondent: Numerical (Discrete) → the data has clear
space between values (variables cannot be in commas).
e) Monthly salary of the respondent: Numerical (Continuous) → the variable can take on any value at
any point along an interval.
f) Quantity of rice purchased by the respondent: Numerical (Discrete) → the data has clear space
between values.
g) Price of rice at Jakarta: Numerical (Continuous) → the variable can take on any value at any point
along an interval.
h) Monthly consumption of petrol by the respondent: Numerical (Continuous) → the variable can take
on any value at any point along an interval.

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