MCQS CH #3 - 1234

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(1) Velocity of an object dropped from a building at any instant ‘t’ is given by
(a) gt (b) ½ gt2 (c) vit + 1/2 gt2 (d) none of these
ANS: 𝑣𝑓 = 𝑣𝑖 + 𝑎𝑡
= 0 + gt
= gt
(2) Acceleration due to gravity near the surface of the earth is
(a) 0 m/s2 (b) 9.8 m/s2 (c) 1.6 m/s2 (d) 11.2 m/s2
ANS: 9.8 m/s2
Its value is 9.8 m/s2 on Earth. That is to say, the acceleration of gravity on the surface of
the earth at sea level is 9.8 m/s2. When discussing the acceleration of gravity, it was
mentioned that the value of g is dependent upon location. There are slight variations in
the value of g about earth's surface. It means that the speed of a free falling object (an
object only under the influence of gravitational force) increase at the rate of 9.8m/sec per

So the object will be traveling at 9.8m/sec just after 1st second is passed.

It would be traveling at 9.8m/s +9.8m/s =19.6m/s just after 2nd second.

It would be traveling at 19.6m/s + 9.8/s=29.4 m/s just after 3rd second,and so on .

(3) Distance covered by a free falling body during 1 st second of its motion is
(a) 4.9 m (b) 9.8 m (c) 14.7 m (d) 19.6 m
ANS: 4.9 m 𝑆 = 𝑣𝑖 𝑡 + 2 𝑎𝑡 2
= 0 × t + 2 × 9.8 × (1)2
= 4.9𝑚
(4) Impulse has the same unit as that of.
(a)Power (b) Energy (c) Mass (d) Linear Momentum
ANS: The impulse experienced by the object equals the change in momentum of the object. In equation
F x Δ t = m x Δ v. In a collision, objects experience an impulse; the impulse causes and is equal to the
change in momentum.
(5) A paratrooper moves downward with
(a) zero acceleration (b) egative acceleration (c) positive acceleration (d) none of these
ANS: Zero acceleration
Explanation: At the moment the paratrooper leaves the aircraft they will accellerate at
9.81 m/𝑠 2 .However as they accellerate, air resistance will cause the total force to
diminish and accelleration to reduce too. Even without opening the parachute eventually
the downward force due to gravity and the upward force due to air resistance will become
equal in magnitude (but opposite in direction) and the total force on the paratropper will
become zero. At this point they are no longer accellerating - they have reached their
terminal velocity.
(6) If an object is moving with constant velocity of 20 m/s towards north then its acceleration
will be
(a) 5 m/s2 (b) 10 m/s2 (c) 9 m/s2 (d) 0 m/s2
ANS: (d) 0 m/s2. If an object is moving with a constant velocity, then by definition it
has zero acceleration. So there is no net force acting on the object. The total work done
on the object is thus zero.
(7).An object having mass 0.1kg will have weight in Newton:
(a) 0.98N (b) 9.8N
(c) 0N (d) 100N

ANS: F = mg

F = 0.1 kg × 9.8 m/s2

F = 0.98 kg m/s2

(8) A body can have constant velocity when it follows the path
(a) Circular (b) Rectilinear (c) Parabolic (d) Zig zag
ANS: (b) Rectilinear
(9) The quantity of motion is also called
(a) Velocity (b) Force (c) Inertia (d) 𝑀𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑚
ANS: (d) :Momentum is a physics term; it refers to the quantity of motion that an object has. ...
The amount of momentum that an object has is dependent upon two variables: how much stuff is
moving and how fast the stuff is moving. Momentum depends upon the variables mass and
(10) Basic law which relates the force and motion is
(a) Newton’s laws of motion (b) Einstein’s equation
(c) Maxwell equation (d) none of these
ANS: Newton's second law, which states that the force F acting on a body is equal to the mass
m of the body multiplied by the acceleration a of its centre of mass, F = ma,
(11) Newton’s law of motion hold for those objects which moves with
(a)Speed comparable to speed of light (b)low speed as comparable to the speed of light
(c)speed of the order of 10 m/s (d) none of these
ANS: (b)low speed as comparable to the speed of light
(12) The famous book “Principia ’’ is written by
(a) Newton (b) Galileo (c) Einstein (d) Joule
ANS: Isaac Newton composed Principia Mathematica during 1685 and 1686, and it
was published in a first edition on 5 July 1687.
(13)The first anticipation “ No body begins to move or comes to rest of itself ’’ was given by
(a) Newton (b) Abu Ali Sena
(c) Ibn ul Haithem (d) Al Khawarzimi

ANS: (b) Abu Ali Sena

(14)Action and reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction they
(a) balance each other (b) never balance each other
(c) balance if bodies are light (d) balance if bodies are heavy
ANS: (b) never balance each other
Action and reaction exist in pair and are always equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. But they act on
different bodies, hence they cannot balance each other.
(15) Inertia of a body is measured in terms of
(a) its weight (b) its mass
(c) its velocity (d) its force
ANS: (b) its mass
(16) A mass of 10kg moves with an acceleration of 10 m/s2, the force on it is
(a) 5N (b) 50N
(c) 100N (d) 25N
ANS: (c) 100N
F = ma = 10 x10 =100N
(17) According to Newton’s second law
(a) F = ma (b) F = mv
(c) F = m/a (d) F = a/m
ANS: (a) F = ma
(18) The force which produces an acceleration of 1 m/s2 in a body of 1kg mass in the direction of force
is equal to
(a) one dyne (b) one newton
(c) one joule (d) one pound
ANS: 1 Newton equals to 1 kg m/s2
F = ma = 1 x 1 =1N
(19) The dimension of weight is
(a) [ML-1] (b) [MLT-2]
(c) [MLT-1] (d) [M-1LT-2]
ANS: (b) [MLT-2]
W = mg = [M1 L0 T0] × [M0 L1 T-2] = [M1 L1 T-2]. Therefore, the weight is
dimensionally represented as [M1 L1 T-2].
(20) Single force does not exist , is the result of which law of motion
(a)1st law (b) 2nd law
(c) 3rd law (d) all of these
ANS: (c) 3 law
(21) The property of a body which tends to maintain the state of rest and motion is called
(a)Inertia (b) gravity
(c) velocity (d) force
ANS: (a)Inertia
(22) Newton’s 1st law defines
(a) acceleration (b) displacement
(c) velocity (d) force
ANS: (d) force
(23). Inertia is a quantity
(a) scalar (b) vector (c) both a and b (d) none of these
ANS: (a) scalar (Inertia is that quantity which depends solely upon mass. The more mass,
the more inertia.
(24).Newton’s 2nd law determines
(a) acceleration (b) displacement (c) velocity (d) force
ANS: (d) force
(25) Action and reaction forces act on two------------
(a)different bodies (b) same bodies
(c) different point on the same body (d) both b and c
ANS: (a)different bodies
(26) If the force acting on the body is doubled , then acceleration becomes
(a) half (b) doubled
(c) one fourth (d) 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡
ANS: (b) doubled 𝑎=𝑚
2𝐹 𝐹
𝑎⋄ = = 2 (𝑚) = 2𝑎
(27) Newton’s 1st law of motion is also called
(a) law of inertia (b) law of gravitation
(c) law of conservation of energy (d) none of these
ANS: (a) law of inertia
(28) Mass of an object is 10kg, then the pull of earth on the object is
(a) 98N (b) 198N
(c)196N (d) 9.8N
ANS: (a) 98N ( w = mg )
(29) The product of force and time is called
(a) Impulse (b) momentum
(c) Acceleration (d) torque
ANS: (a) Impulse
(30)A force of 20N act on a body of mass 10kg for 5 sec. The change in momentum of the body is
(a) 100Ns (b) 50Ns
(c) 10Ns (d) 150Ns
ANS: (a) 100Ns
𝐹⃗ × 𝑡 = 𝑚𝑣 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗𝑓 − 𝑚𝑣 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
⃗⃗⃗⃗𝑖 = ∆P
(31)Force acting on a body is equal to
(a) Rate of change of momentum (b) change of momentum
(c) Momentum (d) both a & b
ANS: (a) Rate of change of momentum
(32) Dimension of momentum is
(a) [ML-1] (b) [MLT-2]
(c) [MLT-1] (d) [M-1LT-2]
ANS: (c) [MLT-1] [P] = [M][𝐿𝑇 −1] = [𝑀𝐿𝑇 −1]
(33) The unit of impulse is
(a)Nm (b) Ns (c) N/s (d) N
ANS: (b) Ns 𝐼⃗ = 𝐹⃗ × 𝑡 = 𝑁𝑠
(34) Direction of impulse is same that of
(a) Change in momentum (b) velocity
(c) Acceleration (d) no direction
ANS: (a) Change in momentum
(35) If the force of 500N acts on an object for 2 seconds then change in momentum will be
(a) 50 Ns (b) 450 Ns (c) 1000Ns (d) 250 Ns
ANS: (c) 1000Ns
𝐹⃗ × 𝑡 = 𝑚𝑣⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗𝑓 − 𝑚𝑣 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
⃗⃗⃗⃗𝑖 = ∆P
(36) In the absence of an unbalanced force, the momentum of an isolated system always
(a) Increase (b) Decrease (c) Conserved (d) None of these
ANS: (c) Conserved
(37) Does a moving object has impulse
(a)May or may not be (b) yes always
(c) never (d) none of these
ANS: (a)May or may not be
(38) The rate of change in momentum is called
(a) Inertia (b) distance
(c) time (d) force
ANS: (d) force
(39) When the retarding time is increased during the impact then the average force
(a) Increases (b) Decreases
(c) Zero (d) No change
ANS: (b) Decreases
(40). The collision in which linear momentum as well as K.E is conserved is called
(a) nearly elastic collision (b) perfectly elastic collision
(c) non elastic collision (d) none of these
ANS: (b) perfectly elastic collision
(41).For two colliding balls which condition is applicable for one dimension elastic collision
(a) they should be non rotating (b ) they should be smooth
(c) both a & b (d) none of these
ANS: (c) both a & b
(42) Ns is the unit of
(a) acceleration (b) displacement
(c) momentum (d) force
ANS: (c) momentum
(43) Impulse has dimensions
(a) [ML-1] (b) [MLT-2]
(c) [MLT-1] (d) [M-1LT-2]
ANS: (c) [MLT-1]
(44) The mass of a body weighing 39.2N in kg is
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 3 (d) 6
ANS: (a) 4 m = w/g
(45) Distance covered by a free falling body in first 2 sec is
(a) 29.4m (b) 19.6m (c) 9.6m (d) 4.9m
ANS: (b) 19.6m 𝑆 = 𝑣𝑖 𝑡 + 2 𝑎𝑡 2
=0×2 + × 9.8 × (2)2 = 19.6𝑚
(46)Temperature changes when two ball collide. Which of the following is conserved?
(a) K.E (b) Velocity (c) Momentum (d) Speed
ANS: (c) Momentum
(47)The external force may be called
(a) Resultant force (b) Unbalanced force
(c) Net force (d) All of these
ANS: (d) All of these
(48) A bullet is fired from a rifle. The magnitude of momentum of rifle is
(a) less than bullet (b) greater than bullet
(c) equal to bullet (d) zero
ANS: (c) equal to bullet
(49) Which of the following will be conserved in all types of collision
(a)Momentum & K.E (b) K.E & Total energy
(c) Momentum & Total energy (d) none of these
ANS: (c) Momentum & Total energy
(50) The force acting on body having constant acceleration is
(a) Zero (b) Increasing
(c) Constant (d) Variable
ANS: (c) Constant
(51) Impulse has same dimension as that of momentum but its direction is same as the direction of
(a) Force (b) Acceleration
(c) Change in velocity (d) All of these
ANS: (d) All of these
(52) Newton’s laws were published in the famous book “ Principia ’’
(a) 1687 (b) 1787
(c) 1778 (d) 1887
ANS: (a) 1687
(53) A body dropped from a tower reaches the ground in 4 sec, the height of tower is about
(a) 78.4m (b) 20m
(c) 160m (d) 40m
ANS: (a) 78.4m 𝑆 = 𝑣𝑖 𝑡 + 2 𝑎𝑡 2

= 0 × t + 2 × 9.8 × (4)2 = 78.4𝑚
(54) The bodies A and B each of mass 2kg moving towards right with different velocities, collide
elastically. After collision:
(a) A stops and velocity of B increases (b) velocity of both decreases
(c) B stops and velocity of A increases (d) Interchange their velocities
ANS: (d) Interchange their velocities
(55) Force acting on a body for a short interval of time is called
(a)Impulsive force (b) force
(c) momentum (d) velocity
ANS: (a)Impulsive force
(56). When a force act on a body for a very short time , the product of the force and time force
which the force acts is called:
(a) Impulse (b) elastic collision
(c) non elastic collision (d) momentum
ANS: (a) Impulse
(57).When water strikes a wall the force exerted by water on the wall is
(a) F = mv (b) F = mv/t
(c)F = mt/v (d) F = m/v
ANS: (b) F = mv/t
(58) Suppose a water flows out from a pipe at 3kg/s and its velocity changes from 5m/s to zero
on striking the wall, then force of water will be
(a) 15N (b) 20N
(c) 5kgm/s (d) 15kgm/s
ANS: (a) 15N F = mv/t
(59) When the bullet is fired from the rifle, it follows the principle of
(a) conservation of energy (b) conservation of force
(c) conservation of momentum (d) conservation of mass
ANS: (c) conservation of momentum

ALI (Msc Physics)

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